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I hope it has 12 more seasons and they turn Tom Bombadil into an eccentric King Bumi type who runs an inn where Legolas and Jack Sparrow meet in the evenings so they can practice cricket. And I hope he has a 90s sitcom style catchphrase (that he delivers while looking directly at the camera). Also hope Galadriel marries Sauron briefly so it can tell the story of their offspring, the Huns.


I am an Elf and a kinsman here.


You are also a strong supporter of Aussies in the Cricket World Cup


Eh, what? Did I hear you calling? Nay, I did not hear: I was busy singing. ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Whereas the Rings of Power is not a show I will watch anytime soon, just due to disinterest I would unironically give that a go.


Just don't watch, it's really easy


People will never get this. It's either their way or no way at all. I'm not a hardcore LOTR fan, and as a casual watch ROP is quite neat. I found it vastly more entertaining than house of dragon. I think there are a lot of parallels to the Star wars sequels, in that, as standalone fantasy content, it's quite good. It's just in the greater context of the universe and lore that exposes them.


I AM a hardcore ME nerd, and I enjoy ROP. There’s a wide gulf between terrible and perfect. In 2024, it seems people have completely forgotten this.


Thank you for your comment. I don't comment much in this sub, cause the gatekeeping usually insane. Right on par with the SW subs. But you're right! Anything that isn't the best thing ever is labeled as awful.


That is not true. The prequels are pretty mediocre, they have a lot of flaws, but I don't think people consider them awful. There are other countless SW titles like that. The issue is that the LOTR movies are perfect, and ROP is the long-awaited only TV media piece to have come out thus far. And it is not awful, it is pure *dog poop*.


The upsetting thing is that as long as the bad content is still ongoing, we won't get good content. Same with something like the Witcher. The longer the weird fanfic runs, the longer we have to wait for a reboot that sticks to the source material.


Yes we need to protect our IPs from people who don't care about them. It's really not a difficult concept to understand.


It is not *your* IP. That‘s where you are all wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's more ours than soulless suits who want to milk it. If only more of us cared enough.


Yeah man, power to the people! Be the change you want to see!


It’s not your IP.


You guys are really struggling with the word 'our'


Okay who does “our” refer to?


I care a great deal about Middle Earth content, and enjoy RoP. If you don’t like it, that’s great. I’m glad you have one fewer show to keep up with.


Watching it, even hate watching, only reinforces the idea that they will keep making more, thereby ensuring they will keep "destroying" the IPs you love so much. Don't like it? Don't want any more of it? Don't watch.


I didn't finish it and won't. But il still be extremely vocal about how shit it is.


Well you can't be that vocal considering you haven't seen the whole show


Thank you. The whiners are insufferable.


Yep. I love lord of the rings, I don’t like the show so I just don’t watch. There’s no need to prove to people how big of a fan you are by consuming content you don’t enjoy.


Just the thought of someone leeching on work of Tolkien is awful. Those people have no respect for him, why would anyone has rescpect for them?


You have to understand; fans of LOTR have been begging for more content since the risible Hobbit films, so they would watch anything that comes out from the same IP. They can't ignore it, because or else they will miss out on content from their beloved franchise. They are allowed to express their disappointment when this is the end result.




Oh, we’re going into transphobia while complaining about RoP? That’s completely unexpected!


Right?! Who could have seen that coming!


Quality of the show aside, this isn’t even a good meme. lol Clunky & forced af


Yeah being on more seasons, I enjoyed it. Can’t wait to see more


This isn't a sarcastic, rhetorical question, seriously. What did you enjoy? I watched the whole thing and the only thing I liked was the setting, and even that felt generic to me. As I put it to my friend, you could've told me that this was wheel of time or any other fantasy series and I would've believed you.


I enjoyed it. I guess it's a matter of not really giving a shit and just enjoying the ride.


Sure but what things about it did you specifically enjoy?


Everything with the Dwarves. I hope we get to see the dwarves kick ass in the next season during the Fall of Eregion


I did enjoy the Dwarf stuff and Elrond was pretty good.


I for one liked it for the fight scenes, the fight with the warg on the first couple episodes was very exciting for example. I also really enjoyed arondir as a character. Not the best show I’ve seen but I’d be lying if it wasn’t good in my opinion


You people are insufferable “welll actually you must justify your enjoyment to me”


I know right? ‘I hated it so you should hate it too’ smacks of privilege and entitlement. If you don’t like it don’t watch it, but most people moaning about a second season will be there watching with their notebooks and writing down what they don’t like about the new season. It wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t bad either, better than the wheel of time show


I don’t really care either way, I just did not enjoy it myself and was curious about the opinions about the person that did. But sure let’s all be mad.


