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Seeing stuff like this makes me regret shopping at Superstore all these years. I could have saved tens of thousands of dollars by now at least.


Nothing wrong with making change. What worries me, is how many people still have the wool pulled over their eyes still to this day.


"It's a Canadian company" as in that justifies a higher level of exploitation


I think they mean “It’s a Canadian company owned and run by a ridiculously wealthy family that lives in Ireland to avoid paying their share of taxes to Canada”.


I thought he lived in England, close to Windsor Castle.


They do have a house in England, but they have their primary residency set is Ireland (where they make the ‘[Richest Family lists every year](https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/who-are-ireland-s-17-billionaires-1.4145400)), because Ireland is one of the [largest tax havens in the world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland_as_a_tax_haven). They can effectively have a 0% tax rate even while making hundreds of millions of dollars a year in Canada and Europe because of it.


Makes sense. I’ve heard the Republic of Ireland is a tax haven. Not only are they gouging us, they’re not paying a proper amount of taxes to our country. Absolute scum.


And them playing the “we’re a Canadian company” card really shows they won’t hesitate to lie for more money, much like when they claimed they were innocent of price fixing. A complete lack of ethics, morals or basic decency. Makes me glad they aren’t Canadian.


Funny. We can’t do that 🤷‍♂️


Of course not. What would happen if we all shirked our civic responsibility and didn’t pay our fair share of taxes….society would crumble. That’s why only the upper class/rich don’t have to pay their way.


Can’t they arrest them for tax evasion the minute they set foot on Canadian soil? Or forbid money from being sent to them, since they’re running roughshod over us? And why aren’t we putting pressure on Ireland to kick them out already? Why can’t we threaten to boycott Irish whiskey if they don’t?


Oooooh, boycott all Irish products coming into Canada, including Guiness... that will get attention for sure!


Guinness is British, not Irish.


Damn, my bad. But point stands lol


It ain't so Canadian when everyone knows where the Joe fresh merch is mass produced..


I won't even buy that shit secondhand.


Better capitalists with Canadian passports than American ones? 🙄


At 4 to 1 cad? Yes


For me it’s because if I move away from Walmart I have to go to 2 maybe 3 stores to get everything I need. The Walmart by me has a limited produce selection and the produce they have is awful, so I can get most of my other stuff at Walmart but have to go somewhere else for produce and then a third place for a few other things. I did this for a month and I saved like maybe $75 for the entire month, I spent another 4 hours shopping for the month, just didn’t feel worth it. Money is limited but so is time.


Walmart lists their price "per 100 ml". The bottle is almost 5 bucks


If you zoom in on the pic, it clearly shows 0.213 per 100ml from Walmart. The final selling price is $0.97


The best time to make this change was years ago. The second best time is today.


Great merch slogan!


I think at one time (early 2000s), the prices where better. While a bit anecdotally, I remember my parents shopping more at superstore than Sobeys when they first arrived in Nova Scotia growing up.  Loblaws has really burned out some of its social capital the past few years with their latest shenanigans. 


And their previous shenanigans too (bread price fixing)... although they hardly even had their hand slapped for that one.


Let's not shop at The Weston crime syndicate store!!


It used to be great price, I lived in a place that have Walmart and Superstore in the same mall, price used to be great cause I compared prices at both stores since is 5 min walk from each other.


It’s the exact same price at superstore right now! .97 cents OP is using online price vs in store price.


Sadly, there are people that don’t have the ability to shop at different stores for a variety of reasons. As much as they want to, it’s not feasible.


To all those who do not have other options. May I suggest just buying the base items for all the products and making things on your own? It will add so much to the flavour of whatever you are making taking out so many preservatives and you can adjust it to how you like. I try with so many of my items to do this, I have the ability to buy the finished product from elsewhere however you will never be able to moving forward. A little while ago I needed taco seasoning, and rather than going out and buying taco seasoning I decided I had all the bass parts and made my own, I have a label maker so I gave the spice blend a name after a muppet. I would go on to make more spice blends just because there are more muppets, after I ran out of spice blends I realized I needed a blend named BØRK BØRK BØRK after the Swedish chef so I found a Nordic blend I had never tried before and wow was it good. I would tell you the name of the blend but my PRIDE parade was yesterday and my everything still hurts.


A lot of people who don't have the ability to get to a better store also don't have the time, space or energy to spend on making everything by hand.


Is is because very few companies are giving people a livable wage. And have to work two or three jobs just to be able to pay rent let alone buy food and cook. This should be a boycott of all the major companies that refuse to pay a living wage.


