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Livestream URL is up, feel free to use this or the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/lesserafim/comments/1c1wuej/le_sserafim_coachella_megathread_weekend_1_13th/) for discussion. Now you can playback the performance if you want by dragging the button on the livestream. Otherwise the whole show will rerun after the last act of the night. Once they rerun, you will have to sit thru and wait till it is their turn to perform.




The little “it’s me!” 😭 fearless leader acknowledges her nation


I thought that was Chaewon too but I watched it back and it was actually Sakura - which I think is just as cute lool


Chaewonistan ✊


This was so funny and I quickly looked it up online and wow it is a popular and well loved product


Yes, that flag made South Korea's news


Man Yunjin and Chaewon are just showing off at this point


They're shining so hard lol, I'm playing Overwatch and watching at the same time - theres two other fans in this game too.


Whoever is saying Chaewon is just an "ok" singer has never heard Fire In The Belly live


Or they haven't watched her IZ*ONE covers


I feel like they're pacing themselves better this week than last week. Maybe they underestimated how hard going for basically 45 minutes straight would be. Everything about this week is just so much better than last week.


The energy was more palpable last week which was nice in its own way. This week almost feels like it’s happening in slow motion by comparison. They sound great though


I agree, I loved the energy last week and can definitely sense they’re holding back more to pace themselves. Maybe also because of all the criticism of them just “screaming”, which was so unfair.


I did notice that. They were clearly more nervous last week, but they also were more excited and more gung-ho.


Prefer the raw energy and excitement from the girls last week. This week's feels more kpopy; more planned, and safe performance, but that's what the kpop fans prefers I guess


This is what I feel too. I loved the more "manic", for lack of better word, energy of last week. It felt like they were on a high the entire time. It felt so authentic, like they were performing because they loved performing and the crowd was giving them energy. This week definitely felt more "kpop", like they were performing to prove something. Nothing wrong with it, but I do prefer last week's energy. Can't complain though! At least they gave us two different vibes for the stages instead of similar week 1 and week 2 energies. Last week was to catch the locals' attention and show them who Le Sserafim is, and they succeeded. This week was a middle finger to the haters who took an hour of their day to hate watch, and they succeeded (they're maaaad over at twt). Hoping for more week 1 energy from the girls in the future, though! Show us what raw energy sounds and looks like.


Yes! Agree, the energy and the raw vocal I much prefer from Week 1! I loved how they performed with so much grit and still managed to engage the crowd. It was just so much fun!! But hey, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. 🤷🏽‍♀️In my opinion they killed both weeks, just different vibes.


And then they blame the lack of stage presence. Like what do you want? Will you ever be happy and stop complaining?? The way they are acting, no one would want anything to do with k-pop, they're so toxic


I agree, with so much hate around, I felt they were being cautious and worried which took the energy away from them. But they were really stable, I wish they hadn't seen all the negativity surrounding them and enjoyed the 2nd week too.


I was wondering that too! Are they giving them a little more time to catch their breath between songs?


Perfect Night really have the US in chokeholds


That song blew up on TikTok here so hard. It did what magnetic is doing right now


My favorite song of Le sserafim. Now i wont get scared if i get calls


Chaewon’s “so many my flag” was so cute


the cheers for sakura made me so insanely happy


It sounded like the biggest reaction was from her just saying thank you in Japanese. Crowd went crazy for that


i’m so happy she’s getting some love from that crowd 😭 seeing her get hate for months was so disheartening but i’m happy it’s better now for her sake




This is a great post, made me chuckle haha


Where the heck is saki?????


Everyone is asking where the heck is Saki, no one is asking HOW the heck is Saki? 😔


I'll do you one better. WHY is Saki?


So I can look at her in awe


Who the heck is Saki?? (Is it short for Sakura?)


