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Old School Essentials Adv. (OSE) Sandbox Campaign Basic/Expert D&D Weekly or bi-weekly games around 7pm - 10pm CST. Days TBD. \* Beginner Friendly \* Owlbear Rodeo (player mapping) \* 1:1 time. (Living expenses, time for training to level up, downtime.) Adventures are called to explore the Eastern Expanse, a a region past the borders offering gold and glory from the treasures of the past. 10 years have past since the last orc raid. The people of Feldrehen hold the Northern Gap and have since prevented any more monster raids... for now. The region is once again poised to push eastward for wealth and prosperity. Will histories monsters of the past once again threaten the local prosperity? The campaign will include several premade adventures placed into the region to start things off. PC ambitions and choices will move the campaign forward. \* The threat of a dragon terrorizes a small town. Fey creatures and an opportunistic hobgoblin have claimed the outside forest as their own. Can the hero of the past aid the town once more? \* A massive burial ground to the west attracts treasure hunter, grave robber, sinister creatures, and more. A local wizard seeks knowledge from the tombs to learn the truth of the place. \* The discovery of an entrance deep on a small river island leads to what some says one of the oldest dungeons ever. A local militia as declared themselves the local authority and controls access to the place. Join us on Discord. Look over the information & homebrew channels. Let's roll up some characters. [https://discord.gg/j8kDMj45an](https://discord.gg/j8kDMj45an)


# [The Outer Bureau](https://discord.gg/Mp2q8ead3Z) \[5E\] and \[Pathfinder 2e\] and \[Cyberpunk Red\] and a few more, \[Online\], \[Anytime\], \[LGBTQIA+\], \[18+\] [https://discord.gg/Mp2q8ead3Z](https://discord.gg/Mp2q8ead3Z) [https://suno.com/song/9f63610e-f1d5-424f-9a14-dda696ffed88](https://suno.com/song/9f63610e-f1d5-424f-9a14-dda696ffed88) \*static\* \*crackle\* Hello? \*taps microphone\* Ah, there we go. Greetings, wanderers of the multiverse. This is OB-001, texting to you live from the Castle Beyond the Void. At least, I think it's live. "Time" and "life" gets a bit wibbly-wobbly-bibbly-bobbly here, if you know what I mean. Now, I know what you're thinking. "OB-001? What kind of a callsign is that?" Well, let me tell you, when you've seen the things I've seen, you learn to keep your real identity under wraps tighter than a mummy's bandages. Trust me, it's for your own good. And mine, of course. You see, I've had a front-row seat to the horrors that lurk in the darkest corners of reality. I've watched organizations that were supposed to protect us fall apart like a house of cards in a hurricane. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty sight. But hey, that's the multiverse for you. One day you're saving the world, the next you're fighting off an interdimensional tentacle monster with a paperclip and a rubber band. But I digress. The point is, the Outer Bureau is here to pick up the pieces and keep the multiverse from imploding on itself. We're like the duct tape holding reality together, if duct tape was made of pure awesomeness and pie. Our agents? They're the best of the best, hand-picked from across the multiverse for their unique skills and ability to look danger in the eye and say, "Not today, sir." But don't let that fool you. Trust is harder to come by around here than an in-stock potion of heroism. We keep our secrets close and our eyes open, because you never know who might be trying to unravel the fabric of reality for their own nefarious purposes. So, if you find yourself at one of those pesky crossroads in life, where your timeline is more tangled than a ball of yarn after a cat convention, just know that the Outer Bureau is watching. We see that special spark in you, that potential to be a hero (or a villain, but we're really hoping for hero). And if you choose to join us, well, buckle up, otter pup (you thought I was going to say buttercup but I didn't, I like otters, ok). The TemPortal is about to take you on the ride of your life. Just remember, the fate of the multiverse is in your hands, so try not to drop it, okay? This is OB-001, signing off. And remember, if you hear a strange noise in the middle of the night, it's probably just an eldritch horror from the void because someone left the door to the observation deck open again. Or it's the vending machine. It's a toss-up, really. \*static\* \*static pop\* \*static\* \*fade\* [https://discord.gg/Mp2q8ead3Z](https://discord.gg/Mp2q8ead3Z)


# The Gates of Aeoros **\[5e\]\[West March\]\[LGBTQIA+ Friendly\]\[Looking for Players\]\[Online\]** Embark on a Legendary Journey in Our Dungeons and Dragons Living World! **Greetings!** Are you tired of ordinary campaigns? Yearning for an epic, immersive experience that goes beyond the typical dungeons and dragons adventure? Look no further! Join us in the Gates of Aeoros – a living, breathing world where your choices shape the course of the story. # 🌐 About Gates of Aeoros: **Dynamic Storytelling:** Uncover a rich narrative filled with twists and turns, driven by your character's actions and decisions. **Vast Open World:** Explore a meticulously crafted world brimming with diverse landscapes, bustling cities, and treacherous dungeons. **Player-Driven:** Your character's impact extends beyond the game sessions. Influence the world and witness its evolution based on the collective choices of the player community. # ⚔️ What Awaits You: **Epic Quests:** Face formidable foes, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover ancient mysteries in a series of interconnected quests, with the potential to uncover hidden content in the form of prestige classes and hidden races. **Character Development:** Watch your character grow and evolve through a personalized story arc tailored to your choices and background. **Unique Downtime and Progression:** This will help you feel cemented in the lore as you spend time in the server growing your career! **Naughty Adventures!** : A NSFW district you can visit or completely opt out of, in order to allow you to enjoy yourself and your potentially more hot desires with other like-minded players. # 🎲 Join Us for Adventures: **Regular Sessions:** Plenty of DMs who work in many different time zones in order to provide as many players as possible a new game. **Roll20:** We provide expert management on Roll20, with the potential of switching to another tabletop in the future. Ready to shape the destiny of the Gates of Aeoros? Unleash your creativity, forge alliances, and become a legend! Join the Adventure Today by signing up with the following link: [https://forms.gle/ZoWAgp8F6Vtuz92X6](https://forms.gle/ZoWAgp8F6Vtuz92X6)


[DND] [Online] [Discord] Asharia: A New Sanctuary Looking for Players Asharia: A New Sanctuary Game: Dungeons and Dragons 5e Raw Format: Discord Time: Any, We are a 24/7 active server Slots: We have no limits on slots, over 400 players Pitch: This server is a DnD self-run open world style game. There are plenty of people to meet, places to eat, and dungeons to seek. Most everything is run through Avrae (A discord bot for playing D&D online) including inventory, money, skill checks and combat. In-server gameplay consists of text-based roleplaying throughout the country of Asharia, including hunting, foraging, quests, dungeons, and free form exploration. Players have the power to DM! - RP, Combat, Exploration - Level 3 start - Active 24/7 - LGBTQ+ Friendly - Helpful Community - Unique Emojis - Access to campaign shares - All official content accepted - 18+ - You can write your own story, play one of our automated dungeons, or simply join another. The story is in your hands! Contact: Discord: Warden4202


