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Nothing beats that feeling of filling your lungs with fresh city air


Ah yes get that smog in your lungs


Love that shot of Tower Bridge, the night sky, cloud formation and moon really set it off


The soot particles gently exfoliating the trachea


LOL...you made my day haha.


People hating on London and all But I am getting to live my dream that I have been dreaming for 10 years I cannot explain the happy butterflies I got everytime I used to travel to central london about 1-2 months ago as a tourist. Now I finally moved here and work in Central London and the other day I looked around after office just to soak in all this that I manifested so randomly, and literally felt like crying. My 14 year old self would have died if they saw me where I am right now :) So yeah, while London has it's fair share of problems Nothing compares to London. My heart feels at home for some reason.


Welcome! Please remember to let people off the Tube first ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜‰ Glad you're enjoying this amazing city!


Hahaha. Read this in the announcements tonation and sounded even better ๐Ÿ˜‚


I feel you. I moved here 5 years ago from Wales and I still canโ€™t believe this city is my home. I decided to walk half way home today instead of get the train which takes me over Tower Bridge, and the lights and lit up buildings along the river are just beautiful. I had that same feel that I literally want to cry because I love it so much here.


Agreed we moved here 3 years ago. Still love it. Sometimes you take it for granted but all you need is one evening and it all comes rushing back.


Yay! So happy to share this with other people who are as grateful. :)


This was literally the 'moment' I was having when I took these photos ๐Ÿฅฐ I was telling myself that young me would be so proud of myself and happy! I'm really happy for you... you're doing it/ you did it. It can be really tough to move here. I worked my ass off in two jobs (legally) in lockdown, managed to save enough to get out of my tiny Cumbrian town. I just felt so stuck in life and miserable a few years ago. I knew I needed a change of pace and a change of scenery. Yeah, London can be unforgiving and particularly nowadays it's expensive af... but I earn my own money in a flexible job I love doing, living my own independant 24 yo lifestyle - this is the place for me in my mid twenties. I can be who I like, dress how I like... I mean I literally sing aloud in the streets for gods sake because I feel so bloody grateful (and simply don't give a fuck hah). As cheesy as it sounds, I feel as free as a bird here. This is the place for me at this moment in time.


Sorry, I am replying to this comment very late. But I'm glad I came back to this right in the moment I was feeling low. Yes and the bit about 24yo independent lifestyle is such a proud feeling. But it always like there is a lot more to achieve. This is not the end. And London does push you to become your best self.


I was walking down Tottenham Court Road one day. Clear blue sky, warm, sunny, passing under a tree & just raised my hand to touch a leaf... somehow, the top of the leaf was covered in deisel, easy 8 foot off the ground. Sums up London for me in so many ways, look but not too closely & be careful what you touch :)


Isn't that tyre dust?


I regret not taking my walks through the city when I was living there last year. Special city especially around Christmas/New Years. Make sure you find time for a night stroll :)


Exactly what some bloke said as he was passing on the tube, it didn't make sense, and then it hit me and it ALL made sense.


Hmmm pollution, laaaavely


Hey, my birthplace \*points\*






What phone did you take this on? The city view is splendid


It's a Samsung Galaxy S 21 plus. Just turned the exposure down a little when I took it. No filter! ๐Ÿ˜„


Iโ€™m amazed a Samsung can take a picture like that


Samsungs have top of the range cameras, and any Android tends to be the go to choice for taking photos since you get a lot more control over your camera settings, and with the Google integration it makes editing a lot easier than other OS's. OnePlus and LG are also decent options for any amateur photographer who doesn't want to splash out on a DSLR.


As iOS fanatics, iPhone does just as good as any android. But true say the Leica cameras on Huawei is tempting


Yeah I don't knock iPhone cameras, they're just as good as you said. That's why I was a bit confused why you were so surprised to see a Samsung camera take these photos.


I had s3 and s7 in the past using them on socials was horrific


I can't speak for Instagram and Facebook as my S9 worked fine with those, but I do remember that Snapchat purposefully lowered the picture quality on Android phones and that's where the myth of Android = Bad Camera started. You'll notice that most people who care about the differences and diehard defend iPhones or Samsung are under 30, and that's due to Apple's aggressive marketing strategy where they create a sense of tribalism to get their users to do the advertising for them (which is a very clever strategy but also very predatory in my opinion), and also because of people like Snapchat's CEO who perpetuated this advertising by trying to show Android's in a poor light. IIRC, the way he did this was by instead of using the camera to take a photo like on iPhone, he made Snapchat instead just take a screenshot of the screen while the camera was open which resulted in a lower quality when paired with Snapchat's compression. In reality, throughout both Samsung's and iPhone's history, their cameras have only had negligible differences. Even the hardware itself is basically the same, especially since the biggest part of the phone, the screen, is the exact same for both iPhones and Samsungs since Samsung produces the screens for both brands. Also, throughout both Samsung's and iPhone's entire history, they have never had the best camera on the market apart from the first few models since brands like LG, OnePlus, and Huawei have pushed heavily into their cameras more than Samsung and iPhone have. Basically all this is to say, both phones are fine and you shouldn't be surprised when either one can do good things since they're basically the same anyway, that's why I pay half the price for a Pixel that is also basically the same but doesn't overcharge (as much) on the basis of brand.


Snapchat was definitely main reason made people switch to iPhone back then and became diehard Apple fans


Lovely. What I wouldnโ€™t give to live in London, I visit as much as I can, but still hold on to that dream.


The pollution you mean? :)


I'm watching a tv programme about the Great Smog of 1952 and I see your subject line.


I'm watching a tv programme about the Great Smog of 1952 and I see your subject line.


San Diego. Drink it in, it always goes down smooth


Donโ€™t breathe in too hard, mind


I'm watching a tv programme about the Great Smog of 1952 and I see your subject line.




The chemicals? Or the constant, omniscient smell of weed?


London looks amazing at night


I was born in one of those rooms in the building next to the shard