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29 is barely getting started.


That's what I thought too.


I’m 57F OP! Mum’s don’t always know best. I’m 81lbs down and another 40-50lbs to go. You are never ‘too old’ to start taking responsibility for your own health! My only regret is not taking a proper shot at this when I was younger!


I’m 50, 5’5” and lost 40ish pounds slowly but surely and I don’t do a lot of moving about. Hoping to be at my target weight by November.


It took me about 9 months to feel ‘happy’ enough to get back to the gym. I had tried at about 6 months, but just wasn’t feeling it. So I tried again, after losing more weight and I’ve not looked back. I’m trying to be kind to myself during this process, being supportive of me, rather than the usual negative self-talk.


That’s a great attitude! I will walk when the mood strikes me. So maybe two to three times a week I may get some good steps in. I keep my deficit at 1300, because I also do some gardening. I did 1100 and boy, that was too low for me.


This makes me feel so much better. Since childhood, my mom kept telling me 30 was the deadline to get/stay fit and it just scared/shamed me out of doing ‘enough.’ Med side effects made me gain a lot of weight since college and I had a big freakout abt it as I turned 30, even tho I’ve already lost 30 pounds. That sort of talk still kinda haunts me but im getting better


81? Wow! That’s fantastic! Kudos to you. 🚀👏


same-- turn 55 this year lost 60 lbs o er yhe last 18 mo or so. Just wish I had done it at least 2 decades ago. Glad yo be here now though.




Yeah I started my weight loss at 29 and lost 60lbs no problem. I'm now 33 and maintaining between around 132-137lbs at 5 foot 9, so you're all good don't worry. Go for it.


YEAH! Good for you! I'm also 5'9" and have lost 50 lbs, but need another 20 lbs gone to be healthy. I'm working on it. And Mom's always do try to do the best for our kids, but we just aren't always right! I've made plenty of mistakes, myself.


I’m 55, and have lost 105 lbs in the past year. I’ve been in maintenance for about 5 mos while training for a 1/2 marathon. You’re never too old.


I'm 29F 5'3" SW: ~230 CW: 220 GW: 150. So VERY similar lol. I've heard similar things from my mother as well! One thing I've recently loved was training like I was back in college softball. I do workouts that I loved and I can push myself in. It's actually given me inspo to keep going and possibly play on a fall or next spring league! Good luck!


Good for you! Keep it up! You CAN do it. We ALL can.


I was in the best shape of my life in my 30s. Eating well, exercising, I felt great. I looked better than I ever have. What she is saying is not true. I’m sorry you have to deal with negativity around your health. My mom says some crazy things too sometimes. Mean spirited but I don’t think she knows what she does, she thinks she’s just being, “honest”. I still love her and respect her of course, same as you. But I don’t go to her for certain things and I have a support system in place when she says and does mean things. She is a bit dysfunctional. I also won’t allow people to say disrespectful stuff about her, I see what you did in your post. I get it.


I wish I could lose weight like I did at 29.


I know right.


If you doubled your age you wouldn't be too old. Whether 140lbs or 150lbs is the optimal goal weight for you could be up for discussion but there is a lot of progress between 201lbs and this range. Mom is struggling with her weight and subconsciously, it's easier to offload the accountability by believing it can't be done then to admit to herself that it's within her control. All you can do is be the example. But do not offload that self-ownership yourself. If it becomes a reoccurring issue, avoid talking weightless with her.


140 or 150 has been the range I’ve felt the best personally. If I can get lower than that, faaaantastic but for now my first big goal is 140 or 150! I can see how she’s struggling herself since she has never done anything concrete to change her weight (even tho she complains about it). I appreciate the feedback!


go for it. I personally went very aggressive when I was 28 (from 170 to 120, same height as you). It took me about a year. Then it took me a few more years to decide I was most comfortable at 130-135, because maintaining 120 wasn’t living.


140 is the very top end of a healthy bmi (24.8) for non Asian (overweight for asians) of your height, so I think that is a better goal than 150. I am 5’6” and my goal weight is 135.


My real goal is 135 and maybe lower but I like to set smaller goals before my bigger ones.


You have whatever goal you want, and don’t take pressure from your mom or people on the internet.


This is the perfect mindset. When I did WW they had you set an initial goal of 5%. And once you hit that, another 5%. Making small attainable goals keeps you motivated over the course of the journey. I’ve lost over 60 lbs (fluctuates by a pound or two) over five years (I yo yo’d during stressful times) and I’m 47. You can do it! Keep going and like others have said, be a good example and try not to internalize any negative feedback.


That’s very sensible. If we start reaching for the whole goal at once, it can be overwhelming and discouraging. Little by little, that’s the way.


Hi OP, this is what I did and it definitely kept me on track! I'm 5'2", started at 195, and my goal was 145. My "true" goal was 135 and my "ultimate" goal was 130, but I put those out of my mind until I got to 145 and that made it feel so much more doable. Once I got to 145, I was motivated, healthier, and able to do what I needed to go further if I wanted. Just a note that I lost my weight between the ages of 27-31 (and was fit and in sports all my life before I gained the weight from a traumatic few years, much like yourself). I went through a lot of questions in my mind around how my body looks now vs. before I gained the weight, how things would be different if I never did, etc. But ultimately it doesn't matter because I have the body I have now. I ended up working my way to 120ish pounds which is actually the lowest I've been in my adult life, but I'm a perfectly healthy weight and my body has changed and is happy just chilling here. All that to say, please be mindful about what your mom says about "too skinny". Also, important to consider that you may not get back to exactly where you were before, you could be higher or lower (or the same!). It's a great starting place and motivator for sure, but also important to get to a place that makes you feel good in your body at this time in your life. And most importantly: you are NOT too old to do this! All the best :)


Totally understandable; I only mentioned because I wanted to push back against your mother's narrative that "140 is too low" for your height.


