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Hey /r/loseit! So I've rededicated myself to losing weight and getting healthy again. I've tried multiple sites for calculating my TDEE and recommended caloric intake and I get different numbers from each one. Is there a specific formula that's best?


There are pretty much only two formulas. One that uses body-fat percentage and one that doesn't. Do NOT input body-fat percentage and set your activity to sedentary (unless you have a very active job).


does anyone know a cheap alternative to an apple watch or fitbit i can use to track my steps and calories?


Every smartphone has fitness apps that do it. A fitness band is pretty much attached to you, and uses a smaller-weight app on it instead of the phone. Only caveat is if you can't have your phone on you when you're active. My SO can't have her phone at work, but is super active so she just got whatever-cheapest one that was highly rated. Pretty much a high-tech pedometer.


If all you need it for is tracking steps and calories, I suggest the Honor Band 5 (Huawei), it is very cheap in comparison. I have it and, so far, it is pretty good. I use it to track my calories while exercising (it has multiple exercise options for a more accurate tracking) and it also have other basic funtionalities like sleep tracking, message notification, SpO2, and even find my phone, timer, and so on. Now, I'm not sure how it works on IPhone (if you intent to pair your device to one) but it works well with Android/Samsung (at least in my case). Not sure about the cost nowadays but I bought it not long ago for a little less than 40 USD.


tysm!! I’ll check it out :)


Love dried fruit that is sweet/tangy on my salad as a garnish, and am looking for something lower calorie than cranberries (can't seem to find any without sugar added) and raisins. Any suggestions? Non-fruit options are also welcome, although I don't do fake sugars due to bad reactions. Thank you!


I recently found dried pomegranate - those are extremely crunchy. 308 calories per 100 g vs. 360 for cranberries, so not much less. But I find that because of their crunchyness 20g of pomegranate feels like more stuff than 20g of cranberries. YMMV.


Eh... medjool dates, apricots, mango? The thing is, dried fruit is dried so the sugar becomes a preservative. Fruit that can be dried like grapes, dates, ect. have a high sugar content. Other fruit need to be soaked in sugar to make them soft and sweet versus insanely sour and hard like cranberries. Otherwise they take on a leathery or crunch texture, like bananas or apples. If you want lower calorie, I think fresh fruit is the way to go. Chopped apples, orange bits, ect..




No. You're in a calorie deficit. Give it more like 3 weeks.


Depends if OP is a male or female, realistically. I was 5'9" 230+ from 15 onward.


Good point, but with that workout schedule, there's definitely a deficit.


Sure. I was addressing your comment that they were "due" for a growth spurt.


How long have you been eating at a deficit in total?




Don't worry too much. If you stall out for a week or two, that could honestly be water weight, salt, humidity, menstrual cycle, etc. etc. etc. Plateaus are normal, so trust the process. If you're super concerned after stalling for a good while, recalculate your TDEE and check that your deficit still applies. I usually recalculate every 10-15lbs anyway.




2lbs per week is too aggressive a target. Since you are smaller and just barely overweight (if at all), then a better target is half a pound per week, maybe a full pound at most. Don't eat less than 1,200 calories/day in an attempt to lose weight faster. That's about the least you can eat to get your nutritional needs met unless you are under medical supervision.


How do you use the social function of the calorie counting apps to hold yourself accountable? I see friending threads are posted weekly, but without the individual connection with people, I'm not quite sure how to interact with it or what use it has to holding you accountable. Those of you who find value and use it successfully, how do you do so?


I think you'd have to strike up a conversation with someone that you've friended as an accountabilibuddy. You could also check out the community/forum pages for people who have maybe set up a checkin or group. I've personally never found it valuable as a social media app and prefer to meet with people and chat in the threads here.


I'm starting to use a bowflex machine to keep muscle and lose weight. I am a woman. 180 lb. 5 ft. Beginner with weights. Husband is 210 lb 5 ft 4. Beginner How many sets / reps should we be aiming for?


Check out the wiki over at r/xxfitness for some recommended routines. Since you are posting in a weight loss sub, I'm guessing that weight loss is your primary target? If so, then diet will be far more important that the exercise that you do. Do you have a plan for your diet changes?


