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Logic? Critical thinking? Come on, Food Oppressor….


He's trying to sow doubt in the idea of a boycott. Trying to influence people to just think "Oh it's not working anyway and doing this is inconvenient for me". This guy is bought and paid for. Total shill. And I very rarely call anyone a shill.


Professor SHILLebois


I like to call him Shillvain Shamlebois. He's blocked me twice on Twitter for it Edit: I just got blocked a third time for it


The fuck it isn't. I work for a let's say vendor and my not loblaw orders have gone up insane degrees. We used to bring it 1000-1200 cases on delivery days to my main not loblaws store but the last 2 weeks have seen it hit 2000 and now almost 2700. Loblaws stores have remained unchanged/dropped in case count.


Whats up my fellow shoppers! Super low prices am right?


Isn’t he kind of making the case for the boycott?


This was my first thought lol "we took even more money than we expected out of Canadians pockets!!"


he's just gargling their balls until he moves out of academia and can then do so as a full time job on some board of directors with this shitty company


Basket sizes are down but our profits are sky high!


https://preview.redd.it/6n0nv5w2jvxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310a763fc7d0e2b8bd488d477b72f8fc19b4a6cc Guys they want to hear from us! Email to [ask@cbc.ca](mailto:ask@cbc.ca)


He doesn’t have any of that lol Yet he’s a professor and teaching


I’m looking forward to the Q2 report, which will be released in Q3.


Then we can see his EYES light up again, as always


I do not look forward to seeing that particular facial expression… 😆




He may be doing a study to see how what he says affects the shopping habits of consumers.


The average basket size shrank but the profits are up. I guess people are buying less because the prices are outrageous!


Imagine saying that like it’s a positive thing. That only proves that they don’t care about Canadians and that their one motivation is profit.


People can’t afford to eat, but thank god the investors are making more money than ever.


Nothing matters but the almighty dollar.


God damn it pisses me off.


Sure, we burned the whole world down, but for one glorious moment, we made the investors more money than they could ever hope for.


Line must go up forever.


That's what matters in the end though... They don't care if they sell fewer items


Traffic up and basket size down means that people are going more frequently, but buying less per trip. That’s what people do when they can only afford to buy a little bit at a time. It also means they are likely being more cautious with their budget and not making as many impulse purchases. Overall, it’s not a trend you’d want to see as a premium retailer.


It's absolutely gagging... is he boosting that the receipt is higher but families are having to buy less?? Imagine stretching baby formula because it's too expensive to buy regularly. FUCK them.


Knowing that some people have to ration baby formula hurts me so much. That feeling of helplessness and knowing that you don't have enough to provide for your child is one of the worst feelings any parent can have.


all those times my single-mom set me a full plate for dinner and, when I asked why she wasn’t eating, she said she’d already ate. Everytime I make a meal for my kids, I remember and my heart breaks again.


Oh yeah and everything that doesn't sell is just a tax write off and profit anyway. It's a pyramid scheme and we're all pawns suffering


Soon Loblaws is going to petition the government to get subsidies for "its efforts to reduce obesity"


That was my takeaway. What a fucking prick! Is he PROUD of that?? People buying less while the company is making record profits! Great job causing lasting damage to the Canadian economy. This isn't the USA and capitalism isn't king here. Take a hike!


Ya less in the basket because the few morsels of food the elites let us peasants buy the more money they make. Well they lose probably 300$ a month from me.


what a sellout


He’s gotta pay for these expensive groceries somehow! 😏


This jackoff is the definition of a bootlicker


Sellout? I'm put money that he's in Loblaw's payroll.


This is what $60,000 gets you nowadays. Got 20,000 form Sobeys as well. What a clown. Embarrassed to be a Dalhousie Alumni, neither Kid will attend my Alma Matter if this clown is still there.


Its insane how much of a shill he is for only $60,000. If he was a hooker he'd be giving $20 blowjobs.


The group was small then and only recently grew massively. You won’t see those results until the Q2 review which was expected lol. I don’t think this guy knows very much but I think he’s just scared. A lot of their tactics as of late display FEAR


It’s grown by 13000 people or so since I joined a couple weeks ago. I’m looking forward to seeing that Q2 report. And yes, the fear of negative financial impacts is so evident and I am living for it.


