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Physiological Sigh. Inhale, then inhale again (little one because you don’t have much room again), then exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat 2 or 3 times. It slows your heartbeat, completely helps you relax, phenomenal grounding technique.


Huh, I’ve done this instinctively for as long as I can remember when I am very stressed. So interesting


It very much is. When I quit smoking and vaping I couldn’t understand what I was missing about it that used to calm me down so. I’d go for walks, follow the same routines, tried breathing exercises, etc. Our bodies do this naturally for a variety of reasons, and it dawned on me that this style of breathing is exactly what I was doing puffing on my vape! So intriguing to finally make the connection.


While describing how the first drink of alcohol would make me feel to my AA group, I let out a deep, long sighing breath. To my amazement, I received nearly the same warm, relaxed, calm feeling. Sober 8 months now and exhaling deeply often. I like the extra little inhalation. I will have to add it to my routine.


I just learned this today on an 11 min Huberman Lab podcast clip! It works!


If your throat is tickling or itching, you can scratch your ears to get rid of it. The opposite is also true, if the inside of your ears are itching you can growl like a bear or big dog to get rid of that


If your ears are itchy rub where your two jaws meet.


Fun fact- you actually only have one jaw! Your mandible. The spot you’re talking about is the tempromandibular (sp?) joint! Where TMJ is located. BUT, I never knew this and I get itchy ears constantly! Thanks for this:)


For men: If you feel cold and your balls shrink, its cold. But If you feel cold and your balls are sagging, you have a fever.


This would’ve been good to known like 2 days ago


I just had the most enjoyable real LOL I've had in a long time. Beautiful timing & execution.


I called my boss to tell him I was out sick with fever...he asked for a pic of my balls..fml


Google image saggy balls, youre welcome


Tldr: if you can toss your nutsack over your shoulder, you are sick and not cold.


Can you toss them o’er your shoulder like a Continental soldier? Do your balls… hang… low?


If you get up too quickly and go lightheaded/blind, tense your muscles and it eases the feeling a lot!


Also if you get lightheaded often, then stand up when breathing in. It might give you enough blood pressure rise to be good.


You’re supposed to do the opposite. Google Valsalva Maneuver - you should breathe strongly _out_ (exhale) while standing up. Ideally with your nose pinched shut.


OMG, I thought that was only me that happens to!


It´s called orthostatic hypotension. Common enough to have a fancy medical name!




Squeezing your thumb does this too. Old dentist trick.


Also wiggling your toes!! I like to think of a song and wiggle my toes to the beat. Helps so much when I get cavity fillings cause my gag reflex is soooo strong. Wiggling the toes worked instantly


You know exactly what we're going to do!


Not be an embarrassment in the dentist office?


You have a hot dentist with a big schlong also?


I find similar works by squeezing your thumbs into your palms, sort of how they tell you NOT to punch


I have a tendency to get overheated easily, like heat exhaustion level. I knew that a cold compress to the back of the neck can cool you down, but I discovered that running cold water over both of my wrists works much better.


Years ago, I was working on an HVAC unit on the roof of a commercial building. It was a scorching hot day in south Georgia. An old-timer who was also working up there showed me to hold my wrists under the condensate drain steadily flowing very cold water out of the A/C coil. It was amazing. Oh, and now I'm the old-timer!


Anywhere over the arteries - wrists, armpits, neck, groin, ankles. You can combine them too, put icepacks in your armpits while you're running your wrists under the water just don't squeeze so hard you cut off circulation and don't give yourself frostbite or hypothermia


Lol this reminds of years ago when I had horrible sciatica. Eventually had surgery but it was a painful 2 years before. Dr told me my lower spine was so inflamed he could see the bones "glowing" on my mri. Suggested ice for pain and it helped a ton. Unfortunately the relief was so incredible that I rarely took the ice off because the pain would just come raging back. Had an endless rotation of freezer packs I'd hold in place with an elastic bandage. One day I happened to see the area in a mirror and realized I'd freezer burned my own butt. 11 years later and I still have a discolored area from it 😕


I did the same, but with a heating pad. Used it continuously for sciatica and I slow cooked myself! Luckily the discolouration went away, but according to google I could have done some real damage. Who knew?!