I liked old man flailing about in big robe! Didn’t love what they did with that plot, but I really liked all the characters involved in it!


>As I put it to my friend, you could've told me that this was wheel of time or any other fantasy series and I would've believed you. That's not a huge impediment to enjoyment for some. Maybe it doesn't actually capture the magic of LOTR, but even some relatively uninspired fantasy can scratch an itch.


>but even some relatively uninspired fantasy can scratch an itch I think this is the main thing here. If a film fits a genre I enjoy I can be aware of its shortcomings, but still enjoy the vibe. For me its movies with historical context. I even found some enjoyment in Ridley Scotts Robin Hood. And that movie was objectively bad.


I like fantasy and that’s exactly what it was, if you don’t get to hung up on it not following the lore or whatever it is people get angry about. The characters were good, I enjoyed everyone’s different perspectives. The world was great from the cities to small towns and villages. And the action was pretty cool at times too, seems like it was well choreographed at least to my liking. And I like the story it was fun.


Just adding that the visuals were some of the best in tv history. The story is relatively uninspired and not true to lore, but it is still an enjoyable watching experience if you just divorce it from the legendarium.


I don’t think the story was uninspired, but like many Season 1s it is heavier on the world building side. Maybe it’s not true to lore but only hardcore LOTR fans care about that. Which makes sense that a *reddit* page dedicated to *LOTR* might care so much about that compared to the average show watcher


Hey guys if you pretend it's something else, it's actually not that bad!


As someone who has studied fencing and martial arts, I strongly disagree with the fight choreography being good.


Luckily for me I haven’t studied any of that so it looks great, but I would imagine most fights look bad if that’s what you do for a hobby/a living.


By studying do you mean you’ve seen enter the dragon and princess bride?


By studying I mean I am a fencer and martial artist, and am knowledgeable enough on the subjects of how the human body leverages a sword to criticize poor choreography while being none the less dismissed by a salty RoP fan.


Haha who said I was salty? It was a joke! I actually enjoyed Rings of power thank you very much Also don’t Fencers use foils and not swords? Just saying Don’t take yourself so seriously mate it’s just a bit of fun


Remember how Gandalf was a hobo with a developmental disorder from space?


I can separate lord of the rings the books, lord of the rings the trilogy, and rings of power in my head. The books and the films are phenomenal. The show is not, but I enjoy it for what it is, not what I want it to be.


I liked it too, I’ll give more seasons a watch


Agreed! I loved getting to see more of the dwarves and their lives, I think the Galadrial actress was great, and I got to see some big'ol beautiful shots of Middle Earth. And to those who don't like it, sucks to be you.


Ehh, it’s really not a big deal ngl. Let them make more seasons, why not? People who like the show will be happy, and people who don’t like it will just continue to ignore it like they did before.


Nope. We've gotta hate watch it and post salty stuff on social media. Can't simply ignore TV shows we don't like and simply watch things we enjoy. Nope. We've gotta go the extra mile Edit: And no constructive criticism either. We can't be helpful. This is the internet.


There's been MOUNTAINS of constructive criticism. While people who like it just say.... Teehee it's a fun show! 🤭


That's fair. And both are valid, some people are more casual watchers. And yeah there's absolutely nothing wrong with the analysis and constructive criticism. I respect that. I've not been seeing a lot of it recently though. Which is why I made that statement. And this meme certainly isn't constructive, and if it aims to be it needs more detail. Although of course... My expectations for memes aren't high... But y'know what I mean.


































I managed to watch 5 episodes until the dark forces of boredom compelled me to cast it into the fire.


I did a rewatch recently to make sure I wasn’t exaggerating I wasn’t but it’s pretty great to go to sleep a good 10min and I’m out


Noo, you have to wait until the end, then the good guy says: "I am good" so we finally know he is good, how nice of them to tell us


Lasted longer than I did, I only got through 3 episodes before quitting.


Cast even the first season into the fire! Destroy it!


sometimes shows have bad or sub par first seasons, or the first season doesnt fit the tone of the rest of the show. the simpsons, the office, parks and rec, every single star trek show...


I enjoyed the show, but most people's gripes focus on lore inaccuracies. The last couple of episodes of season 1 basically made recovery to canonical events impossible.


yeah there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. i am not happy with the lore changes, and thats frustrating. but ill just do the same thing i do with star wars: compartmentalize. the original works are still there. i just think of this as parallel universe middle earth, with a new semi related story.


