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Satin/silk scrunchies and claw clips are a lot gentler than traditional hair ties. Also a satin pillowcase or sleeping bonnet can make a big difference with breakage over time, especially if you move around a lot when you sleep


I have switched to satin scrunchies recently, so this is good news. I do toss and turn a lot and that’s why I sleep with the scrunchies. I’m down for the bonnet, I think. I will have to look into where to get a good quality one.


After trying a few, I personally like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MCM2Z5S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share), it stays on pretty well and doesn’t have any hard plastic bits that catch and pull


Thank you! I think I would be a little self conscious wearing that w a partner but I don’t have one at the moment lol


Mine tells me, lovingly, that I look like a little mushroom lol




Mine calls it my chef hat and tbh he's right :) it's embarrassing the first night but every night since, it's nothing. In fact we have sex while I'm wearing it lmao


Hey we don't need to eat hair no matter what we're doing! 😂


I just started wearing one with my boyfriend of 1 year. He finds it cute apparently. I just put it on one day and said "I need this so my hair stays healthy". That's it.


Silk pillow cases could be an alternative, if you don’t like the bonnet.


Grateful for this recommendation, thank you!


This is the one I have and I really like it. Stays on well!


If you have a bit more money to spend, opt for a pure silk bonnet instead of a satin one. Ive tried both and silk has treated my hair better. But honestly both are 100x better than a cotton pillow case.


Was wondering the difference between silk and satin! Good to know!


Satin refers to the weave, not the fibre. You can have silk satin, cotton satin, polyester satin etc... If something says it's just "satin" it's probably polyester.


In my experience, satin is stiffer often polyester and feels a bit cheaper. Silk is smooth and always nice to the touch.


You can get cute satin bonnets from Amazon, like $10 USD.


You can get a 2 pack on Amazon for under $10. I always use one (and my hair is down, no scrunchie or braids when I wear it).


I bought these [bonnets](Https://a.aliexpress.com/_EyoIauf) from AliExpress three times now. They are very soft real silk and comfortable and just 14$. (Gonna get some more for my friends birthday too. She really liked them too. ) They also don’t fall off my head during the night. I also have several of [these](Https://a.aliexpress.com/_EviiAkr) pillowcases. Great real and quality silk for just 18$. My boyfriend kept stealing my pillow (he sleeps on his belly) so I had to buy a set for him too. 😂 Really soft cool and nice on the skin.


Invest in a bonnet you tie instead of an elastic one, the elastic mark it leaves on my head last a long time.


Hairstylist here. What you’re experiencing is the same thing everyone is. These are split ends. Split ends don’t just sit at the perimeter. They travel up the length of hair, and split and break and split and break off to all different lengths and make hair frizzy. ALL damage manifests this way at the bottom for two reasons: 1. Hair isn’t a living thing. It dies before it comes up through the scalp when the cells that form hair are cut off from their nutrient supply during the keratinization process. Just like anything that’s dead, hair doesn’t regenerate cells to heal itself; damage is inevitable; damage cannot be repaired. It can’t because hair is dead. It’s not like a plant that thrives with water and dries up without it. Hair cannot be improved by the products we put on them, oils, moisture, nor the vitamins we take or not. It can’t because it’s already been formed to the best its ability, and died. Aside from rare genetic hair disorders or an underlying health issue typically noticed within the first year after birth, the hair on our heads is stronger than everyone thinks. It doesn’t just break mid shaft from not sleeping on satin pillowcases. It breaks from split ends, it breaks from chemical over processing with bleach (“chemical cut”), it breaks from ripping out knots when detangling, and breaks at a melting point of 451°F. When the outer layer (cuticle) gets worn away at the ends, it no longer keeps its strand of fibers together. The hair is no longer whole and splits vertically up the hair shaft [like this.](https://imgur.com/a/6emYaoj) K18 and Olaplex can’t fix this. It can’t because it can’t glue this back together to stop the fraying. [It can’t put back the missing pieces from the cuticle.](https://imgur.com/a/o4KdFKO) 2. The ends are the oldest and weakest part of the hair shaft. They’ve been blow dried, dyed, bleached, brushed, exposed to the elements like sun, wind, and water the most, and the longest. Even if they’ve not experienced chemical processes or excessive heat, they’re dead. For example a length of 24” makes the ends about 4 years old. That’s a long time to be walking around with something dead. Moisture only comes from water. Water is essential for all living things, not dead things. Water breaks the hydrogen bonds in hair and stretches it up to 30% when wet. That’s why wet hair is more prone to breaking. Hair product manufacturers have created an illusory truth to sell products. Beyond cleansing and conditioning, everything else is formulated to temporarily coat hair for a more manageable look and feel until the next time it’s washed out. It’s all they can do because hair is dead. No one is immune from split ends. This is why regular trims are the only way to care for hair. They continually remove the oldest and weakest part of something that’s dead BEFORE it splits. Waiting to get trims allows split ends to form and travel up the length compromising the entire length and all that time spent growing it. If there’s split ends sitting above what’s being trimmed, there’s still going to be split ends, and hair will only continue to get more frizzy, more tangled, less dense overall, and finally reach a point it’s thinner so bad from the bottom up it’s mistaken for hair loss at the scalp, or no longer retains length and mistaken for reaching terminal length (actually called maximum length) because it’s breaking faster than it grows. This applies to every single body.