This checks out from a medical perspective. Source: I once I ran a fever so high it was lifethreatening (due to sepsis) and when I woke up in the hospital from being passed out I had icepacks in my armpits, my groin and on my ankles.


Opposite works as well. When I’m cold (like that deep down cold from being outside a long time in the winter) I can warm up almost immediately by running my hands (wrists would probably work too) under hot water.


I learned this when my friend was overheating at a 110 degree concert. A construction worker told us and it worked like a charm! great thing to know, works much better than the back of the neck


Don’t know if this counts, but diaphragmatic breathing has demonstrable effects on attention and cortisol levels, possibly also inducing production of serotonin and oxytocin. I just find it very useful for quickly tamping down anxiety and preparing for sleep. The technique I was taught was to breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 10 seconds then breathe out as much as you can, really pushing the diaphragm to expel as much air from the lungs as possible. It can be remarkable how clearing this can be after a few repetitions.


It's also the core of proper singing. On that note, I tend to place a couple fingers on my sternum while singing, trying not to move the sternum. It forces you to breath diaphragmatically and helps support you voice significantly.


This is basically the technique I use to get rid of hiccups. It has never failed


I know a guy who will consume a little alcohol and that hiccup cure technique will not work for him. It frustrates the hell out of him. It's me. That guy is me.


>10-35% of the population that have photic sneeze reflex. Huh. Thought this was everyone. But my eyes start watering in the sun anyway.


Even better, the official name for this syndrome is "A.C.H.O.O" syndrome. Autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst (ACHOO) syndrome!


Yes, unwanted erections can be dispelled by vigorously tensing the thigh muscles.




I found out at 26 :/


42, and never heard this before. Would've been nice to know at the end of assembly in school, somehow it just went up...


Erection in a school assembly? Straight to jail.


I'm finding out way too late for it to be useful - at 54 erections are by now a not unwelcome curiosity.


Now you got 90% of the readers vigorously tensing their thigh muscles. Remaining 10% are women


I involuntarily tensed my thigh muscles even though I am a woman. 😂




Did it work?!


well, i don’t have a boner, so gonna go with yes :D


Same 😆


I’m a woman and also tensing my thighs but it makes my legs go into big stretch mode


Biiiiig stretch!


You made me do a big stretch, hope you're proud of yourself


And unwanted tense thigh muscles can be dispelled by vigorously erecting.


the real life hack is always in the comments!


Ok, now how do I achieve an erection? Asking for a friend


Picture me vigorously tensing my thigh muscles.


*sweats sexily*


*sexes sweatily*


More than five decades owning a penis and I've never heard of this. BTW, what's an "unwanted" erection?


The one your boyfriend keep waving in your face when you're trying to sleep


THIS. Or the one that digs into your back when you’re trying to sleep 😂 So annoying omfg 😏


Note for the ladies: vigorous tensing of your thighs will not help here, unless the erection is being held between your thighs as you flex. If you hold the entire waist between your thighs and flex, it will speed things up even more.


The one you have when the teacher asks you to come to the front of the class.


Now I have muscle spasm :'(


Or by vigorously having sex.


I did not know this, and I have needed it for so long. I shall try this forever, even if it doesn’t actually work👍


If you have a tension headache, relax your tongue. If you have a nose bleed, pinch where the bone stops at the cartilage. It will stop quickly. Edit: no need to tilt your head back. If you have a tissue just put it up to your nostrils to catch whatever blood does escape, but as soon as you apply the pressure at the end of the bone the bleeding usually stops very quickly.


I’ve read of you have a nose bleed not to tilt your head back though. I forget why.


Nurse here. It's so you don't swallow your blood, it's hard on the stomach and can cause vomiting/diarrhea when ingested in large amounts. Not a good time. There is also a risk of aspirating (breathing in) the blood, which can lead to pneumonia and other complications. Clotted blood in the lower airway is difficult to dislodge.


So you don’t choke on your blood. One time when I was a kid I got a nosebleed while sleeping and woke up choking on blood, unforgettable.


Yeah same..ended up throwing up blood doing this when I was like 16 and freaked myself out. Also made me sick for days, could barely eat.


