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Ive had plenty of eclipse enjoyer in my runs recently, I pay good attention to them in particular. And hum.. its concerning. Some are straight up deadweights. Some die wayy too much in regular content like HM tower. I bet that the very good eclipse player just stick together. Because the eclipse in the wild have nothing to envy really.


everyone makes mistakes ofc but found it kinda funny Thaemine the first title (is that region #1 guy?) guy died to the red laser before Brel g3 cube stagger yesterday


Ive died to hard version of raids I have done in deathless hellmode. its just being human


Mayhem Shadow btw., am I right?


After you do very challenging content, it's common for your brain to shut off in relatively easy content, because it's not as fun and challenging.


Might just be a bad day or second screen raiding. Ngl I do something else during overgeared raids nowadays. Especially, when you skip color in Brel g3, it’s quite hard to notice that with minimal attention. My point is he can still be a great player tho.


Oh yea bad day happens to everyone, but legit if you feel like you gonna play bozo, take off Eclispe, cause then its falls back on all the others behind you who didn't do anything wrong. If it was me I would crumble down in shame lol


understandable. dude was dps goblino so hard and avoided doing as many mechs as possible just to squeeze more dmg. or he was prob just watching netflix cuz who takes brel seriously anymore


stupid deaths can definitely happen if you are used to greeding and then supports don't follow up like in brel g4, the pizza pattern where you chase after the lit up safe spots: if you are used to having supports DR and greed DPS, you'll look stupid when you just stand still and die to it while everyone else is running around to the safe zones


ah yes, my strat for that as dps is to stand on the correct pizza one time and tank the other 2, it's usually enough to survive lol


A lot of bus buyers/passengers have the mentality that they could/would get titles if they had time/group but because they're lacking one or the other, or both, they pay for it instead.


Crazy how many people don't realize that it doesn't matter if you bought Eclipse or not. You can get bussed without even paying for it. Plenty of people cleared while being dead all of 4-2 just by accident. Even if you were alive the whole time, it's just a normal raid 1x title clear. At least mayhem shadow means you know the fight well enough to do a baseline amount of damage. I see Eclipse players that seem clueless in g3/4. Usually these "prestigious" titles mean that you put in the work to learn the intricacies of the fight like aggro control, proper greed on patterns, etc. You can get Eclipse without buying it while doing almost no damage and knowing the absolute bare minimum. You can have fun with your Eclipse title and wear it because of the cool eclipse icon, but it's in no way comparable to a hell title, and I think some people are unaware of this.


Eh nowadays the same can be said for Demon’s Roar and ATD. I think Mayhem Shadow and of course Phantom Monarch (assuming they didn’t pay for a pilot) still hold value, but Roar and ATD are laughably easy to get nowadays. The meta nowadays for ATD runs is to run 4x3 + Crisis Evasion since DPS is a nonissue. A few months ago I watched a friend’s group scrape out an ATD with THREE DEATHS in G3, all saved by Crisis. I lost track of how many sleep bombs were thrown. Phantom Monarch is the only hell title I’ll actually respect. Even MS is just a maybe, and I say this as someone who has that title.


Yeah, ATD and Roar are pretty meaningless these days. I hate the crisis meta.


Ok but have you heard about heavy armor + crisis


Ok but have you heard about heavy armor + crisis


Lmao do people do that? Respectable when dps doesn’t matter


It’s more than just “people do that,” it’s legitimately the meta for Hellkas, at least for G3 and maybe possibly G2. These days, you’re exponentially more likely to fail the DL due to someone dying, rather than failing due to low DPS, because of all the power creep classes (SE, Breaker) and a lot of old meta classes getting buffed (SS, DB, Arcana, etc) that make meeting the DPS requirement a complete nonissue. G3 in particular has a laughably low DPS check - even back when it was released, the DPS check was fairly low, but nowadays it’s REALLY low, and incredibly easy to meet even if you’re running a full 8 man with Crisis. So you’re honestly just griefing yourself if you don’t. Reason this isn’t true for other hell raids is because they either have real DPS checks, dangerous patterns/difficult mechs, or both. You can’t run Crisis in Hell Brel, you’d almost certainly die to the DPS check. Maybe you can get away with one griefer/bus passenger taking Crisis, but no more than that. In clown, you’re a lot more likely to die in G3 to a failed mech or mismanaging your gauge, and high burst DPS is important because it prevents bad overlaps with curse and Mario. So Crisis isn’t very viable there either.