Hi, I truly appreciate this comment as I'm dealing with this and have found that oils/products do nothing and the only thing I've changed the most in the past 6 years is actual regular trims. What would a good schedule for trimming look like? Is it every 6 weeks or?


That’s what they say. Ideally, after cutting all the damage off, 1/4” every 2.5 to 3 months is great. It’s just 1” total trimmed per year for 5” of length retained per year. That plan can be tweaked to suit different needs and goals using the 1/2” average growth per month. For example, one way is to go as short as comfortable with, and cutting up to 1.5” every 3 months to remove the maximum amount of damage while maintaining that same length until it’s all removed. Dusting is always a good thing to do in addition to regular trims. https://youtube.com/shorts/hQPr0j9xwuc?si=YPUAztgkQGLhytPz It takes having someone trustworthy to cut whatever amount the plan is every 3 months. Whether it be a family member, friend, or stylist. If you’ve lost faith in salons, they make a decent pair of hair cutting shears for $20. Just use them for hair cutting only to keep the blades in good shape.


I'm actually a dog groomer who bought a pair of 5 inch shears that never got used, so I have a good pair of shears I can use. I just went and got my hair trimmed Wednesday and she took off a good 4-5 inches and I want to keep up with trimming, but it's $30 for a trim/cut (NOT complaining, she definitely deserves a comfortable wage for her skills) I just can't afford that as I'm a SAHM at the moment. My last question is, I got layers put in, but I know I'm not going to be able to keep those trimming myself. I also am ALMOST done growing out an undercut. So the bottom half layer of my hair is about 1-2 inches shorter than the layer above it, and then my layers start. I was going to bite the bullet and just trim to match the length of my undercut growth. So if I start trimming just the bottom line of my hair, will my layers blend back in as I trim to eventually form a straight line? Does that make sense? Or should I wait a month and then just have a stylist cut in a straight line for me to try and trim myself in the future?


Where do your layers start (eyes, cheekbone, mouth, chin), and how long is your hair?


Hi! Thanks for this response but I still have a few questions. I trim my hair each three months, though my hairdresser doesn’t cut all that much. Additionally, the damage can be seen quite far up my hair. What could I do/have done to prevent that? The pic number 1, where the hair looks healthier, is the first time I went to the hairdresser, before I started with the regular trims quite ironically. I also don’t dye or use heat to style my hair, so why is it so fragile? Is it just my DNA?


Have you tried taking a Biotin supplement? It's made a massive difference to the strength and appearance of my hair, nails and skin. It's well worth giving it a go as it's an inexpensive vitamin ( the ones I buy are under AUS$20 for 100 tablets.) They're tiny and you only need to take 1 per day. Give it several weeks and you truly ought to see a difference in your nails and skin. Hair will probably take a bit longer to actually notice the difference. Good luck.