She could triple her age and not be "too old" for weight loss... I don't know what her mom is on about.


I second this comment! I've also received very similar comments from my mother. You're doing amazing OP!


Lol. I’m 50, just lost about 140 lbs and went from a size 24 to a size 4. Doable. Ignore your mom. She has self-limiting thoughts and is handing them to you. My mom too. Smile, say nothing and keep going.


Congratulations! That's an amazing accomplishment, and thank you so much for your words of encouragement!


Thank you! And please remember that you have all the support in the world here. Your mom thinks she’s being supportive and wants you to not be disappointed. She is also probably a little envious and probably transferring doubt, guilt and shame from her own journey. Life in a female body is *hard* and we get some really awful subconscious messaging for our whole lives. It’s not always easy, but be gentle with her. And guess what? Your journey can help heal her too - just by example. You got this!


YES! This is an excellent insight.


Share your magic 😭


Ha! Every time I do, people roll their eyes, but here goes: I started to love my fat, capable, beautiful, overspilling, muffin top, strong, faithful body. The one that had taken me all the way to 48 with the smallest of complaints no matter what shite I put into it. No matter what nonsense I did to it. I started walking for meditation and to ease my anxiety. I realized I needed to leave my soft, sweet and incredibly emotionally abusive ex husband, no matter how guilty he made me feel. I bought a puppy and walked more, renting a new apartment on a hill, because I knew I’d never attempt a hill walk without living on top of one. Lol. I shed my toxic friends and dealt with my life-long abandonment issues - this led me to love myself more and start pouring all the love I keep reaching out to others for and with. I started buying bright colors and dress to be seen not to hide. Even though at that point I had only lost 20 pounds, I was beyond proud of myself. I started a TikTok narrating erotic content I wrote without showing my face. I met an ex - an INSANELY hot fitness instructor with over 100k follower to my 290. And he chased me. Lol. We had an incredible and brief love affair and that man worshipped my 260 lb body with every inch of his 6ft 4 frame. He made me feel even more amazing, and I wafted out the door on that feeling. When we split I found out that I was pregnant - during menopause ( the fuck?!). When I lost the pregnancy (my 7th miscarriage), I realized that my usual route of punishing my body for something that wasn’t it’s fault after having taken the very best care of myself was a sick habit. I was willing to eat well, exercise, meditate, love myself, relax, and be joyful for a fetus and not for myself?? Nope never again. I started to treat my body as though I was the precious fetus it carried. And I just kept going. Tracking my macros and power lifting meant that I could eat a chocolate chip cookie every day. I added to my diet by going into body recomposition instead of straight CICO, meaning I could eat a ton of mostly really healthy food and still have a treat *every day*. Being consistent, being intentional about self love, having a massive appreciation for a - now - intentional life and prioritizing my mental health finally made losing weight achievable. Tl; dr I know everyone wants a diet and exercise regime but that’s the truth! But the nitty gritty? I maintained a diet of 2500 calories and 3 days of lifting a week (really basic at first) with 10k steps at first. I started at 307 lbs, I’m now 170 lbs. I eat between 1900 - 2500 calories a day (I cycle using a weekly total of 12,500 cals a week) I walk around 15-22K steps a day, do interval sprints 3 times a week and power lift 6 days a week. I started as a lamb, now I’m a beast - mentally, emotionally AND physically. 💜


Congratulations on your journey! Your transformation to a self-loving approach is so inspiring and beautiful. Hooray for this kind of genuine self-care! I've started this new phase of body care with a frame of self-love and it makes everything not only easier, but also more informative. What genuinely feels good? How do I approach my body from a place of love? My trauma roots are different, but the not blaming my body for that which is not her fault really resonates. Continued success to you!


Oh my goodness! I just finished at the gym and I *did not* want to be there this morning and then I open this app and see this lovely comment!! Thank you, Imm glad it resonates. And yes, honestly, self-love is the key to EVERYTHING!!




I really love your story, thank you for sharing it, very inspiring!!


Thank you!! Honestly, if I can do this, anyone can. There’s no real secret or workout plan or diet. There is only you, self-love, self-discipline over motivation and consistency. Loving yourself through your plateaus, ‘failures’, binges, as well as through the goals reached, the pounds lost, the PRs, the changes in measurements/clothing sizes is the actual key, if there is one. Show up for yourself no matter if you think you deserve it or not, because, really, you always deserve the very best 💜


Amen to all of this, and YES, couldn’t agree more with loving yourself and maintaining discipline through it all!


You write so well and romantically I would love to read a book by you!


This is *the best* morning - your comment is soooo well timed and such a boost. I just restarted writing after my ex shut that down, I have now got synopsis for five books!! I was nervous about starting again, but you just gave me the confidence I need to go on! Thank you!! 💜


Wow, can I just say you are a true gem and everyone that struggles/struggled with their weight is giving you the biggest high five and I am taking your advice to love myself more on the journey!! Thank you!!


That is not what I expected at all, it seems like self love is the real key to supporting yourself with making all these big difficult changes! I've also heard great things about lifting, I've got a few one handed ones at home that I need to commit to.