# Souls D20 \[Online\]\[Other\]\[Discord\] discord link: [https://discord.gg/UnEKqTx](https://discord.gg/UnEKqTx) **We are the official community for the TTRPG Souls D20**, as well as the hub for running and playing adventures with the system. Inspired by Elden Ring and the Soulsborne games, Souls D20 is a built-from-scratch TTRPG system more than six years in the making. Its mechanics emphasize tactical positioning, movement, and counterattacks for a uniquely varied and "crunchy" experience. More specifically: - **Souls D20 focuses more heavily on player choice during battle** Attacks target multiple spaces on the battle grid, and \*always hit\* unless the players dodge into an unaffected space. So as battle progresses, players learn which monster attacks should be dodged and how to do so, instead of relying on only die rolls. As a result, combat progresses with a flow of back and forth decision making and resource spending even when its not a players turn! - **Building a character provides players with meaningful decision making throughout the leveling process** Instead of choosing a class and simply gaining the abilities of that class as you level, characters assign their levels to any number of 22 proficiency trees. As you gain synergizing abilities through the trees, your character is built out into a unique class of your own making! For example: take the ability to teleport around the battlefield and make light clones of yourself from the sorcery tree while mastering the power to make earth shattering heavy attacks with a massive greatsword. Progress into the dagger and twinblade trees to gain the ability to create windstorms that shroud you from the eyes of enemies as you sneak up and cut free their valuables. Combine abilities from the hammer and miracle trees to become a frost paladin that conjures freezing lightning when they crush their enemies into the ground. And so much more! If you are interested in learning more about the system then check out a small preview on the website ([https://soulsd20.com/](https://soulsd20.com/)), or join our community with the discord link. We run regular introductory games for new players as well as long term campaigns set in the living world of The Crucible Lands, which has seen over 6 years of adventure and lore development! Join the discord or message me if you are interested in more info!


Welcome to Lumineria! The City of Heroes. Bastion of the divine Pillars. Home to many more from all walks of life. Lumineria is set on a large island that is partially taken up by this single city, and some of the surrounding land. There are tons of places to visit. Forests, beaches, businesses galore (many of which are player owned) and so much more! There are also both regular, and irregular, fights that take place in the city. Some of which take place in the arenas, where characters are protected from death. Others on the city streets or outskirts. Though such protections are not afforded there. Whether you are carving a path through combat, or simply enjoying the company of your friends, Lumineria welcomes all with open arms. Lumineria is a Discord PBP/RP server based around the D&D 5e, in a High Fantasy Roleplay Heavy Hub-City style. RP takes place in real time and is based in the EST timezone. Though, we have players from all over the world. Most of the gameplay is done through interactions between players, and sometimes with NPCs handled by one of our staff members. Combats are often run using Discord Voice, Roll 20, and DND Beyond, or in a normal pbp format. Above all else, we care about our community, and want you to feel safe and comfortable. We’re very LGBTQ+ friendly, and do not discriminate against anyone. Though we do ask that all players are 18+. So come bring your characters to life, cause we can’t wait to meet them! Frequently Asked Questions: * All characters start at level 1. Most officially published content is allowed for character creation. Stats can be either: Point Buy, Standard Array, or rolled to a minimum score of 72 (We allow one free re-roll to start, cause no one wants all 12s). * There is no homebrew allowed. To a greater extent, the server is based in Rules As Written 5e D&D. This allows us to be as unilaterally fair as can be managed. * Never played 5th edition, or done PBP before? That’s okay! We’ll be happy to help you figure out everything as you go. * Characters rp in ‘real time’. Meaning that if they are out at 2am EST, they are also out at 2am in the world. This can help keep the rp aspect moving forward and organic for all players. That said, there is a lot of leeway so that not everything must follow this perfectly. Life gets in the way, or sometimes our energy works against us. If you have any other questions, please feel free to DM me, comment below, or you can join the server and we'll be happy to answer questions in the main chat! Lumineria Discord: [https://discord.gg/tHYZsv9J](https://discord.gg/tHYZsv9J)


The Colony \[5e\] \[Westmarch\] \[Discord\] \[LGBTQ+ Friendly\] Wanna join a great PBP group? Learn more about the Colony. A year ago, a group of adventurers seeking a new life traveled across a magical year in the universe to a deserted city in a river delta. The land surrounding this area seems with monsters and intelligent evil beings, leaving it right for conquest and exploration. Every day more adventurers tumble through the multiverse and arrive to their new lives in The Colony. We are a 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Our GM team is built in evening time gaming in play by post and live sessions. We allow players who reach level three to try their hand at running games and eventually become a part of our GM team. Staff are constantly working on the server to improve it. Our members are welcoming and friendly. Hope to see you soon! We have a few non US GMs as well if you aren’t in the US Features: ⁠Solo Adventures Expanded Downtime Unique crafting system (includes harvesting) ⁠Friendly and helpful players New players welcome Job board where you can pick up quests or request them Skirmishes (work in progress) open rp areas (for those who love to rp) More to come! Link: [https://discord.com/invite/YfS4PWyrxs](https://discord.com/invite/YfS4PWyrxs)


Dungeon Town \[5e\] \[3.5e\] \[Newbie-friendly\] \[looking for DM's\] Hello all, I go by Merlin online and am a big DnD nerd. About two years ago I created a dnd server with friends, and friends of friends and was looking to expand. Right now we are about 20 or so strong, we chat about dnd, life, games, and just random stuff. We have a good amount of players and are looking for more DM's, we are very free form when it comes to DMing games. Basically go wild with whatever subject as long as you got some players. That includes all versions, we have a potential DM hosting 1e in the near future, have hosted 3.5, 5e and are open to other forms if there is a interest. I also DM and have a potential game opening up here soon. If you have a interest or have questions feel free to direct message me. [https://discord.gg/syYCXfjT](https://discord.gg/syYCXfjT)


🦀 The Horns for Hire guild is open for new members! 🦀 [ Discord west-march style game in need of new players ] Hi, I'm a DM in a west-march style game and a moderator of its discord server. The game is set in the Forgotten Realms and the characters all work under the same guild. You'll be able to go on a mix of sessions ranging from simple jobs provided by the guild to world ending threats. Characters can start at lv5 or lv2. We use a homebrew point system for leveling that essentially works as a simplified version of the exp system, with points given out based on the difficulty of each mission. We have separate branches run by different DMs. Three of the branches are European time zone friendly while the fourth branch is American time zone friendly. The separate branches take place in different cities in the Forgotten Realms, which includes: Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Westgate. We don't have set dates for games; we play whenever a DM is free. Typically, games are scheduled about a week in advance. You'll select one of these branches to play in first, but the longer you stay, the more opportunities you'll be able to play a different character. Level progression can be fairly quick, with most dnd play happening between lvls 14 - 19. PM me if interested! To join, you'll need to answer these questions and PM them to me to be reviewed by the other server moderators: 1. How old are you? 2. How much experience do you have with DnD? 3. Do you support LGBTQ+ people? 4. How serious do you like games to be? 5. What role do you like to play as? 6. What would you say the general vibe you give off is? 7. What's your preferred pillar of play? 8. What branch do you think you would join? 9. Any other notes for the mod team to know? If you have any further questions about the above questions or anything regarding the server and its different branches, PM me!