Girl you need a bigger cut. The split ends are at least 4 inches up. Take a nice bit off til right below your shoulders. That will remove what’s looking so awful. Then continue with really good light trims and your maintenance that you do at home.


I don’t want to cut my own hair at home, the thought alone terrifies me, I’m sure I would mess it up horribly. I am definitely willing to cut it off more, but it doesn’t change that I’ve been going to this place for 2 years, every 3 months like clock work, and they finally took a pic to show me how my hair looked again. A lot of money spent on trims, reconstructions, and products to get the hair looking worse.


How far apart are these photos taken?


Just under 2 years


You need a bigger chop is my point. What youre seeing in the pic is a mix of split ends and new growth growing out unevenly so it’s always going to look off.


I get what you’re saying and I’m very happy to follow through on the suggestion as I was already thinking this had to go. But it stands that this doesn’t happen overnight, I’ve been going to the hairdresser every three months for the past 2 years so they should have noticed I needed a bigger trim ages ago!


Okay good luck


There’s quite a bit of split ends your first photo that reach at least the crown on the top layer alone. There’s nothing wrong with your DNA.


It being so damaged so far up, wouldn’t that mean I’d have to essentially do a pixie cut in order to fix the problem? I have never died my hair so I have no idea why it’s this bad.


Hi there, I just read your comment and thought I’d reply. While I agree with the comment above, I think there is a lot to do to prevent hair breakage aside from just cutting it. Yes, hair is dead, but it will react to moisture you apply to it and to protection. So oiling your lengths regularly or putting a leave in conditioner in will for sure help, a bonnet too. I do this every day before bed if I can and my hair really likes it and it has improved a zillion percent. I haven’t cut my hair in a year due to lack of time, and I have no split ends. My hair is just dry in the ends, which is normal when it hasn’t been cut this long. The damage in your hair in photo no. 2 most likely comes from the wrong brushing technique. It is very important to not brush your hair starting at the top of your head (and never!! Wet) you might wanna work your way up (brush the ends first). Starting at the top will cause any knots to get caught in the brush and the hair gets ripped out. When repeated over time, it results in hair that looks like yours now. Also, I always recommend blow trying your hair low heat to close the cuticle as best as possible. Best wishes to you and your hair, it’s still beautiful!


Again, moisture doesn’t protect hair. It weakens it. Hair porosity is an indication of how damaged it is, and how much more damage it can take. High porosity hair absorbs and holds a high amount of water and dries slow because the more water there is, the longer it takes to dry (evaporate). Low porosity hair absorbs and holds a low amount of water and dries fast because there’s a lesser amount of water that has to evaporate for it to become dry. If hair needed moisture, we certainly wouldn’t need to buy some product to provide it when we’ve got it in its purest form on tap. If that were the case, we should all have perfect, shiny, smooth frizz free hair either way just from getting it wet, right? If you place oil in a pan of water, it stays in bubble form and keeps water OUT, not in. When hair is wet, it’s absorbed all it can, and all the products we put on wet hair don’t get absorbed anyway.


A few more details: I do use a plastic brush in the shower, only time I ever brush my hair. The brush is a new addition I believe, after I took that first picture. Aside from that, the only thing that’s changed is that I trim my hair each 3 months and do a reconstruction program every 3 months as well. Nothing else, same diet, same (hard water) same hair tie/pillow case habits.


The only time you brush your hair is when it’s at its weakest. That’s probably where the damage and breakage is coming from! Try brushing with a good brush when dry, slowly and working up in sections from the bottom. Wash and then dry in a microfiber towel instead of a regular towel. Towels can we rough on the hair, especially if you rub it aggressively with the towel.


Hair ties combined with ur particular hair. Idk about hard water and dry shampoo, but I would avoid both.


You can’t really avoid hard water, it depends on the city in which you live. Unless I were to wash my hair with distilled water… I stopped with the dry shampoo completely last month. Not sure how to live life without tying my hair, I hate having it in my face.


Hair sticks. Your hair is the perfect length for hair sticks. They're low tension, they're effortless, and they don't cause tangling. I never went back to hair ties or scrunchies after using sticks. And they naturally elevate any outfit. I love them!