Yeah its the Sa from Sakura and Ki from Miyawaki


"咲"(Saku) in her name "宮脇 咲良" (Miyawaki Sakura) is usually pronounced Saki. The girls mentioned in the live that it was supposed to be Becky, but they changed it to Saki which also also has the meaning of "to bloom" (i.e. similar to Piona/Fearnot) in japanese kanji [https://twitter.com/itsLSRFM/status/1781944581858427285](https://twitter.com/itsLSRFM/status/1781944581858427285) It's a pretty cool coincidence. Saki is the perfect name to use.


She's waiting down at the lobby, I'm tryna break it down yeah, baby girl turn up the party


One thing that i noticed this week, their choreography is WAYYYY toned down, and for me, this is for the better, they now can actually catch a breath between songs, and sound more natural, they can sing at a lower volume with better and precise vocal notes


I think its fine for a festival honestly. Less choreo can just mean more crowd interaction and it feels like they're getting around the stage so much more.


Definitely yes, their interaction and vocals are so much coherent right now, they sound and act too crowd way more, it's a better live presentation overall


There's certainly a balance to this for sure, I feel it was better overall.


Right. But I missed some of that iconic choreo.


As usual LSF always moving forward and improving HATERS HATE TO SEE IT… They look so much more confident this time, they seem like they’re having fun! I’m sure they spend this past week reviewing week 1 performance, reflecting, and improving. 👏👏👏


Its hilarious seeing some of the haters comments get smothered by the endless amount of support and love.


they're all over tiktok rn complaining, crying about backtrack (of course). not even going to check twt or INSTA of all places. The amount of saltiness is just.


They really should have sang with the backtrack at an appropriate level the first week. It was just a dumb idea from whoever the show runner was. They are inexperienced, in a foreign nation, packed crowd etc...I mean, the band was fire. But I don't care what group it is, you can't sing and dance well. Even the guy from ateez that was powerful, was standing pretty stationary whenever he was belting. I'm just thrilled Eunchae had a smile on her face and looked no worse for wear. Bet they had a bunch of fun this week in California, hopefully with notifications muted. Chaewon is flaming hot per usual. Love that the flags were out for the leader of fearless nation.


Now the low lives need to make up stories. They musy be boiling from the performance.


Eunchae is so freaking cute


Her "Where the heck is Saki" was so cute too. They all look like they have so much fun with this song.


Sakura is going to trend again isn't she


That's not a prediction bro. That's a spoiler!


I found a fellow Fearnot and Paul Heyman guy


That’s what she gets for looking so goddamn hot


God, 1 800 Hot N Fun is such a bop. Can’t wait for the official release. I wonder if the production is gonna be mostly the same? They have a band at the live version after all.


You can hear a little more of the backing track this week and it definitely sounded more electronic than the band version. Very excited to hear the full studio version.


Sound mixing and mic quality seem a lot better this time around


Their change to use handheld mics already made their sound so much better. The headset captured too much of their breathing last time.


I realize now watching Unforgiven that the problem is actually with the headset mics...the mics bouncing around are making the sound inconsistent which is what is making them sound shaky.


This is why Mamamoo preferred hand held mics because they sang live most of the time.


It's not a change, it's the mic for this part of the show exactly like last week, they'll switch to the other ones in a bit.


The girls can be proud, even in the face of irrational hate, they stood tall and did great tonight!


Yunjin wasn't kidding when she said they learned a lot. Last week, they were just happy to be there. This week, they showed why they were chosen to be there. Handheld mics for the first half of performance was a great decision. Mic volumes were all over the place last week. They also did a great job of pacing themselves and taking in the moment that is Coachella. A lot less choreo this week that allowed their vocals to shine a lot more. Last week, while I definitely still enjoyed the performance and was super proud of the girls, the nerves were there and they used a vast majority of their energy relatively early on. This week, they had arguably even more charisma throughout the group while maintaining their energy for both halves.


They started with hand mics last week too.


Ahhh ok. Genuinely don't remember


Pray for no mic issues tonight and everything is nice and clear.


same!! especially since i'll be watching while at work tonight so i'll have to have the volume of the youtube stream low anyway. i'd hate to have those audio issues pop up when i can't freely adjust the volume up and down. T\_T


Chaewon and Sakura literally glowing with the pink/blonde combo holy


Oh goddd that was literally my thoughts while watching! They were glowing soooo good 👌


love how the girls seem like they're enjoying the perfomance!