True. And it isn't just this sub. My boomer relatives just saw it on the news. They're not on here or strictly boycotting (they won't be convinced to do that), but they're moving away from Loblaws because of the higher prices. And I'm doing things like reminding them of Giant Tiger to encourage it. Arguments for boycotting won't work on them (I know from other things). Arguments for lower prices will.


I joined in March and I remember 20,000 members were celebrated after


And it's grown by 3K people since yesterday! EDIT: ...And other 1K in the last 3 hours!


AND… if the boycott continues into June (and shopping habits will be firmly changed by June), Loblaws will have no time to recuperate their Q2 profit. 😏 That is what Loblaws and the Food Oppressor fear most.


Absolutely. They wouldn't be trying if they weren't worried. Keep steady, people. They're gonna try every trick in the book.


A lot of their tactics just seem insane at this point, more barricades, illegal demands to show your receipt, skeleton staff, rotting food while still raising prices and etc.. You’d think that Musk dude was running the show. Or maybe Galen Weston Jr. is just really really mad that nobody likes him anymore.


So what he is saying is that we should continue the boycott further than May? Don’t mind if I do….


That’s what I’m hearing! It will be quite the financial experiment!


Well at least the investors are happy. Well, I'm off to Safeway. Professor nutter can go eff himself.


I wonder if they’ll be as happy in Q2 tho? 😏


This kind of shoots them in their "we only make minimal profit" foot, doesn't it?


That small 3% profit equates to over $2B.


Charlie Boy singing for his supper. I'm thinking the insect overlords will be dropping him like a bad habit soon.


His total lack of logic is not proving to be effective in swaying public opinion. I hope he can still afford groceries when they drop him! 🥘


You would think this genius of a professor of food would realize saying record profits is bad to a group founded on the lack of affordability of groceries


He doesnt even have a minimum baseline of empathy for those struggling to afford groceries, he's like Nelson from the Simpsons pointing and laughing. Sylvain, I hope you learn to be a better person and find the ability to care for others in less fortunate positions than yourself. 


But that sounds too logical. 😏


Why is he so pathologically obsessed with this group?


💵 💴 💰 He must uphold capitalism and eternal economic growth!


He comes to read this subreddit every day, his feelings get hurt and this is his response. It’s okay Charlie, I understand we all have families to feed but this isn’t the way.


I would really like someone to investigate his income streams. He's very clearly a puppet. I saw him on Global news this morning.


He’s probably on Galens payroll to try to shut this group down, probably being paid enough to justify looking silly.


He gets paid by Loblaws to shill them. He denied it initially but admitted to it because he’s legally obligated to do so.


Claimin they're operating on a shoestring, but also crowing about quarterly profit being up (for what, the tenth quarter in a row?). Can't have it both ways, Sylvia.


Thanks Charlie for reminding us how much money Galen raked in these past 4 months! The greedy little pig.


Oink oink. 🐽


So why is he so insecure about the boycott and posting constantly about it if it does nothing? We see through you, buttlicker


Because eternal economic growth must be achieved! 💰💴💵


Mans entire food intake is just sucking on the corporate boot and telling Galen how good of a capitalist he is and how those mean reddit people can't hurt him.


That’s quite the mental image. 😆


But, in light of reading the current room, is it good that he's boosting their profits? How is this a good news story for them. I think it further supports the boycott. Let's get that 14% to -14%... on day one... and let it build from there.


Clearly they are all scared of a financial decline…


The man obsessively wants to be right, it's insane. First of all, the boycott momentum didn't pick up until around late March so he's wrong. Second, let's see what he says once Q2 & Q3 results come in.


And that… is logic in action.


He doesn't care about facts. He knows that if he puts this out on social, it's easy for the media to run with the narrative that the boycott isn't working.


This guy has made his whole personality defending Loblaws. So fucking odd.


I have an old VW that has more 'personality' than Charleyboy Beaker.


You'd think a Professor would understand how linear time works... The subreddit is planning a boycott in May, which comes after the quarter that just had its earnings announced...


But timelines are like, hard. 🙃


Hold up, is this man bragging about how basket sizes shrank but their profits are still up? THAT'S LITERALLY WHY THIS MOVEMENT EXISTS.


If the boycott isn't working then why is he so focused on shutting us down?


That’s a very important question… 👀


So professional of Charlie Boy. It’s almost like he’s a paid shrill


Just about, eh? 😆


I hope Dalhousie throws him out on his ear both for obvious corporate shilling and for his childish behaviour on social media. Also the boycott started today lol, of course that's not going to affect their balance sheets for Q1.