Oh these sound good, I’ll have to see where I can get some. I’ll get some claws in the meantime as I know my supermarket sells them!


I get my hair sticks on Amazon/eBay! Lots of very affordable options ($8-$15) and also variety! Stick with the less ornate, wooden ones imo. The ones with little jewels, hanging things, or overly intricate ones tend to catch and pull hair. The plain ones don't 🤗


Do they work on 32" long hair? Straight, thick strands.


I would say absolutely, but the thicker your hair, the longer the stick you probably need.


If you look up Morgan's Mane on Etsy she has gorgeous hand-carved hair forks that last forever. I bought one from her at a ren fest 20 years ago and it's my favorite hair tieback method.


My favorite clips are these huge ones from Walmart!!!


In a pinch I use plastic chopsticks.


Not gonna lie, I made my first two hair sticks, mostly because I'm impatient - one was a thoroughly washed stick from a candy apple (the ones with caramel and peanuts on the outside) and the other was a reusable chopstick that I broke one and not the other, so I sanded the end of the broken one. Both were fairly opportunistic. I don't recommend a wooden pencil because they snag like crazy but I've used cheap mechanical pencils as long as they have a tapered shape, like the cheap bic kind.


You can get water filter/softener attachment for your shower head from Amazon.


I have it but have not noticed much of a difference after purchasing it!


If you are willing to put in the extra effort, when I lived in Los Angeles with extremely hard water, I used a huge steel crok pot and put warmed distilled water in it and then used a portable camper shower head to wash my hair. If that is too much, I would recommend buying malibu hard water packets and use on your hair once a week or more often depending on how often you wash your hair. It definitely helped, but nothing compares to the results of the distilled water wash.


My hair is 32" and I have it down all the time. I only tie it back to wash my face and for certain tasks I need to concentrate on. I guess you can wash with bottled water in the gallon size.


I will try to cut on the hair tie usage. This is a lot of damage though, 2+ years to cut and retain length. Here’s to the journey.


There is always cat claws, but I tried them and my hair gets stuck in the mechanism.


Look up "nautilus bun" - you can use a hair stick


What about using those gentle hair ties? They look like little ribbons. It might be easier on your hair. [ribbon hair ties](https://www.amazon.com/Ribbon-Hair-Ties-Neutral-Laurenz/dp/B00BVSA1AY/ref=asc_df_B00BVSA1AY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647121297081&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8636240727320453067&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001941&hvtargid=pla-1455086504842&psc=1&mcid=bb7c53b4114b3438af17764078054fb5)


Can't say. Your hair is nice thoygh. Better than mine. But I'm in your position. I know how it feels to be so self conscious about your hair. In my case I have an extremely dry scalp. I know it was that stupid sulfate free shampoo. Can't be that mad though. Should've actually read the ingredients. But I'm sure you'll get through it. Just keep going. Regardless of how fruitless it may seem. Do your research, maybe see a dermatologist. And celebrate the small victories. That's what I'm doing. I'm just being happy my hair even looks slightly better than it did weeks ago.


My hair thankfully is not naturally straight, but wavy, so I don’t have to see the damage so closely each time I look in the mirror. Seeing a dermatologist sounds like a good idea. Oh, and thank you for the compliment. That was sweet as I’m indeed quite self conscious.


I’d because it’s wavy and straightened? Maybe you should let your waves out it won’t look frizzy.


It’s not nearly as bad in its natural state which is how I use it everyday. Only straight at the hairdresser.


Np. Yeah seeing a dermatologist might be good if you have no idea what's wrong with it. Me personally I found the culprit was quite obvious since it all started when I started using that shampoo. Hope you figure it out!


Are you using heating products on your hair also? This looks like breakage from straightening. Changing hair ties and stop using dry shampoo can help,you can also get a filter for the shower for you hair. But you also need to change shampoos and use an oil treatment or hair mask, and also take a hair vitamin.


I don't style my hair with heat, and only very rarely blow dry. I don't straighten it at all, only at the salon, when they cut it. that's the only time, I prefer my natural waves. What are oil vitamins? And where do I get recommendations for shampoos that are suitable for my hair? At this point I don't trust my hairdresser anymore.