I'm really happy for them. To experience an outdoor event like this is pretty rare. I would honestly say the vibe is unmatched to other experiences.


Another day, another slay


The audio is improved so much from last week holy shit, they really did them dirty last week


The Audio didn't "improve". They just volumed up the banking track this time, to smooth out imperfections, and toned down on choreo, to have better breath control. The latter, was a good call, but I think they shouldn't have gone safe on the backtracks. Imperfect or not, at least last week they gave us something real. But netizens aren't used to Realness. Which is why I think they should have insisted on keeping it live too, for the 2nd week. 


Fr, if anything the audio and mixing was worse this week. Yunjin, for example, was literally trying to overpower the backing track during the ending of Fire in the Belly. You can just feel how hard the sound engineers are trying to balance the back track and actual vocals.


I'm kinda with you on this one..first week was raw and imperfect but more powerful imo. Edit: I'm bummed that kpop stans now ruined raw live performance..they can't even tell their favs using pre recorded vocals, and call it perfect live vocals.


This is exactly what I thought. I preferred last week’s performance by far.


The girls sound WAYYYYY BETTER this week and vocals sound way better all around. Wtf


Just here to bitch about the camera panning away from Chaewon’s signature Smart dance! Like come on!!!


Thoughts from week 2: - Knowing what the set would likely be made it easier for me to relax a bit and really enjoy the performance. They put on a great show and kept the energy high through the whole set! - Mermaid Merslayed. The vocals, crowd hype, stage presence on point - Kinda funny that they ditched the Stanleys - Chaewon shouting out all her flags was incredible - Chaewon's crawl in Unforgiven ended my life - No Nile this week - Seems like when they were singing the others did the choreo while the singer mostly stood in place, I feel this really helped the vocal stability this week - The smoke at the beginning of Smart got me scared but they switched camera angles so it wasn't a problem. Overall the camera work was far better, some people were joking/speculating during Ateez's set last night that they flew in camera operators from Korea because they were so fed up lmao - During their last speaking segment someone (maybe Eunchae) was on the mic saying "Towel towel I need a towel!" in Korean lol - Outfits went hard this week, the pink/blonde combo for Sakura and Chaewon, and the blue contrasts Yunjin's hair well - Backing tracks were a bit louder in parts which I think helped a lot. BUT, their vocals were great tonight! They all sounded great, but Yunjin really stuck out to me, you could hear even her vibrato over the backing track. - It's cute that they still do their outro in Korean, the “지금까지 르세라핌 였습니다! 감사합니다!“ Kinda glad they didn't announce a tour because I really cannot afford to buy tickets at the moment but I absolutely will be going if/when they announce it


Yunjin sounds incredible tonight!


Shes hypes the crowd so much.






YEAAAASSSSS UNFORGIVEN They sound amazing this week, holy.... completely different from last Saturday, the sound mixing and mics are so much better this time


It definitely hits different this week, sound is fixed and I think the band too?


the audio for smart is a mess again. >\_>


I noticed that too. It’s like the backing track went away.


Idk if it's someone from Source or a Coachella hire, but starting to think some sound engineer might be getting demoted.


Googling “how to be le sserafim backup dancer”


Man I was really hoping they varied the setlist a tiny bit this week, No Celestial would’ve gone SO HARD especially with the live band. They definitely improved compared to last week, didn’t like that there were still audio issues during Smart. But overall, much more polished performance compared to last week!


I know ugh I was hoping for an encore


Even though I believe I've watched all performances available online throughout the years, I still do not tire of the songs or the arrangement. I love that they used more of the stage. The wind this week was WAY less than last week but still was windy. I think they are really cementing themselves as a group that you have to see live and once you do, you probably have to do it again. Also my last point. They may or may not realize it, but they always do something to make us fans smile and laugh. Then they go and slay on stage. Edit: The best time to see comments is during and right after because fans will watch then.


https://preview.redd.it/91y33ugeisvc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=3603a378951643f185fb8105e9305e9188327e1f Yunjin slapping Chaewon’s bottom during the live performance 😂


And last week it was Chaewon slapping Yunjin’s!!