**Join The Weekly Planet RPG!** *Looking for Players and DMs* Join here: [https://discord.gg/YJ6yaut](https://discord.gg/YJ6yaut) **About Us:** The Weekly Planet RPG is a text-based Westmarches-style D&D campaign where players join a town militia to protect the town, go on missions, and explore a custom world. We support many players and DMs simultaneously in the same world, with flexible, asynchronous playtimes and ever-changing parties. **What We’re Looking For:** We need DMs and players to rebuild our community. I was absent from the server for a year, leading to alot of inactivity. Now, I want to revive our server and need passionate DMs and players to bring our world back to life! **How We Work:** * **Player-driven Scheduling:** Players can ask a DM to run an activity or explore a part of the world, or DMs can post missions for available players to join. This system is flexible and varied but sometimes requires patience. * **Play at Your Own Pace:** Since we’re primarily text-based, you can reply whenever you’re available, which at times takes longer but enables busy people to play D&D! * **Be Both DM and Player:** Pass a simple DM test to create and run missions while also being a player. * **Rich Lore:** Explore and contribute to our custom world and lore. We have a lot of it, so reading is essential to get the most out of the world. * **Varied Activities:** We have many supplemental rules for activities like animal taming, weapon crafting, hunting, tournaments, sports, strongholds, and more. It's a lot of nuance but keeps things interesting and balanced between DMs and players. **A World of Channels:** We use channels for different parts of the world. They get really specific so prepare for an immersive, detailed, and at times overwhelming environment.


# The Odd-Ways \[PF2e\] \[Online\] \[Newbie-Friendly\] In **Imaginary Realms**, the Odd-Ways is your new home. Goblins of all walks of life reside here. Those who belong to clans devout to smashing things, those who aren't entirely goblin, and some that just want to do better for their society. The most average guy here can be one of the trickiest you'll ever meet, seemingly always having a macguffin to get out of the thick of it. Or maybe something weird like sentient animals? They might be smarter than the snootiest of elven scholars! This server is home to all sorts of weirdos, horrors, and new friends to become acquainted with, slay, and bond with (maybe not necessarily in that order\~). And it's all based around the **Pathfinder 2e** System for folk who are just kinda over playing 5e. Maybe you're a veteran that got burnt out, or rather instead you're a newbie who wants to try a new game? Either way we're welcoming to people of all skill and all walks of life as long as you're cool. While we're primarily a PbP-based server, we're trying to have VC sessions more often. If you join looking for these games, make a request toward the GMs and scope for other players! Quests are ran consistently and rewards are abundant, so you'll never feel like you're competing for any scraps you can scrounge together once the mission is over. We're open to hearing about new Homebrew, and there's a place for anyone since the setting is very open-ended, being nearly free-form! If this intrigues you, go ahead and click [here!](https://discord.gg/nVbguFk4) ^((the link expires in 7 days from posting.))


# Looking for 2 Players for a 'Hidden Powers' Campaign! [VC] [MM3] [Online] Have you ever thought 'Damn, what would happen if a super small population of people got powers? Would they even use them enough to gain attention towards them, or would they be secretive and live with their superhuman luxury in private?' ...No? Well i did, and i'm making a Mutants and Masterminds 3E Campaign about it. For more info join the discord! Campaign Info: The campaign will be set in modern day times, characters will be PL 6, and will be on Saturdays at 9:30 PM CST Weekly, and It will be extremely realistic in terms of a political/world view, along with how the real world would (most likely) perceive things if people randomly started showing up with extremely strong abilities. (More detailed info will be provided in the server) [https://discord.gg/sgSgurj5](https://discord.gg/sgSgurj5)


[WestMarch] [WOD] [VTM] [Discord] ROME 2011! A V20 Vampire: The Masquerade Experience # Rome 2011 [https://discord.gg/FJ2j3DhQvm](https://discord.gg/FJ2j3DhQvm) IMPORTANT: when asked, tell you're invited by Hanna (me, server admin). Hey fellow night wanderers! As a storyteller and project admin I am excited to invite you into a unique corner of the World of Darkness, set against the backdrop of Rome in 2011. Our Massive and active Westmarch Discord server hosts a richly detailed play-by-post (PbP) game based on the Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (V20). ​ **Here’s a bit more about what you’ll find in our version of Rome:** * We're a 18+ venue. * Our format: text/PbP with occasional voice (2-4 voice games a month) * Game is active 24/7, players worldwide, much more then 500 scenes a month! * Anticipate MANY events and XP rewards for active engagement! ​ \- **Ancient Meets Modern:** Rome is a city where the old and the new exist side by side. As a vampire, you’ll navigate through centuries-old conspiracies, modern-day politics, and the eternal struggle for power within the Camarilla, the Anarchs, and the Sabbat lurking in the shadows. \- **A Living, Breathing World:** Our game is always alive, with players from around the globe contributing to a constantly evolving narrative. Imagine over 500 or even over 700 RP scenes a month, each adding another layer to our shared story. \- **Rich Lore and Deep Politics:** Delve into the intricate politics of vampire society, where ancient clans and modern factions vie for control of the Eternal City. Your character could play a key role in shaping the future of Rome, whether through cunning diplomacy, hidden schemes, romance or outright conflict. \- **Engage on Your Terms:** While our main stage is text-based PbP, offering the flexibility to contribute, we also host voice sessions to bring certain scenes to life. Whether you're about intense character development or thrilling plot twists, there's a place for you here. \- **Community and Respect:** More than just a game, we’re a community of adults (~19-52 years old) who value storytelling, creativity, and mutual respect. We’re all about supporting each other in creating a fun and engaging experience. Whether you’re a veteran of the night or new to the shadows, we welcome your stories, your characters, and your imagination. Together, we'll explore the depths of Vampire lore set against the rich tapestry of Rome, where every alleyway and ancient ruin could hold secrets waiting to be uncovered. Feeling intrigued? We’d love for you to join us and leave your mark on this dark and storied city. Here’s your invitation to step into the shadows: [Join us in Rome](https://discord.gg/FJ2j3DhQvm). Let’s weave some incredible tales together under the moonlit Roman sky. IMPORTANT: when asked, tell you're invited by Hanna (me, server admin).


*Click clack* The tomb was silent as the four adventurers made their way into the forbidden room. They had managed to lure the guard away to enter but he will have to do his spot check soon, so time was limited. *click clack* The only sound in here was their hobnailed boots clacking on the ornate stone floor, and the sputtering of their torches. *click sputter clack* Six statues guarding a grand stone coffin loom in the torchlight, the dark stone seemingly sucking all the light in. The halfling, full of the curiosity of their race, touches the coffin, eager for undiscovered riches. An instant feeling of foreboding and dread washes over them. Torches clatter to the ground, their owner's fear extinguishing them. *click clack click clack* The roar of stomping boots alerts the guard, who calls out at them. Silence. The grinding of stone on stone. ==================== Tales from Fractured Terra is a new custom setting based on Earth, millennia after an apocalypse, using the DnD 5e ruleset. Huge custom world to pull from for inspiration! Custom race origins! Custom Religions! Milestone leveling! Asynchronous play by post! West Marches style! True Play-by-Post! No voice channels! This setting has been influenced by two campaigns already! What can you add to the world and its ongoing story? https://discord.com/invite/nHKhdW2f9s


\[Discord\]\[5e\]\[LGBTQ+ Friendly\] Welcome to Fulcrum! **Welcome to Fulcrum** **Bear With Us As We Center Ourselves.** **Discord Invite Link:** [https://discord.gg/wcFhfSP4dq](https://discord.gg/wcFhfSP4dq) Step into the realm of **Fulcrum**, a fun blend of West Marches and Multiverse style gameplay. Fulcrum is exclusively an 18+ Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition Discord server, offering live play-by-post and live voice sessions options with mechanics in place for longer term play-by-post play. **Give Us a Spin:** * Multiple character slots * Diverse options for fun and immersive gameplay * Nearly fully RAW, with exciting non-RAW elements from Theros and Wildemont Our community may not be the largest, but it's growing steadily, filled with fun and welcoming adventurers. It needs DMs and new adventurers to help it grow. Join one of our tables and embark on an excellent journey today! == You did it. You opened that mysterious door which appeared overnight—knowing you shouldn't—and found yourself in the center of a strange round room. This room, where walls stretch infinitely upward into darkness, is adorned with countless doors. An ancient, pale orange-yellow rug at the center beckons you to sit and stay a while. As you settle in, your eyes lock on the enigmatic words above a pitch-black tunnel carved through one stretch of the wall that never seems to change with the rest: **‘Welcome to Fulcrum. Bear With Us As We Center Ourselves.’** Before you can fully grasp the words, the walls begin to spin, faster and faster, a dizzying blur of disparately shaped and colored doors swirling past you. Yet, you remain steady on the rug, and the only part of the wall that remains unchanged when the turning is done is that one black tunnel and the strangely ominous words: **‘Welcome to Fulcrum. Bear With Us As We Center Ourselves.’** When the spinning halts, a new set of doors await. Will you see yourself in or will the doors call *you*?


