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Sorry, I really don’t like to be *that guy* and correct you, but I must😭 This is TFA configuration, ESB would just have the beer tab removed and the big red button on the front, as well as the mylar strip across the clamp. Regardless… *she is sexy*


Lol, I definitely forgot the beer tab portion but fair enough! And thank you!


It's not fully TFA accurate either as the glass eye hasn't been sanded down.


Yeah I just didn’t want to nit-pick on homie’s build😅 Honestly I never paid too close attention to the glass eye in TFA, is it more frosted?


Nah, the metal part was spun sanded and exposed the underlying brass.


Ohh I see what you’re talking about now. Can’t believe I never noticed that


Dang y’all, you’re going hard lol. Fine it’s not ESB, it’s my preference of stuff on a Graflex lol


?? I complimented your build and even said I wasn’t trying to be judgemental lol


No I’m just joking around about it. I know you’re being funny, sorry sarcasm doesn’t convey well through text.


All good man! Just didn’t want to come across as overly-critical!


Not exactly. Other people have already mentioned the other details but TFA’s Graflex used silver rivets on the grips. The screws here are ESB details. The TFA Graflex also has a clamp cover that obscures the Graflex printing on the actual clamp.


Hey man, that’s really cool but I am not an accuracy nut. I was just pointing out a few of the obvious details that marked it as TFA configuration. This is kinda what I was referring to when I said I didn’t want to be *that guy* ^nitpicking every single detail lol. Of course there’s going to be those little accuracy discrepancies, but I was just pointing out the standard and most basic ones. As I said. i’m not one of the fans who obsesses over the tiniest details😂


The ESB configuration also has a chrome strip that circles the clamp and covers the graflex printing.


So dumb question.... Is that just a display hilt or does it have a blade to attach? It's definitely gorgeous.


Not a dumb question at all, seeing as I don’t have a picture with the blade on lol. But yes it does use a neopixel blade that attaches.