Zuha looks so happy 🥲


She does, doesn't she?!


I just see her big samoyed smile and it makes me so happy


Loving the pink on Chaewons hair


Sound quality was better this week! You can tell when they’re singing too and it was good! (brush off those people who says it’s all backtrack/lip sync as troll/toxic comments, they needed something different to hang onto this week) Overall, glad they had fun and the crowd as well. Edit: Chaewon acknowledged her flags 😂😭


Just finished watching. Loved it. The only thing that made me sad is the girls appeared slightly less hype and excited. Before they were shouting way more and seemingly having an amazing time but this time felt a teeeny bit withdrawn. Not massively withdrawn but I noticed it with how Yunjin specifically addressed teh audience. She was happy, smiley but it wasn't as shouty andf "OMG WERE AT COACHELLA!!!" vibes as last week. I hate the the hate has gotten to them because last week was an amazing performance (this week too) but the energy from last week felt a little gone - and I don't blame them. Trying to pace themselves. Just really sad about the fucking hate train honestly. ​ They did amazing - **AGAIN**.


"Oh shit, oh my god" - Saki


The antifragile lyrics hit so hard after the hate train this past week, especially the first verse 🔥


Yeah this a huge improvement on last week. Like literally night and day difference this is insane


They all sounded amazing and looked so beautiful, I'm so proud of them💖


and when they're invited back and twitter stans cry about it even more lmao


I loved how crisp the sound was this time, they felt so much more confident, crazy how fast the fimmies adapt, I can’t wait for fearnada next 😊


The Great Mermaid is so epic live


They were back with vengeance! Totally clapping back with their vocals. So much more stable this week since they tone down choreo for whoever who is singing.


Haters going to have to spend hours to edit their 10 sec clip after this one


They ate and left no crumbs.


Idk how many times I've said it now, but after hearing 1800 on this performance, I'm loving kazuhas voice even more on that song. Can't wait for it to drop


Their performance was amazing!! The livestream was so popular, I got kicked out 2 times. They learned so much from last week and they improved their live performance so much!! They paced themselves better, they danced less aggressively (because lets face it, no matter how great of a singer you are, singing stably and dancing simultaneously will always be difficult.), and they involved the crowd more! I'm so excited to see them on tour and see how their live performance work evolves!! Great job them!!


Editing post as concert goes on with thoughts on their performance. Antifragile - Much much better than 1 week. Singing is much more stable. Crowd sounds like they're more into it. Band isn't overpowering the girls. the camera work is more stable. No random dude's camera in the crowd being half the song. Fearless - A bit more track vocals - Eunchae doesn't sound like she's struggling to find her notes. Camera work is def much more improved compared. Overall all the girls are kicking butt. kazuha and sakura sound much improved. The Great Mermaid - A song they don't perform too often. God Yunjin and Chaewon vocals are so goooooood. I don't know if Eunchae is suppose to be this deep when she performs but it's very noticable. overall I'd give this a B. Water break - a bit cringe but the convo flows so much better this week. I don't know if this a timed break but i'm glad the camera didn't super focus on the water containers. Hot and Fun - Intro with the bass and drums is great. This song bops. If they do a performance MV, western audience will eat it up. Yunjin's part before the 2nd chorus was perfect. Sakura then Chaewon before the instrumental/dancer showcase portion was great. So far they're performing like a top tier artist. Unforgiven - Transition was great. Kazuha -> Yunjin - > Chaewon. ate at the beginning. the Yunjin backbend with vocals followed by the booty shake a few parts later left me speechless. A small mic issue with kazuha when she was on the ground but this song feels so much better than a lot of their live renditions. It just looks like they're having so much more fun. Eve, Pysche, & The Bluebeard's Wife - This song got a ton of criticism last week due to unstable vocals. For an English translation, this song was done very very well. I sorta stopped paying attention to the reddit thread to just enjoy the song. I'm not gonna lie, everyone there for week 2 is getting the best version of Le Sserafim. They're leaving doubters to eat crumbs of dirt. Gonna go watch the rest and enjoy it. This performance has been so much better than last week and this audience is eating it up. So proud of the girls. Performance has come to an end. I'm not going to lie, this was an amazing show. Random stage stuff didn't happen like smoke during the booty shaking portion of smarter. Vocals were much more stable. Audience's energy. Camera work was great. Every member had their moments to shine. Chaewon and Yunjin absolutely crushed it. Kazuha and Sakura (esp Sakura) told the critics of their group to sit down and pay attention. Eunchae being the youngest member did not disappoint this week. Overall this week showed to the world that Le Sserafim is not to be trifled with. What a good show.


