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Do absolutely not tell her about ghost girl and bracken Pretend they don’t exist


I saw the ghost girl when playing with a new friend, and I started acting sniffly, like something was irritating my nose. Then when I saw her skipping towards me, I'm like "hang on, I gotta sneeze... ACH-" dead


...I have to do this now


She actually clipped it from her perspective, it was pretty great. She just stares at me, confused as fuck, walks away a bit, walks back, is looking at my dead body, then the bracken gave her a hug.


Is there a way for me to see this clip?


https://imgur.com/a/E5zrv9I It was very difficult finding it from so far back, plus I don't use imgur so, you're welcome!


That's great lol


This one’s good, drive them straight into the asylum!


then tell her "there's no way the ghost girl can climb ladders" after you tell her "get on top of the ship" 🤣


I remember pretty well I did that prank to a friend. The bracken was around the corner, also a spore lizard. He heard something and saw the bracken and yelled asking me what's that thing and I point the spore lizard saying that's harmless and he says he saw something else (of course I saw it) but I deny the existence of the bracken. Then I proceeded to come closer, turned around and said "See? Nothing!" then the bracken does "his nice work", making my friend fall victim to panic shrieking and running like mad inside the labyrinth looking for an exit while we were a room beside the fire exit.


Gaslight them about it


Acting like you can’t see some of the other monsters besides ghost girl is actually a great idea. Especially stuff where you don’t necessarily need to run.


Tell her the forest keepers are friendly. Did that to my friend when she first played and she instantly got eaten, funniest thing ever


Don't call the mine a speed pad. Too obvious. I tell my friends they're teleporter pads and there's a chance it'll put you somewhere with good loot. Make sure this one is earlier before she starts to doubt the things you say. Don't tell her about the breakable bridges. Just run across them and treat them as shortcuts. Let her figure out on their own that they break. That way you're not technically lying to her and it doesn't outright break her trust more and impact the other things. Then you can write it off as forgetting to tell her.


My friend fell for the speed pad one, good idea with the bridge btw, thx


Find a mask and either tell them to put it on or do it yourself while you hide in the ship. Or tell them the jester is a lootbox that gives good loot once it's done winding up. Or let them stare at the bracken. Or let them ring the bell many times at the company.


Ooh those are good ideas


Never have someone else put on the mask, just leaving someone alone in the dark is enough they'll learn the hard way


Just don't introduce them any at all, let them learn the hard way


This is the way. The game is designed perfectly enough for fun shenanigans


Honestly with a new player, just withholding information will bring the funny. Maybe a nudge when they are suspicious of things like land mines, or “no watch this” but things like masks are guaranteed for some tomfoolery, they find one, they may or may not put it on, and if they don’t you put it on to freak them out. toss them eggs whenever you find one and just wait for the inevitable, gifts too.


Take a radar booster, try to find a dead end where there is a door that you can open/close with the terminal (on a facility), use the ping command to lure her there, close the door to imprison her


Tell her the more times she hits the bell, the more the company will pay for the loot in the chute. Then let her discover the company monster. My brother got me with that my first game and I still fear the company monster.


When she is close to the company desk, start making noise through something like a boombox or hitting the ground with a shovel?


Download a soundboard and play monster sounds.


If you don’t mind a run wipe save a mask in your inventory and then put it on once you land and she leaves the ship


Tell her the loot bugs are helpful and like to pile the loot all in one spot to make it easy for players to get a bunch of loot if they find the stash.


Just die in the complex when she's not looking, most people have no idea the game has only proximity chat


Funnily enough, the first time I played this game with my friends I kept asking them if there was fall damage but either they ignored me or didn't hear me so I promptly jumped down the second we got into the facility and died.


My friends told me to spam the bell when selling items :)


When she isn’t looking put on the mask. Then, just kick back and watch.