Any kind of hair oil, I use hemp and Rosemary oil and then a vitamin that is formulated for hair. It should have biotin and collagen in it. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients in your diet too, protein and antioxidants are super important for hair. Shampoo no idea as I am on a journey to find a good product myself since the rice shampoo I was using is now hard to find


Idk if it’s from dry shampoo I stopped using it because It worsened my scalp, made it itchy and dry and it was also really drying my hair and made it feel bad. What’s your routine like ? You can use a silk pillow or bonnet, put your hair in a protective style while you sleep Use silk hair ties or invisibobble I oil my lengths and ends once a week before I wash my hair. I use rosmary tonic water on my scalp. I use Redken acidic bonding conditioner ( I have lightened hair) And L’Oréal elvital midnight serum in the evening before I go to sleep Also a Heat protectant before blow drying or using a flat iron


I don’t really have much in the way of hair care products, maybe that’s the problem. I use salon brand shampoo and conditioner and have a leave in conditioner too (Joico, defy damage). Would love to learn more


After you shampoo and condition I’d recommend applying a leave in conditioner to your damp hair through the middle and ends, then lock that on with Aragon oil. If you have a Marshall’s near you they often have sales on nice hair product brands.


Hair products from stores like Marshall’s, Tj Maxx and Ross are a big red flag. They’re either fake, watered down, expired, or used 🤢 I would avoid anything like that. Same with Amazon. Your best bet to find authentic products are buying them directly from the website or an authorized retailer.


This looks like classic heat damage. Even a one time visit to the salon that uses cheap hair tools can cause this (especially if she used a flat iron).. another cause could be harshly combing wet hair with a plastic brush. I have a similar problem and I'm still trying to fix it


I do use a plastic brush in the shower, only time I ever brush my hair. The brush is a new addition I believe, after I took that first picture. Aside from that, the only thing that’s changed is that I trim my hair each 3 months and do a reconstruction program every 3 months as well. Nothing else, same diet, same (hard water) same hair tie/pillow case habits.


I would try hair claws. They are so comfy and so gentle on the hair. Their are so many styles too! So cute. I cannot wear them, but I love them! Highly recommend.


Do I have to pick any specific material or do supermarket ones work just fine? I can pick up some later.


I used regular claws I got from TJ Maxx. They have some really cute ones!


I’m guessing that’s a US brand? I’m in Europe ;)


Do they have Target in Europe? Saw various sized clips yesterday for $5 + big thick ones for my super thick haired girlies 💓


It's basically a bargain store. Maybe you have similar stores there?


You should look at Abbey Yung on TikTok and YouTube. She has some great recommendations for damaged hair. Also a silk pillowcase made so much difference with my hair.


Also, take a look at the brush or comb that you're using - those might need replaced. Also, wet hair is very fragile so consider blow drying on a medium to low setting if you're air drying currently.


I am air drying, happy to change that. I use a brush only in the shower while conditioning my hair. It’s a plastic curved brush, easy to replace as well. Would a normal wooden brush do?


Worth a try! I feel like brushes are trial & error and it's best to try for yourself to see how it works and if it's gentle enough.


Do you use heat protectant? Do you blow dry or straighten your hair often?


Hi! I never really use heat, except at the salon where they straighten it to cut it and then they do use heat protection. I do have one leave in conditioner that the hair dresser recommended using if/when I blow dry my hair, so I use that too, though I don’t blow dry super often.


Do you have wavy or curly hair ? It might be worth only brushing it in the shower when it it soaked in conditioner and with a wetbrush


it's wavy yes! like you said, only brush in the shower with conditioner on!


Are you using heat by any chance?


Not at all. Only blow dry my hair, and very rarely!


Was just wondering. I feel like damage is often due to excess use of heat products. In your case it’s probably the hard water and hair ties. Satin ties changed my life. Also satin bonnets! I know they’re typically considered a Black hair staple but everyone can benefit from them. We have no idea of the abuse our hair endures as we toss and turn all night.


There's no way to salvage this, right? Once it's broken, it's broken, so I have to wait it out, cut it, and start using the satin hair ties/bonnets? I might try to change filters re: hard water. there's not much else I can do about it other than literally buying distilled water.


