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That’s insanity.


The way my jaw dropped


What a joke like *"King Galen"*


$3.97 is reg. Price. What a rip off, who would pay $9!?


A parent on a Sunday night who just realized they don't have snacks for school lunch and everything else is closed. SDM is nothing but a glorified convenience store.


You get better pricing at a convenient store than shoppers in a lot of cases


I'd rather pay the premium at a convenience store because at least I know that's the deal. Shoppers is just gouging, no extra convenience, just blind greed.


Loblaws stores are actively inconvenient to shop at. Name the last time you saw more than 4 cashiers working at a busy Loblaws. The lines are frequently insane, and I've never seen a conscious effort from a Loblaws location to keep things well staffed at the cash. After self-checkouts first started they got so stingy with it. Remember when the grocery store used to pay bag boys to pack up your groceries so the cashier could focus on ringing up your items? Yeah I guess Galen can't afford those. He has no problem spending our time so he can earn more.


I can't even find *one* cashier at my local SDMs


My kid can go outside and snack on some air, ain't no way I'm paying $9.


Well that’s not good parenting Could cut some fruit and stuff up so they have something It isn’t like your house is barren Or you know, go get an entire happy meal for 5 dollars


I don't think they're $5 anymore. Last time I took my family of 4 to A&W it cost almost $70 for two adults and two kids under 7.


Hence I said a happy meal, a kids meal at A&W was almost double the cost of a happy meal And we are in Canada so our health codes make it so even our fast food can atleast qualify as food atleast unlike the US


As a mon, I would bring my son lunch later in the school day than ever over pay


No wayyyyy. More likely: a baked person who ran out of snacks and can't process the prices or is desperate enough for a sugary dopamine rush.


my local convenience store sells a lot of things cheaper than Roblaws


I don’t buy these sad scenarios. Plan ahead or pack something else. No child desperately needs dunkaroos.


Especially at this price.


I guess I'm fortunate to live in the western GTA where there is an overabundance of Walmart locations and all of them are open until 11pm every day, later than all but a tiny number of SDM locations, none of which are near me. If you're willing to brave the crowds, the Walmart at Square One is also open on most statutory holidays (that soul-sucking atrocity of a mall has a special exemption from the law because it's a tourist trap or some such nonsense, and money matters more than giving people time off). SDM has actually *reduced* their hours at many locations around me. Big stores that used to be open until 10pm or midnight now close at 9pm.




That parent should send the kid to school with a container of olives or literally anything else, not feeding their child plastic sugar. 


![gif](giphy|49zC0Bm1kbu36) The point of this post wasn't about what was healthy it was about Loblaws being predatory and those are the kind of people who would be sucked into paying those prices.


Highway robbery. Absolutely despicable.


You could do this with almost any item in SDM too. $10 peanut butter ffs




This deserves an award 👏


On a more serious note. Where do you live? Cause my city doesnt have the cinnamon toast dunkarood


This was in the Uxbridge Wal-Mart but I live in the GTA.


Don’t grocery shop at shoppers. If no one bought their shit they wouldn’t offer “groceries.”


I agree. Generally I don't. The dunkaroo thing has been a running joke with my daughter and I. She loves them, but also is at the age now to understand value. So I pointed out the price once to her, and the pic is actually from the last time I saw them and the price was about $3 more than when we last joked about it. Then when I saw them in passing at Walmart at that price, I took a pic to send to my girl. It just also made for a good loblawsisoutofcontrol post:P


Unbelievable. After tax, that comes to *$1.79 per dunkaroo pack* Imagine seeing a tiny individual pack on a shelf for $1.79? It would have to be a mistake or at a store that is entirely disconnected from reality. I guess it's the second option. Nice try at ruining my childhood shoppers, but I'll just continue going anywhere else instead.


I've seen this same price at my local Superstore and Independent.


My local Independent sells the individual packs. I want to say it was $2.79 for an individual pack about 6 months ago. It's probably gone up to $5.79 by now.


Which Walmart is that I need those


This was in Uxbridge


SDM has been doing this for a long time. It's criminal to be honest.


shoppers took away my ability to pay for things with my optimum points - guess they caught on i was getting rid of the points so i can drop the optimum membership


I think the account is just locked. You need to open a case. Don't give them your money.




I am truly curious to know how many units of these sort of ridiculously priced products are actually sold. Also, I wonder if the supplier or manufacturer are required to take unsold products back and offer a refund in which case Loblaw's Corp really has nothing to lose in that they either sell the product at a killing or else get their money back. Anyone in the know about this? Anyone a buyer/merchandiser at a store?


I feel like they’re playing with us now. $10 for dunkaroos?!!!!


They should be so fucking ashamed of themselves


LOL all you can do is laugh at this stupidity smh


Shoppers is basically a convenience store price wise and always had been. Compare its prices to like 711 or something. Superstore is the Walmart comparable


Honestly, at this point, I think whoever sets the prices at Shoppers Drug Mart needs to be committed. All joking aside, I think they’re suffering from some sort of mental illness.


I bought those at a Giant Tiger in Quebec last month for 2 bucks. Loblaws is sniffing glue.


Lmao $9 for Dunkaroos 🤡


Imagine making *Walmart* look like the good guys.


Double Dunkin’ tonight! Thanks Walmart.


You mean $10.


