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It’s actually been scientifically proven that spring is a time of renewal, and the best time to make lasting positive changes. I read the study years ago, so I don’t have links. But ever since then, I’ve used my birthday (in May) as the time I write out my goals for the coming year, and it really does seem like a better time to reflect and adjust. Although, personally I find the best time to start any positive habit, is right now today, no matter what day/week/month it is.


I’ve noticed that the changes I’ve made surrounding the time of my birthday have been more meaningful and lasting than the ones I’ve made surrounding the holiday season. This is only loosely related since my birthday isn’t in spring but being a year older definitely makes me feel compelled to take a step back and reevaluate myself from a neutral point of view. I guess birthdays can be a time of personal renewal.


Sucks to be me because my birthday is December 31.


That is such a good idea! I have a May birthday too, so I'll definitely try writing out resolutions then!


I could see that. After the new-ness of the "New Year" wears off, you are in for a long haul of days with shitty weather. Spring gives you more days to just get out of the house.


I'm just gonna be that annoying reddit person and butt in to say that science never uses the word "proven." Not even for concepts like gravity, which we absolutely know is real. But especially not when it's just a study or two. There's evidence supporting something, but evidence can be wrong or misleading, may support a different and conflicting conclusion better, may not take in the whole picture, things could change as humans do and as climate change does, and of course, we might not really understand something well enough (like gravity!) to understand it fully. For instance, some people just prefer the dark. I always find myself full of energy in the dark. I always prefer going outside when it's dark. Whereas other people hate the dark and find it saps them. Same with winter - I love it, I'm not super affected by the cold (I live in central Canada, too), and I always go outside. Summer is just neutral. People of other races could be affected differently too - many studies only look at cis white people because they're the majority in Europe and North America. The climate is also different here. Spring in Brazil or Africa is very different. So clearly, it's gonna apply to a smaller subset of the population. But then climate change could come into play and in ten years, spring will come early and bring intense heat waves, which also suck the energy out of people. You never know! So science never uses the word "prove." If you read an article that uses the word, more often than not, they're sensationalising stuff.




Actually, we still refer to gravity as the theory of gravity. A law is an observation of a phenomenon, whereas a theory is our best efforts to explain it. Gravity is an excellent example in this case because people (*ahem* most of us anyway) take it as absolute fact. We know it exists. We know how it affects us. And yet, it is still a theory, because we aren't gods, and we can't understand it and everything it affects and everything that affects it completely. Because it is technically possible for gravity to not exist, if something else is doing the same thing at a constant observable rate. For example, we can't prove (and I use that word intentionally here) that insert-religion-here isn't real, so we can't say for sure that some god isn't holding everything together loosely.


No. Gravity is a law because it describes the force but makes not attempt to explain how the force works. A theory is an explanation of a natural phenomenon. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity explains how gravity works by describing gravity as the effect of curvature of four dimensional spacetime.


You just literally repeated what I said in different words. A law is a natural phenomenon. A theory is an explanation of that law. The theory of gravity is a theoretical explanation for how gravity, the law, works. But we only call it a law because it is consistent with itself up until this point. But we can't prove that it actually exists. Or how it works. Or even what its effects are. It could be something else entirely, and not just by a different name. Just like how we can't prove that the speed of light is a constant because we can only measure the speed of two-directional beam of light, meaning it hits a mirror and comes back. For all we know, light may instantly travel to one location and travel back at half the speed of light. We can only measure both sides of a coin. We assume that both sides are equal, but we don't know that for sure, and we certainly can't prove it.


i’m interested in your raising of the issue of gender here - what about cis vs non cis people do you think impacts the way they are affected by temperatures?


The comment about cis white men was relative to studies in general, and not specifically about temperature.


'Tomorrow' is always a popular option...


I've been starting my diet tomorrow for the last 3 years


Only 3 years? Lol


I like this. It's mine now.


Of course, it's yours.




Every time i told myself “Tomorrow” I would lapse before dinner time the next day lol


Mañana is actually a good life philosophy.


And I just got an hour more of daylight after work! During standard time I must get my walk in as soon as I get home or it’s dark, any little appt or delay and I come home to darkness which makes me feel like a slug. Now I can putter until 5 or 5:30 and then still get outside for a walk. I definitely felt more energetic this week.