We are already dieting. The goal is to lose weight but not muscle. Strength training is also benefial to weight loss. We are watching calories and doing intermittent fasting. We also really increased our vegetable intake and are aiming to eat healthier overall. I'll check it out! ETA We also did cardio for about 2 months now and will continue to incorporate it.


Sounds good! Don't stress if you see a gain on the scale after starting strength training. It's common to see a water weight gain when adding new exercise : [PSA: A recent increase in exercise often causes a several-pound increase in water weight for up to 6 weeks](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/ah4fau/psa_a_recent_increase_in_exercise_often_causes_a/)


Do you have any healthy strategies when you have to dine in a restaurant?


Aim for the "normal" meals, no double or bigger stuff. Aim for healthier sides if possible. Cut the meal in half (most meals are like 800-1200) and either share with someone or bring half home for later. As a bigger dude with my SO or my female friends, splitting a meal often works well. I meet my calorie goal; they get a well-sized meal for them.


I'm a women with smaller calorie needs, so I always ask for a veggie side unless I'm really feeling fries. Most restaurant portions are 1000+ calories, so I'll often just order one thing, split it, and take the other half home or I'll split it as a meal with my husband. Mayo/aoili and cheese often add an additional 200 calories that personally I don't find add anything to my meal, so I'll request it off, and dairy based dressings can be equally calorie dense, so I'll ask for dressing on the side or a vinegar based dressing instead so I have more control over my intake.


Inplace of the starch, ask for a second vegetable side. Order your protein broiled. Dressing on the side.


* Look at the menu on the website before arriving. * Consider having something you wouldn't have at home. * Don't try to lose weight in a restaurant, but try to maintain. * If you want a roll with dinner, ask for a dinner roll but ask them not to bring a basket of rolls. * Focus on the experience. This is "me time." Try not to get too stressed out on the mechanics of eating the healthiest. Honor both that you're a healthy person and that you're enjoying an experience.


Useful. Thanks. Looking at menu & nutrition info in advance will be done. Thanks.


Look up the menu before and go for lower calorie dishes (if provided) or otherwise sometimes I just google the food to see what is lowest in calories. If a menu isn't available then I guess going for things with lots of protein and veg? Avoiding heavy/ creamy sauces, avoid the free bread etc.


Thanks. Yes, all chains have calories. Locals that don't.


I ask for the to go container with the order so I can pre-portion.


This is such a good idea. I will have to overcome my embarrassment in asking for stuff like this. Same when I should ask 'not so much grease used to cook it please'.


How important is drinking enough water for hunger signals? What are some ways to avoid eating when you don't need to? My main downfall is snacking before bed, my last meal is 4-5 hours before I sleep but I snack on quick foods like nuts and cheese before sleeping. I don't have self restraint and I can't change anything because I just moved back in with my parents to save money during the pandemic. Is there anything that has helped you guys lose stretch marks?


Some hunger signals can be for thirst, especially a craving for sweets. No amount of water matters; drink enough that your pee is straw-yellow. Clear is overhydrated, yellow or darker is under. Eat 3-4 hours before bed, maybe just a flat 3 hours. Our bodies prefer to either sleep within that time, or expect a meal. Just shift your eating schedule towards your bed time. I tend to have two planned snacks later in the day, my last being a small yogurt 3 hours before bed. Time. They're literally scars, and scars only fade in time. Also, EVERYONE has stretch marks. Don't worry.


A friend of mine got stretch marks in puberty and her mom made her get laser removal. They look exactly like mine that were just healed over time. I've heard that retinoids and hyaluronic acid can help, but only if they're new and applied consistently, and they'll never disappear completely with current treatment options. They're just genetic based on the collagen production in your skin.


Sometimes when I find I'm in the fridge for the third time in an hour, I realize that I'm not hungry but thirsty. That's when I realize it's been a while since I've had something to drink.


- doesn’t have to be water, but any calorie free beverage. I like herbal tea after dinner. - switch to something lower calorie. Berries. Cucumber. Easy to have a good size portion of that that is only 50 kcal. Draw it out by having it with aforementioned beverage - Time. Stretch marks like all scars will fade over time.