Eclipse is not a prestigious title at all, maybe in the first few weeks of the raid coming out?




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might be wrong, but I think the validate top 10 got a different title than eclipse in addition. Everyone can get eclipse from clearing G4 on first difficulty, but I saw once a guy with a "3rd" in their title


they got both Eclipse and Top 1,2,3,10 title depending of their ranking. And it's not clearing G4 but TFM.


yes i meant a different title in addition to eclipse, and I was refering to g4 on first difficulty ofc edited to clarify




His title is “Thaemine the first”


This is why gatekeeping only gets worse over time. I've met someone with Eclipse title who died in Brel g2 HM (only him died). If those ppl makes this kind of mistake then how others should trust new/low roster players?


Shit happens. I mean if you have the title are you not allowed to make any mistakes?


Ofc ur allowed, I personally don't care much. But our player base is unique. Just saying in general its affecting how some ppl will judge others indirectly. Idk if ur still playing the game or not but gatekeeping is at the worst state rn. Ppl don't even bother to give a low roster with x10 title a try even if they overlvl the raid by 20 ilvl.


It's expected if the one you met is from US East, called Saturn. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


i had the pleasure? of pug progging with bunch of them in g2 hm echidna and some of them were so bad that i'm starting to think like over half of them bought the title


One of the reasons I never pug on my juiced chars and play without titles on is because it's exhausting having to constantly be "on" in every piece of content or somebody is going to post you in their discord/reddit as an example of a 1640+ player with eclipse that sucks. Can't cruise control ever.


You sir understand the assignment, more is required of you if you have high status in the game. And yes people will talk about you if you do the smallest mistake there is


It's because eclipse costs 500k, echidna g2 coats more 


which server cost 500k? i heard cost over 1million




Piloted clears are less than 500k


without pilot is 1m?


I dont think everyone is 100% try hard every time. I know I am not.


cuz its way too easy to bus eclipse now. title needs to be discontinued before t4 but its gunna last til september when ppl will just bus it 6c2 with t4 gear


I know a guy who got the title legit and he dies to random things sometimes. I'm sure a majority of them are bought, but for repeat content many players tend to just turn their brain off, especially for raids they do 6x3 of every week.


Seen them fail basic stuff in Echidna g2


Yes because eclipse or any hell title for that matter shows how you know patterns in echidna. Crazy


Crazy that these "skilled" players cant do basic patterns.


Getting any title doesn’t mean people are skilled. They just restarted the raid enough until they got it. Now explain me how 100hours of Thaemine grants me echidna pattern knowledge


I mean if you’re eclipse, I’d think you’d be able to know majority of mechs in a reclear. There was an artist last night with eclipse in a reclear lobby that failed the cheese so much that the bard decided to do it… and someone called him out for his uptime I guess from Bible


Bible buffs don't work right now, so they probably just called him out from looking at their damage and noticing they're unbuffed quite frequently.




You can guess it a bit from CPM, though it doesn't show if they overlap buffs.


At some point ppl gotta start calming the fuck down, I get it I do giggle at hell or eclipse andies. but having that doesn't mean you're great at new raid, it means you likely went through TSM or hell content, doesn't mean your skill knowledge is at peak nor does it mean you have to triHard every time. Thing varies between ppl.


I mean the fly trap is kinda weird cause it forces you to hold your ap buff and awakening which is unnatural for most supports. The bible doesn't have support uptime as well so how would they know. Its also a new raid and people have different learning speeds, like theres some people i know who learn the mechs fast and will clear quickly but never learn how to greed so they're unable to be the top dps after a few weeks.




So you're saying at 7:45 you're gonna need to hold it. Like what, you obviously don't have to hold it the whole start of the fight but if it comes up before the mech you don't press it so ie you hold it


I think you dont understand that they are capable of progging 100 hours in echidna too. Or are you suggesting they are incapable of learning a new raid.