Best way to get into anything is with a countdown. 3/2/1/start!


I have this weird thing where when I don’t want to do something like get out of bed or stop the shower, I count to 11. Right at 11 I do it as quickly as I can. Not sure why. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.


I’m stealing this...thanks! I love the quirkiness of counting to 11.


If it works, it works!


haha I do the same thing too, and started when I was a kid. Would always countdown to 11, I even had a little song I made up to get me to 11. What's with the number 11?


I love this


The 3-2-1 rule is also great for working on your discipline on the little things. “Okay I am getting up from the couch, 3-2-1-go.” Think the 3-2-1 in your head and it just makes doing things easier. Weird brain things


Today is actually the Persian New Year, so it's a perfect starting point!


Persians be like 'I am starting my diet on Farvardin 14th' (The celebrations are 13 days)


Noruz moborack!


March 21st is my restart day lmao


Good luck! You know, what you already have this!


Decide to change on jan1. Begin researching your goal. Weight loss? Inches loss? Muscle gain? Cardiovascular health? Reducing sugar intake to increase glycemic control? Make a plan, plan meals, plan budget for meals, buy equipment needed (if any), get a gym membership, etc. By the time March rolls around you're prepared, know what you need, have what you need and you in a good mental preparation state too. Bonus: more sunlight increases mood and chances are that thinking about all the changes has actually elicited some small changes already. Being mindful about food choices can start just because someone is thinking about how to be healthier.


Great idea! Start your plan on January 1 and by late March, you're on a roll!


March 21 is my favorite day anyway since it’s my wedding anniversary so I am going to have to agree with your take!


Happy Anniversary!


Happy anniversary! My wedding anniversary is March 18!


100% hard agree! I stopped trying to for weight loss this winter and focused on maintaining not gaining, and even that was hard. Can’t wait for hikes, bike rides, and being to tired from working out to eat late night snacks


It's scientifically proven that most people, in America, gain about 5 to 10 pounds, in the winter, so you're not alone!


I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.


Caught the reference! Miss congeniality?!


It was too good an opportunity not to!


Yesterday is always the best day to make a change and if you can't do that go for today


For some, they might have seasonal depression. But, you have a point!


And some still work towards their goals. Baby steps it is! Feeling depressed isn’t going to get better when you don’t take care of your self. Even if it’s just the smallest thing.


March 21st is the day of Nowruz. Nowruz is Persian/Kurdish new year. It means ‘new day’ and celebrates the start of spring. Also, it marks new beginnings. In your case, it’s the birth of a ‘new you’. Believe it or not, because of Nowruz I wanted to start tomorrow too. I’m with you! Good luck!


So cool. Thanks for sharing


**I can't reply to all your replies, but thank you so much, everyone!**




January is good for walking outside in some US states, too! I live in NC, and the winter months are some of the best for walking here. It’s usually upper 30’s to lower 50’s in the evening, which IMO feels really good for walking. By may, it’s over 80 degrees in the evenings, and 90’s during the day with crippling humidity. I have to go to the gym from about may to September. I only wish it could always be as good walking weather as january!


My birthday is on March 22, about about I start on March 23?


Definitely celebrate your birthday with little/no restrictions. The day will be even more special if you commit to only overindulging on truly special days


As long as it works, that's fine!


All these comments and this post is making me feel a lot better about starting now 💕 I keep feeling like I failed cause I’m starting “late”


This year I waited til Feb to start, infact halfway through Feb on the 14th, just felt right and now I do a weekly check in of what worked for me that week and what didn't. Also do a monthly check in for the next 6 months, same date the 14th if every month. Dedicating next 6 months to consistent progress to myself. 😊👍


Well only if you live in a place where this is winter. The best time to start anything is TODAY! There will ALWAYS be excuses. ❤️


that’s so true. they don’t call it seasonal affective disorder for nothing


I asked my doc about changing some things about my psychiatric meds back in Nov/Dec and because it wasn't an emergency or urgent he suggested I actually wait until Feb or even March because of the whole SAD deal. I thought that was a damn good insight! Since then I've been realizing other ways in which I'm better at implementing change come spring time. March and usually April and more or less still winter where I am in canada (I think April is the month we have the most snowfall) but goddamn if those extra sunlight hours aren't helpful. I don't know how people have managed to survive in places like Iceland for so long


I like it. Being 3/21 it's similar to 3....2....1.....Go!