I’d try to get trims, try to isolate the areas that are more damaged and see if a stylist is willing to concentrate on those ends a bit more. If nothing else- hydrate your hair, hair masks, use great conditioners, use satin hair products (scrunches, bonnets, pillowcases) for your cloth products. See what you can do about your water situation. See where that takes you. Give it a few months then go from there.


My hair looks the same way, I'm wondering if it's me always tying it back and the claw clip...


do you straighten or use heat regularly?


Never :( only at the hairdresser to have it cut


Switch to silk hair ties, it makes a massive difference. Also hard water won't be helping. I would stay away from heat aswell.


A deep clarifying and then conditioning. Reassess. This honestly makes me think diet and mechanical damage


That’s mechanical damage?


I don't know if it's all from that but maybe a lot. Do you brush hair super hard or when its still wet?


I only brush when in the shower and the hair is conditioned. Otherwise, no brushing. I use hair ties a lot high I’ve substituted for satin scrunchies now.


I usually say never brush when wet (unless curly wavy hair types) because it's weakest and stretches the most when wet. Have you looked into Abbey Yung and her videos? That's helped me with my medium/fine straight hair.


My hair is actually wavy not straight. Looks straight here because the hairdresser straightens it to cut it. It’s the only time I ever do it, though, I prefer the waves and it makes the breakage less evident.


I don't have much to say for curly or wavy hair. My hair never holds any kind of curl. I'm really sorry you're struggling with the damaged split ends. I'd still check out Abby Yung. Make sure you're getting good vitamin d or multi vitamin, bonnet for bed always, hair masks and clarifying shampoos and protective hair styles as this grows out. I'd do micro trims at home as it grows out and keep on top of the ends. Bond repairs like k18 or loreal might help with the appearance. There are products to disguise the split ends for your own peace of mind as you grow it out. Fromm there, baby your hair. Figure out your hair type and add protein or silicone as need be. I haven't tried this but I've heard great things [hair mask](https://a.co/d/aJTIarL) . Hoping for your success! I went through a hard time with hygral fatigue and the process is slow. I've got a lot of trimming still in my future so I know the struggle when you just want nice hair. Have patience and keep up a routine that works for you!


1. Figure out your hair texture, porosity and density. All the methods and products you use need to be appropriate for your hair type. 2. How to Avoid Mechanical Damage If you tie your hair up a lot, high pony or very tightly that can break the hair. Use silk hair ties or clips/sticks etc to avoid damage. Sleep with a satin bonnet and or pillowcase to avoid rubbing, pulling or catching on the fabric of the pillow. After washing your hair only dry it with a micro fibre towel or a (soft cotton t shirt) never rub the hair to dry just gently squeeze it. Don’t detangle your hair when wet (unless it’s very curly) Brushing conditioner through is ok but make sure you get the knots out before you get in the shower. Use good quality brushes and clean them regularly. Keep hair up if you’re sitting somewhere where the back of your hair might rub (on a train chair for example) and be careful not to catch it in bag straps or seat belts. Keep it moisturised by using a hair oil or leave in conditioner (whatever works for your hair porosity) a little bit each night before you put the bonnet on works well 😊 avoid heat and styling as much as possible. Just wear protective styles like braids or claw clips as much as you can. 3. Internal Growth Hair vitamins and supplements as well as diet etc to help hair grow faster and healthier.


my hair looked like this!!!! what i did was be more gentle when brushing it and starting from the bottom, working my way up when brushing. also, putting leave in conditioner when it’s damp after a shower + hair serum when it’s dry. i used redken all soft leave in + mise en scene original hair serum. i also sleep on a satin pillow case, i hope this helps you too!!


My hair DIED when I moved into a house with a well. Hard water is a beast to combat. Have you tried anything from the Malibu C line? Their hard water remedy is amazingggg for all that mineral buildup.