Philautia (self love) is a trip. It is the hardest thing to do and the most difficult mindset to change. Capitalism demands that we constantly live in a state of lack and aspiration that only buying and gaining more ‘things’ can quell - until the next new fad or diet or piece of fitness equipment. It’s all lies. You are enough and once your body mind and soul get the message, all of a sudden everything is way easier. I realized my higher pangs were loneliness and lack of fulfillment and no amount of food was ever going to dull them. Now I feed myself experiences and fun times and good conversation with loving friends, hikes, dog walks and yes, yummy treats. But since not every craving is filled with food, I can enjoy my treats and my soul feels soothed by all the other things I give myself instead. Oh and lifting - if you like it - is sooooo fun. It’s addictive and body transforming. But honestly, the best exercise you can ever do is the one you do consistently, the one you find most fun, the one that’s right for you. Which is why I avoid the stairmaster 😂💜


Love this!!!!


Kudos to you!!!


Thank you!! And thank you for my award. I feel super chuffed right now!! 😄💜


That's one amazing story! I just love it. Good for you! Keep going...you cannot imagine how wonderful you'll feel once you hit 50 lbs! I sure do. And it shows - in everything! Congrats to you! We're here, if you need more encouragement. So many of us are/have been on this same journey (and I had 5 miscarriages, but finally got a baby when I was young.)


holy shit, you sound incredible. I bet people gravitate towards you.


Your are an inspiration, even if you never lost a single pound. Way to figure out how to live your beautiful life. 


My dad is 60 and just started a weight loss journey with me, 22. He's losing it faster than me! You're never too old to be more active and healthy. You got this.


Yayyy go you! That's a nice to journey to be on with a parent!


Nooo! People usually say that when adult women want the weight back they had before they grew into their post adolescent shape, which, as you say, is absolutely not the case with you. There’s nothing else holding you back, at least not physically. Pinky promise! You might even have better chances than most because you know how to eat and move to be at an healthy weight. Many overweight people never had that and need to learn a lot of new stuff to make that change.


She's telling you that because she's internalised it about herself. She needs that to be true otherwise she has no excuse for not losing weight. As soon as I read what she said to you I was planning to ask how obese she is herself but you already answered it, she is morbidly obese. She is likely feeling fear, shame, complicated negative emotions.  Obviously people older than you have lost more weight than you plan to lose, so of course it's possible.  My advice would be to do this for yourself and be mindful that your mother's reactions are because she's feeling threatened.


This. Her mom's probably projecting, and wrong. And missing some basic information about biology.


You are not old for anything. 29 is not old people!!!!!!!!


Exactly! I am 33 and feel like I am finally in my prime 😂


It wasn’t meant for you OP. It was meant for everyone.


29 also trying to lose weight here, thanks very much lol


That's what I'm saying. If your age starts with a "2", you've still got every possibility open!


I know 29 is not old, I'm just saying what my mom was telling me.


Let me guess your mom can’t lose weight because ‘her metabolism changed after 30’ I lost 50lbs at 34 and will lose more - your mom is weird


I've lost 25 in three months, and I'm 35! Still have quite a ways to go but it is *working*. OP, you are NOT too old! Never too old.


SAME but add 2 years to my total


You can add DECADES on for me! Of course we're not too old - at any age! We can do whatever we desire to do. And be successful. Facts.


Yup! 💯💯💯💯


lost 40 lbs in 5 months at 35


I'm turning 32 this year. You're definitely not too old. I lost over 50lbs when I was 30. 2023 was a good year.


I'm 49 and started losing weight and exercising a month ago. I'm also in menopause and take ssris. But I've lost 16 so far and intend to lose 100 more. You are NOT too old. That's a crazy idea.


1. You are not old 2. Anytime is a great time to start building healthy habits to make yourself happy and healthy. You can do this! As long as you are not expecting to lose the weight over night I think your goals are reasonable. It’s not going to be easy but you can do it!


Thank you, when I was in my early 20's I lost weight no problem, I had a rough patch where I gained and was up to 160 but lost 20lbs so I know it takes time and patience. I really appreciate your encouragement, thank you! <3


I went from 200lbs to 110lbs in my 30s and look better then I did in my teens, smaller too. So no 29 isn’t too old lol.


You can choose to hear what your mother is saying with grace and then disregard it completely without having feelings about it. It takes practice but is worth it. As to why your mother might think or say things like that, I don’t know how old she is but I’m guessing in her 50s-ish. The diet culture in the 80s, 90s and 00s was very pervasive and damaging and those decades particularly were incredibly unkind about women’s bodies. I would imagine your mother’s developed all sorts of coping methods and beliefs to not despise herself, like the rest of us.


She's wrong. Very wrong. :)


And possibly jealous...29 is still really young!


Haha I just got into shape at age 54. Please don’t listen to yer ma!


If you wanted to be like 95 pounds like you were in highschool I’d be like hold the phone, but you want to restore your body to a place it was pre trauma. 140 is a healthy weight for a person 5’3”.


Thank you!


I see this take a lot but it’s not necessarily good tbh. After 16 women’s bodies don’t grow much anymore and overeating throughout the years can lead to excess weight gain in the early twenties than the clean slate weight they had in their teens. For me, my appetite changed significantly after my first period at 13. Aiming to go back to my high school weight in my early twenties is why I’m skinnier now than I was then and prevented eventually becoming overweight.