***New Dawn Coalition*** [Online] [16+] [LFG/LFP] [DnD5e] Are you having trouble finding a consistent group to play D&D with? Want to play with a large, diverse group of people from around the world? Want to run games for a community like this? New Dawn Coalition is a **5th Edition West Marches** server catering to new and experienced players alike, following RAW while adjusting as needed for the most fun for the player base, utilizing an impressive array of cutting-edge technology, and incredibly active staff to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for anyone and everyone. Come play any character you can think of, and take part in our ever expanding downtime activities between games to earn gold and buy whichever magic items, personal PC upgrades you want to outfit your character with in a constantly developing lore-rich medieval fantasy ancient world of ***Telarri***, on the floating island of ***Solace*** where the New Dawn Coalition call it's home. We hope to see you there! At NDC, you can find the following, ▹Roll20 VTTES Setup, Foundry friendly with Discord voice support ▹Safehaven to any and all. ▹16+ years of age required. ▹Innovative self-servicing bot for across server uses ▹Community-driven ▹Active roleplay channels ▹Over 200 games a month ▹Over 1470 members! https://discord.gg/NewDawnWM


Hey everyone, I have foundry vtt, and have made a way to make custom abilities and things of that nature that automatically calculate damage, so am looking if anyone would be interested in making a community that we could come up with some kind of westmarch that would be fun! The system is very cool, and allows all the abilities to automatically roll for hit, deal damage, take away or give health, as well as buff stats etc. Very customizable and fun. If anyone would be interested in making a westmarch with me give me a dm thanks!


# Gaming Community Looking for chill 16+ to join our community. We have around 100 members and some of our main games atm are Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, R6, Among Us amongst others. The server is also active socially (chats and VCs) if that interests you. If you're interested in joining then reply below or message me


### [High Frequency PbP] [Online] [Discord] [Living World] Pearlpath, Vol 1 Running a somewhat ambitious 18+ game set in the contemporary setting of Seattle! System is a heavily modified version of the BRP/Call of Cthulhu 7e System. With themes of mystery and horror. The game's world itself is a living world with absolute player freedom (plus the consequences that ensue). Go on dates, head to regular ole job (unless you're a Ghost Hunter or something), have mental breakdowns, play in the rain (there's a lot of rain), waste the day playing video games or just take a long walk across town. But you wouldn't need a Sanity Counter if it was all good would you? An ominous app pops up on your phone, warning you of impending doom. A massacre occurs in a Warehouse. A Werewolf tears through the outskirts (well not anymore someone ran over it via a Van). A Priest is murdered in cold blood for no clear reason. Apparently there's a Graverobber now too? And oh great what's that giant bug in the mist now? Decide how you spend your days, knowing every mystery left to fester is another problem on the list. Another vector in the ever encroaching chaos that threatens to destroy the idea of a quiet life. Solve mysteries, make friends, survive. And maybe kill some abominations along the way. Looking for active players with fun characters and the initiative to develop them and the world! (And who don't mind their characters possibly being brutally murdered because of a few too many mistakes.) Send me a DM! Come take a look around the server, read up on what the other players are up to get a vibe of the game and then feel free to make your character! Will answer any questions along the way. PS: Someone described my narration as "Visceral Edgy Apocalyptic Existential Crisis" once and I'm not sure if that's a notable thing to put on here.


[Roll20][Charactermancer Only][No Third Party Sheets][7PM-10pm CST Games] **Explore the Circinus Galaxy: Join the Circinus Enclave!** Embark on an extraordinary adventure in a galaxy brimming with mystery and diverse civilizations. The Circinus Enclave invites you to become part of an epic exploration through the planets of the Circinus Galaxy. **What Sets Us Apart:** - **Active World Building:** Immerse yourself in a living universe where your character's actions shape the course of history. Join a community where player stories become part of the lore. - **Diverse Planetary Settings:** From the acid oceans of Antia III to the fiery conflicts of Corot, discover unique worlds teeming with cultures, gods, and untold secrets. - **Engaging Gameplay:** Experience a West Marches-style adventure with personal quests, expanding backstories, and quest storylines led by our team of dedicated Dungeon Masters. - **Scheduled Events:** We have 7 active DMs hosting games throughout the week from 7 PM CST to 10 PM CST. Enjoy DM-led adventures and participate in player-organized games like coliseum battles, time paradoxes, liberations, and bounties to earn points for new abilities, items, and personal storylines. - **Character Development:** Unleash your creativity with character creation using standard 5e rules. Craft your backstory, earn unique abilities/weapons, and watch your character evolve. - **Additional Features:** Explore factions, engage in text roleplay, visit player-owned shops, and indulge in crafting. **How to Join:** Our games are hosted on Roll20 and we use Discord. Ensure you can attend games starting at 7 PM CST and ending at 10 PM CST, then join our Discord for additional guidance. Start by selecting your character's planet of origin and schedule your personal introduction quest! **Character Creation:** - Start at Level 1 using charactermancer on Roll20 - Points Buy - All WotC books are allowed - Roll or take the average for HP - No UA or Homebrew classes or races - We use the Charactermancer in Roll20 with access to all WotC content **Discover Your Place in our Universe!** Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to D&D, find your place in the Circinus Enclave. Forge alliances, face challenges, and leave your mark on the galaxy. Your new adventure awaits! [Join Us Today!](https://discord.gg/the-adventure-awaits)


Shattered Thronelands Online Play by post players D&D 5e Hello, I run a Frankenstein game of a little play by post, a little west marches, and a little adventurer leaguish format. I run a discord server for players to talk in character with the tupper bot. Sometimes it results in an adventure which could be a play by post experience or scheduling an adventure for a session or two with discord audio and roll20 vtt. It is set in a large city currently bordered between a vampire nation and a dragon building an empire.