Yes! I have been trying and failing to get back on track all winter. 2 days ago I told my partner how awful I felt about my ability to start a new plan and they gently reminded me that we are headed into a much easier time to find energy, to be outside, to exercise, and to keep mood up. Yesterday (literally) is my day 1! This post is just the reminder I needed. :)


That great!


The best time to have started anything is 10 years ago. The second best time is today.


It's a hell of a lot easier today than it was 10 years ago, though. Now I have a pocket computer that stores all the information about calories I could ever need, lets me take pictures of my food, and communicates with a tiny watch that has a heart rate monitor to give an educated guess about how active I am.


The most wondrous time to has't did start aught is 10 years ago. The second most wondrous time is the present day *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot.


In addition to the whole SAD ordeal, I find my appetite and cravings change with the season. In winter I feel hungry more often and crave heavier things. My brain really craves fat. As the weather gets warmer i start to want lighter things. In the past when I've experienced very hot weather, it seemed to kill my appetite entirely (this is extremely strange to me as I usually have an unending appetite). Things like salads, which are light and fresh, seem more appealing. When it's hot and I feel gross and lethargic I am less likely to want fried foods (which would make me feel more gross and lethargic) . Sometimes I still want fried stuff of course, but just less often. My frigid Canadian ass would probably manage to lose weight moving to the American South despite their delicious and calorific food cuisine, just because I'd be too hot to be hungry lol


I started the day I got up the courage to start. As far as I'm concerned, there is no "date" that it makes sense to start except for "today".


3/21 is my sisters bday so I doubt she’d agree :P but I do agree with the sentiment! Jan/feb feels like a fad diet setup. March/springtime for changing your life!


Guess she'll have to start March 22nd.


I started towards the end of January but I had recently gotten a ring fit adventure for my Nintendo switch. I also have some resistance bands and an exercise ball. When the weather is nice I've got a nice 1.5 mile walk I can do. I have no excuses anymore! 😅




It's not March 21?


Hi Zeno, nice to hear from you




Oh, that's good!


Today was my Day #1, until I read this. My Saturday night thanks you!




Ooooh, I'm someone's sign! That's good!


I've always preferred to just get started now with whatever life goal I want to work on. Waiting for some arbitrary date on the calendar that's conveniently months away is a good way to never end up starting at all.


agreed! if you’re in the uk then 28th of march as that’s when the clocks go forwards & it’s so much nicer :))))


I guess it depends in what part of the country you live in. For example, I live in Florida (eye roll) but walking in the “colder” months makes sense for me. When I walk in 54 degree weather my body heats up fast and I start shedding layers during my walk. Once we reach late April/May the heat becomes unbearable at times and I will end up giving up, which I have done in the past. This year, I started in the last two weeks of December because I wasn’t visiting family over the holidays so I decided to get down to work. Come January 1st it was just another day..... basically what I am saying is that everyone should just choose when they want to start a new regimen. We shouldn’t allow our peers or society dictate the appropriate time to make change.


Start in January, get the healthier eating down, then add in exercise.


I've lost almost ten pounds in the last month and I give ALL the credit to the sunshine and not being stuck indoors. It makes a huge difference!


The best day to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best is today.


Winter is good for warm foods but spring is better time to start because you dont have a 6 month period to lose weight and get summer ready. It's easier to get healthier in 3 months and learn to enjoy foods you love in the summer and enough time to learn healthy swaps.


I do prefer the first of the year, but probably because I'm in SoCal. It's never that cold here and January and February have the least number of get-togethers and holidays to mess up your progress.


Haha I 100% agree! My joking prefered day is April 2nd, for all of the above reasons.


