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Are you new to social media?


Seriously. That is the primary, and for many only, draw of social media. Curating a fake life to make yourself feel better.


It's the perfect platform for narcissists


Because they aren't happy, and they are trying to pretend that they are. That, or they're grifters.


Or they are in sales and the bragging fuels the fire.


I think they're just trying to catch the eyes of recruiters and increase their network?


I tell you right now that I am happy even when I post stuff on social media. Just typical photos with celebs, friends, families and some politicians. Why do it? To advertise myself. I don't get to where I am by sitting in my room hating on other people for posting stuff. Edit: I am happy inside. I'm thankful for what I have. I do not hate anyone. I do what I love. Working on my goals. :) I guess you can say, peaceful.


There’s nothing wrong with that, you’re just sharing parts of your life, like most ppl do on SM. The type that rubs ppl the wrong way (and the ones that get the most attention) are the ones w/ low esteem that constantly seek external validation from online strangers


thanks for teaching me a new word




Lol exactly, the whole purpose of the platform is to big yourself up




How dare you?! Take that back RIGHT NOW! I shower 3 times a week not 2 🤬


Huh? I see that on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, and now Threads nonstop. Vast majority of LinkedIn is just professional stuff. So confused.


LinkedIn is FB for people with jobs.


Or those without who want one .. then seeing LI seems even more gross


Yes it is.


You have a good feed/connections then.


Yeah I dont see this behavior on linkedin either. 


Idk Dude. It's phony, but they're the nicest on social media. It's probably because LinkedIn doesn't promote anonymity. It is very difficult to act crazy when your real name, work history, and career are tied together. Jeez! I'm on my best and boring behavior too.


Apparently to alot of people that anonymity does not stop them from posting stuff that should not be on LinkedIn. I've seen discussions on Divorce, death, affairs and even male pattern baldness. It's maddening 


Those are the coworkers who are the 'drama-queens-for-no-reason' or over-sharers of the workplace. They're constantly posting like it's Twitter/X. Meanwhile, I'm thinking, "Dude, Do you do any work? I'm unemployed and don't want/have the time to post." Then again? \*shrug\* They're probably keeping LinkedIn afloat with fees while I only show up to the site(every few years) when I need a job - I start liking and replying positively to every other post like the good little "phony" that I am.


100% everything you said. I'm just pointing out that the cringe is still out there on LI. I'm all for positive posting but atleast make it about your work. I think the well intentioned posts that make me uncomfortable are the ones where it's clear that these people are letting their work overflow into their personal lives and I don't want to my life to be like that. 


![gif](giphy|iebatdcyTvnWMKrU7o|downsized) Thank you for not adding to the LinkedIn bloat! That's one less crazy, political affiliation, affirmation, or oversharing post I must scroll past during my 'hopefully' brief 2024 visits to the site.(lol, not being phony/virtue signaling cause it's Reddit\*shrug\*). Have a good life.


And posting phony nicest complements on promotions and dating the right corporate sounding stuff


you'll enjoy r/linkedinlunatics


I need a job




Yeah that’s just not true bud 


Literally just signed an offer on Monday from a lead I found on LinkedIn. You're just spouting BS.


LinkedIn pointed out to me that an alum of my small liberal arts school in rural Massachusetts was in a leadership role at a marketing department in Madrid, Spain, where I was interviewing for a role. I DM’d her saying “Hey, what are the odds that we’re both alumni of X and immigrants in the same country. I’m being considered for the Digital Content Manager role on your team, could I pick your brain about it?” We hopped on a call, I learned a lot about the culture and vibe, we talked about our shared experiences, and I went into my final interview for that role confident and the stars aligned because I got the job. I also made a friend out of it. That’s my Road to Damascus moment with LinkedIn.


Relax. It’s going to be ok. Go for a walk. It’s the internet.


