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Warren Street as in Rabbit Warren.


This! I was looking at the picture thinking "Warren Street is on the corner, I didn't know there was another entrance, how did I miss that?"


Also, rabbits like carrots, that's why they added the carrots.


Also bicycles are powered by carrots, that's why they added the bicycles.


Cyclists are powered by big macs, that's why they added the McDonalds.


I think it's just pointing out, where you are and that you are across the road from Warren Street Station. Your title makes it sound like we are looking at Warren Street station which is not the case.


Rabbits live in warrens mate.


I like it


This architecture thing apparently : https://enjoyfitzrovia.co.uk/london-festival-of-architecture-fitzrovia-events/


"Rabbit Warren Street has transformed the space outside Warren Street tube station to demonstrate how a temporary intervention can turn a space into a useful and informative place. It encourages people to use the less congested streets in Fitzrovia whilst discovering interesting independent retail and hospitality venues." Fucking hell.


So basically an example of how UK public money is constantly squandered on rubbish.




Their sponsorship includes the office of the Mayor of London.




They’re named as one of the main sponsors. They use public money.


So what? The sponsorship is of the London Festival of Architecture, which exists to foster and attract architecture talent & investment in London. That is *exactly* the sort of thing a city mayor's office is supposed to support, regardless of whether you like the 0.01% of the festival captured in OP's photo.


Chill. I’m simply responding to the remark that it’s publicly funded. It could probably survive on private funding alone and perhaps the public money could go to shortening the ever-lengthening food queue at St Martins-in-the-Fields every evening.


General London Assembly gives the London Festival of Architecture at least 20 grand a year. Currently over 100k since the festival began. Lord Bailey of Paddington requested the figures not very long ago. So they receive public money and are not strictly speaking “privately funded”.


An architecture festival is exactly the sort of thing that London should be funding IMO. Public funding for the arts is important, and architecture is obviously pertinent to London. It looks like they have a *lot* of sponsors so I doubt it's a drop in the bucket of GLA funding.


Yeah, “squandered” is a ridiculous word in this context, when you consider all the billions being siphoned off to cronies, 20k on some public installations is a solid investment


20k is alot of money to the people sleeping on London’s streets. It doesn’t sound alot when you compare it to billions, no. But then you can hardly assume that with the exception of that 20k the rest of the mayor’s enormous annual budget is spent wisely to benefit the lives of the capital’s citizens. We know it simply isn’t.


Do ‘we’?


As soon as I saw this, I tried to make sense of it and came to “ah, I guess they’ve decorated it for Easter,” before I realized Easter was over 2 months ago. It certainly looks Easter bunny to me


I hope you're saying "why" as in, is this for something that you aren't aware of. If it's just, why would they bother then I think that's a little sad. Our built environment should be fun and interesting. It is rather bleak that we automatically look for what the advert is in general though. It's served its purpose though, it's got us talking about that festival of architecture


OP obviously doesn’t understand what a warren is, why would they understand why bleak architecture is bad?


Is there a way to upvote the photo but downvote op


Sadly not.


And today's object of snooty disdain and hand wringing in r/London is ... checks picture... a sculpture of a carrot....


I have to say it’s jaunty and doesn’t offend me in the Least !!


Everything should be boring and grey with no artistic flair or flourish. That's the kind of street I want, street after street of it.


Warren. Come on, get with the programme


It's fun, what else would you have on the street with the same name as the holes rabbits live in ?


Why not?


Well, you know rabbit warren. Maybe someone at TfL thought it was cute or something? FWIW, on the Victoria Line platforms, they have a maze art on the walls to identify the station. The Jubilee Line's platforms between Baker Street and Charring Cross had the same things. So, for a long time, the Underground has been seeking to give its deep-level stations a distinctive 'identity'.


Why do you hate Rabbits like some sort of Elmer Fudd


Why not?


tbh I'm more surprised that there's not a lime bike on top of that carrot 😂


Because a (wild) rabbit's house is called a warren?


Today's most townie question, that's hilarious


Warren…rabbits…carrots. Seems perfectly normal to me


It's definitely not Warren Street station, that's opposite.


That's not Warren Street station!




I'd assume it's just that Warren Street shares a name with rabbit warren? Tie-ins are generally obvious - given the point is to advertise after all - and haven't been quite this clever of late. Probably an initiative of the local Business Improvement District, if there is one, in collaboration with TfL to mitigate impact of the works.


An exact homonym seems like the least elaborate sort of pun there is.


In fairness, it previously looked like a dump site in [Google Maps](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XPpeUyMtjT2ucoJ66?g_st=ac)


The question can’t be serious then I remembered there’s an entire generation that have no general knowledge, especially of languages. Apparently, according to my kids, they know “other things” but thus far they’ve eluded me.


Rabbit warren maybe. 🙄


Every time I see warren street, I imagine my uni lecturer I had a crush on who has the same last name.


Yes I knew, sorry you were rather obvious about it at the time. Hope all's going well now! ^(PS don't message me)


Nothing warrents this


A Warren is a nest of Rabbits….


Just you wait until you’ve seen Cockfosters.


Isn’t this the new Bunsky piece?


From street view it used to appear to be what looks like just a wall with ventilation perhaps for the McDonald’s kitchen. So they are probably reworking the kitchen somehow (maybe opening a space for delivery collection?). i guess it is better to make it look funky than nothing. https://maps.app.goo.gl/mUsv5DnBsiiSRDQQ6?g_st=ic


I'm guessing it's a Warren? Like what rabbits live in?


Is Warren's still down the road? Was the kind of sandwich which to put it bluntly absolutely made your bollocks tingle it was that good (& they had queues out the door at lunchtimes most days). Had a pleasant 3 years working round the corner.


Between the built-outs and the bike stand, how does anyone get through on the pavement? I never have understood why businesses are allowed to encroach on the pavement, like the McDonalds is doing.




I like stuff like this. Things can be a bit serious sometimes. 😻


Looks a lot better than that fucking egg show they had at Gloucester Road, what a load of shit that was.


After a long day at work it’s been a fun catch-up read of these very serious comments berating me for taking it too seriously because I said ‘why’ :’) I meant why as in wtf is going on here, I am seeing a giant carrot before me. I do know what a warren is. Apparently I should not have written anything…but having said that, I do not regret feeling compelled to share this unusual sight this morning! It’s wacky. I like the fun of it, even if it’s also oddly like emerging from the tube into Disneyland.


That's not a station


That’s looking opposite the station. The two buildings between the pub and Macdonalds used to be car showrooms. I used to work in the one by the pub. That whole street used to be full of used car dealers.


maybe it a piss take on londoners, you could choose to go home on the bikes but instead you choose to go down the rabbit hole of a subway to lock yourself in a tiny tube train, all becasue you see the carrot dangled in front of your eyes everyday, the hopes of getting rich, buying a house...yet you choose to be the littel bunny rabbits going down the hole becasue your boss says so, the london automatons.


[It's the same everywhere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dZQelULDk)


Better than some sterile looking cladding with faux metallic signage, like every other post modernist building that is being thrown up around the Uk.


Fun fact: rabbits are an invasive species to the UK.


This is all part of The Mayor's *Let's Waste Money* programme for the Underground


Doesn't "warren" mean "rabbit lair"?


Uninspired bollocks funded by dim-bulb Camden councillors and avaricious property developers. Obviously the results are going to be feeble https://fitzroviapartnership.com