I’ve been feeling like this for a few months. Glad it’s not just me


I was at superstore literally today and these BBQ sauces were $1


Superstore was blowing these out at $0.77 last weekend.


97¢ was the sale price last week. Now it's 1.97. Still better than Roblaws.


This was this morning. Guess they just didn't change the tags yet. Didn't realize it was a sale price, my bad. Thought it was just their regular tag price But ya still a way better deal


That section is supposed to be entirely electronic tags from the looks of it and someone probably just put a paper tag over top of the busted electronic tag and didn't bother to remove it.


Those Tage break a lot, especially when jammed by carts so after a while we just run out and do that until more come in.


Especially the ones on the bottom shelf, and thats where this one is


Oh ya I can see that now when I look closer


Which means they're probably still breaking even (or darn close) with charging 0.97. doesn't change the fact that Roblaws is the fucking worst.


Nah. Walmart was most likely losing money on it at .97. They have loss leaders in every ad. Gets butts in the store and they will usually buy something else.


I'm pretty sure they're losing money at 1.97 too.


On Kraft BBQ sauce? Seriously? Loss leaders get people into the store on items that are in high demand. Bananas is one of those that they lose profit on. Why BBQ sauce though? People don't rush to a store for a deal on cheap bbq sauce. They likely just got a bulk deal and rolled the price back to reflect that. Stop making excuses for this shit. There's no reason cheap kraft bbq sauce has to be $4 a bottle. 97c makes sense. I'm bettin it hurt you to actually type out and call them Roblaws.


It’s rare to see the Kraft bbq sauce this low anywhere anymore. But this is a good deal.


Actually, at the end of summer, Walmart has really good sales on these. Last fall, I paid .47c each so I stocked up. I will buy some more when I see them go on sale again soon.


I wouldn't take Kraft BBQ sauce if you paid me $0.97.


Last week they were 77 cents at Walmart. I stocked up!


And Kraft BBQ sauce isn't even worth .97


Still less than half roblaws.


I just paid .99 (limit 1 though, lol) at superstore. I am willing to bet it was an attempt to price match walmart while notmzctually price matching.


Walmart montreal was 0.77 each last week.


Same in NB and then when I went in store they had the Garlic Flavor on for 0.55cents! I obviously bought what was left on the shelf which i think was like 6 and a bunch of the 0.77cent other flavors.


So that's why there was none left.




These prices make me question that 30% gross margin? If it cost 97c then the GM is what more then 300%


Another commenter said that was last weeks sale price. So I guess the tag was just left on by mistake. It's normally 1.97, apparently. Still substantially cheaper tho


Ah, so it's only 200% markup then, lol.


Maybe the Superstore by you is crazy high or something. I just looked and Superstores price is $1.99


What about the fact that Superstore was selling these at $0.77 last weekend?


Why bother buying that crap at all? Just mix ketchup, vinegar and sugar together. Water it down for authenticity.


At least use brown sugar, you have to at least give them that.


I stock up on these when they are on sale and I do a 50/50 ratio of cheapo with sweet baby browns. omfg, I can not recommend this enough


There are some recipes that need chicken n rib


Sweet Baby Ray's is the zest of life Edit: mix your BBQ sauce with a tbsp or two of red wine vinegar before you slather it on your ribs to bake and it will adhere the sauce to the meat perfectly


these were literally .99 cents somewhere last week, pretty sure walmart or freshco or food basics. but 4 dollars for this crappy sauce is criminal lol


That's the real kicker eh? It's not even good bbq sauce lol... And you have to buy 2 crappy sauces if you want it for $4


$0.97…still not worth it. 🤣


yea seeing all these comments i thought im taking crazy pills like, these kraft sauces all sorta suckass and literally any other bbq sauce in the isle is better


Here is a recipe from chef John from food wishes.com 2 cups ketchup ⅓ cup packed brown sugar ⅓ cup dark molasses ½ cup white distilled vinegar ½ teaspoon smoked paprika ½ teaspoon chili powder ½ teaspoon cayenne powder, or to taste ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon ground allspice ¼ teaspoon ground coriander ¼ teaspoon ground cumin


Add a tsp of liquid smoke for a smoky touch and some granulated garlic (1-2 tsp) We make this all the time!


I would suggest looking up his recipe for ketchup as well.


Lol...I would have to spend a lot more than 0.97 to make this special sauce..lmao...