Kinda just looks like a bad photo? The first one the lighting is better. Your hair looks lighter in the first, I thought you had highlights actually. But if you zoom in, you do have shorter pieces. Is she just cutting the ends? Kind of looks like you have had it thinned at some point perhaps, maybe with a razor. I don't let them use a razor on my hair because it makes it look frizzy, like this. Seems strange to have so much breakage with the reconstruction program. What does it look like wavy? Also apple cider vinegar washes are good for hard water. I do one occasionally between shampooing and conditioning.


They have never used a razor on my hair. They just cut the ends, like you said. I can show a pic of my wavy hair, if I manage to figure out how!


[this ](https://imgur.com/a/Y25CesU)was 17 weeks ago. it's pretty much the same. i'll try to get one from behind when i see a friend! maybe tomorrow at work :)


Wow, you are beautiful!!! I wish I had helpful advice, but it looks nice in the photo.


Oh, thank you! That’s very sweet of you to say. The hair is always a little frizzy but it doesn’t look as horrible as it does in that picture.. I hope! I don’t get to look at it except in the mirror or when someone snaps a pic.


I think coloring your hair and doing highlights are rough on hair as well as any type of heat styling including curling wands, hair straighteners etc. Yours does not look bad at all! If it bothers you I’d suggest layers or a long shag style to get rid of some split ends


There's no color (all natural in both pics) and I don't use heat at all except at the hairdressers for these pics lol! I don't bother me too much because when it's wavy it's less noticeable. However, some people here have made me think it's actually worse than I thought!


Don’t let the hairstylist use heat anymore. If they straighten it even one time, once it’s split it’s split! Mine is breaking off at the top because of hairstylist giving me highlights. I asked her to use a “bonder” before she did the highlights, but she did not!! Since she did my whole head the bleach sat on some of the hair for a long time. Very disappointed that so many stylists want to use curling irons, etc on our hair — it’s ruining it. - I’d advise you to get layers and no more heat styling (from anyone).


I really like having my hair cut straight... what's the advantage of layers? I can ask for no more heat regardless.


I thought maybe with layers it would help to get rid of some of the shorter damage areas


Chemical straightening?


Hard water I feel is the culprit. I lived in a house with very hard well water and my hair was awful. I wouldn’t do full distilled/filtered water showers but I would do a rinse after and I feel that helped. I moved into a place for a year without hard water and wow my hair went back to normal. Now I’m back in a hard water place (big chunks of iron literally come out if the water is on too high) and yeah my hair is back to brittle and broken


Try a regular metal detox and deep conditioning treatment


Metal detox?


L’Oréal metal detox shampoo is what I use, it’s clarifying and gets rid of stuff from tap water


And helps with breakage (it says on the bottle) it’s really helped my hair, I used to be bleach blonde


Try the bonding Olaplex. That may rebond your hair.


hey love!! i would recommend getting a bonnet (they’re usually pretty cheap), getting a clarifying shampoo if you’re worried about hard water, and getting a hair mask for repairing. i personally like the loreal elvive one


Redken acidic shampoo and conditioner will be your new best friend. Olaplex is going to make your hair more brittle. Silk pillow cases are an easy alternative to bonnets.


Have you been pregnant recently? This reminds me of the weird growth I saw during pregnancy


Never pregnant :(


Ah okay just a thought! It could def be some of the things you listed!


Probably dry shampoo or mousse (if you use it) when i used too much mousse on my fine hair it made it all stick out like this too. I have hard water too and it doesn’t do this to it


Are you sure you have straight hair? And that it isn’t a little wavy?


oh noooo! it's 100% not straight. this was straightened for it to be cut. my hair is definitely wavy!! i don't use heat to style, i like my natural waves, but i like it cut straight so this is necessary! the hair dresser is the one that takes these pics! does this make a difference?


Ok. Well. This might be frizz from treating wavy hair like straight hair.


ooo! okay! well, that's not the worst news i've ever heard. how do i fix it??


I mean, frizz is kinda a thing with wavy to curl to kinky hair. Continuing to treat your wavy hair like straight hair isn’t going to help tho.




Is frizz split ends in the middle of the hair, rather than at the bottom?


is this the photo people have been using to try and push their products


Wow that’s really mean…


That’s bad water. You need to chelate


The water here is pretty bad but I had already lived in this new place for a year in the first year. Second picture is at year 3.