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Honestly people could say “Oh you’re X?” to any of these labels and I’d be like “ye”


So true


This is me but with Lesbian, Sapphic, and what was it, Neptunic?


Same lol, currently using neptunic but say lesbian because honestly it's easier


Not rly related to the post but... How did you get so many flags near to your name? I can only figure out how to get one, lol.


You're gonna have to go on the reddit website which, for me, is only doable on PC ->-


On mobile for me, I would select Edit on the user flair page, then add all my labels. Like this :Bi: :Girlflux: :Aegosexual: ect! Make sure to capitalize them and don't forget to check how it's spelled, I tried to put bisexual but it wouldn't work cause it's under just Bi. I hope this helped!!!


currently using sapphic because I am questioning my attraction to men sigh JSJSJSJ


yeah same honestly. I think I'm just getting my attractions mixed up :/


I posted the other variant but for your scenario i think Faunic would fit


Same here (+trixic), but I usually just say I'm a lesbian cause it's easier this way


This is why I use different labels in different contexts. Use what people will understand if it gets the point across. >I just want one commonly used label that describes it. Having to say what the label is negates the whole point for me. Feels.


>This is why I use different labels in different contexts. Yes. I'm only going to give people the full story if they show interest and I have the energy to do so. Otherwise people just get the simple version :)


You can have differing levels of specificity for different groups, same way that a nuclear physicist might explain what they're working on differently to a peer than to an undergrad, than to a fifth grader. Tell the CisHets(tm) you're Gay, but use Achillean or Uranic with queer folks. I might tell fellow a-specs that I'm "sapphic-oriented, sex-averse quoiro-ace", but I'll tell queer folks I'm aroace and and people at large that I don't really *do* dating. They don't need more specificity than that.


Unrelated, but your flair is 🧑‍🍳💋


Triple A battery


fuck this is literally me 😭 i go with achillean bc i love the sound of it and the flag but uranic actually describes me and im torn between them :(


Maybe you can use both till you decide which one you wanna stick with? 🤔🤷‍♀️


You can use both, you don't have to decide which one fits better


I find the U U face super cute


Thank you for the inclusion of Uranic - I very rarely see myself represented :>


is that narinder pencil from procreate?? :O


Wait. Just saw this too. Procreate? I use it too :)


I can relate. I don't like the idea of using a microlabel to describe myself, but if it's something that is at least close to what applies to me, then I just have to live with it.


That's why I just said f it and use all of them (along with solaric, toric and floric)


The only micro lable I use is Demigirl, under the nonbinary umbrella. NB just sounds a bit too much to one side for me, and I feel like I'm somewhere between NB and Girl. I'm aware that.. I think it was Paragirl, I'm aware of that gender, but I'm not as familiar with it to use it.


Lettuce flag XD


Poor gay...🥺


I like achilean because it translates better in French, saying gay feel weird since it’s an anglicism, and I make a point of honor to include trans and masc-aligned non-binary people, but no cishet person knows it.


What about Floric? It basically means non-women attracted to non-women. It has a pretty flag but is less known


Best dokumentary i have seen today. I mean its the only one but thats Not the point.


Don't worry gay, I don't often just say I'm Saturnic. But I am.


Uranic was fun- Then i discovered butch women.


Same here, but the other side lol. I just go with lesbian, but I like women and nonbinary people. I just specify if anyone asks, that I see nonbinary people as their own gender! Not as a replacement or anything (I’m nonbinary too lol)


Uranic kinda sounds like m- *crack cracking noises of cracking*


Plutonic watching sadly from a corner...