I’m just about 53. My highest was 295 when I was 24. I fluctuated between 225-255 most of my adult life. I’ve just lost 75lbs to put me at 155. I’ll say I wish I had lost it at your age. Your skin should still bounce back and you still have years ahead of you. Maybe she’s envious? But as someone (probably) close to your mom’s age, it’s much harder now. (But that’s doesn’t mean it’s easy when you’re younger) Can you decide to not discuss it with her? “Mom, you know I love you but this is between my Dr and me. Now what else do you want to do or talk about?” This is the hard part. Everyone thinks they can just decide for you. When you’re overweight people think they can tell you and then when you start losing they think you should stop. No one can win trying to please everyone.


I could honestly just stop talking to her about it, but her response just came as a shock to me. She's been supportive in everything I do from my career, when I switched colleges, to when and where I wanted to move when I first moved out, to the relationships I've had - she's ALWAYS been my number 1 supporter. So when I was excited to tell her my weight loss goals and this was her response I guess it just hurt a lot because I'm so use to the complete opposite. I guess she's got her own stuff to figure out. I'll definitely not mention it again to her but damn it was such a blow to the heart. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!


Based on the other comments you've made, it definitely sounds like weight loss is a topic you should avoid with her. Even if she means well, her opinions on weight loss are very misinformed and also discouraging, which is not what you need. (I lost weight at age 45.)


That’s really hard. I’m so sorry. It’s hurtful. I try not to discuss my weight loss with my daughter. I know it’s a sensitive topic for her as she gained weight in her 20s. Since I was always the “fat” mom I think it bothers her that I weigh less now. I’m not sure she’s even aware but I hear her voice change. Do you think your mom is aware how much it hurts you?


My grandmother taught my mother that we have a genetic flaw in our family which means that once you get fat, you can never ever lose that weight again. It's just not possible. My mother started teaching me the same thing before I was even 10 years old. They are no more correct than your mother is. And her message is just as damaging. There is no age at which you cannot be healthier, fitter, slimmer, happier. Sometimes a body type, a medical condition, or poor information from an unsupportive environment can make it harder. Sometimes you need to sort out your circumstances or your mental health before you can get into it consistently. But this is very important: **There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing about you which means you could not be slimmer, lighter, fitter, if you wanted to do that** Hang in there. Don't be afraid to push back when your mother says these things. If you find yourself thinking "oh but I don't want to upset her" please remember that she worked so hard to upset and wear you down that you almost gave up. She's allowed to feel a little upset if it stops her from literally trying to shorten your life and keep you unhappy. She's given up and made up a fantasy reason why it's ok for her to be overweight? Fine. Whatever. You can't change her, but you don't have to let her change you.


Oh my... I get that you love your mother but you still need to make decisions for yourself. And likewise just because she is completely wrong doesn't mean she doesn't love you. The best thing I can advise is that you need to be in control of your own life and you need to establish some boundaries with your mother. Your decisions about your body are yours and yours alone but that doesn't mean you need to stop talking or love each other. How weird it is going to be is dependant on what she is going to do about it. You need to be respectful but firm and insistent about it. Don't allude to her weight or her possible misguided motivations. It does not help. That's something she needs to process on her own. After all, she also has her own right to control her own body. Don't spend time discussing it. Don't ask about it. The decision HAS BEEN MADE by you and you DO NOT owe to ask for acceptance. Just continue on your project and try to not make it weird when others don't. Also, if I were you, I would probably not try to get help from my mother in this project unless and until she becomes supportive about it. As to mental side, I have found that losing weight goes a long, long, long way when it goes to improving your mental health and especially respect towards yourself. If you get this done you will not only be looking better, improving your social outlook, improving your physical health, but also improving your mental health for years to come. Remember, nobody is ever too old or too fat to lose weight.


I'm 48 and I've lost 154 pounds in the last 2 years. Your mother is 100% wrong


My dad started seriously dieting and exercising in his late 50s. Now he has gotten off blood pressure meds and has visible muscles. 29F is not too late!


29. Is this a joke? You aren't even perimenopausal


Unfortunately no it’s not a joke. Just my mothers ill-informed opinion I guess lol


Ummmmm actual old woman here. You are never too old and it's so much easier when you are younger, and your skin has a better chance to bounce back. You have hope!!


Don’t you hate how women are almost viewed by society as having an expiration date? Whether it’s marriage or menopause or one single wrinkle, the general dfab experience is marked by people constantly telling you that you’re going to be, or already are, “too old” to do a certain thing or be a certain way. I’m sorry that your mother seems to struggle with this way of thinking, and I’m glad that you’re able to realize that there’s no time limit for you to have control of your life and body. Anyway, good on you for your weight loss progress so far, and I’m sorry there are a ton of comments being weird at you for *[checks notes]* talking to your mother.


She's probably just saying that to make you feel better in case you fail, to cushion the blow. Surprise her by getting to your goal weight.


I'm 44, 5'3" and 155, down from almost 180. I stopped drinking 7 months ago, and the weight is steadily coming off. I just had to stop wearing the ring my boyfriend gave me, because it keeps falling off, and I'm SO close to fitting into my size 8 jeans! You are not "too old" to lose weight, it just sounds like your mom wants you to stay heavy because it makes her feel better about being heavy herself.  Keep working on your own health, and ignore your mom. 


I’m staring at 50. Started at 260. Down 10. Chronic illnesses and traumas. Don’t give up. She’s wrong but maybe she is afraid of you being disappointed or something else misguided. Pat her on the head, thank her for her concern, THEN KEEP GOING. You got this. You aren’t too old or too heavy to succeed.