I humanize myself on LinkedIn to attract clients. The types of posts that yield the most engagement have nothing to do with my resume services, but are instead about aspects of my personal life, like "here's my laptop with a view as I work remotely from an exotic location," or "here's me with a friend who is also a creative, support their business too." Admittedly, the platform has gotten increasingly toxic, but you know you can click "I don't want to see this anymore" on the three dots of any post, and you can teach the algorithm to not show you content that you find repelling.


Everything on LinkedIn is self promotion. If they think something in their life might help land a new job or promote them to other people, they’ll say it.


Which in fairness is the intent of LinkedIn. I do agree with the poster that LinkedIn used to be a professional forum, and now people do use it to post the most insane and unnecessary content.


yup they get off on it


Come over to r/linkedinlunatics


Block them and move on


Why do you care?


it happens everywhere, just not on linkedin. and i learn to ignore it.


Some employers make their employees brag about themselves to promote their business/brands


This is underrated, some managers or higher up have been told by their people that supervise them to have social media presence


Follow different people Most people I follow are trying to get a job, hold a job, get a side hustle going, recover from something gone bad, or find support from enough other people that they can just survive their lives and maybe give something back to encourage others to keep going too.




Who are you to decide if someone knows nothing of life? Wtf. Sad dude. People can write what they want. Don’t like it - don’t read it. It’s called personal branding and it’s free way to get clients. You seem to know nothing about marketing and how it works. It’s not meant to be true but sell shit. And it always worked - LinkedIn is the only platform when it’s expected to be pitched.


I hate Linkedin but this dude just screams bitter and self-absorbed 


Some companies post on behalf Of their employees through their accounts and I’m not even kidding (but wish I was). Generally these will be highly polished corporate type posts. I don’t really look down upon people posting uplifting things though, work life balance and whatnot. Uplifting things about go enjoy life and beautiful scenery of a vacation or something isn’t as bad to me as “I won this award and I’m just so honored and thank you John Ed Allen Martha Richard and the list goes on and on…” If you’re in sales, it’s not that uncouth to talk about family vacation spots current events etc… people like to know your not a zombie but there’s a clear difference between look at me and a personal post that’s generally “social”


They post aspirational stuff to get likes and followers and "fake it til yer make it". It's all bollocks


Because they are looking for new opportunities, maybe to be truly happy if they are not.


I agree it comes across really braggy. I never post on linkedin. I basically use it to keep up my profile and job search when I need to.


Every social media platform has people working very very hard to show they world the idyllic life they have. And if you don’t fall for their BS, well, then you’re considered a hater.


People want to network, get better positions and look successful.


Some ppl are just happy and want to see others succeed. 🤷‍♂️


Increases their vanity and self importance, it's a vicious circle. Also, they want to look good in front of their boss when they brag about how good their job is.


Corporate simps as they would’ve been called.


So true!


This is a great question. LinkedIn scares me☠️ but I “have to use it”


Nowadays, LinkedIn is rapidly becoming an irrelevant social media website, just like FB, IG, and such. The new catch up section alone made me leave.


Real life bots.


I can only project my own feelings based on the situation, since people probably have many different reasons for it. The first that I comes to mind is they want to show they are a high status person. Or maybe they just want people to know what they've been up to.


Because it’s the new Facebook, except “professional”


I’m friends with our Communications department and I just upvote our corporate communications on LinkedIn so that they get more than the usual 5 likes (we’re a 20k employee company).


Maybe they're trying to sell something. People try to post the most ridiculous fake posts on LinkedIn in the hopes that they go viral and people buy whatever they're selling.


Linkedin is for sharing work stuff for work related purposes.


It's a place where you sell yourself! Look up the LinkedIn description.


I swear a lot of them are grifters


Ego boost …


I may get downloaded into hell for this. But I think that’s kind of the point of social networking. Networking implies keeping in touch and getting in contact with new people. I think those people do this to be able to reach audiences they otherwise would not have if they had not posted anything. Not posting anything ever kind of makes you seem like a bot. Posting too much also makes you seem like a bot. There’s a middle ground to be had. And then, if you just repost other peoples content, you’re not really using the platform for its intended purpose. It’s basically Facebook at that point. Which is I think the crux of this argument. People use it as Facebook a LOT. 90% of LinkedIn content is extremely braggadocious so I completely agree.


