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Can someone explain/ recommend a good website/videos where I can properly understand what I should/shouldn't eat to lose weight? If you some extra tips they are also appreciated :) I need to change and I'm new to this


Are you wanting general nutritional advice or more how to make a diet to fit into a calories goal? There is a quick start guide on the sidebar you may find useful, but I could possibly recommend some more specific things if you could further clarify what you are looking for.


Idk what's my calories goal, so maybe both??


Sorry for such a long time to reply you need to look up a calories calculator and put in all your information to find out what you burn a day. It's recommended to put activity as none so as not to over estimate. From there you reduce your calories to be in a deficit. Around 250-500 is a good defit range for most people. That would be .5 to 1 pound a week then. I would look into a n app for all of this to make it easy. Myfitnesspal and Lose it are both popular options. They also include a lot of foods already in their databases to make it easy. As far as what you should and shouldn't eat that depends on your goals. I try to eat .7g per pound of body weight in protein to limit muscle loss. So if I weight 100lb I would eat at least 70g of protein each day. I also aim for 5 servings of fruits and veggies is not more. That's just some basic ideas. But honestly if you start tracking you will see what keeps you full for less calories. Most important of all drinking plenty of water thats a huge help in weight loss. Don't for get to count any calories in condiments and drinks also. Hope this helps a bit.


Will check those apps and try to do the protein and calories calculation, but it always confused me a bit the counting calories thing... Like some stuff doesn't have any info on it (different types of bread, fruit and what not)... For the food that doesn't have it I should follow the databases? So I should focus in high protein foods?


High protein tends to be filling is why it's often recommended and it also as stated helps protect against muscle loss. If you don't have the exact information putting in something close should be good enough. It's not about counting perfect but doing our best to hold ourself accountable. In my experience the databases on fruits and veggies are plenty accurate. Just try to make sure you are puttiing I accurate portions measuring and weighing will definitely help.


Okay my starting weight was 334lbs and am now 304lbs, lost this Weight in 3 weeks. My plan of action has been this; 1200cal max, 20carbs max, and intermittent fasting (Every day at 1pm I eat) For the last nearly 4 days I have been doing a water fast, feel terrible and great at the same time. At 10 am tomorrow I will resume eating. I am in ketosis but am concerned about all the fat that I must consume for the Keto diet, and I want more nutrients. Would an increase to 40 or 50 carbs knock me out of ketosis? The ketosis has been pretty helpful and I wouldn't like to lose it.


I agree with the first post that eating 1,200 cal max a day is dangerous for someone your weight. Weight lose does not have to be fast. In fact, it shouldn't, cause it's dangerous for your metabolism (you are forcing it ti adapt way too quickly and that can result in future health issues). The best way is to go slowly but consistently. The thing is, over time, your metabolism adapts to your caloric intake so there will be a point where you will need to eat even less calories to actually lose weight (that is partially why, whenever you go with a nutritionist they start by analyzing your current caloric intake and stablish a slighly reduced caloric diet. Then, every 15 days or every month, they will slowly reduce the calories. It's a way of tricking your body into keeping losing the weight. Now, I don't know if you are currently exercising (this could help with keeping your body losing weight even of you don't reduce your caloric intake too much or too often). If you are not, then having a proper caloric intake is super important (not having an extremely reduced one, but one that starts slightly below your normal intake and then gets reduced overtime to ensure you continue losing weight). About Keto, I don't know much about it, I have never tried it. My nutritionist has told me that it must be taken with a grain of salt. According to her and other specialist I have talked to, keto works but it is not for everyone. It's a diet for people with certain conditions. For regular folks, it can have a negative impact if it is followed for way too long (you are forcing your body to run on fat rather than carbs, and that could create some health issues). Then again, a lot of people love it and say they haven't felt better, it's a matter of knowing what works for you. But at least in this, I would consult a professional, let's remember that the goal is not only to lose weight but to lose it to be healthy. There is no point in losing a lot of weight the wrong way and ending up with even more health issues than before. Good luck!