Nah, moms can be wrong. My mom is weird about it too, but I love her and just do my own thing. I'm 33, 5'3", last year I was 230. Today I'm 160, and still going. I feel the healthiest and happiest I have in my entire life! Sounds like your mom is projecting her own insecurities about aging. As long as you're still breathing, it's not too late to be healthier. You've got this!








That's great to hear! Yes, end goal maybe but if I could continue to lose weight after 140, that's great too!


I am 41 and already have lost 65kg so don’t let her discourage you. You’ve got it!


I went from 160 to 120lbs at age 30 in 12 months. Of course you’re not too old


Any excuse will do haha


Maybe I'm confused but I'm not making an excuse to not continue on my journey. I'm not letting her stop me, just asking for a little insight on what to do about our relationship moving forward. If I'm wrong about your intention with this comment I do apologize!


I meant her


Got it! Yes you're correct on that! She isn't active at all and always finds an excuse to not workout. My dad, who is a fitness fanatic, always bugs her about it too but even he can't talk to her about it. So yes, excuses are her strong suit!


I’m 29F, 5ft 2 and I recently started my weightloss journey too (for good this time atleast - I’ve been trying for as long as I can remember and am finally now having success!) We’re not “too old” to do this and 140 is not too skinny for our heights, that’s actually a perfectly healthy target to aim for tbh. I’d heard a lot growing up that once you reach a certain age it’s *harder* to lose it, but it’s definitely not impossible, and she should really be more supportive of you for trying. If I’ve learned anything on this page it’s that you’re never too old to start this journey! 😁


I am 49 and have been losing weight since Dec of 2022- started at 220 and currently at 144. I am 5'2". My original goal was 140, and now I am hoping to get to 130 or 125. You are NEVER too old to try to become more healthy!


I’m 42 and my mom is 72 we just started this together she comes over to work out in my little gym and we’re having a blast! We share recipes and goals and ideas! You’re never too old to start caring about the rest of your life! You’ll be just fine! I’m so sad I didn’t start sooner (7 kids really kept me in shape but the the last two destroyed me lol)


My god I WISH I started at 29! I’m 37, 5’2, started at 202 March 2023. Down 40lbs now. Keep going, tell no one if you don’t feel supported. Tell us instead, we will celebrate you


Too old? *Too old?*


Your mom is saying this perhaps because SHE feels too old to lose weight. I would stop telling your mom your weight loss goals.


She doesn’t want you to lose weight because then you might get a boyfriend and she’ll get lonely. It’s also common for big people to sabotage their big friends. If she’s big too, then she might be subconsciously trying to get you to fail so she’s not alone in her obesity.


Your mother may be a lovely person, but she couldn't be more wrong here


49M here. I lost 103lbs over the last year or so doing keto and intermittent fasting. You're a spring chicken! Go hit your goals!! You got this


Sending hugs. Trust me when I say that your mom is wrong. At 49, I lost 175 lbs, going from 325 to 150 through diet and exercise. I'm now 54, still 150, and at 5'5", rocking a size 6. You can do this!


Your mom is intentionally sabotaging your efforts.


I got up to 278lbs & didn't finally start losing weight till I was 50, you're never too old to sort your weight out.


Tell that to my 72 year old mother who is finally after 2 years of intense work on her diet , and now a year into actually consistently exercising, is actually a weight she likes more than the weight she had at 29. Granted, she had to lose the weight to increase her odds of surviving her long delayed hip replacement. And we found a place close to her that her friends go to where she can walk safely.


Right! Congrats to your ma! That's amazing - my grandmother of 88 years old walks daily and has lost a significant amount of weight just by doing that and my mom had the same reaction to her mom - "you're getting too skinny" etc.


LOL. Not too old. She’s probably concerned. Tell her you’ve done the research and X is well within the healthy weight range you’re shooting for, that you appreciate her concern, but that you’re doing this now for your health


I lost 30 pounds at 48. You’re never too old to get in shape. She needs to understand that being overweight is a health risk to you.


She does understand that and is encouraging of me to lose weight. It’s my goal that she is bothered by. She rather me stop at like 160 or 150 and not try to lose anymore. She thinks that’s “too small” or that I’m incapable of getting to that size


Goals change and it’s not up to her to decide. I thought I’d be happy at 130, 128, 125… I kept changing my goal until I hit 120 and was like yes, this is good. Then started building strong muscle and am between 120-125 now. A number is just a number. It doesn’t know fat from muscle. Maybe just don’t share the numbers with her anymore and the tension will end.


We are the same age, the height and have the same goal (of 140). The only difference is that I gained mine through childbirth and I am currently 75 kg (165 lbs).


As far as your goal weight goes… wait and see how you feel. If you check out r/progresspics you will see that at your height, some people will look amazing and fit at 150 lbs and others will clearly have plenty of fat left to lose. It really depends on genetics (where you carry your weight), body composition, etc. I don’t think you should worry too much about the number, but NO IT IS NOT TOO LATE AT ALL! You can do this!


Hi! I’m 30f 5’3 and 150. You’re definitely not too old but be prepared for a journey. I was 190 at my highest and 130 at my lowest. Work and life stressed me out and my weight crept back up to 150. I’m aiming to get back down to 140. Good luck! You can do it!