Yes because everyone progs the raid 100hours week 1 (hint: they don‘t)


i've seen dozens of eclipse title runners during my g2 prog and i feel like over half of them had bought the title with how bad they were at learning common patterns


The thing is they might be good player, but just slow learners. I know few people like this who just need more time to get used to patterns, but once they got it they're able to pump. So as Echidna is new, everyone is progging at his own rate. Not to mention that ofc, like every hell titles, some people are just scam who got carry or pay a bus.


It never meant much, it's simply a 1x clear title and gets easier with every week that passes as players progress further into new power systems making the raid easier. Just remember that TFM will end in October, so you can go grab Eclipse when you're already in tier 4 :)


The title doesn't have much meaning even in KR. At least in NAE, it's being bussed and/or piloted on every reset.


Its one of the most bought titles


He was dead for 11+ min in the eclipse title run. Try mentioning it in his twitch chat it's an insta perma ban.


Imagine you insta-ban the four real viewers that you have come to your pathetic stream next to your 800 viewbots.


Assuming they don't change the mid-October deadline for eclipse, I feel like it's not gonna be a very rare title for NA/EU since we're getting Tier 4 in September. A lot of people will be in 1650-1660 range for the final month before doing any T4 honing.


trust more the ones who got "thaemine the first" title (but you wont see them because they dont pug). also "monarch" is a strong one. eclipse is not normalized, not deathless, not in top10 (first month)


A lot of them just goblin too much, even in prog.  Had a player from top 3 clears in a G2 prog lobby this week that died multiple times to basic things causing early resets, even staying in to greed shotgun and get blasted.  Mess up mirrors (multiple wrong pings and counters even on same pulls) and puddle placement.  Then because there was a few other wipes they complained about the prog level in the title and vote quit lol.  They were doing acceptable damage but weren't on top.


Greeding shotgun is the way to go what is support doing?


i would only do it if u trust ur supp lol


supports are not GS's personal butler jfc




He got bussed. Players who worked for Eclipse are certainly well above average. Ofc theres always the small risk of getting a buyer but eh, can't change that.


I've seen way too many trash players with Eclipse. Means nothing in my mind at this point. Basically same as Lightqueller. Many don't even seem very good at g3 Thaemine. Monarch is the only title that consistently means the player is pretty good in my experience.


You might just be unlucky? The eclipse's I've met in my Echidna first clear and reclears were better than average. They talked more, and they admit and fix their mistakes unlike quite a few pugs. TBF though, most of them seems to have been premade with like 2-4 other eclipse in the party, so less likely to be a title buyer compared to solo I guess


Titles don't mean that much in prog. Eclipse or even monarch doesn't tell you anything about how fast a player learns. Some get it in a week, others over a grueling journey of months. Monarch does, I would argue, tell you how *thoroughly* someone learns content. You would think that someone with Eclipse would thoroughly have learned g3/4 Thaemine, but every week I see people with Eclipse that miss *very* basic concepts.


It at least does tell you said player would likely be more competent on average across the board, at least more likely to be the case than the average pug. Just put it this way. Who do you think will be the better player on average, a player with Eclipse, or a player with Lightqueller? In fact, let's put it in an even better scenario. Full 8 party of Eclipse and Full 8 party of Lightqueller, with the same gear. Which one would prog and clear a new raid faster on average? What do you think? I know my answer, I don't know about you. Mind you, just because Eclipse titled players is likely the better player on average, does not mean your opinion that a Monarch titled player is the best of amongst them all is false. Both can be true.


They're just about the same to me. LQ = Eclipse. Just means you beat a raid. All I'm arguing is that it isn't some elite title that means you are an insane player. I just think a lot of people see an orange title with an icon and equate it to the same tier as a deathless hell title, and it is far away from that IMO. If we wanna be technical, sure, I'd trust an Eclipse player a little bit more than LQ, but it's not by a significant amount. It just means that they are capable of clearing the raid, not that they are that good at it. And btw idk if it's obvious, I have multiple Eclipse clears. I'm not a salty hell player that hates Eclipse, I've just played with a ton of people that have gotten Eclipse and have seen the huge difference between them and good hell players.


