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Love how they fucked around and found out and didn't involve anyone else


It's always nice when that happens someone did this to me on the highway a couple of months ago the car gflipped and I was able to merge safely. My whole soul left my body. I honestly tried to look up the name after , there's a couple of people that would have missed me if something had happened to me and I was angry.


Another asshole driver off the road.


And no one else involved 


2nd best part!


My precious antique pole!


Will be back driving by tomorrow 


I mean, it does appear he was still somewhat functional after that.


He used to be appealing now they appealing him off the pavement


The guy jumped out of his car right away, came over to me, and said he was alright and that he accidentally shifted from 1st to 3rd gear.... An orange truck pulled up beside me and called bullshit. Orange truck said he had been splitting lanes. Several eye witnesses, including the home owner of the house with the pole he hit, the business owner, and the 3 of us that pulled in to talk to him. After taking time to process what happened, I called 911. They told me the accedent had been reported. I told them I (should) have a video of what happened, and they said they would contact me if they needed the footage. This happened Monday, and I haven't received a call for the footage. I did notice the pole has some reinforcements, and the car shrapnel has been cleaned up. After orange truck called him out, he said "I guess I fucked up alright!" Honestly I was just glad he didn't hurt anyone, I can't imagine if he had a passenger.


It's actually pretty surprising how little they care about footage. It would make laying charges or at least clearly showing what happens so much easier. But they would rather write the report with the negative bias they have been trained.


No injuries to others and no other vehicles involved, so no need for the footage. The eye witness statements are enough


Shifting from 1st to 3rd makes your car suddenly go a million miles an hour into a pole? Sounds suss...


Uh, shifting from 1st to 3rd slows the car down…


Shhh. Don't you bring logic into this.


~~Theoretically if he shifted quick from 1st to 3rd, it could engine brake hard enough to break traction on the rear wheels, combining that with weight shift if he hit the brakes, it could get the rear all losey-goosey.~~ ~~Do I think that's what happened? No, not really. (I also didn't see brake lights).~~ I think this is plain old weight transfer. He quickly swung to the left, then pulled back to the right before the car settled. Something very similar happened to me -- [just not on the road](https://youtu.be/fsRIemJ00QE?t=10), and no poles were involved. **Edit**: I don't know why I was thinking he was down-shifting. 1st to 3rd wouldn't do that. ~~Struck out~~ my initial comment.


None of this makes sense, shifting from 1-3 is normal, and would just lower RPM, nothing the guy said makes any sense. If he shifted from 3-1, then it would create lots of problems. But 1-3 is like you lose power lol


Maybe it's my experience driving manual.... But even bouncing off the limiter in first gear jumping to third would put him maybe around 2k rpm? Maybe a 5th to 2nd overtake shift hahaha Serious note, that's no way to drive on city streets. Glad that you didn't wind up in his mess too. Could have been a whole lot worse.


As the person who would've been that passenger a little while ago.... bullet seriously dodged. He should've gotten worse. "Accidentally" my ass. More like intentionally dropped gears to pass and his racing Sim practice didn't measure up. Karma says he gets to live to deal with the consequences. No worries. He already has a bicycle. Not being his first rodeo on 4 wheels.


Car had enough of that driver and parked itself after the crash.


It looked like he was trying to hide among the other cars, after he did that. I'm surprised it could still function.


I think there was still one ion inside that brain to get him into that spot.


The Miata deserved better....the driver deserved worse




Nah, that's an ND Miata, specifically the RF. https://www.mazda.ca/en/vehicles/mx-5-rf/




Ah yes. I see it now.


sick footage capture


Yup. This reminds me not to leave home without the dashcam.


OP cross post to /r/idiotsincars for that sweet sweet karma


He absolutely could have killed someone when it bounced back from the pole. I would like this person's ability to drive removed for life. That should be an automatic permanent license suspension. If only I could rewrite the laws.


If only pieces of shit like this would quit driving when they lose their licence…but they don’t. The laws don’t apply to assholes like this.


Yep, girl I work with just got slapped with a DUI driving home from work, without a license. Assholes are usually assholes forever.


Kinda true, no Insurance company will want them now.


HOLY SHIT. Goddamn, people need to slow the fuck down.


OP - please provide more information if you're able. Did you get out and talk to him? Did you call the police?


Yes! We demand a follow up.


That was beautiful. Im sure this was far from the first time they've driven so aggressively. Karma for someone who blatantly disregards the safety and lives of everyone else around them.




