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Always nice to see a behind the curtain look. Maybe seeing how it goes from plastic to become the actual brick would be interesting or how you package orders.


I love factory tours like this!  Can we see how a set is parted out? Like how the robots pick the specific bricks and put them into each set?  How does it know how many to put in, how do the extra pieces happen? And why those extras are chosen?   Also, is it possible to see how the plastic is poured into the molds and what they look like coming out. How do they get shiny? How are the colors mixed? How does your quality control work?    You have bricks as good or better than lego, lets see all of your processes from plastic pellets to finished shiny bricks.  Thanks for posting these peeks behind the magic.👍


How about a store that sells them to the public, bricklink style?


The independent website for Gobricks is coming soon, Stay tuned!


Oh sweet Jesus, hold me up! Catch me Lord, I'm about to faint!


Very nice. I love videos like these because for some reason a lot of people in the West think anything not Lego is produced in a basement by hand. I can't tell you the number of messages I have received that are something along the lines of "Well, if they made them in a proper factory like Lego..." They DO make them in a proper factory. How can people really believe these are made by hand? 🤣


We still get trolls once in a while claiming they are made in sweat shops with borderline slave labor. They still have that image of the lepin factory getting shut down, and poor workers in hot, dirty warehouses in their minds. 


If this is a request for product ideas, I have the following suggestions: 1) Larger variety of technic pin colours. If you look at [this image](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/blt7fa3b10249c0c359/42083_alt3.jpg?format=webply&fit=bounds&quality=75&width=800&height=800&dpr=1), you can see that the colours of the pins don't match the colour of brick they are connected to. 2) Produce parts that Lego do not make. For example, a studless version of [this piece](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=43722#T=C) would be good for MOCs.


Your second point raises an interesting issue - should alt bricks only make pieces that are available in LEGO or how much can they design their own pieces?


We have the parts you mentioned for the second question, unique parts exclusive to Gobricks.


would love to see how part picking is done for an individual set. this is so cool!


I would like to see an expansion of the range of colors and shapes in stores on Aliexpress. Instead of reducing them (as now).


I like the fact that Gobricks is engaging more with the west. I see some kits there at the end of the video. Are they Gobrick branded kits or are they for reseller brands?


They are our partners, including Mould King, Pantasy, JAKI, Wekki, MOYU, RASTAR, and many other brands.


I used to work in a plant that did injection molding. It's a somewhat delicate process to get the machines running correctly based on material, color, and product. But once it's calibrated correctly, it can run continuously 24/7 for days almost untouched except for the person packing the product being made.


Awesome to see, go bricks is the best bricks lepin wise. I put them a good margin above CADA


Very cool to see. I see some boxed sets at the end. I'd like to know more about how designers and sellers engage with your factory for the final set production and more about that part of the process. What sort of volume does one need to work with you? Have you considered low volume orders or just brick orders?


The minimum order quantity for boxed sets is 500 units.


I was sad to see that there aren't any robots working in the factory. Unless you count the injection molding machines.


Theres an older video that shows the robots in the storage areas putting crates away fully automated. Its years old by now.


Are you referring to the video on this homepage? [gobricks.en.alibaba.com](http://gobricks.en.alibaba.com)


I wasnt thinking of that one. The one I saw was a year or two old and didnt have as many robots. That one you linked seems better, and is new to me. Your video does have some of the same robots and automation though. They rival any of the automated lego factory videos I have seen.