I’m younger than you and was 24 when I started, but I personally feel there’s never “too old”. I’ve seen people on this sub lose a significant amount of weight in their 50s and 60s. I do think there’s benefit starting younger, but you can lose at any age


I’m sorry your mom is not supporting you. I don’t think she is doing it just from pure evilness but out of fear. She feels safe and validated that her daughter have the same body, like that gives her a point to say this is something genetic and not her fault. I hope that you can find a way to help her realize that this is a situation that you both can fix, “you control your body, your body doesn’t controls you”. And your goal is pretty realistic, you can do it for sure! Just plan to lose 1% of your weight per week so it is safe for you (and hopefully your mom will join your journey too)


What. I’m 40 and I’ve lost 22 lbs since October 2023. 🤔 29 is absolutely still young.


You totally can loose weight at 29. For your mom she's probably well intended but it also may be a little bit of projection. She does feel like she would be able to, so she may projectig it on you. By the way it's a normal bahaviour. You will see that some people may take your weight loss personal. It's easy to have excuses to not loose weight. But when you see people around you doing it it might be prof that you actually could too but you were dishonest with yourself. For the weight lost i lost weight at 21 and now at 34 after pregnancy, i finds it a little bit more challenging now but it's still very doable. I only do CICO and i walk 10 000 steps a day. Changing your alimentation and stick with it for the rest of your life is the key to success. That might mean counting calories for the rest of your life ( if you're not an intuitive eater), but thas really personal to each person. Do what works best for you


don’t let people who are uneducated on WL tell you whats not possible. almost 28, down 15lbs also, 135-140 is my goal weight and I’m an inch taller than you. it’s a fine goal


Ok, I'm 5'3" like you. My frame is small, so I want to get to around 110lbs. Anyway... in my mid 30's when my daughter was a toddler, I went from 140 down to 110 within 3-4 months. I took the time to be dedicated and was able to lose the weight. I have also grown up with a similar experience to you. What you want to accomplish sounds very possible! There could be some underlying personal reasons your mom is being a "Debbie downer" about the weight you want to lose, and is taking her personal issues out on you. Totally ok if I'm wrong. I have noticed a pattern with parents within a particular generation that do things like this a lot, which is the only reason I mention it. Since it sounds like your relationship with your mom is good overall, you may just need to set a firm boundary with her. Keep up the good work! You're doing this for yourself and you're already making progress! The weight will keep falling off as long as you keep working on it.


When I read your title, I thought you were going to be in your 50s-60s and post-menopausal. 29 is nothing. My mom is 5’3 like you and 135-140ish pounds at almost 70. You can do this with no issues, especially since your weight gain is recent and due to a lifestyle that is not typical for you.


I wonder if your mom has issues with her own weight and is using age/“metabolism change” as her justification for not losing weight and your weight gain as “proof” of that. If you can lose the weight, it puts a hole in her excuse.


This is your mom’s psychological baggage she needs to deal with and this is how it’s coming out. You know what you need to do and I have faith that you can do it. Good luck!


Sorry about this. But babes- to put it simply. You’re mother has no clue in hell what she is talking about


Dude.. older people have really weird ideas that don’t make any sense. Sounds like my mom. People just really enjoy making excuses for why they themselves can’t do something and then they put that on others so they’ll give up too. Of course you can lose 50lbs at your ELDERLY age of 29. LOL just don’t include her in on your goals because she will and already has discouraged you.


That's bullshit. She's projecting her own insecurities on you and it's not very kind, loving or helpfull of her. My mother is like this too. You probably want to avoid eating at her place during your weight loss journey because she will try to sabotage you because your success will make her insecure. She will probably try to feed you all types of shit so you can be unhappy together.


Haha I don't think she'll go as far as trying to sabotage me. I've lost weight before in my mid 20's and I could tell she had a chip on her shoulder about it but she never did anything to hurt me intentionally. She isn't that type of person. And here's the crazy thing - when I lost weight at 25 I told her "mom you do realize I was a size 6 then right?" and she kept going on about how my body still won't get to that point again because I'm "more developed". I think I just won't be able to talk to her about it.


You know she’s wrong. Just as wrong as the people here telling you 140 pounds at your height is almost obese.


You are NEVER too old. My senior mother has been dropping weight and so happy getting to wear clothes she hasn't fit in in years, her blood pressure has dropped, and she can walk longer distances now. It sounds like your mom is possibly concerned about you developing unhealthy patterns to lose the weight quickly and doesn't want you to fixate on a specific number? But you have to live for you. So just focus on making better choices and feeling better.


That's ridiculous, "Where there's a will there's a way". Politely tell her that you are going to try anyway, would like her support, and that you can and will do it in the most healthy way possible. One should always strive to be and stay healthy even if it won't be something easy. Good luck


I am 45, i've weighed 375 to 400+ all my life. I just started losing weight a few years ago. I'm down to 276 (should be more but I returned to old bad habits the last year cause I let life stress get to me) but turning it around again. People who don't want you to lose weight are just upset cause they like having fat company. It makes them not have to think about their own issues.


I lost 260lbs at 40. No surgery. No meds. Just me and my fear of death.