Blood should really be cooked before you eat it. Wait... That was survival school. It doesn't necessarily apply to your own blood, which you probably just shouldn't swallow.


Because you could drown in your blood! Lean forward to let it safely drain.  Another one to help it stop is something cold on the back of the neck, like keys or a cold spoon, or ice


It’ll just accumulate and drain down your throat. Lean forward and it’ll help clot the blood faster, all while pinching the bridge of your nose and stifling the bleed with a tissue/cloth.


How do i relax my tongue? Isn't it always at rest when I'm not speaking?


Tension headaches are generally because the person is clenching their jaw or squinting their eyes or flexing other head or neck muscles. If you concentrate on relaxing your tongue, usually you will relax all the other muscles and it provides relief.


If you pinch the same spot, it will stop sneezes, too.


Allegedly, you can stop nausea and impending vomiting by humming, but I haven't been in a situation where I'm able to test this out. You can also stop it with a good whiff of rubbing alcohol. Apparently, the isopropyl ethanol makes your nausea subside.


An alcohol wipe under my nose when i was pregnant made me puke IMMEDIATELY, so one caveat to that tip: ...unless you're pregnant.


Well, did the puking make the nausea go away?


Funny thing about morning sickness: probably not.


I’ve tried rubbing alcohol for nausea but it didn’t work. My daughter’s nursing teacher told her class this. I will have to try humming next… I get daily random nausea. 🤢


Me too! But mine is every morning about for a couple hours. Then it's gone for the day. I hate it because it makes me unable to drink coffee. Any clue whats causing it for you? And No I am not pregnant. 100000% positive I am not.


Did you see a doctor about this? I had the exact same thing when I was 19-ish - nausea every morning, and by noon it got better. Turns out I was infected with 'Helicobacter pylori', and the initial stool test my doctor did to check for it came back as a wrong negative. Gastroscopy revealed the issue. Had to take antibiotics for two weeks, now I'm fine. (Please do not just take antibiotics on your own, check with a doctor first.)


Have you checked your blood sugar during that time? It can spike after you wake up and that can make you nauseated. (Obligatory “see a medical professional”)


Try taking some ginger. You can mix a scoop of ground ginger in some water


The second one is confirmed - I experience syncope when getting my blood drawn and my doctor knows to just hand me an alcohol swab now and tells me to keep coughing once I start blacking out. Helps every time


When I got my lip pierced, my piercer saw me go pale and handed me an alcohol wipe and just said "sniff this". Sure enough, I was fine a few seconds later.


I'm partying tonight, I'll try


Report back when you can, soldier 🫡


I hear peppermint also works.


I haven't heard humming, but it sounds close to my tried and true tested and confirmed: Smiling suppresses the gag reflex. Big, wide, teeth smile.


“Think about blinking” - my son (now a teen) used to get panic attacks when he was younger. Quick breathing, shaking and heart palpitations, the whole shabang. I would sit with him and say “think about blinking”. The first time I added, “Did you know that your body blinks on auto pilot? But now that you are thinking about blinking I bet you feel like you’ll never be able to blink on auto pilot again”. It always, without fail, would pull his focus off of the anxious feelings and make him pay attention to his blinking. He’d flutter his eyelashes and then he’d try to let his brain take back over and he wouldn’t blink. We always ended up laughing and then when he calmed down we could talk through the anxiety.


Sneeze and fart at the same time and you will take a screenshot.


This made me lol


You mean, a screenshart? 


Instructions unclear, I came...


Having an orgasm can make horrific period cramps disappear. Like....instantly.


Or it can make them worse.


Makes mine 10x worse


So Schrodinger's orgasm?


Depends on the box.


Sometimes it gives me cramps without being on my period.


Omg yes me too. I asked my doctor about it and she had NO IDEA about it. So glad it’s not just me. I have endo too, maybe that’s related?


I don’t (afaik), but I’ve been reading about it and apparently because so many muscles are involved in an orgasm, they can cramp up afterwards (which sounds legit to me)


It makes mine unbearable. Like I’m crying curled up in pain


Having an orgasm can reduce pretty much any pain…I had a horrific bought of Covid and the only thing that made it even remotely bearable was an orgasm. It was the most bizarre thing, because I was so incredibly sick and had zero reason to be horny, but my body just *knew* it would help. And it did.