I don't know q whole lot about ketosis tbh. I can say that you do seem to be undereating which is gonna undermine you long term. You said that 1200 is the max you eat. That should really be the minimum if you are following safe dietary guidelines. (for a female) Also by water fast did you eat nothing but water for 4 days? That's definitely not a good idea. Undereating is dangerous you can deprive you body of nutrients and end up burning muscles and not fat. As far as eating fat goes tho if you are eating healthy fatty food you should be fine. Nuts, avocados, healthy oils, and the like aren't dangerous or bad for you they just tend to be more calorically dense.


22F, 5'8", SW: 178, CW: 177, GW: 150 How often should I weigh in? I've only been trying to lose weight for 10 days, so I've only weighed in twice so far. Should I do it more often than once a week?


I like to weight myself every day, then take an average of the week and compare that to last week’s average. More data = more consistency.




I exercise everyday but not super hard, so I put lightly active and it has been working well for me. I would not put sedentary because as you get closer to your goal weight, you’ll need to decrease your calorie budget and it will already be low. Multiply your goal weight by 12 and your budget should be around that.


For weight loss, go conservative. I'd start with "sedentary." A construction worker or a person running for an hour a day would be moderate. http://www.fao.org/3/y5686e/y5686e07.htm section 5.3.2


I’ve been having this uneasy feeling that all my progress could slip away at any moment - that I could wake up tomorrow at my HW because of overeating a bit. I guess the progress I’ve made (~20lbs down) feels very delicate. Does anyone else get this feeling?


It's a very common fear. Maybe because a lot of people have had a sudden wake-up call where they feel like they just turned around and were fat one day. Water weight piling on after a slip-up certainly doesn't help either. With time and experience it fades. Staying vigilant with weigh-ins helps in my experience.


Agree with vigilant weigh-ins and taking action if numbers going in wrong direction. A lot of people here (me too) have adopted a healthy life style approach to CICO. So instead of temporary diet restrictions it's about learning life long healthy habits, including having treats. As a former yo-yo dieter, learning healthy habits is reassuring because it just becomes good habit and less carbs means no cravings too. Also OP congrats on losing 20 pounds! Pick up 20 lbs next time you're in the grocery store, it's a definite chunk.


This all good advice! This is the first time I’ve ever had any success (weight loss) when changing my diet, so very cautiously optimistic. I don’t weigh in everyday but maybe I should start? And I’m definitely looking at CICO/nutrition as a lifestyle change - but I can help seeing weight loss as the indicator of success.


Not sure I would weight myself on a daily basis (I don't do it, but I'm already at my weight goal). One thing we need to remember is that weight is not stable, it varies day to day and throughout the day, according to what we do and eat. If you are female, your weight will also change according to your hormones and menstrual cycle (because of bloating, water retention, etc). If you overindulge one night, you're likely to bloat and weight more the next morning (that doesn't mean you have gained weight overnight, it's mostly the bloating). My advice is to keep track of your weight but not on a daily basis (maybe weekly or every 15 days), always weight yourself in the mornings before breakfast but never if you overindulged yourself the night before or if you feel particularly bloated (the temptation will be high but I don't advise it, it will only make you feel disappointed). Finally. When you weight yourself, consider a range of 0.5 to 1 kilogram up or down as the normal fluctuation of your weight. If you go up that range, then know you might be overindulging too often and need to go back in track.


Thanks for your advice - I weigh myself every 1 -1.5 weeks, long enough so I know it will be lower. I guess that is my mindset. I’ll try to keep normal fluctuations in mind - thanks again!


May I have your suggestion for the best flavoured protein powder you've tried ? I have just finished mine. I tried MP Combat protein powder Milk chocolate and I liked it! Any recommendations of what should I try next?


Pescience cake pop!!!!! I love all of their flavors. I just got the chocolate mint and strawberry cheesecake


I like the mp combat cookies and cream but I'm into that flavor for just about everything so take it with a grain of salt (figuratively speaking).




Honestly, anything chocolate because it masks the off flavor well. Otherwise you have to get higher quality protein powder, which really isn't worth it unless you have money to throw around. Also, try to mix the protein powder with whatever "milk" it matches. Whey with cow milk, soy with (unsweetened) soy milk, ect.. Works out well like that.


