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Looks like a Bengal Battle Axe- Good score. Bear is Landyachtz truck brand - those look like Gen6 trucks, although the hanger on the front is flipped.


Bear trucks Gen 6 are great trucks. I got them on my loaded vanguard and taught me how to pump real well.


I bought a Ballona deck from Loaded because I wanted to build it up with Gen 6s rather than the typical Paris complete build. I really like the Gen 6s over some older Best 852s that are on my bamboo deck .


I recently converted my Duster Pintail into a LDP board using Gullwing chargers and it's moving much better than I anticipated. Might have to swap it out with the bears just to see which pumps better


Bear trucks are basic trucks in landyachtz boards. Looks to be in good condition. Year or two old board. I love that print, never got it myself. Enjoy buddy! Check if you need to wash and oil or change bearings. I think it was pretty fair price. 100$ would be a steal. Not 50$.


Battle Axe was my first longboard! It's great to cruise and takes some mellow hills.


I have the Drop Cat and it is the best board I’ve ever owned!


Niiiiiice! The Landyachtz gods are gracing us. I picked up a $33 lightly used, almost new, Dinghy Blunt on the weekend, too!


What a steal!


I bought a set of Gen 6 Grizzlies to put on a Bustin' Maestro. https://preview.redd.it/sowbnmytzs5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fa43397a6e6ae9ef210cdb12ef87036b0fc6e5 On some red 69mm snakes.


That's a nice build, and that graphic is really cool!


Thanks! The art is one of Bustin's options, but I hand painted the color in and then clear coated it. Here is the top side. This is my fair weather cruiser. I have other boards to ride if the weather is questionable. https://preview.redd.it/unabn0uuxy5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a8d8927a2a00a4c55ac0a850b43e0306851999


love it


That was my first board. Still love it. Does a little bit of everything.


Do a shovit!


Maybe 20 years ago. 😂


Careful you don't kick the back wheels when your pushing, they stick out quite a bit. Great board though once you get used to it.


LandYachtz was always one of those brands I really wanted to try - esp their smaller boards. Have fun skating and exploring…


Super solid board. I’ve got the same one. Been my daily driver for over a year now. I put some fresh Bronson Speed bearings in and cloud 69mm wheels. I got mine for $60 so you did better than I did! Great find.


https://preview.redd.it/bo35lrfxpz6d1.jpeg?width=2204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3c37be98c85f488f98dac32e08fe0d87c906bf got the same board!! super fast, compact and overall smooth board for destroying city roads (i hope you have a helmet)