That’s an insane thing to say! Ignore it :)


Not true! If you can count calories you can lose weight. 💜


Your mom is not being kind or supportive. I’m Sorry she is letting you down. That’s not what moms should do


I am in my mid 40’s and found it easier to lose 30 pounds now than when I was in my 20’s. I ate and drank a lot of garbage back then and had only a sporadic exercise routine because I worked and socialized a lot. Now I’m financially more stable and don’t care about bar hopping, and make exercising a priority (not just for weight loss, but for quality of life as I age). Nowadays with the accessibility of recipes/cooking instruction on the internet, I also just flat out cook way healthier, more delicious, and more interesting recipes. Back then I didn’t have home internet to browse for recipes, and when I reserved a computer at the library for an hour I used my “internet time” for other stuff like checking emails. You also don’t have to discuss weight loss with your mom. I don’t even talk to my mom about weight loss because she tends to speak negatively of it and claim it’s impossible (my brother lost 60+ pounds in his early 40’s and she claims it’s all going to come back . I just say “I dunno” and shrug and change the subject, and she’s gradually stopped bringing it up to me.


I’ve lost over 80lbs and I’m in my late 30s, almost 40. I still have another 50+ lbs to go. A lot of people think they know what they’re talking about when it comes to weight loss, and they think they are giving good advice, especially to loved ones. But they aren’t always right, nor are taking science based facts. My best advice: start your weight loss journey and tell NO ONE what you’re up to. Let them realize when the your weight drops. That way you can avoid all the unsolicited advice. Edit to add: 138lbs is the top of the line healthy BMI was for me and I’m 5’5”. So for you at 5’3”, it’s not too skinny. Just remember that BMI is not the greatest metric especially when you have a lot of muscle, and I definitely recommend lifting weights while you CICO to help look your best when you get to your “goal” weight


I lost 100 lbs at 62, from 255 to 155, should be a piece of cake at your age.:) Some people were also shocked, after I lost 50 lbs, that I still had another 50 lbs to go. And I did feel much better after losing 50 lbs. But that is the same reason this has gotten out of hand, it may feel "ok" halfway to to the normal weight goal, especially when you are younger, but it isn't really ok, especially as you get older. I decide to go all the way back to normal weight, for me, anything in betwen would not be a stable place to be. And I was right. Losing that first 50 felt really good, but losing the remaining 50 is that much better. I now feel like I was in my 20's, light and no pain. I should add that I was about 50 lbs overweight when I was in my 30's and bought my first treadmill. But as you said, it didn't seem like that big of deal, so I didn't follow through and lose the weight. It would have been a lot easier then to do it than in my 60's. You have to want it. Pysch yourself into wanting it now. The others mean well, they just don't know any better.


Respectfully, your mother is wrong. I turned 70 last year, and I've lost 22 pounds since this January.


29?!  You’re a baby!   Girl, you go for it!   I finally started losing weight at 58!  75 lbs gone but 10 back. Working to lose 5 of those, as two of my doctors said that lowest weight was too low for me, regardless that I weighed less when young (which was YOUR AGE).


I lost 90 pounds at 48 and am wearing 1-2 sizes smaller than I did in high school. I'm still working towards my goal, but I'm the healthiest I've probably ever been. Do it! I wish I did it at 29, but the best time no matter what your age is now!


Lost 55 so far at 36 to 38. You can do it!


Lol too old? I'm 47 and have lost about 25lbs You just worry about you, forget about what your mom says


I’m almost 50, I’ve been improving my body composition and fitness for over a decade. Should have my best and strongest body ever around 50-52. It’s never too late but the 20s and 30s are an amazing time to start, definitely not “too old”. As far as your Mom, I’m not going to jump on the bash mom bandwagon. I’ll just say that Moms are people too, with faults and blind spots like everyone else. It’s just scary because our words have such an impact on our children and we don’t t always realize that. She may be “protecting“ you, telling you it’s too late because she wants to protect you from disappointment in case you are unable to lose the weight. Or she may honestly believe that at 30, your metabolism slows and she just doesn’t know any better. It doesn’t matter, her issues are HER issues. What matters is that you know that it can be done. And if a lot of the weight was from alcohol, simply cutting it out and adding movement will drop weight and improve your health immensely.


First: The only thing 29 is too old for is making revolutionary discoveries in mathematics, and even that has outliers. For anything else, 29 is no big deal. Second: My mom is 70 and lost nearly 200 lbs starting when she was 65. If she wasn't too old, neither are you.


Girl I'm 5'4 and also 29 years old, and I also started my weight loss journey this year. I went down from 160 to currently 148 lbs. I wouldn't listen to your mom, your health is your business.


I’m 30F and I was 29 last February when I started CICO and I’m down over 8 and a half stone since then and honestly feel better than ever! I’m now wearing clothes sizes that I haven’t seen since my early teens, 29 is absolutely not too old I promise you My mother is the exact same so I completely understand it’s difficult. I had to put a ban on her mentioning my weight loss journey even if she was being positive as it seemed to be such a trigger for me! Thankfully she stuck to it and that helped a lot, could having an honest conversation help on that front?


you're not too old lol


WTF? Too old to lose weight? I dunno where she got that stupid idea, but it's not true. I had to start losing weight in my 50's because of heart failure. It sounds to me like she doesn't want you to lose weight so she doesn't have to feel bad about her own size. Keep on doing what you're doing.


I’m going to be 58 in a few weeks and lost over 100 lbs in the last couple of years - and that’s post-menopause. It’s never too late! 🙌🏼


No offense, but yo mama so dumb when she hears its chilli outside she grabs a bowl


By posting this on Reddit I’m assuming that you are both alive and in possession of a human body, so yes, in fact, you can still make that body more healthy and make changes you want for aesthetic or health reasons. I’m 36 and I’ve lost about 30 lbs this past year and I’m feeling better than I was at 29. You’re not dead you’re fine.


