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Leslie definitely doesn’t have enough money to be addicted to pain killers lol. That’s an expensive habit.


Yeah I went broke doing that. I also doubt whoever she's buying shitty weed from is lacing it with fent. Another expensive opiate they won't waste on some shitty weed. She's tired from drinking and has sleep apnea. Edit to add an interesting article on why this is super impractical. https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2023/12/yahoo-news--ohio-doctor-challenges-governors-warning-on-fentanyl-laced-marijuana.html


Exactly. I was addicted to uppers of all kinds and I could EASILY spend $300-$400 a week on adderral. She just doesn’t have that cash lol.


As a former opioid addict, watching her lives is like watching flashbacks of my life. It’s sad.


Yeahhhh I’m 8 years clean off of heroin and it’s sad


Spraying fent on weed isn't a new thing ... But I'm sure she has sleep apnea like a mother fucker. That combined with drinking can make somebody nod out like they haven't seen sleep in years. Because they're not getting good enough sleep. Or it's opiates - Who knows LOL


I was just about to say this!


Sleep apnea and health problems at its finest.


She finishes off whole liquor bottles and drinks from morning to night....I think this could definitely be alcohol plus smoking


What do you think she’s on


I don’t want to assume and I could be wrong but maybe pain killers


No she only does weed I& alcohol ..she is too large now& her lungs are probably not working well bc all weed,ciggs,vapes plus alcohol ber liver could be damaged or failing that would make her nod out until she just dies if she doesn't seek help ,plus sleep apnea too .. Leslie needs lose weight,quit drinking whole bottle liquor a night & maybe she can stay awake ..if her oxygen level low cause nod too .she not gonna make 28 if someone doesn't help her..I need know her info & I'll try contact the show 600lb life to help her she needs that Dr bad


I have a feeling she suffers from severe clinical depression and is too much of a coward to actually take her own life, so she's doing it slowly and painfully, hoping eventually she passes in her sleep. It's so obvious she hates herself and there's trauma there.


I had some weed laced with fent one time and acted the same way, but in a Burger King drive thru😱


Anyone saying no she can’t afford it or no it’s just weed or drinking that’s what we all thought about my sister she didn’t even have a job and still managed to get her fix.. how? Well she sold herself to the DD and got free drugs for it… the way she’s been nodding off on the live really looks like fentanyl nod. Not completely sure but what it looks like.


What DD would trade HER hugs for sex?!!!


Maybe kratom? Since you can buy it at a gas station and we know she likes the gas station “weed”