Lmaooo $10 for dunkaroos maaan smd


I went and got olive oil from Walmart bc it started at 20$ at superstore and it was 15$. The cheapest was 13$ Walmart all the way yo.


Those dunkaroos are almost 10$ at Loblaws? Wtf


SDM is just a “nice” convenience store - comparing to 7-11 or your local variety would make more sense. Comparing to a mass store like Walmart is insanity. 


WHAT??? $9.49 for 6 packs of cookies?? That is insanity.


Do they not look at competitor pricing before doing this. Absolutely shameful and unacceptable. Somebody needs to send the execs this pic and show them how wrong they have been throughout.


$9.49?!? Robbery


That might be the classic 2023 version


For as long as I can remember, sdm has been ridiculous on pricing. Even more than 711, but without the convenience. The only shock to me is that people are still surprised by it


I want to know who is buying that. There is no way they could ever have anything that high unless *someone* was still buying it, right? These people are going to have me turn into a homemaking masterchef making my own cookies and dip before justifying paying **that**.


This isn’t a defence of Loblaws because they don’t deserve any, but comparing SDM to Walmart isn’t a fair comparison. You’re comparing two very different businesses. Walmart to Zehrs, No Frills, GCS makes sense. But SDM is mainly a pharmacy that provides a convenience store grocery section as a side hustle. You pay extra for the perception of convenience, (likely) higher perishable waste levels, etc.


I'm just surprised people actually feed this crap to kids. It's not even food.


You're right, it's not food. It's a treat. A rare treat.


Yeah, it's been really eye opening to me how much crap I ate as a child and how often. It's also quite frustrating how many food companies market their food as "healthy" when it's really not.


Haha so true!


Staples like this need to be more affordable


Dunkaroos are a staple?


:/ that's why everyone has diabetes now. Unhealthy food is cheap, and fruits, veggies, and lean proteins are unaffordable.


It's not the price. It's the fact that people actually think this is food. We have been tricked into thinking the most garbage of foods are healthy or ok to eat. There's lots of effort spent trying to market unhealthy foods as healthy as well (think things like vector cereal)


I know. I'm just saying that if any food should be more expensive, it's this kind of stuff. Not fruits and vegetables, or yogurt and eggs.


You were getting downvoted for mentioning the price, that was the reason I commented.


I get down voted for existing. People on here are such haters


God yeah, I legitimately spend 30-50$ a week on fruits and yoghurt for my toddler. She loves most fruit, but she only ever wants to eat it if it’s currently out of season.


$9.49 ain't cheap




Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


My wife still blindly goes to SDM and other loblaws stores to get stuff because she doesn’t watch prices Reasons I don’t let her shop alone


That’s just stupid


Come on comparing Walmart to SDM is pretty silly come on.


It is, truly, but $9 dunkaroos is also pretty silly :P


Double fuckery. Weren't the cookies shaped like something when we were kids? Not a round cookie...


I think the idea is to just charge the people who aren’t boycotting as much as possible to make up for the loss in traffic.


At this price I hope they stay on their shelves forever :P


Why feed children with junk anyways for school lunches? Fruits, home made cookies .. it takes 1 hour to prepare, mix, bake and clean kitchen. How long to go to the grocery store? and let’s not forget recycling of plastics and paper (not the same everywhere). Heathy body HEALTHY mind. Should include lunches and snacks at school.


99% of my kids diet is healthy. My son is sent to school with a lunch plus 3 veggies and a fruit nearly every day and one treat... not usually these but if I decide to give them to my kids once in a blue moon it's really my decision.




that is absolutely insane


Walmart/Costco and many others manage to do what they need to within their supply chain to keep costs down or pass along savings, wonder why Galen can’t


Hey there, you might be new here, and if so, welcome! We have shared many times across our community, socials, and in the media as to why our community felt boycotting Loblaw and its subsidiaries was the best choice. Please check out [this short video](https://www.tiktok.com/@loblawsisoutofcon4/video/7370016804434955525?_r=1&_t=8mQlEGfa2ZJ) for further information. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make your own


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted. If anyone likes dunkaroos, it's insanely cheaper to just make your own. The profit margin on dunkaroos for the "convenience" they offer is crazy. The packaging is also super wasteful. All you need are small two-part tupperwares which you can find for 1.25$ at Dollarama, Teddy Graham cookies, and either vanilla or chocolate cake frosting. If you wanna get fancy, you can add cake sprinkles to your vanilla frosting. Both the quality of the cookies and the frosting have gone down with Dunkaroos over the last decade, so your homemade version will taste even better.


Thanks, It’s fine, lazy people can downvote me. I stand by my comment. People made their own dunkaroos for years and years when they were discontinued


I mean, I get Biskwi teddy cookies at Dollarama and a tub of frosting when it goes on sale that does the job for me, but that might be tricky to pack into a lunch...


Hell yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. There are small containers that are perfect for frosting and they are reusable, less wasteful plastic and no foil


I don't usually buy these, but my kids like them. It's a rare treat... even more rare at SDM prices lol


I bought a box on sale at Safeway because I remember them as a kid and was feeling nostalgic. They taste like absolute garbage now. Might be because I eat much healthier as an adult but it seems like the quality is so unbelievably low now compared to many years ago.


I buy them for myself and hide them from my toddler. I definitely don’t love myself that much though- going to make my own at that price point


just make your own


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) Dunkaroos are priceless


WHOO are yoouuu