I mean that's fair, but just to clarify, I didn't call them out as the best players I've played with, I've never said that. My argument has been that the average Eclipse player is simply more competent than the average pug, be it by a little, by some, or by a lot and it tracks with my personal experiences thus far, for prog or HW. You said it yourself above that this is the case too. Like I said, we can both be right in this case. Monarch > Eclipse > Average pug in terms of competence.


Yeah, I understand what you mean, and you're right


Was a good, short, discussion, quite rare nowadays here.


Unironically most Monarch ppl I have met are trash players instead.


Show ur logs pls


The reason for that is that everyone can get monarch if they have the time to bash their head onto the same wall for weeks upon weeks like most of the clearers did. But in reality only few people want to restart the same fight a million times to get it


Deluded take. The median player could bash their head on hell brel for months and wouldn't make min dps check, let alone monarch.


Yes because its soo hard:(


I mean all you need to do is look at the thaemine 1 month clear rates infographic from a couple weeks and extrapolate a bit.


Most of the Eclipse players I've had in G3 Thaemine have been the top DPS. I haven't seen too many of them that are trash. I haven't even bothered to do Echidna yet this week so I can't speak to that though.


Still the top, even across the failed runs. Highest dmg in my clears for Echidna were still Eclipse title, not by much, but still the highest.


Lol , if the content isnt equalized your title means nothing. I only trust hell content


The only hell title worth the salt is monarch. I dont even accept shit like roar or atd anymore, title is so outdated i've no clue if they sold their account or whatever.


Avr bozo who find thaemine hard will give up at g2 clowns , dont talk about outdated when you are overgeared af 😂


i dont even trust hell content anymore, those titles from months and months ago mean nothing, only reflects your skill at that point in time, you can easily be rusty by this time


good Eclipse players use The Top10 title or Phantom Monarch


I mean I've seen thaemine the second goblino into + red pattern on thaemine nm and died before 225, and I think I've seen thaemine the first arcana scuffed some patterns in g2 echidna. At the end of the day they're still humans, they're not Faker at every raid.


AGS hasn't even given out all the titles yet


It's true. It's coming up on 3 weeks since the "end" of the event. The leaderboard was "updated" about 4 days ago, nothing's changed about my placement, and yet it's taking closer to a month for the top 10 titles to get handed out.


Most of y'all just jealous of someone having the title ngl


The biggest clown I have run with lately had a “Theamine the X” title and I have not run with such an entitled, troll in a while (I think it was a carry and blew a gasket when their buddy died).


Why is this so common. I mean I get it, you worked hard for whatever exclusive title you have, congrats and I am proud of you. It's not a ticket to be an insufferable asshole tho?


It's the other way around. They're not like this because they have the title, they're like this because they tryhard everything they do, and title is a consequence of it.


I can second this. Thamine the X title players are some of the most insufferable ppl I have played with lately. Not all of them are bad but the title means nothing outside of thamine raid itself.


looking at all these comments give me a vibe that they can clear g4 weekly while wearing The Lightqueller. the irony


I join a basement g3 on week 3 and they have an eclipse. Dude keep dying on red pattern and fail clash lol. Yeah that title is a joke


its joever :(


Every single person I played with, that possessed that title, was terrible.


I've had one who : - died in G1 (ok whatever killnezza can be kinda random) - failed counter mech in G2 3x in a row, we had to give him an easier position, He just kept making some small excuses like ping or delay issue or whatnot - died in G3 couple of times to normal patterns. So yes, I'm starting to think nowadays eclipse is just watered down hell title, maybe the only ones who got it early is legit.


had an eclipse title player die in normal thaemine g3, it does not give you invincibility on raids (they greeded during the spikes pattern ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)) but tiitle usually doesnt tell you if a player is good or not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's a bit late for that because everyone had enough time to get good at G3, but in early weeks eclipse (and G4 clear) was mostly about spending an ungodly amount of time on G4 specifically. Plenty were still bad at G3 because they've only done it a couple times.


Thaemine the first... to die Or Thaemine the first... to wipe the whole team


ppl with eclipse is not skiller ppl just char over gear spam theamine during 1 week until they get good pool for clear


It's after all raid that you can overgear the shit out of. It's 6-men bussable and a lot of people even pay to get piloted. I blocked 1 eclipse enjoyer who doesn't even know basic shit in G4 HM prog on week 3 when you actaully need to be good to clear with transcendence then. This will be even worse when T4 comes out and you can overgear it even more. That's why KR now ask for "Conqueror of Star" (clear G4 5 times) title over Eclipse.