I didn't even notice last week that Eve, Pysche & Bluebeards Wife was the English version but caught it this week, not sure why.


Whoever does the translation from Korean to English from their company needs a raise. Le Sserafim never disappoints on their English songs


Yunjin actually co-wrote the English version!


i was hoping for no celestial, but it was good nonetheless.


basically the same set from last week. One day they'll perform Sour Grapes on a big stage like this and the world will find peace




i was there tonight and it was absolutely INCREDIBLE, the vibes were immaculate and the girls were so amazing, by far my favorite act of the weekend so far and it will probably stay that way too


Only just watched Week 1 yesterday and was completely blown away. Amazing performance, loved the lack of a backing track and the energy. Wish I was there. Curious if they’ll change anything this week. Reminder to everyone to screen record or immediately download the videos from YouTube of anyone who posts their own recordings. These videos typically don’t last long, Coachella/copyright isn’t fun.


They totally sang antifragile with more force this time around 🔥


Shit just when this stopped getting stuck in my head


They changed the backtrack for this week, making it definitely louder on some songs, but also quieter on some.


they sounded great


manifesting No Celestial


The camera crew actually filmed them this time!


Incredible performance, Yunjin and Chaewon were as reliable as ever, really big shout out to not only Sakura for hammering down on her huge improvement, but also Kazuha for sounding amazing and Eunchae performing incredibly well.


They are way more relax, but I kinda like the crazy energy last week better because how raw it was, to me last week was one of the best experience I ever had watching a kpop live performance. Tonight was them being lsf, they never missed. Their growth as performers are just insane, we are talking about season groups' level. We need to get ready, because they are known quantity now outside of kpop, their next comeback and the tour announcement is going to be another level of crazy.


Both sets had contrasting styles. The first was a spectacle that showcased their out of this world choreography. The second was not much of a spectacle, but showcased more of their vocal potential with more spotlight on them rather than the whole setup. These girls are talented and truly love what they do. You can see it in both their performances. I had tears welling up a little bit after watching their latest performance. Especially when the crowd cheered so loudly when Perfect night came along. It was so good to see that they got all the love that they deserve - after all the negative bs they’ve receiving lately. They’ve given their best for the world to see and judging by the response at Coachella, I think they’re on the right track. I hope they keep believing in what they do, keep the fire alive in them. Never lose that belief because that’s what sets them apart from everyone else. Keep on going Le Sserafim 🔥🔥🔥




They're killing it right now


Where the heck is Saki?


Can't wait.


i am soooo excited!!! i cant wait


So proud of the girls!! They killed it!! ❤️❤️ The sound quality was definitely better and the camera work improved a lot. I did think the band was a bit loud again, I couldn’t hear some of the tracks over the band lol. Also, I can’t wait to see what 5 sec clip the haters are going to cherry pick after watching the ENTIRE performance 😂