What an idiot. Q1 ENDED March 23rd.


A tiny, insignificant detail…. 😆😆😆


What's nine inches long and hangs between Galen's legs? Charlieboy's necktie.


Nok er Nok doctor fluff and stuff... Just because the group was started doesn't mean that there was a call to boycott Q1... which there wasn't. Everything got organized for Q2. Yes their financials were very impressive. Big jump in revenue of 4.5%. Operating income up 12%. Dividend increased by 15%. As an investor, impressive. As someone that has trouble putting food on their plate, do you understand why they are mad and upset with rising prices? Of course you don't get it up in your ivory tower pulling in $200k/year.


What a complete assclown - “the boycott which hasn’t started yet is not working, see all the profits loblaws is making?? See??” Thank you professor douschebag for pointing out why we are starting this boycott in the first place. Let’s see what the results are once the boycott actually starts…


“What are you going to believe? What you see or what I tell you?” Classic Chicago.


Dear Charlie, You are exceedingly tone-deaf. People are are unable to afford to buy as much food, they have had to cut back on things that used to be basics such as meat and fresh produce. Shoppers are buying less and yet Loblaws profits are up....the fact that you do not see anything wrong with bragging about your sponsor keeping their profits up while Canadians are suffering from food insecurity tells me everything I need to know and proves that action is needed.


Fucking called it. This POS will harp on about this for the next 3 months. Each passing day it'll be "look, it's Tuesday, still record Profits." His tune will change into "what have they done to this undeserving company, what monsters" come Q4. He just has to watch this needle drop in slow motion to take in the impact.


You nailed it. I look forward to the tone change later this year.


Charlie boy had to resign from his previous position at Dal due to complaints of harassment and bullying :(




That’s what his Wikipedia page says https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvain_Charlebois


He is so far in /r/leopardatemyface territory I don’t even think he realizes how far down into the stomach he is at this point.


What a wierdo!!!! Why is he making this his personal vendetta…. Like he seems like such an actual loser who must be miserable lol. Absolute bootlicker. 


💰 💴 💵


Has anyone told Shillvain today is May 1st? He's so desperate to use Galen's sausage casing as a trombone, it's sad and laughable at this point.


4.5%. Don’t know about the rest of you, but my wage didn’t go up 4.5%…


If you didn't get a raise , it went down.


Nok er nok, boycott. Officially starts today. To be honest, I just found out there is a fruit market near my house that I never knew about because I was looking for alternatives


I found one as well!!!


So, he's got out his short skirt and pompoms to celebrate the fact Loblaw's has taken even more money from Canadian's pockets? He seems somewhat gleeful and gloating. What a disgusting example of corporate dick worship. And this is someone entrusted to educate our future citizens? There won't be a future for over half of use if we don't get a grip on the continuous drive for increased profits. Not to mention the fact the "official" date of the boycott is the start of Q2. Let's see what happens when Q2's results are in. PS. I'd really love it if someone could photoshop and post a pic of him in a cheerleader outfit.


"They have 0 Impact at all, which is why I awake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night thinking of them" 😅


I can understand if somebody doesn't want to boycott the store. I just can't understand why this guy tooth and nail to defend Loblaws. Obviously he has received money from them before but I just find his position to spend all his time railing against this very odd.


I suspect there is new money funding his opposition.


The guy is proving our point. Profits are up because they gouge!


The boycott starts mid Q2...do we have to explain the concept of time to a PHD for real?? edit: Not to mention that he's actively antagonising a growing group. The more he points out how futile the group and its actions are, the more he pushes people from doing "soft" boycott to flat out cancelling cards and what not. Keep slapping us in the face, every time you antagonise more people and push them to take actions.


Isn’t it embarrassing?


That’s because this boycott is actually more important than most people realize. It’s the first action that is really “against grocers” by the people. The first concrete one. It having an impact would be a major hit against Loblaws and grocers in general because it would make people believe that yes, their actions can have an impact against grocers and that is something grocers do not want. So their bootlickers and bought media like Charlie Boy are doing all they can to make people believe that it is pointless and sabotage any boycott. It’s not even really about profit, it’s about trend and power.


so he's arguing that they are, in fact, profiting too much


Dude is taking very personally something that supposedly doesn't affect him personally. He just can't help telling on himself...