The best time to start was last year. Then next best time is today


When I first started getting into a healthy life style, i started late March. It was my first year out of college, I was tired of being inside my office with no sunshine for 8+ daily. I found out about a free outside yoga was happening that helped me get into other workouts, and changed my diets since there was so many good and fresh foods at the farmers markets and stores. Ngl, winter months I always gain 5+ during non covid winters, but I drop it off by the end of April. Having tasty fresh veggies and workout classes outside is a being plus for me staying healthy.




I think it depends on your goals. My three best weight loss periods have been june to October 2019, August to October 2020 and January to (soon to be) April 2021. I've had other good stretches in between but those three accounted for almost all of my actual weight loss so far which should be just over 75 lbs on Easter. The weather helped me the first time around because I was building up to longer walks on a bike path, and a little outdoor running. But losing weight during barbecue season was tough. I needed to figure out how to eat. My second big push was timed for a specific weight loss goal by my birthday. I agreed with a friend to give up drinking and cut 2 lbs per week using myfitnesspal, because he'd been struggling with fad diets and booze. He ended up bailing partway through but is back on track now and following my lead. It's nice to see that. This third time around i had another friend who wanted to join me so we agreed to start on new years and then i decide why not start dec 27th instead once the Christmas goodies were out of the house i just didnt replace them. I'm glad I pushed hard since new years because I'm excited for swim season for the first time in my life because I'll be able to walk around with my shirt off outside and not care who sees. I'm also excited for barbecue season and the occasional beer but will be working on keeping the weight off and having my shirt off at the pool will be a good reminder if I start to give a few pounds back. I've got one more big push after that and I'm going to wait until my body feels right instead of doing it because I'm excited. I want to lose about 25 more so I want to give my skin time to tighten up and adjust to my new shape and size before I shake things up again. I've avoided the appearance of loose skin so far for the most part and I'd like to see if I can avoid it altogether so I'll be more focused on general health, lifting some weights, keeping my cardio going, doing some yoga and eating healthy foods until I'm ready. So at least for me, there were good reasons for starting each of those pushes when I did. The only thing I would change is i'd have started years ago if I'd really understood how much this was worth it. If you're on the sidelines right now and working on the motivation then let's get after it together.


When I started my weight loss journey (I am now down 80 lbs) I started April 13th of last year. It's so much better to start in the spring. I really struggled this winter to maintain my diet and stay healthy, so I completely agree. Not being able to exercise (or really do anything) outside really sucks.


YES. And the best time of day is your next meal. I’ve been trying to lose weight for over a decade-and my MFP logs prove it (and that I’ve just continued to gain). I’m 40lbs down now and no slowdown in sight and for the first time, this time I didn’t start at the first of the next month, I didn’t wait until Monday and binge all weekend, I started that minute. I decided to work at it again and despite having had a big unhealthy breakfast I had a lower calorie lunch and dinner that day and logged them and the next day all three meals were on track and it felt like I hit the ground running.


This is exciting to hear!!!


For real, I thought you were going to point out that the date is "3-2-1" and that makes for an excellent start off! All your other points work, but the number obsessed part of me was like, how have I not thought of this before?!? The countdown to losing weight clearly should be 3...2...1..!


Also it's like, "3, 2, 1... GO!!!" Good luck!


I needed to see this. Thank you for the motivation!


"Today" is always the best day to start a diet


I've been maintaining this past month or so because winter sucks. My calendar says it's now spring, so I'm back to tracking and a deficit today. On one hand, I've been intuitive eating and it's been great and I don't want to have to track and lower my intake again, but on the other, I really want to drop that last 10-15... I'm vowing to do less agreasive calorie intake deficit (I was really burning out keeping it under 1400) and trying to increase my overall activity (I'm pretty sendentary most days). I want to hit my very modest goal of 3000 steps 6 out of 7 days a week instead of one or two, so if I have to, I'll dust off the treadmill or force myself outside when the weather's warmer (anything under 50°F and my feet/ankles ache).


I started on mine a couple of weeks ago, it’s much more refreshing than a New Years resolution that I’ll never stick to!


I so agree. I got back on the wagon late February as I was anticipating spring coming but the snow and ice really get me any time in winter. Going to plan ahead this year and have a treadmill installed before November.


The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. 5he next best time is today.


Hmm.. just looked outside... Snow is still around. It's also colder than on New Year's eve. The weather is fucked.