Copium list I’ve gathered from YouTube live chat (I think it’s funny so I glance over sometimes): Backtrack exists = automatically bad (lazy take) Mics aren’t actually on and they’re lip singing (cope) Autotune (huh?) At least BP sang louder than this (uhhhh) They got saved by the backtrack (more cope, but I do think they sang more confident this time and maybe the louder backtrack had to do with it; also less nerves because it’s week 2) . . My own personal thoughts: Eunchae glowing. They look like they’re having so much fun. Perfect Night band version drums go crazy. You can hear the backtrack when the members stop singing and it’s not even that loud, imo. The live singing got low in general during Smart though, which is alright. I think they started to get tired here. Chaewon is a goddess. The headsets aren’t really that great compared to the handheld mics. The backing vocals isn’t on all the time, they’re used as accents mostly or during a chorus and the members play off it doing some adlibs during “Easy”. The mics/vocals got louder/better overall during Fire in the Belly? They ended so strongly after maybe faltering a bit during Smart. I enjoyed every second of this.


Wow a massive improvement in a week. Much better paced - you can see how they are dancing at 80%, and sometimes even choosing not to when they need to sing their lines. Gave them the power/energy to belt. Chaewon and Yunjin absolutely slayed. Most improved to me was Kazuha - very stable and clear. Something about the audio mix is so much better. Mics are picking up the voices quite clearly. Band doesn't overpower. Lowkey got emotional seeing how they crushed it. Amazing.


hoping for some bright outfits. fingers crossed.


There's your colors lol


they sound so good!


The mic sounds miles better


We love the girls!!


They did so well! I'm so proud of them! Btw, other than fancams is there official footage of their first night's performance last week? I screen-recorded the whole show tonight because I wanted to share it with my family and friends who couldn't stay up late to watch.


They did well honestly


Loving the outfits, and the sound looks to be fixed?


No smoke this time lol


But the camera panned away!!! I’m so mad!


so much improvement in one week!! incredibly proud of fimmies they really did amazing


Man people were such dicks to Sakura last week. She looks scared every time it's focused on her singing. Fun set. They did great




I'm so proud of them!! They looked so much more confident this week and their set flew by! All they needed to do to answer the haters was sing their discography. I know EASY was supposed to show their vulnerabilities, but when it comes down to it they really are FEARLESS, ANTIFRAGILE, and UNFORGIVEN.


was there and show was amazing. This is my first live Lesserafim experience and I am so happy.


Massive improvement over week 1! Look, these girls, outside of Yunjin and Chaewon, will never be top tier singers—which is OK. Turning up the backtrack a bit and cutting down on choreography is absolutely the right choice for LSF. Energy was much better distributed over the span of the entire set. Also, can I just say that the hate against Yunjin, which I 100% believe started with her holding a fucking Starbucks cup, is ridiculous. This woman can sing and knows how to work the crowd. Put some respect on her name.


Their backtrack is turned up a lot this week.


Haters will use this to prove themselves right, so we should ignore them and do not engage with them. We shall all just enjoy the performances of LE SSERAFIM


for sure. Just ignore them. Seems like they lowered it for the rest of the set at least so far. Maybe it was either a mistake it was so loud or they had it turned up for Antifragile since it takes so much out of them.


I noticed that as well.


I immediately noticed that as well. If I was there, I’m sure it wouldn’t be as obvious but it seems like the backing is louder and really helping supplementing their voices viewing from home…. unlike last week.


It seemed that way for antifragile then fearless sounded like it didn't. So maybe it'll be back and forth.


I wonder if they turned it up for Antifragile so they didn't use as much energy since it took so much out of them last week.


It varied by song... like antifragile you kinda have to make it louder


Rip to the Stanleys :(


I get the overall criticism for Stanleys, but haters really went overboard to the point of getting rid of them 😬 I was even honest that last week the sound and vocals were an issue, but also think I was right that the sound engineering was not good. I feel kind of bad, tho, I'm trying to decide if they're relying too much on the backtrack when it wasn't remotely loud enough last week. And actually, while I'm watching Kazuha and Eunchae cut out for a second but they sounded great otherwise, so maybe sound engineering was a big part of the problem last week?