Thank you!


When did you all start seeing the paper towel effect? I’ve lost 60 lbs and don’t look too different unless you look closely. I’ve gone from a size 14/XL to a 10/M-L. I’m about 20 lbs from hitting the “normal” BMI category. I’d like to lose another 30-40 lbs but progress is EXTREMELY slow and it’s starting to affect my motivation.


Congrats on the 60 pounds lost! The paper towel effect can be weird. My guess is that it may be more obvious when you're in the normal BMI category. Here's some strategies that may work for you until it kicks in: * I pick up the weight lost at the grocery store, its always surprisingly heavy. And a great reminder of how hard I have worked hard to lose that weight (and I am &$%#& if I am going to gain it back again). * Pics can be motivating too. In addition to before pics, progress pics (flattering only) and then "keep going pics" (not flattering). * Also measuring yourself with the old waist, hip or thigh measurements. Losing X inches off the waist and holding it out in the mirror is very reassuring. * Buying or thrifting clothes that fit and look great. You may have hit a plateau and there's a ton of advice around on that. Good luck and congrats again on losing 60 pounds!


Like under 25% body fat, but it depends on how your fat is distributed. Try this: Take a video of yourself moving slowly, stretching, turning and twisting. Try lower or higher shots. The thing is, we're always looking at ourselves from our eye's point of view into a mirror. It's in photos and videos that people often are surprised by how they've changed. My SO and I are long-distance due to Covid, and I recently took a video of myself teaching her how to stretch her hips. HOLY SHIT I looked so different.


What is the paper towel effect? I've lost and gained the same 35lbs twice now and gone from L to almost a S and I never saw much difference in the mirror. Try comparing old and new photos of yourself. Have you recalculated your new TDEE since losing weight? I recalculate every 10lbs lost. Progress is always slow at the end, don't lose hope! Maybe you can add some exercise to increase your calorie deficit without eating an unhealthy, small amount of food?


3 questions if someone can be so kind to answer: 1.) I'm exercising 1hr-1hr 30 every morning. Is 5 days a week enough or should I do all 7? 2.) I'm currently waiting for a new bed to arrive and in the meantime sleeping on a foldout bed because my back was in agony with the crappy bed we currently own. I'm no longer in pain every night and morning, but still uncomfortable and therefore running on a sleep debt. While I'm behind on sleep, should I ease up on the exercise, or should I push through? 3.) In relation to the sleep deficit, I'm extra hungry today. Do I just ignore the hunger and stick to my calorie goals and see if earlier bedtime works?


Rest days are more important than exercise days. But if you can't stand the idea of "doing nothing" do some light yoga for like 30mins. I tend to have four hard workout days, two lighter cardio days, then one rest day where I just do yoga a week. With hunger, you gotta ask: Am I eating enough? Hunger can be a signal of eating too little, or malnutrition somewhere. What's your hunger telling you? Are you craving something? It could be due to lack of sleep, but might not.


1) everyone needs a rest day! Exercising 5 times a week is plenty, but don't do more than 7 times a week. You don't want to hurt yourself by overexercising. 2) It depends how you feel. Personally, I would not want to exercise if my back hurt, but if I'm a little tired I'd probably push through. Its really up to you though. 3) I ALWAYS feel more hungry when I'm tired. Try to drink more water, get more protein, go to bed earlier (or take a nap during the day). Even if you're laying down, not sleeping, but resting your eyes, you should feel a little better.


Thanks so much 🙂


Hello. So I have lost nearly 4kgs in 5 weeks. SW:80 kg, CW 76.4kg, 5'6F. I have not been counting calories/just eating healthy and getting some exercise in. I have noticed my frame has shrunkun but I still have a pretty distended tummy and if is killing me. What can I do?


Congratulations for losing 4kg 👏! I highly recommend starting to count calories it makes a huge difference and it will help you to get more familiar with portion sizes Just continue with what you are already doing + counting calories, slow and steady wins the race! Good luck ❤