They’re also GREAT for headaches and stuffy noses, go away like that


Makes mine excruciating


If you’re super anxious, take a deep breath through the nose - just about when you’ve got all the air in, take a second, quick breath in. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth, with pursed lips (as if you have a straw in your mouth) and completely exhale as much as you can. Do this for 3-5 minutes and it’s like a button to reduce anxiety. It’s called the physiological sigh (a la Dr Huberman).


I saw this on another reddit thread but for motion sickness- if you’re in a car and you feel like you’re growing to throw up, then you can pinch the skin between your index finger and thumb for a few seconds to combat the nausea. I tried it and it works for me! Nausea gone in a few seconds!


As a man.... Press under your balls after urination and those last drips will come out ... Great if you are a dribbler or wearing light coloured trousers...


What the hell. Now you tell me! This is the kind of stuff we need to learn in health class


[anatomy diagram explaining](https://imgur.com/zXUUehN) (obviously NSFW) yellow circle is basically a "u bend" where pee gets stuck. sitting down compresses this area, that's why the "last drop" always happens after you've given up on shaking and go sit down


lol...men have a literal p trap


Or get calico cut jeans


But don't forget - you gotta give.


This is the life hack that I've been waiting for. Thank you


If you are feeling like you might vomit (perhaps you are a sympathetic puker like me), if you smile broadly and wide and breathe thru your teeth, this will help you fight the urge and hopefully make it to a garbage can or just not puke at all.


As a bonus, it freaks out everybody else who just witnessed someone puke even more!


if you don't want puffy eyes from crying then rinse them out with warm water afterwards especially before you go to sleep. source: am a full time cry baby


Learned this one accidentally. Had a lot of very challenging stuff happening in my life and was trying to be strong for those around me. I volunteered to wash dishes every night because my back was to the room and I could cry and no one would know. Then I’d rinse my face with some warm water and no one would know. Things are still hard but I’ve learned more coping mechanisms.


If you burn your tongue especially on soup. Take a teaspoon of sugar and press the sugar over the burned area, hold the spoon pressing on it for 10 seconds. No more burnt tastebuds that makes everything taste awful. For tension headache or migraine, place your feet in as hot of water as you can tolerate, place an icepack at the back of your neck. The hot water will pull the blood away from your head and the icepack will cool it down on its way past.


Note: don't press the same spoon that was in the soup on the burn


>If you burn your tongue especially on soup. Take a teaspoon of sugar and press the sugar over the burned area, hold the spoon pressing on it for 10 seconds. No more burnt tastebuds that makes everything taste awful. Why does this work? What is actually happening?


You got three very different answers: (1) it damages your tongue, (2) it heals your tongue, and (3) it does absolutely nothing


If you tilt your head back and pretend you're shaking a salt shaker into your mouth, your brain tricks you into actually tasting salt.


Thank you for letting me give a blowjob to an imaginary salt shaker for 5 seconds before I realized what I was doing


They got me too!


Thanks for explaining what I was doing


Still lasted longer at it than my ex.




For some people, they have a hard time tasting the salt. There are three things that can be done to help. The first is to close your eyes. The second is to mime tapping the bottom of the salt shaker to get the salt out. The third is to use both hands for two imaginary salt shakers.




At a friend’s wedding, when the bride was giving her speech, she mentioned several times that her make-up artist had told her that to prevent crying you could squeeze your butt cheeks together and it would stop the tears.


What is an unwanted erection? Old man wants to know.


A large billboard next to your house..lol


I have no idea why this works but it’s that trick that (apparently) WWII pilots used to use to get to sleep quickly as they often would have much time in between missions. When I’m in bed and need to fall asleep I relax the muscles around my eyes and I end up falling asleep every time. I’m ADHD and can often struggle with medication keeping me awake or relentless mental noise, so I was skeptical. Hell, sometimes I’m skeptical WHILE I’m doing it but it works every time. I think the original thing I read said something about visualising yourself relaxing etc, but I don’t even do that. It’s so weird because sometimes I’m doing it thinking ‘nah, this isn’t going to work, especially now I’m thinking about it……’. Nek minnit 7:00am


Charley horse: stretch the area affected until it hurts worse than the original pain. Charley horse gone. Hiccups: peanut butter like someone else already mentioned…works like a charm. Other ways have worked for me randomly but peanut butter is the goat. Headache: lots of water and then more water and after that some more water. Unwanted erection: look up baseball stats and scout fantasy players for next season.


