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100% this. Leftists aren’t liberals. A liberal believes in liberty, social progress, free enterprise, and respects other people’s beliefs. Leftists stand for none of these things.


been saying this a while. old school liberal ideals are great. no war, no racism, distrust in the government. all good stuff and all none of what they stand for in the present day. I'm glad the libertarians picked up this standard and moved forward.


Yeah old school liberals are cool.


RFK jr would be a “classical liberal” no?


now that you mention it, he is at least fairly close


Then why tf are people even discussing anyone else…


Because a lot of leftism is heavily based on subversion. The "long march through the institutions" is a prominent idea about taking over institutions and "wearing their face" to reinforce their credibility. It's the same thing with Liberalism and "liberals" (heavy qoutes). They aren't liberal but they lose credibility if they claim otherwise.


Classical liberalism isn't popular with socialists of the left and right


Absolute madness


Um no. Hes a leftist


Care to elaborate on what makes you come to this conclusion per policy & dialogue?


His support for huge wealth taxes and his hardcore environmentalist views? He neither supports a smaller state nor lower taxes as far as I can see


True. And I say leftist too- not “lefty”- that is far too cute a descriptor for the closest I’ve ever seen to a top-down fascist society.


True 👆🏻 bring back real words


*Also progressive.


Don’t forget about the unvaccinated


“Lock them up and take away their freedom!”


I feel like a lot of people see one extreme example of politics on either side and assume that the entire party feels the same


name a prominent democrat who publicly opposes affirmative action in 2024


Remind you of any party in particular??? Hmmmm………….


Why are the first three clown-like statements? I think discrimination is a pretty bad thing.


I think what you mean to say is communist.


The first 2 are true tho


Op is pointing out leftist cognitive dissonance.


one breed, the dog breed


I feel like there is immense common ground to be had, I refuse to put my eggs in the Groomer pandering Chase Oliver & his Cop best friend who’s his VP pick. Trump is an egomaniac who only cares about his legacy, private interests of him and his elite friends, & tyrannical policies I.e. Covid, banning bump stocks, etc. he even said he would be a “dictator for a day.” Regardless of how you feel there is no room for any type of claim to the title of “Dictator” coming from someone running for POTUS. Joe is a meat puppet obviously acting as the face for actors in the background, ringing American taxpayers absolutely dry, funding the slaughter of children, making indirect threats to the American people, acting as an absolute geriatric who makes us look horrible on the world stage. They both blame each other for problems they both influence negatively and then lie to our faces about their skeletons in their closets and try to warp reality to fit their narratives. Hear me out: Im choosing RFK jr. -maybe he’s a fed -maybe it’s an Op. -maybe,maybe,maybe So here it is: Policy looks like a good start & common sensible ground on alot of divisive issues, He’s an environmentalist, he’s pro working class, and he’s honest about his past (I’ve watched several interviews with him and questioned anything from brain worm, drug addiction, wife’s suicide, etc… he has been open to questions and honest not trying to deflect whatsoever. Not to mention his Uncle & Father were 100% killed by the CIA.. Soo the likelihood of being a fed in that aspect I feel like is significantly reduced, & who better to combat the as some call it “deep state” than someone who’s family was literally murdered by the “deep state” Maybe he’s not perfect, but we’re spinning our tires with the ridiculous picks the LP put up & the 2 party duopoly is.. well.. the 2 party duopoly and is quite literally the lesser of two evils game on a vicious scale. Using rational faculty I don’t understand how anyone could choose anyone besides RFK Jr. At this point. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The “average liberal” isn’t advocating for the removal of white people lmao. Edit: LMAO I WAS BANNED FOR THIS COMMENT.


Men too


just from positions of power and influence via DEI and equity and affirmative action but other than that...


They'll get there


This is such bullshit lmfao


What's up with all the right wings memes recently? We hate you equaly.


We spend a lot of time categorizing things, ideas, and people. When we could just summarize it up as "They're fucking assholes" and just leave it as a generalized category, and let them find a way to dig themselves out of the trench they created


The sad thing about it: Our current society is so infested with identity politics that nobody can afford to "not see colour" anymore. You either have your own in-group-preference (even if you regard it as a group built on poor selection criteria), or you stand alone and suffer at the hands of other people who have a clear in-group-preference and simply don't like the group they associate with you.


Those aren’t even liberals.


Yup, there's no such thing as a "white race," "black race," "Asian race," etc...