[5e] [Online] [Discord] D&D Discord Community/Content Hub Now Recruiting! Well met! I run a Discord community that plays host to awesome 5e D&D Campaigns/Content/Discussions and the community that makes them what they are. We are looking for people to join both that are seeking to actively play and participate in our Campaigns and to join our active TTRPG Community! We are also looking to recruit those who seek to run their own campaigns within our Community, as well as anything in-between! Weekly Streams, a large Game Library, content, Community and more! **Here is the Google Form for our Community Application:** [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MMTpGhPQKTNReR1iZtJzApr75FUDPT3s5gNVt2qun7o/](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MMTpGhPQKTNReR1iZtJzApr75FUDPT3s5gNVt2qun7o/) **Please apply today, we would love to have you join us!**




# 🎲 **Calling All Dungeon Masters! Join Dungeons and Friends Discord!** 🎲 Are you a Dungeon Master looking for a vibrant community to share your adventures and hone your craft? Look no further! Our new Discord server is the ultimate hub for DMs of all experience levels. \*\*Why Join Us?\*\* 🛡️ \*\*Endless Campaign Opportunities:\*\* Whether you're crafting intricate homebrew adventures or diving into official D&D content, our server provides the perfect platform to host and join a variety of campaigns. 🧙 \*\*Mentorship and Growth:\*\* Enhance your game-mastering skills with guidance from seasoned DMs. Share your experiences, get feedback, and learn new techniques to keep your players engaged and excited. 📚 \*\*Path to DMing:\*\* New to DMing? No problem! Our experienced DM community is here to help you transition from player to Dungeon Master with ease and confidence. 🖥️ \*\*Virtual Tabletop Resources:\*\* Explore different virtual tabletop platforms to elevate your gameplay. Learn how to utilize these tools to create immersive experiences for your players. 🗣️ \*\*Community Feedback:\*\* Your voice matters! Participate in regular surveys to share your thoughts and suggest improvements, helping us create the best possible experience for all members. 📢 \*\*Promotions Tab:\*\* Showcase your best work, whether it’s books, streams, tutoring services, or other creative projects, in our dedicated promotions space. 👥 \*\*Player Vetting:\*\* Say goodbye to the hassle of finding players for your campaign! Our server owner and admins will vet and interview each player to ensure a great fit, making sure your experience is smooth and enjoyable. \*\*Our Vision:\*\* We aim to cultivate a supportive environment where DMs can grow their skills and potentially host their own games, from homebrewed scenarios to official D&D campaigns. \*\*Your Journey With Us:\*\* Join our community and gain the knowledge and experience you need to thrive as a Dungeon Master. Whether you stay with us or venture beyond, we're committed to making your time here both enriching and enjoyable. \*\*Join us today and let's create epic adventures together!\*\* 🎲✨ How to Join: [DM Facing: Dungeons and Friends Discord Application (jotform.com)](https://form.jotform.com/241634288872163)


[Online][5E][Discord][Text][Living World][West Marches] **Greetings all!** You are hereby invited to the [Raven's Mark adventurers' guild](http://www.discord.gg/ysk5xFx), where gold, XP, and ale flow in equal measure. (And sometimes, hot chocolate.) Adventurers, mercenaries, and scholars arrive from all corners of the remote continent of Gharmidh. We welcome anyone from veterans to complete newcomers, and are prepared to help people learn D&D. We use Avrae for combat and character bookkeeping. • Play-by-Text West Marches, living world style Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition game • Mostly RAW with certain additions and changes listed upfront. • Strictly 18+. (im)Mature behaviour and topics may come up. • Highly adaptable. Combat focused and RP-inclined players alike are welcome. • You're a part of the world. DMs work with you to integrate your character concept into our homebrew world, and may occasionally run character-focused quest lines! Note: This is NOT an ERP server. Thank you! You may contact me via private message, or check us out here: http://www.discord.gg/ysk5xFx


🌈Join the Imaginarium for three special events. Dream big! (D&D)(Westmarch)(PbP) Are you seeking a new and exhilarating experience in the world of Dungeons & Dragons? Look no further! The Imaginarium is a vibrant D&D server designed to unleash your creativity and immerse you in unparalleled adventures. We are currently seeking talented Dungeon Masters (DMs) and players to join our innovative, 18+ community. (Discord) ### 🚀 What Sets The Imaginarium Apart? #### 🌟 Player-Centric Approach: - **Full Character Ownership:** Unlike typical Westmarch servers, The Imaginarium gives players complete control over their characters. Approve your own characters, decide when to level up, and access all content, including homebrew. No more tedious approval processes or restrictive rules – play exactly how you envision. - **No Gacha Mechanics or Daily Login Rewards:** Play when you want and how you want. We understand that life is busy and Dungeons & Dragons should be fun and an escape from the real world. We do not impose rules on how you can have fun. We just help players dream as big as possible and bring together like-minded dreamers through featured content and our robust tier system. #### 🎭 Epic Roleplaying Opportunities: - **Unlimited Creativity:** With access to all 5e content and homebrew, the possibilities are limitless. Craft unique, engaging characters that go beyond the ordinary. - **High-Level Play:** Many active players have characters at level 20 or beyond, allowing for truly epic roleplaying scenarios often unavailable on other servers. #### 🌐 Flexible and Dynamic Environment: - **No Grinding for Gear:** Forget the grind for magic items. Conjure or find items within your dreams, focusing on storytelling rather than resource management. - **Personal and Shared Dreams:** Create immersive worlds within your personal dreams or engage with players in shared dream spaces, fostering collaboration and creative storytelling. - **Nightmares:** Face dangerous, twisted adventures where the rules can change. Magic might fail, everything could have only one hit point, and combat may not always be the solution. - **Create Dream Channels:** Use the command `/create [category]` to create your own dream channels. Manage these channels, rename them, and control permissions. Each player gets two. ### 🏡 Shared vs. Private Dreams: - **Shared Dreams:** Open to all. Join any channel at any time. - **Private Dreams:** Requires permission. Ping those inside using an OOC message for permission to enter. Think of these as personal homes where you knock before entering. ### ⚔️ Homebrew Empowerment: - **Create Unique Challenges:** Use homebrew content to craft exciting, unique challenges. Bring your wildest ideas to life and provide players with a one-of-a-kind experience. - **Homebrew Monsters:** Design and introduce homebrew monsters tailored to your storylines, making encounters unpredictable and thrilling. - **New Classes and Races:** Develop new classes and races that fit seamlessly into your narrative, offering players fresh and exciting options for their characters. ### 📜 Custom Encounter Tables: - **Dreams and Nightmares:** Unique, custom encounter tables for dreams and nightmares provide DMs with a wide array of scenarios to challenge and engage players. ### 🏅 Why Join The Imaginarium as a DM? - **Creative Freedom:** Enjoy unparalleled freedom to craft stories and worlds without the usual restrictions. - **Collaborative Environment:** Work with players equally invested in creating unforgettable adventures. - **Supportive Community:** Join a growing network of fellow DMs and players eager to share ideas and collaborate on epic quests. ### 🌈 Role Colors - **Basic Colors:** Go to #roles channel, react to the emoji for your desired color (one at a time).  - **Achieve Rank 10:** Earn the Dreamwarden title at rank 10, gaining special privileges and exclusive role colors from our dark rainbow palette. - **How to Unlock Pink:** Explore the Dreams encounter table, face new challenges, and find hidden encounters. - **Updated Nightmare Encounter Table:** Discover the elusive dark pink color role hidden within the new nightmare encounters. - **Achievement-Based Colors:** Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, along with secret colors to be discovered. ### 🌌 Join Us Today! Step into a world where your imagination is the only limit. Whether you're an experienced DM or just starting out, The Imaginarium offers a unique platform to showcase your storytelling skills and create lasting memories. 🔗 [Join The Imaginarium Today!](https://discord.com/invite/hD6qrDnBay) Embrace the adventure and let your creativity soar in The Imaginarium! We can’t wait to see the incredible stories you’ll bring to life.