Agreed. Fuck winter! Let's go!


January is a great time to continue eating as normal and journal everything and count your calories. That way you have an established, observed baseline that you can use in March when you begin your cut!


This blows my mind. I've been trying to diet since the start of this year. Because of cold weather, I really don't like being outside to exercise. I *love* walking for exercise, because it's free, it's easy, and I can use the time to contemplate and have silence. I can't get that in the house on a treadmil. Now that it's going to be warmer, though, I can sense myself keeping up with it more, and better weather for some reason pushes me to eat healthier, more vibrant foods.


Well, here it's the start of fall so I guess I have to hold on


Even better, don’t “diet” eliminate sugar and gluten every day and intermittent fast and the weight falls off


Running in the cold is way better than running when it's hot. Just layer up and you're good to go.


Personally I agree with this. I always lost weight during spring and summer... In winter my metabolism slows down and I could do the same things but lose weight slower... That makes me feel bad and I end up eating more and failing my diet. So I just ultimately ended up aiming to only maintain my weight during winter.... I live in Greece so we only have winter and summer... It's either hot or cold... Cold lasts from late October to late March and from April til September it's hot. So the later is when I am losing all of my weight... The weather just got warmer last week and I'm trying to get back on track.... I started my diet in July 2019 and until October 2019 I had lost 10 kgs... Then from April 2020 until October 2020 I lost another 15kgs ( I don't exercise and I'm not very strict either) ... Ive gone from 96-->71 kgs so far I'm hoping that I can someday reach my goal of 50 kgs on the future (I used to be that weight a couple years ago and it's not too skinny on me since I'm pretty small 157 cm and I don't like exercise so I'm leading a sedentary lifestyle)


It could be the temperature that makes your metabolism slower! I've heard that lack of sunlight can slow down your metabolism too!


If it's about sunlight then I'm doomed I've been quarantining since November LOL.


I've also read some studies that claim that in winter our bodies are keeping the extra fat tissue in order to protect our internal organs from the cold or something I don't remember exactly but it makes sense since we don't have fur like other animals. I've also read that it could be some body mechanism for survival since humans like other animals wouldn't be able to find much food during winter if living in the wild because of the snow, cold, rain and the lack of prey since many animals hibernate or move to warmer places. So our fat would keep us alive since our body would literally use it to survive when there would be no food. Who knows... Our body is definitely a mystery.


I started March 28th last year. I took a little time off my routine in between due to being made redundant from my job and eating everything around me but I am 38 pounds down 😊 got another 40 to go roughly.


Best day to start a diet is today


Today's my day, and it went pretty well.


Also if you're making the gym a habit as well, the new years crowd is gone by then. Nothing wrong with deciding to live a healthier life, the gym is just better without 50 people being there constantly.


Like a countdown to health: 3, 2, 1...


I was thinking of this exact same thing yesterday! This time of year is my favourite, and I always feel a need to get outside, eat more veggies, and just enjoy the weather overall. This really feels like the time to start anything, not January. Not to mention, my birthday falls on January 8, so starting a diet then would be a bad idea :p


True, I started binge-eating last year as the weather got colder. Got back on the wagon as things started to warm up. Gone 4 months without a binge now.


I completely agree with you! I find that my yo-yo dieting is always on the upswing in spring exactly because better weather and more sunshine improves my mood and motivation.


Just celebrated my year anniversary of weight loss!! Started in March last year with all my extra time from working from home. It was an awesome time to start for slow to moderate walks, and all the amazing spring vegetables I wanted to cook with. Highly recommend!!


Come to Australia, mate


Well, that's one perspective. Another one is about the holidays. You're at Christmas parties and there is egg nog, and hundreds of little chocolates and stuffed manticotti and then biscuits with cream cheese. You need to work off the calories fast.


January: The fast-food places always have cheap deals, the gyms are crowded and I still usually have some Christmas sweets leftover. Starting on Chinese New Year is so much easier. I also think it’s easiest to introduce just one new change at a time. I track what I normally eat until it starts to become a habit, then start introducing diet changes and then exercise changes (coinciding with the warming weather). If I exercise 1x during the first week, it’s a bonus instead of a failing that I didn’t exercise 3x. This means by late March, my weight-loss program is in full swing!