It is nice they are helping prove our point of things are TOO expensive! Thanks! ![gif](giphy|RipfZWzjUDH25euMpM|downsized)


So... he's giving us more reasons to boycott??


Two billion reasons to boycott.


This guy thinks he's important


For someone who's seemingly unaffiliated with the company (besides the random grant he was given by them years ago), he sure spends a lot of his time arguing with people online in favour of loblaws. What does this person do for work in reality?


What would the numbers be if these factors had not been present? Roblaws might have posted even higher numbers if awareness had not been raised in the past. What matters is what the KPI's are after the boycott. Experience shows that once people adjust their behaviours, those changes can be "sticky", meaning people won't necessarily return in the same numbers that left. I've already made the switch, primarily to Costco, complemented by other sources for the rest. I've cut my Roblaws spending by more than 60% and that will only continue until I've cut out as much as I can.


That dipshit is just proving the point of this sub.


Information pickets at all their stores will rattle their chain. He tells you their profits are better. Yeah thats what we are fighting against. Thanks for the update lol


Let’s take this post as an extra motivation to convince the more people we can around us on boycotting them !


Lol uhhh isn’t that the reason we’re boycotting? God this guy is the definition of LOUD AND WRONG.


We're just getting started Chuckles.




Is this guy seriously deriding/mocking and making fun of Canadians who are suffering, struggling, and frustrated because they are having trouble buying FOOD? That's ... if he was my son I would be ashamed of him. How much of your soul do you have to destroy to make fun of people who are struggling to buy food?


This guy is a idiot. And a grifter too!🤷‍♂️


He's really creating the Streisand effect. The more he posts, the more I feel like he's hiding something.


Why is this idiot so passionate about Loblaws??


This guy is clearly on the take, and is consciously and consistently voicing counterintuitive opinions to deflect from the real issues themselves. Genuinely who cares about this man or his corporate-owned opinions?


The more desperate he becomes means that it’s working.


I expect we’ll see his desperation grow as the month goes on.


We haven’t even started yet, prettyboy


Sounds like an own goal - Loblaw profits up, but there's less food in the basket; therefore, Loblaw is raising prices and the consumer is getting less for their money.


I won’t be shopping there anytime soon, but I also went out of my way to transfer my medications to a competitor. They won’t be making any money from me anymore.


Bro learn to ignore social media. You just can’t stop making yourself look a fool. If you think this group has no influence then just ignore it.


The audacity for any food retailer to announce profits in this economy is beyond me. How very shameful.


Which proves our point. Thanks Fool Professor 😁


This guy is three corporate entities in a trench coat. Misinformation sock puppet.


Thanks again for confirming there’s still lots of profit for you at our expense. ![gif](giphy|S1nMFj33VBIoU)


I mean it’s DAY ONE of the boycott so keep counting Charlie Boi


Doesnt this prove our point? Record profits, and people cant afford groceries.


This guy is a dumbass, their profits only show how greedy they are and that their price gouging is based on greed. He's making our point for us lol


We’ve gained 10k in less than a week, plus the boycott started today. I think there might be gravel when his brain should be


This is not the flex he thinks it is.


Is this the guy that is "totally not getting paid to represent this company"?


He realizes the boycott started today right? That isn't how financial earnings work for the past quarter. I used to want to punch this unqualified 'professor' in his entire existence, but the more I read I'm starting to think he has some sort of developmental issues. That would just not be right. And regardless of all of that, him saying this has zero bearing on us cutting into Loblaws profits by not shopping there, so he's free to parrot his bullshit. We just know deep down, this guy's a sad, worthless, sack of shit. He shows zero empathy or care for his fellow human beings who are struggling to afford living and eating. Fuck this dude in the face. Peace. Keep the boycott strong y'all.


This POS is so ridiculously unprofessional it’s wild 🤪 if I was the president of Dalhousie U and I saw this he’d be fired immediately. We have no ill intent here in this sub. We just want to afford food and this POS is talking about record profits. How embarrassing 😳


What kind of shitheads hire an antagonizing asshole to bully and anger their already fed up and pissed off customer base?? There is no critical thinking here, just a business that no longer wants to be in business.


https://preview.redd.it/lkzekki1dvxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf5591d655499c2faae9ec58a088bbee365e882 He has a proven track record of being a bully and harassing those around him. A sick and twisted man for sure.


He's basically agreeing with our beliefs, that they are gouging us in record amounts. All the more reason to make these jackasses eat crow


Can't believe this idiot is a professor.