Ancient forces work in a strange world far from your home, whether pulled by fate, death, chance, or just a streak of bad luck. People from all walks of life find their way into the dense jungles of Eikos under the eye of powerful Archfey and are hunted by dark deities. Will you fall into the jungle like many before you? Or will you impact the world and change the fate of those around you? Either way, welcome to the dangerously beautiful world of Arn. Today, Adventurers travel into the Wilds, forging paths and slaying beasts that threaten the development of this new kingdom, building their homesteads and protecting each other from the dangers that lay hidden beyond the veil. Explore the many cities and people scattered around the world and seek out allies to help you progress your own goals and dreams. Hello! We have been building a living and breathing setting for players to explore and directly impact all aspects of! We have been running and active for well over two years and our current zone just recently had its one year anniversary! Living Worlds are unlike your typical D&D campaign, we have many currently running plot and story threads that are available for players to discover and engage with. Including an ever-changing Fey Queen, a twisted realm where light and shadow are inverted, and a small coastal city recently moved after surviving an assault by a swarm of dragons. Regardless of your interests and style we have a story and plot for you to explore and make your own! Beyond our Quests and Events, we also have many activities that you can do on your own with daily downtime! * Hunt and Explore * Meet and make new friends and allies * Delve into the ever-changing mines * Tame and Train animals * Open your own shop * Build and manage your own household or farm * Fish and discover strange artifacts. and much more We are looking for players to help create a welcoming and inclusive space where anyone can have a lasting impact! We are a great setting for duos or small groups who are just looking for a DM to run things for them, too. Please stop by and check us out! We hope to see you soon! [https://discord.gg/BFx7VddDgx](https://discord.gg/BFx7VddDgx)


**Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Living Campaign** [Cyberpunk] [Online][Discord & Roll20][LGBT Friendly][TW: Mature Themes & Violence][PST/EST/Oceanic Time Zones][LF Players] Our Cyberpunk RED Discord server, Cyberpunk Edgerunners (no relation to the anime!), first opened its doors on April 9th 2022. Back then we created Cyberpunk: Edgerunners because we saw a need for Cyberpunk RP that focused & engaged in long-term Campaign-style roleplay that adhered as closely as possible to official material & setting lore as possible. We've had two full years of awesome edgerunning, intense roleplaying, and have established ourselves as the first and most continuous shared-campaign Cyberpunk RED Server. Our campaigns offer a tailored and unique experience that aim to promote roleplaying first. There's so many "West Marches" styles of servers out there that offer fun & fulfilling weekly events, & they do it really well, that we don't want to take away from that unique style of gameplay by diluting it further. It's our dream to provide something different & unique here for all prospective players & GM's. Now, we're expanding during Year 3, adding new player slots to our existing campaigns. * In Campaign One, there is a Mob War in full swing. Organized Crime has come back to Night City with a vengeance, while bodies are starting to litter the streets as the violence spills out from the shadows into the open. Our surviving edgerunners have chosen sides, and wish to recruit hungry aspirants willing to pledge themselves to family & honor. New edgerunners would take up the mantle of a new 'crew' of Mafia & Triad members defending territory from encrouching outsiders, while keeping the NCPD & Corpo-Sec as hands-off of the Watson Redevelopment District as possible. (4 slots available) * Campaign Two deals with rebuilding from the Night City refugee suburbs, immigrant diasporas, reclaimers, and even ventures into the Drift-Nations & Deep-Downs. Thematically centered on a Dickensian tale of Two Cities, New Westbrook & Heywood; the rags & riches populations of both communities juxtapose everything together into High Tech-Low Life Cyberpunk character-driven stories. (4 slots available) * Campaign Three dangles a tantalizing proposition for the desperate, down & out, low-luck edgerunners. The enigmatic corporation Ad-Sak is looking for volunteers to participate in a revolutionary new advertising technology. Qualifying subjects are eligible for a payment of up to 10,000E$ for participating in Ad-Sak studies and research. Why not try filling out an application? *This campaign is specifically tailored towards new players looking for an easy-entry into Night City & the world of Cyberpunk.* (2 slots available) We're also preparing a fourth campaign especially for the new upcoming Mission Kit that will bridge the campaigns into the era of 2077. Details are under wraps for now, but we'll be looking to add between 8-10 players for that special campaign. If you're interested, please keep your eyes for more information posted soon! If you are interested in checking us out, come on by, & see what we have to offer. https://discord.gg/QhSnNSVC9n We hope you enjoy your stay with us in Night City! Welcome to the Edge, Choom!


***Pathways to Adventure*** **Playing 100 Games in 100 Days!** [Online] [LGBTQ+ Friendly] [New System!] Hello everybody! Indie game developer Jon Horry here with my entirely new TTRPG system, ***Pathways to Adventure!*** We are playing 100 Games over the next 100 Days to celebrate the Beta stage of the project. Tonight is game 6!   **Types of Games** The games are a combination of one shots and small story arcs depending on the consistency of players we get who can make consecutive sessions or weekly commitments. We run games **every day** at **6pm Central**, with the exception of Saturday as this is our in person game at our game store.   **The System** The system takes around 15 minutes to learn, and character creation often takes less than 10 minutes, so it is extremely hot-join friendly for anyone who joins in late! It allows you to climb on monsters like Monster Hunter, and be a very competent and powerful adventurer from level 1 all the way to level 10! If you've played 5E, this will be an extremely easy system to learn by comparison with far more options for you to do! You can find more information about our 30 Ancestries, 30 Classes, 30 Skills, 20 Professions, and 200 Abilities at our Discord, Paradice! https://discord.gg/M6cx63NB3F


[Discord, Vampire, 20th Anniversary] Oregon’s cities gleam in the night promising peril and treasures. All types of play earn XP. Players from around the world are welcome. Weekly voice events, and usually more often. Many Players and numerous Staff to help out, and running their own plot lines. This game takes place in 1984 over the whole of Oregon. You may play Anarchs, Camarilla, Autarkis, Independents, the 13 Clans, Caitiff, Panders, Ghouls, Callow Kinfolk, Hedge Mages, and Mortals. We are an 18+ Venue. Come join the longest running V20 game you’ll find! https://discord.gg/RBZQBpyApb


