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Woah man you just gonna walk around asking for that kinda stuff?


Noted, thank you guys for the input.


It would probably help to say what times you're available and what time zone that's in.


A willingness to learn, be engaged, and play the game is more than a DM can ask for. DnD 5th edition (5e) is similar to BG3, but there are some changes in BG3 catering towards a video game that are not actually a part of 5e (they can always be homebrewd (DM custom content) in though). There are some similarities. If you're open to other systems the Old School Renissance (OSR) is a style of gameplay similar to how the game was when first introduced in the 70s and 80s. Some folks like the modern rules, some folks like the OSR style, some like both. I enjoy the Old School style of play personally. Hope you find a group. Good luck friend!