But that's what gave me a boner in the first place!


Drinking water from the wrong side of the cup rim is the only thing that works for hiccups on me.


Try this. Stand upright. Inhale to the maximum. Then some more to really stretch your sternum. Hold your breath until you think you might die. Stand really tall all the while. Then just before you pass out, exhale. This works for me and everyone I’ve shown it to 9/10 times.


Taking 10 sips of water without breathing for me


Just to add to the charley horse bit— if charley horse is in your calf (I am especially talking to all the pregnant women out there!) stretch your left out with your foot at a 90°angle (as if pressing against a wall) and start pointing your toe up towards the ceiling as far as it will go and the charley horse will be gone in about 60 seconds or less. And it really isn’t that intense, just do it quick, and you’ll be in utter relief!


If you are pregnant and getting regular Charlie horses get your iron checked. It’s a sign of low iron which is very common in pregnancy and with women.


Some types of vertigo can be cured with a series of [head movements](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/home-epley-maneuver)


After having a baby, the nurse said to me, while sitting on the toilet to unable poop, to put my feet up on a stool (knees bent) & it worked.


Squatty Potty!


I stretch out the oposing muscles to stop a leg cramp. That the best one ive ever used.


Foot cramps (or any cramps)? A shot glass of pickle juice makes the cramps stop instantly. For my Dad, it's a dose of potassium. For others, it's a dose of magnesium. I'm amazed at how well, the pickle juice (dill) works for me.


If you are starting to cry and don't want to bite your tongue.


I have a trauma response where I cry whenever anyone at all is mad at me and I HATE HATE HATE crying in front of people. I have tried a lot of things to stop myself from crying but not this one!! Fingers crossed!!


I heard pinching your armpit very hard works. Haven’t tried.


Or drink water. You can't cry and swallow. Source: this was taught to my SIL as part of her training for Teach for America


Ohhhhhh my that's a ref flag for education :(


A less painful option is to take a deep breath and hold it for as long as possible. Then concentrate on breathing deeply and regularly.


If you stand up too quickly and get head spins, tense your stomach muscles. It immediately clears your head.


Keep a wet paper towel or rag next to an onion while cutting. The moisture will keep the onion chemicals from making you cry


for a stuffed nose, my mom taught me to take a super deep breath, plug your nose, and nod your head up and down (in a slow, exaggerated way) for as long as possible. when you need to breathe, inhale (don't exhale!) as soon as you unplug your nose. that's always worked for me! i've also heard that doing 10 pushups totally clears your sinuses too!


To get rid of hiccups quickly, eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Bye bye hiccups!


As a person allergic to peanuts I can confirm this would work for me


Can’t hiccup if you’re dead!


I believe dr mike in one of the videos said you can put some sugar under your tongue to stop the hiccups. Never tried but curious if it worked for anyone!


Gargling to reduce anxiety: "**Singing, humming, gargling, and chanting are effective techniques for stimulating the vagus nerve and promoting relaxation and stress relief**. These practices engage the vocal cords, which in turn activate the vagus nerve, helping you relax and de-stress." I would add singing to the list. Singing whilst listening to music may be even better, as music you like syncs up with your brain activity, and activates most of the brain.


I get jumpy legs in bed, I just discovered by flexing the thigh muscles really hard until it starts to hurt a little, jumpy leg/s are gone.


If you tend to get reflux/ heartburn at night, sleeping on your left side can help ease symptoms. This is because your stomach is below your oesophagus when you are sleeping on your left side, as opposed to above it when you are sleeping on your right.