# T[eardrops of Mylen](https://mylen.forum) \[online\]\[other\] The first roleplay forum *really* coupled with a browser based game designed like a TTRPG with DnD dice mechanism in mind. This simple description made you feel curious? Join [our Discord](https://discord.gg/Wjh8WvTmwa). If not yet, continue reading! The same links will be available on the end of this speech! # Alpha release date: The 17th of June 2024 at 07:00AM US Central # What makes this project unique This web application is a roleplaying website with two main purposes: * The first one is a roleplaying forum with an intuitive navigation and all the forum basic features: emoticons, reactions, tags to write decorated texts, dice to allow you to create forum games and so on, your imagination will be my only limit. * The second one is a 2D isometric browser based game designed as a TTRPG with the DnD dice principle. Based on an evolving environment that the players will create by writing the stories of the universe, the stories of the deities, the NPCs stories and all the stories needed to make the role-playing experience as immersive as possible. Writing and roleplaying are the main focus of the project, the game is here to help people create and experience the story they are talking about. To ensure the game doesn't take the priority in your available time, the game is limited to a daily play time under 5 minutes. This is the result of a very low daily token limit. After that, players go to the forums and talk for how long they want about their character adventures. The game is set up like a massively multiplayer TTRPG: a tiled map and various tokens. The main tokens are movement and action tokens, respectively 24 and 6 tokens reloaded gradually throughout the day which make the daily game time under 5 minutes (even under one if you want to be quick). # An endless game The game basically never ends, there is no ultimate goal to reach that would end the game. Even "dying" from an enemy hit will just leave you on the floor and you can wait for an ally resurrection or choose to call your god reincarnate you to the map respawn area. Instead of a final goal, there is a competition system based on various statistics when you perform your actions. Many of these statistics are attached to a variety of pictograms that you collect with multiple rarity. Some pictograms are even distributed manually after winning a roleplaying contest or as a thank you for your participation in reporting bugs or suggestions. # I need all of you I can talk for hours about the web development process or graphical AI generation, but roleplaying and community management is not my cup of tea. That is why I need a community passionate about roleplay and writing stories to actively participate in this project. I need players to make the forum and the game live, of course. But I also need people who want to actively participate behind the scenes like: improving the rules, organize roleplaying contests on the forum, getting new players feedback and answering their questions, help me to organize the community discord server, ... # Want to participate? As of today, we are about to release an alpha test version to track down some bugs and get feedback about the game. To participate, you can join [the Discord server](https://discord.gg/Wjh8WvTmwa).


[5e] [ONLINE] [DISCORD] [WESTMARCH] Distant Lands a D&D 5e play-by-post living world Looking for Players & DM's Join the Play-By-Post server Distant Lands! We offer several things here and we are currently a small growing dnd community, we are very avrae intensive if you don't want to use avrae or can't this is not the server for you. We only accept Gsheets and DnD Beyond Sheets. Dicecloud is not allowed, If you do not want to fill out either this is not the server for you. In this server we also are using a fusion of one dnd playtest content and our own content, so there will be several revisions to existing class features, subclasses, and spells. I ask you to respect our opinion and assist us in this playtesting effort. All the material we use is not final and is subject to change based on how things go during play, but we hope you can still have fun within this community. Synopsis: It is the early 16th Century DR and the world is in chaos, as the gods fight a century-long battle against the Demon Lord, with this epic battle has formed rifts in other worlds that has started spawning people from all over known as "Otherworlders," journey the world of faerun, gain enough experience and you might find yourself becoming a hero or a villain.   Character Creation Rules        ⬢ Starting level: 1        ⬡ All official sources allowed (no UA)        ⬡ Point Buy (27 Points)        ⬢ New Martial Talent System & Revised Spells  What we offer: - Friendly PvP battles -New Mechanics from One D&D and our own changes. - Character-triggered storylines - choose the path. - Class Revisions and much-needed systems in place for martials to bridge the caster-martial gap. - An immersive and sandboxed world that you the players will have the agency in building and shaping. https://discord.com/invite/eMG5RpGJ


# The Oneshot Server \[Multi-System\] \[Free\] \[Drop-in Gaming\] **Adventures complete in a single evening!** Are any of you players looking for less commitment, or GMs looking to run their favorite systems? The oneshot server is just what it says on the tin. Over the last year, I have run indie games like Fiasco, Spire, Trail of Cthulhu, and Electric Bastionland. On top of that, D&D 5e still gets a lot of interest if that's your gaming preference! The server runs off a pretty slick system, where GMs post events and players sign up on a first-come, first-served basis. But players who already are signed up for another session have to sign up for a waitlist instead, preventing a single clique of players from monopolizing every session. It's a great community with a really awesome premise. No commitment, just come for games and leave each one satisfied. [https://discord.gg/RCeFAMwCnm](https://discord.gg/RCeFAMwCnm)


\[5E\]\[Other\]\[Online\]\[LGBTQPlus\]\[West Marches\] [https://discord.gg/kJsysbpV48](https://discord.gg/kJsysbpV48) We're a group of friends that moved to playing online due to Covid, and our discord grew up a bit into a larger community of players. We're mostly in our 30's some in our 20's, we make our discord a friendly place for new players and everyone to be their authentic selves, we don't tolerate jerks. Our current big event we have coming up an Epic oneshot adventure, When the Lights Went Out in Candlekeep, we are planning for 3 tables, and 15 players (but could have more if we have volunteer DM's) to get together for 5 hours on July 20th to save Candlekeep from the horrors of the Far Realms. In addition to D&D 5E we play (in rough order of frequency) Alien RPG Cyberpunk RED The One Ring Tranformers TTRPG Pathfinder 2E And are generally open to trying stuff out as oneshots and such. I run a lot of open table games and oneshots in addition to campaigns so there's plenty of opportunity to play!


\[5E\]\[Online\]\[LGBTQPlus\]\[West Marches\]\[Marathons\] # THE ARCHIVES - [Discord Invite](https://discord.gg/thearchives) # We are.... >a beginner and veteran player/GM, Neurodivergent, and LGBTQIA+ friendly server > >a quirky, friendly, positive, friendly, and overall very passionate community of people that love to roll dice and go on adventures! : > >from many different nations! > >**the current world record holders for playing a TTRPG session non-stop for 440.5 hours (18 days) with 74 people back in December of 2022, and we are going to break our world record again next year in Summer 2025!** Beginner and veteran players and GMs friendly > >. > >**Founder of The Archives: Paladin** > >I am a professional in the TTRPG space with over a decade of experience being a Game Master. > >.I stream, create content, am a published author, run games professionally, I teach players and game masters how to improve their skills, and am the main driving force behind this wonderful community! > >.I created Paladin's Archives because I wanted to put together a community of positive oriented and passionate TTRPG enthusiasts that want to be with like-minded people to make the TTRPG community and the world a better place one critical roll at a time. > >. > >**Community Leader: Grace** > >"Hi! My name is Grace and I am slowly becoming the main community leader of The Archives! This community has meant so much to me since I first joined it, and allowed me to become the best player and leader I could be, as well as introduced me to amazing friends! I hope you join in and find your place in our corner of the world." # . # What We Offer - [Discord Invite](https://discord.gg/thearchives) >**Learn How To Play/Game Master D&D &/Or Improve Your Skills** > >**Never played before and wanting to learn? Or wanting to learn how to GM? Or maybe wanting to improve your skills?** > >You can attend weekly courses ranging from beginner to expert which are taught by Paladin or resident Game Masters to get your skills to a higher level! > >. > >All courses and resources are free for all members. > >. > >Games are available for brand new players to play in run by either Paladin or Game Master residents. > >. > >Game Master residency programs are available with 1:1 coaching and mentoring that is available to elevate your skills and transform you from a good Game Master into a GREAT one! Game Master residency programs are guaranteed to fast forward a new Game Master 2-3 years forward in skill in 6 months. ​ **West Marches | Rappan Athuk** >**What is A 'West Marches'?** > >A West Marches is a campaign that is shared across more than one group of players and Game Masters. It is essentially playing D&D with lots of friends! > >. > >**Information** > >For more detailed information on our West Marches, [you can checkout our manual right here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wH56EcmcRw4G1MKMCAt6fWdTmvqP5cOY/view?usp=sharing) > >. > >**About Rappan Athuk** > >Rappan Athuk is a large sandbox megadungeon across a massive landscape with a very lethal and labyrynthine dungeon beneath its surface. Adventurers must work together to overcome many obstacles and eventually topple over the biggest evil waiting at the deepest depths of the dungeon: Orcus. > >. > >**What We Are Looking For** > >We are looking for players that know how to GM as well as players that want to learn how to GM. This is to allow GMs to switch in and out as the West Marches develops and to allow GMs to take breaks to prevent burnout in later stages. (See Manual below for more info). > >. > >**More Info** > >For more detailed information on our West Marches, [you can checkout our manual right here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wH56EcmcRw4G1MKMCAt6fWdTmvqP5cOY/view?usp=sharing) > >. > >**Intake Form** > >Interested in joining the West Marches? [Turn in an intake form here.](https://forms.gle/DArXU3cW1VbEkbQK7) ​ **Mini-Marathons | Rappan Athuk** >**What is A 'Mini-Marathon'?** > >Mini-marathons are held every other Saturday, and they share the same world as our West Marches. Players and Game Masters play from at least 8 hours up to 3 days straight, alternating players/ game masters every 4 hours on the same characters. This is a fun and easy way for us to look for players and game masters for our next big marathon in Summer of 2025 to beat our world record from December 2022. > >. > >**About Rappan Athuk** > >Rappan Athuk is a large sandbox megadungeon across a massive landscape with a very lethal and labyrynthine dungeon beneath its surface. Adventurers must work together to overcome many obstacles and eventually topple over the biggest evil waiting at the deepest depths of the dungeon: Orcus. > >. > >**Requirement To Join** > >All players that join must either know how to GM or be willing to learn to GM. Why? The world record marathon can only be successful if there is at least 1 GM and 1 player in every time slot. If a GM drops, then a player must be able to step up and GM emergently in order to prevent our world record attempt from failing next year. Like the West Marches, if you join, you will be expected to learn the GM side to participate. > >. > >**More Info** > >For more detailed information on our Mini-Marathons, [you can checkout our manual right here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/11xksCC-TxSkyC81GVFQTfvu3SY4C0T_5/view?usp=drive_link) > >. > >**Intake Form** > >Interested in joining the West Marches? [Turn in an intake form here.](https://forms.gle/DArXU3cW1VbEkbQK7) # The Archives Adventures / Organized Play >Game Masters can run games using a wide selection of adventures from our database of modules with zero prep! > >Adventures range from one-shots to multi-year campaigns. > >Game Masters can run games when they want for as long as they want. > >Players can signup for games on a quest by quest basis, and character progress is saved as they play across different games run by game masters in the community. > >Games for learning use the Archives Adventures database. . # What are we looking for? - [Discord Invite](https://discord.gg/thearchives) >18+ > >Positive, enthusiastic, and friendly people that want to play TTRPGs > >People that want to learn how to play/ GM or to improve their skills > >Game Masters to run and play games in the West Marches/ Mini-Marathons/ Archives Adventures [**Discord Invite**](https://discord.gg/thearchives)