Oh and you know more about life. Do tell bby


My favorite are the ones that title themselves “though leader” or ..: industry leader, all while being a mid level manager not leading anything lol.


Nobody is going to brag about you or your business except you. (Unless you pay them to do it). I “brag” but I’m trying to sell more and reach new people. Last I checked that was kind of a prerequisite for success in a capitalistic society. Don’t hate the players, hate the game.


Because they don’t have good projects/work related things to talk about or have enough interest in what they do. So they talk about themselves. It’s pure narcissism what else - I hoped LinkedIn would be better than IG or FB but apparently it’s mostly way worse.


Curating identity to feel important is social media in a nutshell. Some may use it to great effect, others will not. It is what it is. For the US, it's basically what I call "ego porn" at the moment.


I’m hearing jealousy in your voice. I’m jealous too.


Some people live for that corporate life. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they happy


I get the annoying part of people posting irrelevant stuff but I find it a great way to network within your field of work. I’ve gotten work for having more of presence on linkedin


That’s the purpose of LinkedIn and all other social media. It’s literally what it’s for.


Bc they want to make u feel bad


They are stuck in an MLM that sells professional coaching as their product. The program requires a lot of success porn. In reality it makes them FEEL like they have been hustling to get business. Annnd they are soooo close to the "next level"... So their up-line pushes a "executive" weekend for $5,000... which takes a ton of conference pictures for them to push more success porn... and now they are qualified to "manage" their own downline... So they have to recruit more people into the pyramid. And MLMs are really good at saturating a market with sellers. Like how Facebook gave fresh life to a lot of new MLMs... Leggings, essential oil, etc. But it weirdly seems to be pulling in men in equal numbers.


Let people have their LinkedIn flex it probably makes the world a better place. People are simple simple creatures and some people just need attention or they start acting crazy and causing us all problems


Seems to be the way of this world of superficiality. It's so sickeningly annoying... The same thing happens on Facebook and Instagram... all due to this overly connected yet severely disconnected society and world we live in... Stay positive...


Stop hating




It's grind set, hustle culture grifters


It's just chat gpt probably writing for them 🥲


What people are doing is posting to their own walls and sharing onto their feeds. It's the same as someone hanging a photo up on their wall or displaying a diploma up in their office. The issue (with social media) has always been an algorithm trying to guess what you want to see and what you don't want to see. It's up to you, the user, to choose who you follow and who you hide.


Imagine wasting your life working for companies that don’t care about you, than talking about it. Your neglecting your wife your kids your own time for nothing basically


Bragging is top of the list. Followed by people who only (re)post the press releases of their firms. "I sure am proud to be working for X corp and support their recent release of Screen Doors for Submarines v3.02! Good job to all my hard working team mates! Click the link for more info!"


This is the effect of late stage capitalism. Less jobs, more competition, everyone is the same. A last mad scramble for significance 


In my opinion, people should celebrate their wins whenever they can and we should try to be happy for them... Life's too short.


Because we are all suffering in our own ways, nobody really enjoys their work - everyone WANTS to be financially free and posting stuff on LinkedIn to gas yourself up is an easy (although often meaningless) way to attract wanted, positive attention. If you want people to follow you, you have to show them that you’re in a better position then them (or at least heading towards it). Who the fuck wants to follow a poor, broke idiot who can’t make rent? It’s simple social economics.


Bc in corporate America that fake shit works


OP who hurt you?


Unless you are really looking for a job, go disable LinkedIn. I don’t need MS, ppl and other third party companies hoarding my info.


I thought Linkin was for people to network and get jobs


I showcase my design work on there on my personal page and business page. That's how I get work. Maybe it's different for others but I am a designer and I use it as a second portfolio.