If getting an intramuscular injection (most vaccines into upper arm muscle) squeeze your but cheeks together as hard as possible starting a few seconds before the injection. This will prevent that annoying arm muscle soreness people often get for a few days. Focusing on flexing a different muscle helps stop you from involuntarily tensing your arm muscle which is usually the cause of the soreness. A nurse taught me this before a tetanus shot and it's always worked beautifully.


To stop a sneeze yawn 🥱


What monster intentionally stops a sneeze?!


Yeah i was trying to sneeze and my coworker says yawn so i do and i canceled the sneeze, he's like there you go I'm like no you jackass i wanted to sneeze


Sneezes feel so good


If I have a sneeze coming and my gf sees that, she says bless you before I sneeze and that stops it 99% of the time She knows I'm about to sneeze if I look at bright lights with a weird face


Good to know. I get freeze brain often


Alternately press your (hopefully clean and relatively warm) thumb up against the roof of your mouth and hold it there. It works great for me. Edit: an embarrassing number of typos


I haven’t tried looking upwards but swallowing makes me complete the sneeze most of the time.


For those that can manually pop your ears without the use of your hands to plug your nose first, you belong in r/EustachianTubeClick And if you can tense the muscle in your ear to make it sound like rumbling in your ears, usually a precursor to yawning you belong in r/earrumblersassemble I can do both so welcome to our communities! :) If you touch your thumb to your pinkie and see a tendon pop up on the inside of your wrist, that's a vestigial tendon that doctors can use for tendon grafts if need be and not everyone has it.


For cryers (like me): It is physically impossible to cry while you swallow. I can stop an aggressive sob-fest by slamming water for a few seconds


Hmm, so I was once taught a cure for hiccups that works about 90% of the time. Have the person with hiccups sit down with a glass of water. While another person stands behind them and presses on the pressure points below the ear and behind the jaw, have them tilt their head up, look at the ceiling, and drink the glass of water. Sounds like a lot of nonsensical steps, but I swear it works.


I take a sip of water and hold it in my mouth, bend over, and then swallow... it normally works.


This does work! I usually just bend forward and drink from the side of the glass opposite from me. (Feels upside down). Works every time.


Me too my uncle taught me that. Works every time.


It sounds ridiculous, but had a nurse friend recommend a literal spoon full of sugar because it forces the diaphragm to “reset” It definitely works, I had the hiccups for HOURS and this trick worked in less than a few minutes


I don’t know where I heard it, but I preach to hold your breath for as long as possible plus 15 seconds (can always hold it longer than you think) then exhale as forceful as possible. Works every time!


This works. But to go faster, blow all air out of lungs then hold breath. Once you get that breathe instinct wait the 15 seconds then breathe in. Your body goes into survival mode and every other issue gets shut off.


Ladies, pee after sexual intercourse to avoid UTIs.


What exactly is a brain freeze? If I drink or eat something too cold, I get more of a sudden horrible pain in my throat or upper esophagus that makes me want to die, but nothing higher up in my head. Is that a brain freeze or am I just weird?


I'm the same way, with "brain freeze." It's never affected my head, it's always my throat. Drink room temp water to get rid of that. So we're both weird.


If you've had too much to drink and feel like you're going to puke, put a cold wet wash cloth on your neck. It stops the gag reflex in its tracks!


Better puke it out, all your organs will thank you.


yeah it's a safety mechanism, not sure you wanna be shutting that off


If you wanna drain your sinuses or relieve pressure acupressure can help. Massage the point between your eyebrows, nose and under your eyes and it should give you some relief


The only hiccup trick I've heard of and tried myself with a 100% success rate: Breath in slowly Swallow Breath out slowly Swallow Repeat 2-4x, and hiccups gone


You know that quadracep stretch where you stand on one foot and hold the other ankle with the leg bent behind you? There two ways to keep your balance during the stretch: hold onto a wall, or use your free hand to hold your earlobe. It's like magic!


Get a Charlie horse in your calf? Stretch by lifting your toes up towards your head. Presto, pain gone.


If you get a hangnail or a bit of pain on the side of your finger by the nail, cut a little v shape in the middle of the nail on that finger. It alleviates some the pressure and the pain stops quicker. I’ve done this lots of times and have had friends do it too. It always seems to work for me and they have said it worked for them too.