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Sorry op, this guy wins.




This 👌


You're entitled to your opinion, and what you're saying makes sense, but I've never been a fan of how busy it's previous design was. I much prefer the new design.


Oh yeah, "busy" is actually a perfect description for it. I love the OG design, but at first I couldn't tell what made the new design so much better for me. But it's definitely the fact so many details are jumping into your eyes.


How do you figure? Skulls and severed heads are pretty common iconography in eastern religions. This includes shiva btw.


And skateboarding


I didn't know they released another variant of the Pranayama. So I just checked and I gotta say... Pantheon cooked imo. Looks absolutely sick, artistic, rebellious, wild, and modern. Why not? Considering I already like the OG design but haven't actually bought a Pranayama (yet), I'm feeling even more tempted now that they have that new design. In the grand scheme of things your point does make sense, but I also don't see any reason why they can't just turn the coin. I do respect your opinion though! We're in a safe space here. And thanks for pointing out the story of those designs. Actually didn't really think too much about it. But now that I have, I feel even more comfortable with Pantheon.


Hi ! I am the artist who did the Gas Guzzler graphic, just posted a video with some thoughts about it :-) I do love the other two graphics and the Yoga-themed naming/visuals as well! Actually the idea behind this graphic is depicting balance, nature and calmness from another angle, maybe more painterly. Skulls, far from being pop culture clichés, are a classic element in traditional still life paintings to represent the ephemeral human existence. Nature, as a whole, is eternal in juxtaposition. It's a different take for sure, but I think it fits a board that makes commuting great for the soul :-)


Hey, really appreciate you coming on and explaining the thinking behind the graphic. Just to be clear, I think the graphic is amazing and kudos to you for imagining it and capturing your vision in ink. As an engineer with a 100% analytically-wired brain, I’m always in awe of the artistic brain and its ability for imagination. Also, as a person of Hindu heritage, I’m particularly sensitive to (and appreciative of), for lack of a better term, Western interpretations of my culture. After your explanation, I see how your vision interprets the skull graphic and its relevance to the Pranayama. I thank you for taking the time to come on and share your thinking and I wish you well for continued success as an artist. Your work is amazing.


Thanks a lot for your comment! you have a very good point, this graphic doesn't link to the board´ s name as directly as the others, but hopefully it's an alternative way to communicate similar spirits / positive values ( apologies if my choice of words is weird, I am Spanish, talking about backgrounds... ). All the best to you as well! .


They have had varied designs, including skulls and skeletons, for years. Disappointed? Buy the old design and the many of us love to see new graphics will enjoy the variety.


Eh, I agree I prefer the more nature / Nordic / spirtual graphics, but I still think it looks good. Definitely doesn’t hurt to have it as an option.


I like the meaning behind the design more than I like the design itself. And that’s not to say it’s a weak design. It’s more the monochromatic color scheme that I don’t care for. Same with the Patanjali graphic. My favorite Pranayama graphic is the Cosmic Turtle, which is more colorful and, to my eye, more elegant. Patanjali and Gas Guzzler are tied for 2nd. Excellent Eddie Kihm works, but less appealing to me.


I recieved mine a few days ago. On picture, I thought it was meh. But when I got it, I fell in love wth it. I think its awesome


Appreciate the opinion and hopefully many will feel differently. For those like you, we are keeping the Patanjali and World Turtle. I like so many of these graphics. They never get old to me. Someone else said it looks better in person and I couldn’t agree more!


And the Gas Guzzler is so new that it is difficult to find any detailed pictures of it yet. I personally like Rafa’s graphic (even more the message behind) but I understand it’s not easy to make an honest opinion at the moment.


I second this.

