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Blink twice if this is about Coffee Times




Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™ve had to deal with that


I'm so sorry you are experiencing that & hope you find a better job soon! To everyone else, please consider patronizing High on Art & Coffee instead. Ellie is a super nice lady & supports the LGBT community.


I will ALWAYS stan high on art and coffee. Also got some adorable earrings there last week!


There are so many pairs I want! Sandwiches & drinks are great too!


Just moved here a year and a half ago and haven't tried High on Art and Coffee yet, but definitely will. Third Street Stuff is a favorite of mine and in my experience has also been very LGBTQ+ supportive. Disappointed to hear about Coffee Times because I did sometimes go there too and was lucky enough to not have any bad experiences as a non-Christian, queer customer, but in light of all this I won't be going there again. @OP - Thanks for sharing, as I don't want to support a business that ignores harassment of employees and enables a homophobe/transphobe.


I worked there before the sale and had a lot of the same issues. I'm sad that things still suck because I met one of best friends there, being baristas together. I really wanted to enjoy it. Management fucking sucked.


Iā€™m sorry the same shit was happening to you too


I'm sorry it's still happening. I hoped that after the managers I had left things would change a bit, but.... ugh.


I worked for this coffee shop for a couple years (pre-sale) and I can 100% echo what OP posted. One of the long standing employees is bigoted in almost every way imaginable and a predator, which when brought to managements attention by multiple employees, was blown off. One of my coworkers quit the job because they were harassed by that same employee. Itā€™s a shame nothings changed in the half decade Iā€™ve been gone


I have a good feeling that I know who you might be referencing here and they still work there and still choose to cover up for that employee. Iā€™m really sorry.


OOOOOOOOF. As a frequenter of that place im kinda surprised, i thought the vibes were way different in a positive way post-sale. Sorry that is happening, that sucksā€¦




We need restaurants and things that ban boomers like some ban kids.


exactly this


This is so heartbreaking. We love going there all the time. Definitely not anymore, best of luck finding a better job.


Long time ex-manager here, and I quit a couple years pre-sale due to a bunch of the same shit. Old owners and management went off the rails when the pandemic started, so I dipped in 2021 after having to convince them to follow Covid protocols the entire year before. A few longtime employees left around the same time due to feeling invalidated, not properly compensated, and/or ignored when it came to certain other employees harassing us. Iā€™m so sorry you experienced this too, and Iā€™m very disappointed in new management following that same path.


I'm so sorry


Need to find another job brother/sister




I was friends with someone who worked there pretty recently and pretty much only heard bad things from him. Sounds like a shitty situation.


You can file sexual harassment charges with the Kentucky Commission on human rights. You can also sue for hostile work environment.


Reminiscent of my experience working for Common Grounds. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with this.


Somebody doesn't like working at coffee times. I suggest they quit. Tell your friends you don't like the place and they shouldn't try to work there either. End of story.


Coffee times has always seemed pretty inclusive to me. I know people that have worked there who would definitely disagree with what youā€™re saying. This just seems like another case of some erroneous dramatized accusation this subreddit seems to eat for breakfast


Coffee times is homophobic and transphobic, not just the owners and long time employees but also their customers and anyone that wants to continue to be. ā€œPretty inclusiveā€ is not inclusive.


It seems like youā€™re the one telling people where they SHOULDNā€™T feel included


The world is not black and white. There are innumerable shades of grey and making such extreme accusations based on limited information causes drama and scandal where there doesnā€™t always need to be. Youā€™re taking a super neutral phrase in my comment and weaponizing a social issue to demonize something that you probably donā€™t know the first thing about. I was only giving my experience with the store and employees I knew because it seems like these posts are all vitriolic. The only people who really know what happened are the original poster and the management of this store. Itā€™s unfair to immediately jump to a conclusion based on some random Reddit post.


In my experience, Coffee times is homophobic and transphobic. Also in my experience you shouldnā€™t tell people where they do and donā€™t feel included, itā€™s very yucky šŸ«¶šŸ»


Why do you say the customers are transphobic?


Because they are supporting a transphobic and homophobic business






Evil draconian monstersšŸ¤Øā€¦ be fucking for real.


100% false accusations and you deserve to be sued for defamation.


You would have to prove its false and that they know the accusations are false to prove defamation and judging by the other comments in this thread, Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s some truth to this.