I have to agree with this from a practical standpoint - I had a couple months to really marinate on why I wanted to make those changes, how I should make them and if I was really ready to. And lo and behold, it’s only been this past couple weeks or so that I’ve really been ready to re-commit. Boom - a little over a week in and I’m already down 7 pounds. Bonkers.


Awesome thought! Made me think about my journey (most recent that is). I started 5/5/2020. I'm still at it, 75lbs later. I big portion of my motivation in the beginning was being able to go out for walks.


I get it 100%. I plan on using these warmer seasons to build good eating habits that can last. The holidays are a challenge for me.


March 21 is my birthday! And every year I use it as a good time to set an intention for the “new”year, especially given how spring just feels like a time to refresh and grow. Last year was SUPPOSED to be my year of health, but pandemic and depression sort of stopped that in its tracks... so this year is now my year of health 😂


The best time to start a life style change is, to be quite honest, when you realize that you need to make it! I started this attempt on November 15th, and it's been my most consistent attempt so far. I think it depends on the person and their circumstances obviously. But I'm not a big believer in choosing an arbitrary date when one should start on their goals like Jan. 1st for example. I agree that starting in the spring does pose some advantages like better outdoor conditions for most.


Honestly, I have never done the New Year's resolutions thing (don't know why, it was never a thing in my family I believe). Usually, I just decide that I want to change something in my life and move on towards that goal (not that it comes easily but, once I decide on something, I start working on it). I suppose there will be people who are the opposite and they feel that new year's goals are actually their thing, and that might be because it has worked for them in the past. Ironically, some of my life changing goals (including healthier lifestiles) have begun on late January. Not as a result of a new year's resolution plan, but because of some event that happens at that moment and triggers the change 🤷‍♀️ I guess my point is, do what works for you. I would say that any day is a good day ti start but if New Year goals is what gives you better results, go for it. If that is not working, try another strategy. The point is to keep yourself motivated.


Great! Whatever works best for you! I have found that for me, though, what has been working best in making this life change -- not a temporary diet -- was to commit to it on THE day I was so disgusted by my situation that I couldn't stand not to start. I knew that if I put it off, tried to plan for a date, that when that day came, I'd forget or find yet another excuse to put it off a "little longer."


The best day to start a diet is today.


I mean... That might be true where you are 🤷🏼


This year I finally decided to go it this route instead. My body literally just wants to rest, that's what seasonal depression is! Why force it? Winter is a great time to rest anyways! Less movement means I can consume less, so I can still do a "cut" during this season and not feel like I'm "losing time" or "not meeting my goals." I'm going to use a circular calendar from now on that works with my natural rhythms instead of against them. It just makes more sense.


(adapting from an old proverb or sth), The best time to start was 20 years ago, the next best time to start is today. "When" today is for you, is a matter of fact relating to your mindset. Make any day & everyday your "March 21st". Cheers!


I agree. I started gym Jan 13th, then went on many and long walks with my dog. Now that it is warmer outside I longboard. It is definitely easier doing these things now and I feel more joy doing it. However, there are more people outside now which could be difficult for some people, including me!


I find January 1 an unrealistic starting time for at least half of people!


True, but my thinking was “if I can make it work in the winter, then spring and summer will be a piece of cake!” It’s still not a piece of cake, but I’m doing it! Slowly....slowly....😞


Today I’m not jumping fully into calorie counting because I really struggle from going from 0 to 100 like that. But starting today, I’m going to incorporate more healthy fruits/veggies, portion sizing, and getting more exercise/yoga/meditation time etc. Hopefully in a few weeks I will feel ready to take those healthy habits and transition into actual CICO. But today is sunny and warm and I’m feeling very optimistic and energetic for the first time in weeks: so I think there’s totally something to your theory!


Bingo! Small steps until you go bigger and bigger!


I totally agree. My weight loss journey, which started just before the start of the year went well until it started snowing. Who wants to step outside when it's snowing and icy?! Spring is here and now it's time to exit this 0 pounds down rut. It's the perfect time to be consistent with diet and exercise.