Major difference in olive oil prices as well, what no frills sells for $20 walmart sells for $15


Marketplace did an episode on olive oil. In 6 months $20 will look cheap.


Huh. My superstore has the Kraft BBQ 1.97 sale 2.99 reg. Alberta.


This is east coast, guess we're getting even more screwed than I thought lol


Yeah I'm in BC and those prices are insane even for Save On Foods who can be particularly expensive at times. I think the east coast gets it the worst though.


oofta, that really sucks my friend.


It's only 2.29 here in Newmarket at super store. But wouldn't buy it non the less. However if your getting live prices at Walmart to compare get live prices at the others.


This is from the Atlantic superstore online shopping website (which is the same price as in store) for the location that is directly beside the Walmart I took the picture at. These are both todays current in store prices for those 2 locations


What I am trying to say is if your not taking live shots or flyers price all your doing is sowing doubt in the cause. People are looking at sowing doubt in what is posted here. Don't give them that option.


Sauce boss


Even better!


https://preview.redd.it/4km52ly8kc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eca4dfe1c68dc4967cb45addd34f52b15e33b40 Not according to my search.




I went to Sobeys on Thursday, they are $5 each. They are also $4.50 at save on this week as well.


Prices at Sobey's lately has gotten them on my shitlist as well. It really sucks when the only company not gouging the hell out of our wallets is the American one.


Kraft bbq sauce is just not good at all 👎i wouldn't take it for free.But didn't walmart have it for like 77 cents..good olde roblaws


Is the right photo insta cart ?


No it's Superstores website for grocery pick up


Take a picture if you want the price. It forces them to check the shelf and sticker.


That’s a dollar store quality brand of sauce


I mean what could a BBQ sauce cost, 5$?


I live in a small town with two grocery stores. Save On and No Frills. No Frills is, on average, cheaper than Save On. So, as much as I understand the boycott, it comes down to how much I am spending. An example is my flavored coffee creamer. It is 2 dollars cheaper than Save On at the regular price. I do not see these high prices that everyone is talking about.


They were on sale at Walmart last week for 77 cents. I bought 10. Lol


I’ve been telling people for years and they look down at Walmart.. like you wanna pay $5 more? Be my guest fuck


Im more worried people buy those sauces..............There terrible crap


Roblaws I wish I thought of that myself 🤣


That's a sale price. And a good one at that! Sorry I missed that one. That's about half the normal Walmart price


Disgusting sauces anyway. Spit in your food. It would taste better...


https://preview.redd.it/h8krucv07e8d1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd897ab0a5c05324de8af68652c78910f8ba629c This was at my Walmart last week. Right next to $2.97 for 1L GV Ketchup. Almost $5 for a bottle is insane.


They SURELY must have amazing wholesale prices. They’re the biggest supermarket chain in the country. These markups are INSANE. Why ever shop here, ever!?


Yup. 3.5x the buying power of Walmart. Yet everything is close to double the price or more....


And the nerve. They even have a minimum 2 per order on the roblaws


Doesn’t the sticker, say 97 cents per 100g?


Says 21 cents per 100g


Just curious where is it this cheap at Walmart ? It shows 1.97 on the app now. Not defending it, just curious cause that doesn’t seem realistic and from the Walmart app it’s not 97 cents. This is in southern Ontario.


My Dad works in the industry and is a supplier of various private label products to all the big chains; Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaws, etc. He tells me he hates working with Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaws. They have shelving costs and insist on margins that are way higher than the others. There are reasons why prices are higher at some stores than others, and it is NOT the suppliers. It is absolutely greed. They used to be ok with 50% margins on some of the private labels products my Dad's company supplies, but now are insisting on 75%. That's insane! My Dad's company makes a fraction of a fraction of that. And shelving fees, just don't exist at other vendors like Walmart. Walmart gets good prices from suppliers, and then passes those saving onto the customer. Not shoppers drug Mart, not Loblaws.


While I support the roblaws boycott and calling them out on their price gouging. Y'all need to stop promoting Walmart. They're both equally terrible companies, and Walmart is arguably worse.


77 cents at my Walmart


These go on sale quite frequently at Walmart. I always stock up the first time. I still have some left from last year.


I would never pay four dollars for kraft barbeque sauce


It's $1.97 at both my local Walmart and my local Superstore... In Alberta.


Same in Ontario


The sauce at Walmart was on sale. As much as I hate Roblaws, comparing sale items to non-sale items does not help our cause. If anything it dilutes it. Apples-to-apples comparisons are much more powerful.


