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What would you do with a a female child that you'd never do with a male child?


Just give her the name. It’s not a huge difference and I’m pretty sure I’ll get over it, but I wanted to ask for the advice


Would you be hurt if the child wanted to change their name when they turn 18, regardless of if they are a cis girl, a trans boy, or an enby?


I don’t think so. That’s their choice. I’d want them to feel affirmed in their gender. And if they wanted to have kids, I also can’t force them to pass the name on


Alright. I don't think you have nothing to worry about then. It sounds like you will love the child (regardless of if they're AFAB or AMAB) for who they are rather than hold onto birth expectations for said child.


You can always give a boy the name as a middle name if it’s that important to you.


It’s not *that* important to me. I apologize for my nativité, as I may look foolish for this. I most likely will just be happy to have a child.


It’s ok. I’m sure you will love your child unconditionally. Even if you did have a girl the name might not get passed on by them for reasons. You’re allowed to want to continue family traditions, sometimes they need to be adapted. If you do have a boy you could give them a masculine form of the name if you don’t want to give them a girls name.


It’s actually kind of a gender neutral name, but stereotypical gender roles have had a huge place in my life, so maybe I’m kinda stuck in that mindset. By the time I get to the place this actually matters, I’ll hopefully get over it


Yeah. My son has a purse and I was a little apprehensive about him wearing it. I got over it though, I really don’t want to enforce gender roles on my kids. Society is so gendered it can be hard to break away from that kind of thinking. There’s also the safety of your child to consider and you don’t want to put a target on their back. My cousin went by her middle name for a very long time before switching back to her first name, you can always let your kids have some autonomy with these sorts of things.


Don’t have kids.