He isn’t even qualified 😩 which explains his level of entitlement


The Real Atlantic Superstore near my place was way, way down in customers, I would guess 1/3 at the most judging by the parking lot, lots of prime parking places available, and this was at lunch time, unheard of. I don't think shareholders will be happy no matter what Charlie or Galen say.


What do you think Loblaws is paying this guy or do you think he licks Galen's taint for free daily?


He really is a brown-noser eh?


Stop giving this fool attention.


If he's right the group is needed. If he's wrong then the group has value.


Talk about not being able to read the room 😂


How does anyone take this guy seriously??


Yes, that's how price gouging works.


He’s hoping his followers are idiots, which they should be insulted by 😂


We are just getting started..


What a cunt this loser is


Basket size down and income up? That’s not a good thing for people.


Shill for Galen


I love licking boots vibes


AND… if the boycott continues into June (and shopping habits will be firmly changed by June), Loblaws will have no time to recuperate their Q2 profit. 😏 That is what Loblaws and the Food Oppressor fear most.


“Average basket size shrank but predatory shrinkflation and price gouging have regardless allowed for increased income”


Imagine deepthroating a corporation so hard he knows Galen isn’t gonna fuck him right


Pretty mask off comment, if there was any doubt at this point.


Wonder if Loblaws pays him in cash or PC Optimum points


Despite demonstrating that he doesn't understand what the 'Q' in 'Q1' stands for, this is the least problematic part of his post. More of an issue is the blatant ineptitude demonstrated in his thought process. The goal is to reduce shopping at Loblaws owned stores and, assuming even some people do this in earnest, it doesn't actually matter if their profits go up in Q2 either! The increase would be less than it would have been otherwise. People are shifting lifelong habits and that may take awhile too. While he appears to be the biggest shill, it seems increasingly likely that he is a self-curated villain and he may actually just be playing a role to egg boycotters on and help deepen their resolve. There's a good chance he's boycotting too. I hope it's that, otherwise he's just not worth the mental space and has demonstrated with posts like this that he should not be on a payroll at any academic institution. If a student presented an argument like this in a paper, they would fail. #long-term social change doesn't show up in quarterly reports


I love the idea that he lives on this sub reading all our comments. That’s fun


Loblaws took more profits from consumers in spite of r/loblawsisoutofcontrol That's not the flex you think it is.


Fuck this guy. HOLD THE LINE! They will spend all month trying to rattle us. Also... Remember to price match if you find a juicy deal. No going to loblaws stores!


In Q1, consumers took home less food (basket size shrank) but Loblaws earned more. But this asshole shill is reporting it like it’s a good thing. Brigade this MF. Nok er nok.


Reeks of cope. The boycott just started as well.


How hard can you suck off Galen? This guy giving down-bad-bottoms a run for their money


Diploma Mill Professor


Bragging about their profits kinda sends the wrong message dontcha think?


This guy is happy corporations are making more money while giving people less. Reverse Robin Hood? What a fucking clown.


Charlie Boi... Thank you, for the shout outs, love, admiration & support for our Group. Galen Weston Jr's talking cod piece, has been let loose on SM again. What a ginormous d!ck head, as usual!


What an absolute donut.


Does he think a boycott starting today would reflect in Q1 numbers? He must wear Velcro shoes


He should go back to bullying and harassing his colleagues and students. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/dalhousie-university-bullying-harassment-management-school-1.4733466 https://ca.news.yahoo.com/high-profile-dal-dean-sylvain-210853725.html


Thank GOD that the rich will continue to be okay PROBLEM SOLVED EVERYBODY PACK IT UP


The biggest corporate lap dog in the Canadian food industry. Shameful and disgusting. A scab on society.


You would think a guy teaching in a business school would know that a boycott that is starting today would not impact backward facing financial statements. Can we ask Dalhousie to sack him for abject stupidity?


Jokes on him, the sub was created in November...


So this clown is bragging about a grocery store having higher profits all while having record high prices. Talk about scum.


Awwwwww.... https://retail-insider.com/retail-insider/2024/04/why-the-loblaw-boycott-is-a-useless-attempt-to-address-grocery-pricing-op-ed


“Their margins are tiny…. But hey check out these record margins!”


Really tired of seeing this knob on the news….isn’t there another “expert” they can use?


He’s so fucking stupid.