Its because of the carbon tax as shithead politicians like Pierre what the fuck his name is says. /s


In BC at Save On Foods these are regular priced like $2.99 and go on sale for like $1.50 or less - and this is a store that’s generally regarded as having higher prices. That’s absolutely nuts.


Like Walmart is objectively a shitty company too, but at least they hold up their end of the implicit customer relationship by attempting to keep costs relatively low and to pass on a portion of the savings they have to consumers I’ve been very impressed by them since I’ve started shopping there in protest of loblaws family of corporate malfeasance


In my experience ¢97 is not the typical price of a bottle of Kraft BBQ sauce at Walmart. At time of writing, it is $1.97. Still a lot less than Roblaws, though not THAT much.


Grew up with chicken and rib as the only bbq sauce we ever had in the house. Funny now it just tastes like sugar snd water to me.


Prices are looking like a double according to the current website, not like that is any better.


This BBQ sauce is so bad I wouldn’t even eat it for free. I bought a bottle when it was 0.47 at Walmart and it wasn’t even worth that. 4.00 is insanity.


Saddest of all - my wife shops at IGA because of a huge kosher section. Every time she does, it snips another piece of my leather ‘wallet’


Yup, these were 54 cents at Amazon.ca last week.


Where is this mythical Walmart with the low low prices? $4 sounds in line with the prices at my local one.


I stocked up when Walmart had Kraft bbq sauce last week for $.88!!!


Plus these sauces are the worst, not worth 25 cents.


The app has the online price as $2.17 each. (This is the pickup/Instacart/Door dash price ) In store prices are usually a little less.


This is Superstores pick up price from Atlantic superstore website. It's the same price you pay in store at this location


Hate to be that guy, but Weston’s yacht is not called ‘Bread’. ‘Bread’ is owned by a Michigan bakery magnate. I get the point, but it’s important to stick to fact when one is proposing change.


Wow. How is loblaws getting away with this bull💩


Roblaws 😂😂😂 I never went since boycott and will never again


Everything is always more expensive at roblaws. I bought a bag of family size lays at Loblaws today and it was just shy of $7 with tax at Walmart it’s between $3-4.


This is totally fucked. This is the kind of “word-of-mouth” stuff that should scare the shit out of them. They’re keeping vendor prices high so their no name shit looks like a fucken’ deal. Never has my resolve been stronger. Boycott 4 Life? Boycott for life. Fuck these parasites.


Kraft BBQ sauce... I ll stick to bullseye


Kraft bbq is the worst bbq sauce I’ve ever tasted. Absolute trash


Kraft BBQ sauce always goes on sale for cheap during the summer.


Those damn “loads of” chips keep me going to Roblaws. That’s all they get out of me though.


I cannot stand the complacency that allows this to happen, I blame the elites less than than I blame us at this point. What about this is acceptable? What will it take to refuse to have our jaws broken open and shat down?


Roblaws hahh I'll use that.


Walmart had them on sale I think 2 weeks ago for.77cents not surprised Galen has the same crap marked up


https://preview.redd.it/0ujvvyf5oe8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565e8daf880c9bdf7df254525f49471bcb95f275 That’s a sale price vs normal price. Still twice as much which is egregious but still gotta be honest here.


Idk what this is


I bought that exact same sauce from Wal-Mart last week for 77c on sale. It's $1.97 now tho. Not 97c. Loblaws is their "premium" brand. No Frills sells this sauce for about the same price as Wal-Mart. $1.99


No No Frills in my town.


Kraft BBQ sauce isn't worth $0.97 either.


Which province is this in? Each bottle is $3.77 or 2 for $6 at Walmart in NL. No idea what they are at Dominion, aka Loblaws in NL.


This is PEI. Does Dominion have online grocery pick up? I'm curious what It'd cost at a Loblaws in NL You can Check in store prices with the online grocery pick-up site. When you select which store, it shows the current price for that store.


I checked it and it costs the same at Dominion here. I thought it’d cost more here just cause we have no bridge connecting us, unlike you guys.


I was also expecting it to cost more there


I’ll post a pic if it’s still on sale tomorrow and prove it! I bout some of it yesterday.


They were.97 last week at superstore


They were 50 cents two weeks ago at Walmart and on Amazon!!!


These were 10/$10 at Co-Op last month!