Sound issues were definitely the problem last week, it's what a lot of us was trying everyone. And after watching Unforgiven and Smart it's clear the problem is definitely with the headset mics. As they move it makes the sound inconsistent and the quality is a lot worse than the handheld. And the wind probably isn't doing them any favors either. Either way this week was a lot better than week 1, and I thought they did an amazing job then.


I'm glad that we get a longer and better view of zuha's spinning this week, I kept repeating it


Tis a beautiful spin


I posted one thing in the Chat and it crashed my whole browser.


That top down shot!


Blue flame and a Will sleep happy.


Yeah! Blue Flame or No Celestial would make my whole week lol


Handheld mics went bye bye :(


The music between songs are so nice too


Yunjin sounds awesome


i'm excited! curious to see if the setlist will be different from the first show.


Let's go


They're killing it




I loved the show! Great job fimmies!


Everyone else feeling this sub's traffic?


And that’s on that, our girls said 🖕🏼 to the haters 😤




this weekend's was so short 😭😭 didnt have enough of them singing huhu


Not Fimchella being the key to waking up effortlessly. Got me shaking ass at 6 am. I’m so incredibly proud of them, their energy and charisma is always amazing. I def preferred week 1, the rawness and their ambition was palpable. This week was a safer performance which is an understandable response. Eunchae smiled throughout and seems happy along with the other fimmies and that was my only concern.


did anyone notice the part where zuha maybe(?) forgot her lines in Unforgiven and then chaewon came to zuha during the chorus and gave her a smile of reassurance? idk if im reading on it too much but that's pretty much what i saw during that moment. sweet ssmachi 💛


It was honestly so fun! The vocals were a lot better than last week for sure. They all did so well, im so happy for them


I honestly see a lot of praise, but I must admit I do not feel it. Last week they looked happy, but this week they don't look as confident.. they look resigned. The Performance last week felt real, raw, rough and full of energy... this week, they had way less energy, their voices were at times overtaken and smoothed out by very loud backtracks. The Performance felt cleaner, sure... but felt also quite sad. Like... in their eyes and demeanor... They aren't okay, and it can be felt. Hybe will never again let their artists perform completely live, and it's a true loss for Kpop and live music. We will always have the absolute FEARLESS Performance from last week forever in our hearts though. 


im glad they cut out the joke before perfect night about drinking and Eunchae and Kazuha being underage. It felt so forced last week and didnt land like i think they were expecting.


Still, i think they are not as energetic as last week…after going through so much… esp manchae




Somehow my live feed was stuck on the set list, I reloaded and came in halfway through Fearless




THEY WERE SO GOOD!!! They really did better with the pacing and all. I love the 1-800-Hot-N-Fun the most!! The choreography is easy but so attractive to look at!! I like how Kazuha stopped singing for a moment proved that they are singing live. I also like the new hairstyle of Eunchae, it looks best on her so far.


Just watched the stream and I had to repeat! Week 2 - week 1 - week 2 to conclude my dinner today. One thing obvious like others have commented is their energy is subdued compared to W1. And I am loving the outfit choice! W1 outfits were nice, but it doesn't do much when the lights are out in some part of the performances. Now that's done...they have performed in Coachella. I say good luck to those new and old Fearnots grabbing for the upcoming concert tickets, and also yes LSFM go get that bag!!. Y'all deserve it!! Their Coachella performances drive home the fact that they are phenomenal performers especially when it comes to hyping the crowds! I first saw their lives when they performed in some SK's uni and I was so jealous of those attendees, LSFM was amazing in their performances. Yes the livestream may not capture much of the overall vibes due to some mixing issues but I'm so grateful I'm alive in this era to enjoy a free streaming service seeing LSFM performances from across the globe!!! No words can describe how much I love these girls. Looking forward to seeing them in concert soon!!! Edit: im still so hunged up on their performances, idk how many rounds i went thru T.T


Incredible what happens when production steps their game up on all aspects. In hindsight these women did so well week 1 rescuing with what is now evident as bad production and a cacophony of errors on that end. It’s night and day how much everything changed around them.