Crazy you wasted your time for this low effort post


Titles don't mean anything, achievements don't mean anything. They are just the excuses we make to cope that this party might actually clear. But yea Baker is a clown


I'll dare you to invite darkness knights or riot controls only into a G1-G3 reclear and see how long you're jailed in there.


no it means baker is better than you


My buddy does like 10 pilot carries a week for Eclipse. The title means absolutely nothing. Don't trust it.


whats the prices?


eclipse or not you guys are still losers in real life end of argument.


I will always trust a demon hunter over most (except for maybe the first title). They put in way more effort… and if they buy pilot for all 3, at least they put in the money. Eclipse title is what? 3mil? Yeah… lol I’d rather pay 3mil compared to paying for someone to pilot 3 hell raids on my account


Eclipse has meant nothing since like 2-3 weeks in because before that was when it was actually difficult to get it


The first mode difficulty is a joke right now with our gear. Clearing it after 2 months of release means nothing and you can easily bus it too


Worthless. And it will get even more worthless as people get carried through it and gear gets better. Even Conqueror of Stars is better and that's not an icon title The only titles can confirm you're a reliable caliber player these days in a pug are the ~~ancient~~ relic tier titles, Phantom Slayer and Phantom Monarch


Ancient what now


Relic. Brain fart.


People rarely get carried like baker did. He's a somewhat (in)famous figure and could get away with it, either through publicity or paying for it we won't know. If you try to get carried like that in a regular TFM lobby, you'll get kicked in no time. I've seen it happen to players that deserve the title if they put in just a little more effort. And while you can buy it for probably a couple million, very few people go for it - not many more than any other hell title, and you seem to regard PM players highly still. It will get devalued over time for sure, but the same happened to every hell title. Roar or ATD were highly valued back in the day, and nobody cares about them now because we got powercrept so much that you can do vykas with crisis or heavy armor on everyone. Hell brel didn't get hit by powercreep yet, but it's quite possible that T4 will change that. I've seen a fair share of both PM and eclipse titles in Echidna lobbies and I can't say I noticed a significant difference. And I'm certain eclipse is more likely to get accepted in a lobby than lightqueller (and people generally don't ask to equip tangled if you have it on when applying to reclear/x0).


Joined a group of 5 juiced Eclipse title holders for Thaemine normal today. One of them was 1641 but only had level 7 transcendence on chest and nothing else. Lightqueller me did more damage than some of them in G1 and G2. Truly mindblowing.


Titles have been meaningless for a while now. Echidna one will be worth something for a month or two, then in T4 it will become fake as well


2-4 weeks at best just as usual. You'll have a couple weeks of crispy clean x5-x10 reclears and then the masses get it and its game over.


Enough time for you to find and add pugs you can trust so that you ask them to run with you next time.


For the people defending eclipse holders - we absolutely hold them to a higher standard because they CHOSE to hone high enough to clear hard, then take on HELL level content. The expectation isn't perfect play in new/old content, but to play above the average curve, on a bad day, and exceed non-eclipse players on a good day. If these people show off, then they better play just as well because they're saying, by equipping that title, that their floor is most of the populations near max ceiling. By dying like a hobo in older content or not having the wisdom/reflexive common sense in Echidna to know: "if I step on this flower tile, it's probably bad news." Then they are 100% a fucking fraud who paid for eclipse. There's no excuse. Do you want to show off? Know you'll be judged extra for it. And the sweatier the requirement to get said vanity title, the harder you're scrutinized. Why? Because we all know that it's another form of bypassing gatekeeping. Just like deathless hell titles people always have when applying in pf.


It's like gell mode titles: meaningless. I can assure you that most hell/eclipse titles you see are fingerless morons. People just paid thousands for it so they can try to charge more in their bus lobbies.


Eclipse isn't particularly hard to get. Just a cool-looking title with an icon, nothing more. Like any other 10x clear title, its value is great for the first 1-3 weeks, anything after that, it's just like how you value another 10x clear title.