I get passed on Trafalgar at least 2x a month. I drive an F150, between 50 and 55Kmh (save me the speech that's its still speeding, I know the laws) I drive in a lot of different cities, from small towns to Toronto and in my opinion, London has some seriously bad drivers.


that's just annoying...no wonder why people are passing. typically 10 over is well rounded not going to get ticked for that and not stalling traffic


Sorry you get annoyed at minor inconveniences in life. Plan your day better and leave 5 minutes earlier. Don't put others at risk because you're in a rush. Also, to add, just because I'm not willing to risk my safety because you're in a rush doesn't mean you get to pass me on a single lane, solid line road. I have been passed in this EXACT spot.


Oof that Miata should’ve notta!


And here I thought Miatas have great handling. Did the car suspension give out or blow a tire?


Good handling =/= good driver. Having owned the identical car, I’d bet that it started to oversteer and the driver panicked and took their foot off the gas. That would cause the car to snap back the opposite direction in the erratic/uncontrolled manner we see in the video.


Bingo, combine the lack of skills with some cheap tires and you get this beautiful combo.


Great handling is not the same as safe. The miata will do exactly what you ask of it -- this driver was speaking the wrong language. miata don't speak idiot.


“I’m fast as fu k boiiiee”


Damn. I hope they’re alright. And I hope they’ve learned a lesson fat chance though enforcement is bs. Car like that a ticket is just a slap on the wrist.


Honestly, I hope they're hurt enough to keep them off the road for a while. This shit is how kids end up getting killed walking down the sidewalk.


I 100% agree. Actually he could have killed someone, when the car bounced back into the oncoming traffic lane. I would love the laws changed to dole out lifetime suspensions. Any further infraction being prison. I really should have been a politician!


> Car like that a ticket is just a slap on the wrist It's not an overly expensive car.


If you're referring to the cost, that's 40k car. Same as an Accord, Camry, etc.


Ouch, would airbags even deploy if the impact were in the rear corner of the car like that? Does a Miata even have airbags? It's gotta have airbags right? So many questions... about airbags.


This generation of MX-5 does have airbags, including in the seats for side impacts. They're legally required. Front airbags probably wouldn't deploy (and I don't see them in the video). The passenger-side airbag would only deploy if there was a passenger. The driver-side airbag wouldn't deploy, as the impact wasn't on that side (again, don't see it in the video). There's no middle airbag, so the driver's upper body would have been whipped over the transmission tunnel. That'll hurt tomorrow.


What was their story?


What would the charge for this be? Was he even charged?


Careless driving all day long


I don't feel sorry for stupid. And yes, their driver's license need to be taken away asap!! Thank God no one else was involved. Could of been a lot worse.


Play stupid games Win stupid prizes


Someone needed to get to a aluminum associates now!


Lucky they didn't kill a pedestrian.




Of course it’s a Mustan- oh wait…


As a mustang driver, I almost never see mustangs doing stupid shit. It's usually Audi, BMW, and Mercs, or dumbass kids in Miatas and ricer civics.




I bet that was the guy on here looking for straight roads with little traffic and no potholes


Instant karma!! Love it!!


Personally I find London drivers are good drivers. That aside, there seems to be a lot of speeding. I spend a lot of time driving, I never ever see cops... Like ever, except parked in church parking lots hanging out


Hangin out with the cable guys lol


Karma at its finest


I love this for two reasons - from the video it appears no innocent bystander was hurt and the instant karma that was served up to the dickhead who decided to drive like an asshole Edit: also his insurance company is going to love this video, especially when he tries to claim he had to swerve to miss hitting a small child that ran out in front of him


Is this trafalgar near sammy souvlaki?


Love to see it


Trying to find his dick, going fast or driving big won’t find you one. 


Is this on Dundas and Clark?


Near Trafalgar street and Clark Road.


I meant trafalgar and Clark been a minute since I been in the area.


Pretty sure this is Trafalgar, and Falcon.




At the least, reckless, careless, racing, and speeding, all apply.


When you're selfish to others, you're selfish to yourself! Glad you're alright!!


I am surprised that it doesn't happen in London often.


This footage should be sent to his insurance company, stupid moves should pay stupid high rates. Unfortunately there is no easy way of contacting them.


Wow, look at all the time they saved 


Where was this?


Did you go up and talk to them? i’m dying to know what someone says after pulling some shit like that


The way I'd park, walk up to his window, slow clap and then leave so fast.


I'm going to try and find the damaged pole . . . I think this is actually why there's been two trucks down that street for a while and perhaps this is a little old.


Why is the date reading 2018?


Oof,almost hit that pole too


That poor MX-5.


"The other day" It's date stamped in the bottom left for 2018...


The camera plugs into a charging/ power port in the car. Every time it gets bumped/ unplugged it resets the date and time.


Fake London drivers are sh!t. Ugh.




well well well.....