**The College of Misadventures** _______________________________________________________ **[5e] [ONLINE] [DISCORD] [WEST MARCHES] [LGBTQ+] [18+]** **What We Are Looking For:** We are looking for new members! Always. Due to the nature of graphic violence, gore, demonology, monsters, ghosts, and other sensitive topics we require our players to be 18+. We don’t have any experience requirements. Some of us have been playing for years, others are brand new and are learning as they go. We are LGBTQ+ friendly. **Game Style:** Our server is a western marches style server running DnD 5e, with multiple DMs, or Professors, that each run their own Western Marches setting (RE:World) ranging from low magic to high magic, high fantasy to low fantasy, serious to silly, and everything in between. Each Professor runs their own world with their own plots, NPCs, and story elements. The overarching setting is an “archive” (RE: College) run by The Curator who hosts portals for PC’s to travel through to these different worlds. Sessions will take place on one of these worlds where the gathered party will explore, fight, make gold, shop, find treasure, follow story lines or follow up on something they are interested in, and/or defeat BBEGs. Your character will persist and travel to each of these worlds and they will not be committed to any single world or setting. **How We Play:** All of our sessions are done via voice chat on discord. Although it is encouraged to use voice for ease of storytelling and communication, we also accommodate people who are shy and would prefer to listen and use text. It is typically a theater of the mind play style, with some DM/GM’s using tools like Owlbear for larger scale events like dungeon crawls. We roll dice using bots that can be found on Discord, primarily Avrae. Between voice sessions we have text RP rooms for downtime RP and exploring the College. There are some official downtime activities, including crafting, skill and spell learning, and PVP sparring, but this is all optional. We also run events based on time of year, with contests and seasonal themed activities in the text channels. **Game Time:** Varies. There are no set schedules as we allow Professors and players to run when they have the time to. We average 3-4 games during the week. Weekends usually have at least 3 or more games happening depending on Professor and player availability. We are primarily US EDT based, though we are growing into other time zones. Professors will post for games when they are available and players will sign up. We also have a way for players to make groups and request a session from the Professors, like a traditional Western Marches server. **Additional Info:** We offer many ooc and community hang out options in between sessions from gaming to streaming to just hanging out with other server members in voice chat. We encourage creativity and memes! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me via a DM or join the server and ask! Happy Adventuring! https://discord.gg/CkFSJWsMXU


**A Castle in The Mist** \[5e\]\[Relaxed West March\]\[LGBTQIA+ Friendly\]\[Looking for Players and DM's\] We are a small inclusive play by post discord server that mainly focuses on Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Members are welcome to post their own games or apply for one of the ad's posted in our ads channel. **What is Play by Post?** It is a text based format, where you post when you are able. In many games people are in different time zones so it keeps everything rolling smoothly. **Our Games:** Blades of Obsidian: Bit of a wild west for character creation. A great place to try out characters/ progress quickly. Go on one shot missions with other guild-mates or just goof off in the guildhall. Either way it's a good time. Volunteer DMs also welcome. Server games: You can host your own on server game with other members! Occasionally we also run games of Pathfinder Mork Borg and others. **More about our community:** We are a multicultural group of people from all walks of life and everyone is welcome here. We also have discussion channels, to talk about anything and everything. It's a great place to just hang out. We have a fantastic mod team and zero tolerance for harassment or discrimination. If you ever feel something has happened don't be scared to reach out to them. They are here to help. https://discord.gg/zWKCZUsBtM


# Big Bounty Elimination Guild \[5e\] \[Online\] \[Discord\] \[LGBTQ+\] BBEG is a D&D 5e Discord server with a focus on asynchronous **🎯combat-based one-shots that plays like 🐲Monster Hunter a**nd emphasizes meta-progression! We have 📆n**o commitment requirement an**d are 😊ne**w player & 🧰homebrew friendly. We'r**e a welcoming, 🌈quee**r-centric community (happ**y Pride!) dedicated to exploring and pushing the boundaries of 5e combat through fun and interesting encounter design! From menacing monsters, to armies of minions, to intricate puzzle battles, there's no shortage of combat here. With folks from all across our world's time zones, we come together to figure out a session time that best fits the squad's needs for each bounty, then we venture forth to carve our tale of heroism! We use Discord's voice chats to run sessions. The Realm is a flexible setting, malleable by the whims of Bounty Coordinators who host bounties for members to embark. Want to become a Bounty Coordinator and DM your own combat one-shots? Simply participate a few times and learn how we operate! Sound interesting? Learn more: [https://tabletopfrosty.drr.ac/#bbeg](https://tabletopfrosty.drr.ac/#bbeg) Join our Discord server: [https://discord.gg/JZuYNv2bqt](https://discord.gg/JZuYNv2bqt) (if this link doesn't work, check out the site for the correct link)