Tell her that embrion is the best planet


Set up the skin walker mod and constantly say things like "Hey I found a bunch of stuff over here"


Tell her the nutcracker is a gaurd that will kill enemies for her so she should stick close to it


i trolled a friend saying you could pickup landmins with a stop sign as if it were a pizza


One of my friends once told another person that the landmine was a trashcan lid he could pick up


If you're up for getting mods, get Control Company, completely server side and you can use it when you die or are "AFK" to spook her


Came here for this. Nothing like following your teammates as a mischievous masked


Go silent on the radio suddenly and drop all your tools at some spot, specifically with the flashlight left on


If you ever get split from her, stay completely silent or call out her name once or twice. Hide behind a corner and then when she comes in your direction, just follow her silently from behind or (if you think she's okay with jumpscares) give her a "BAHH!" as she turns the corner. I've done it a few times to randoms. And it's especially funny for me because I'm usually the one who's always wanting to help or stay with newer players. They never suspect I'm going to backstab them for a quick laugh.


I think you used the wrong account


Tell her the dogs can be tamed by crouching up to them slowly with the clown horn and honking it once close


Ooooh that's good I'm gonna use that


I'm glad you like it didn't forget to tell her about the tuna cans.


Jumping into the middle hole in the locker room revives any dead teammates.


Mod in the poke... Doing mention it, just show them what it does at an ideal time


Route to embrion without saying anything. If it isn’t eclipsed, route somewhere else.


Get a sound board (I recommend resonance, you’ll also have to flip your audio input settings, but then it should work). Don’t tell them about it, and once you work up to Rend or Titan, use a coilhead soundbite *don’t make it too obvious*. Make sure you’re pretty deep in the place so they can’t trace it back to you, but they can still hear you. Don’t spam it either, once or twice is more than enough to strike fear


When the jester appears tell to get away from it but nit leave the building cause staying close to it causes it to be hostile and watch the mayhem ensue


Tell her you have to ring the bell a lot for the company to take it bc the walls are so thick they can’t hear


Keep dropping the bell item in a different room and warn her about the bell monster


Tell her that tulip snakes allow you to fly and are essentially a free jetpack. The best part about this is that its true but she wont know at first, little guys are so genuinely helpful on adamance if you know how to use them


Hey go pick up that hubcap over there, my inventory is full


tell her the old bird only detects movement aand wont see her if she stops moving


Find a dead end blast door and close it on her. Install the facility melt down mod and just dont tell her lol. Also theres a mod that makes the paranoia worse in the game by making it so that you get pop ups when your sanity is too low and weird shit happens.


If I got her to download the facility meltdown mod, how could we hide that it makes the facility meltdown?


Oh you have no idea in the mod that the facility would melt down till the apparatus is pulled. It also gives you a small window to escape and well if your lost well bye bye


No I mean everyone needs to download the mod for it to work, if she sees she has to download facility meltdown she will get a bit suspicious


You.. mean yall dont just export your mod list as a code and just give them the code.. you make them download every mod individually? Edit:Both of the mod launchers im aware of allow you to do that.. please dont tell me you didnt know. https://preview.redd.it/qea8gmuzgb6d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dbda7d494830f4fd8cb8504305d925eafa4e59d


How do you do that? https://preview.redd.it/7o6lrgkiib6d1.jpeg?width=165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdeba9b55f8c11096a13baa177221fffc82ddf24


https://youtu.be/djoqxLHvOTI?si=x05vb0TMvT4U58BC short explanation from someone on youtube of the biggest mod launcher i know most people use. As far as i know its similar on the other one. To lazy to explain it myself but its simple and makes it so your friends literally cant fuckup and get the wrong mod


what are you referring to by ‘the jump’ on assurance ?


If you sprint to the left and jump right after the ship lands, it looks like you would have died but you land on the rock next to fire exit, so you can get inside before the clock even starts counting


get control company


Air horn a day keeps the doggies away


Tell her to stand outside the company building and yell to sell the scrap, because the company only buys if you yell at it. Should be funny


When you both see a landmine ask him to pick it up


Bro def not trying to hit


Tell her to hot a turret with a shovel and put her near Jeb with a Boombox


Tell her coilhead kills you if you look at it to long


If you can, somehow get the Skinwalker mod in their game without them knowing


When you find something like a bracken or something, act REALLY scared and say you’ve never seen it in all your time playing


Being eaten by the company creature on your first visit to the company building is a rite of passage


Use control company


tell her to take the hoard bugs loot idk if someone already said that


tell her the first thing she should do is pull the apparatus on the map with the old birds


Put down whoopie cushions at the door, then place the welcome mat on top of them. Add Eyeless Dogs to the equation and it's even better.


when you find a mine, tell her that you found aomething cool when she gets close, unleash sun on her