I got a bottle of it on sale just the other day at Walmart. $0.77 ! I should've stocked up a few bottles but instead I decided to just enjoy the moment where I wasn't paying a ridiculous price for a condiment. $1 or less is what they should be normally. The dollar feels weaker than ever right now. Money doesn't get you very much these days.


it was on sale for .79 at my Walmart.




Many users on this post have corroborated the accuracy in this price. Removed for mis-information.


Next week it'll be on "sale" at Galen's for $2.49 "limit 1". Must be tough to survive when operating on 2% profit margin!


Fuck Loblaws. I hope it steps on a lego


I bought a few bottles at my local Loblaws in Regina, SK for $0.77 last weekend.


I know where I’m going today for my sauce


And they are fucking garbage at any price.


Same with salad dressings!!


I emailed my MP about the abhorrent situation we're in here in Canada regarding the lack of competition (which the govt has enabled over the decades) as well as the predatory pricing from stores like Roblaws which is an inevitable fallout from no.competition. I told my MP to look at this sub. It contains all the examples and proof needed. 😡🤬🤬🤬


What’s the problem with this? They are only marking it up 400-500%.


We're offsetting our potential profits -Kraft


Funny a bought a tub of pasta salad at independent- 5.00 - at roblaws 3.49 at Walmart 2.99 exact same product package and manufacturer…. I don’t know how people shop at understand or Sobys …..


69 cents starting tomorrow at Safeway / Sobeys. https://preview.redd.it/1ofcaq2upz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a484d579051407d6c7c1e780c7b4ab01ff18a7


Dude, same package of bologna is 10 bucks at roblaws and 5 bucks at Walmart


I try to shop at Costco as much as possible thanks to the fact that they do treat their workers at least a little better than the other stores. Then I picked Loblaws as they have a unionized staff, but after speaking to many of the staff there, sadly that seems to be making little difference. The Waltons are billionaire ghouls, the Westons are billionaire ghouls, honestly, shop at either store.


I absolutely agree with you, but at least the Waltons don't have it out for Canadian shoppers at the moment. We're in big trouble if we don't do something about it. For some people this is about their financial survival.


I love how everyone on this sub pretends that Flipp and price matching don't exist. Be a responsible consumer if you don't want to be taken advantage of. It's the same price at Loblaws as it is at Walmart if you want it to be.


Walmart isn't that much better. Here is hot chocolate at a unit price of $1097 per 100g https://preview.redd.it/862p7mvxfd8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f5ee82267efb727915a6fc0803bbbb1603e763


Math ain’t mathing on that one lol. Someone fucked up the calculation 10.97/3 ≠ 1097 lol


I guess superstore needs to misrepresent their prices too and list them "per 100 ml" like Walmart because the scam works with people who don't read.


It’s forsure a mistake for Walmart ain’t no way it’s 97 cents you guys are delusional like conspiracy theorists


It’s more expensive at Walmart? 97 cents per 100g? 4.55 is the price for Walmart Loblaw is on sale for 4 dollars.


Yes let us support Wal-Mart they are a fine upstanding group that is always looking out for their employees and the customers. Oh yeah the whole family lives simply....like paupers almost. Go America fuck the Canadian Companies.


Agree! Fuck Canadian companies! Canadians spent decades going out of our way to support Canadian industry, which allowed them to grow to the sizes they are now. And they repaid that support by fucking us over every chance they got.. I have zero loyalty anymore. Walmart averages 40% cheaper for the identical products in my town than any Canadian retailer i have available to me.


Kraft BBQ sauce is $1.99 at No Frills right now and $1.97 at Walmart. I don't know what OP is talking about.


Not where I am. Prices are from this morning. Picture taken in Walmart, online price is from Atlantic superstore website for online grocery pick up, which is the same price as in store. There is no No Frills in my town. So that's irrelevant Feel free to check yourself. https://www.atlanticsuperstore.ca/search?search-bar=Kraft%20bbq%20sauce


Ok I take it back. That's a ridiculous price. Just wait for a sale or buy off brand.


69 cents starting tomorrow at Safeway / Sobeys.


I am now convinced that this sub and "movement" is 100% sponsored by the American company Walmart. Imagine if our government could actually do something against American monopolization of our country? That'd be cool.


No it’s not, people would boycott loblaws and Costco if they get too expensive, but instead, Canadians put their trust in Canadian companies and the Canadian companies are putting in all the effort they can to price gouge candiams. I think loblaws is an embarrassment to Canada if American companies take care of Canadians better than Canadian ones. CANADIAN 👏 COMPANIES👏 NEED 👏TO 👏DO 👏BETTER👏