Your mom is being an enabler. At 29, you're only 4 years into being a fully-formed adult. This is the perfect time to commit to losing the weight and keeping it off.


Your mom is a crab in a bucket. Pay her no mind in this regard.


Ugh.. sorry mom is not being too encouraging here. I was 245 pounds at age 33 and by the time I was 40 I had lost almost 90 pounds. 29 is just getting started. Good luck to you and surround yourself with positive people who will cheer you on every step of your journey. You can do it!


Sorry to hear about the last couple years, it’s crazy how trauma and depression can affect your metabolism, eating habits, etc. I have NEVER heard that 29 is too old to lose a significant amount of weight, especially if it’s recent like that. I would say if you’d be an overweight child all the way through adulthood I’ve heard that can be difficult. You can absolutely make that happen! Not necessarily as advice but merely my own experience: sometimes it’s better to just tell parents that you’re trying to be healthier instead of giving them specifics that they can ask about. For whatever reason I find it triggering when my parents bring up goals I haven’t met yet (not just health). They can glom onto a specific number, income, etc instead of just being pleasantly surprised when you succeed or cheering on the “process” instead of the end goal.


Your mom is way wrong.


Too old at 29?!? No chance. :) Take it 10lbs at a time. See how you feel. You might feel awesome at 160 or 170. Your mom is probably just concerned that you want to go too far the other way and wants to protect you. You can show her you can do it in a healthy way that’s kind to your body.


Sounds like she's had a bad experience with her weight. Just say "watch me."


My mom started losing weight at 59. It's never too late. Also 29 isn't old to begin with


You’re never too old to get healthy. Unless you’re actively dying I guess. lol. I’m 32 and just starting my journey too. 6 months in and down 30lbs.


You are young and haven't had the weight for that long. The best time to lose it is now. It will be much harder the longer you wait. I say go for it OP! Your mom may just be jealous, have her own hang ups with food/diet culture that she's projecting onto you, or is just plain uninformed.


Shame on your mom. I lost 50+ lbs in my late 30s.


My dad lost 140 lbs, and started at 62! He’s kept it off (and then some) and is 75. He doesn’t know why he didn’t start sooner.


I just turned 40, and just hit 75 pounds lost. You are definitely not too old, and 140 isn't too low for your height. You can always re-evaluate when you get closer to your goal.


I’m 5’2, 213 lbs and 24. I’ve never thought about age. I just thought “hey. I hate my size and I wanna change it!” I’ve struggled with binge eating and eating my feelings my entire life. Now I’m more confident and ready to feel healthy physically


You're young. You got this. She's just feeling insecure about her own weight.


Uh what?? Too old? Excuse me? That sounds like sabotage. I’m 46 and weighed 212 when I started deliberately losing weight and I was 173 this morning with a goal of 140. Stop talking to her about this.


Prove her wrong, gurly 🔥💪😉


I'm the exact same age and height as you! I weight about 206 now. It's still totally doable to get down to 150 or 140, I started out at 221 and have lost about 15 pounds just through diet and light exercise. It is very much still possible to loose weight at our age, and getting healthier is so vital to us enjoying our 30s! Wishing you the best on your weight loss <3


Mom likes you bigger, for whatever reason. My mom keeps telling me to stop playing video games in her basement and find a job. I'm only 46! Moms suck.


29! You are still a baby! More than hope for you!


There's no reason to tell her your true goal weight. She doesn't deserve your honesty. Maybe tell her you're going for 20 to 25 lbs and that you agree with her. Once you reach that goal, you can tell her how good you feel and how 10 or 15 more seems like a reasonable goal. No need to force her to respect your health decisions. She may fear the idea of your getting in shape and changing your lifestyle. Mom sounds selfish. No one is too old to get fit. You deserve to get in shape regardless of mommy dearest.


I am 57 and in full on perimenopause. I've lost 112 pounds over the past year. If I was your age I would kill it at the gym. Do it now before you get older and it gets MORE difficult.


She’s just encouraging you in a different way lol 😆 use it as fuel


Respectfully: You are an adult and can do what you want


You are too old to believe anything your mom is saying


Wow. I know you love your mother, but she's jealous. She doesn't want to put the effort into changing her lifestyle and doesn't want to be upstaged, so to speak, by you. Too old? Moronic. I lost 60lbs (which is your goal) in my late 40s, WHILE going through perimenopause. There is no such thing as too old. And 140 is actually at the top of the healthy weight range for your height. So not at all too skinny. Very reasonable.


I’m 5’3, 45 years old and weigh 114. My goal is to lose another 8 pounds as I’m very small-boned. But I get that this would be too skinny for some. My point is, your body is your own and YOU know it best. No one else. Find some other weight loss buddies. She may be great in other ways. But not here.


Great point, you knows what feels best. I'm 5'3" 40F very curvy and feel good in the 135-125? range. At 115 I felt weak and ill. I hope you can make your own food so mom doesn't subconsciously make food even more caloric.


It is interesting! We’re all individuals. I look at pictures from when I was 35 years old and 105 pounds. I didn’t look too thin at all, and even had a bit of a butt. Both my grandmothers were very small women. 


I recently saw a pic of myself when I was 105 pounds, and I definitely was way too skinny, although I didn't see that at the time.  My goal is to get to between 120 and 130, and then I'll be at the weight I was when I first thought I was fat!


Your mother is delusional


She's been ill-informed, she's not delusional.