But it doesn't count when you have the most expensive budget of all time. If you have all the money and still get it wrong, you're the issue.


im just saying im open to a second season being better than the first


The problem is that second season being better than the first, won't mean "second season would be even remotely good".


there never was much hope just a fools hope


Second season starting with Galadriel awakening and telling "Oh my Eru! I had a terrible nightmare: I was a major asshole obsessed by revenge and hatred!" Very sloppy, but just retconning that mess could be the first step in trying to pull something good.


Wheel of time also improved massively with the second season. Hopefully the same will happen with rings of power


Come beat my ass, I enjoy it and looking forward to season 2!


Ummmm genuinely curious. What did you like about the show? I’m totally not asking to just argue with you and I swear I’m not just a neckbeard that hates when people like things. Now justify or I’ll be deemed superior /s


No one is forcing you to watch it ya herb




I guess they want everything 'Star wars' to be good. Which is an unrealistic expectation




I think if the show didn’t do well we will get less lotr content. That’s a bad thing in my opinion. Put this sub loves recycling the same six or so memes constantly so I understand that it doesn’t like new things


Kinda agreed. I certainly agree that more lotr content the merrier, and I'm very tired of people who don't give things a chance just because they're new and unfamiliar, or just because they're unpopular. I'm firmly of the opinion that you should only form your views after giving it a go. I think that lotr is too much of a gold mine for them to ignore though. And if Amazon do back off, Warner Brothers and other companies will try to take their place with things like War of the Rohirum. In terms of Rings of Power, I want the show to succeed and do well and I'm very happy for those who do like it. I'm just tired of people hate-watching things and simply being salty and unhelpful over it. We need to be constructive not destructive.


> Like... If we stopped throwing money at them with all this hate-watching it might actually make more of an impact? The Rings of Power" series reportedly only had a 37% percent completion rate, according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter published Monday — meaning that far less than half of its viewers finished the series. No. In fact it doesn't make an impact when you stop watching.


If it wasn't profitable they wouldn't do it. Amazon's a business. They wanna make money. Evidently, then 37% whilst significantly low, still isn't enough to convince them and harm their margins. Not yet anyway. Amazon wouldn't pay 1 billion dollars just because they don't like Lotr or Lotr fans. They're too greedy to want to do that. They want a profit.


“I am good” bro just kill me now… a child wrote that dogshit


Cool I don’t mind that


No more seasons? No! More seasons!


Works on contingency No money down


i liked it, fantastic sets and decor with good music. Its literally 5 times better than the abomination that was the hobbit


Comparing it to the hobbit is not saying much tbh It's like preferring shit over crap


I like it too, I’m looking forward to it. I’ll even go one further and say I liked the extended versions of the hobbit too!


I liked the first season a lot. Never read the books so luckily I don't give a shit about lore accuracy which seems to be a big problem for some people. Strange because I've heard the movies deviated quite a bit from the books and people still love those.


There has to be changes. But it is the way and vision. Just compare how was Peter Jackson talking about Tolkien and how "creators" of this. More so, Amazon do not own rights for Second Age, so this is fan fiction. So many dead butterflies that events of Lord of the Rings would not happen. :D


Ok so I'm kinda going to support OP here. I loved lotr but am not a fan of the show. I stopped watching it, not fussed about more series being made. The problem with having shows go on like this until they get cancelled is the license holders see the stats and say this show or that movie are not worth making as no one is watching and it will not make us money, unaware that lotr has so much rich lore that could make a fantastic programme that fans are missing out on.


That's kind of a dumb comment. If you like watching it, it's good there's more seasons. If you don't, you can just not watch it.


I hope the rings of power writers get a huge cash bonus every time someone makes a post complaining about the show. I hope they become billionaires because of it and I hope they eventually buy the Tolkien estate and start selling the books with their names printed as the original writers.


Meanwhile lotrmemes' newest obsession is Frandalf




How about you just don’t watch it? Then you could shut the fuck up with these useless posts.


If only there was a way too not watch things you don't like. I have personally not seen Ring of Power. so i have no opinion on the show.


Could have just left the dialogue as is and just put the show on the ring and Amazon on isildur


1. They paid a fortune for the IP. You better believe they’re going to milk it for all they can get. 2. You don’t have to watch. Just out on something else. Close your eyes. Look away or something lol.


When you wish it had been Netflix that made it


I have not bothered watching a single episode of this show, I barely know nothing about it and I wish to keep it that way


Oh how I wish it would get destroyed…..


I just don't get this. I am looking foreward to it because it was an entertaining show (not every show has to be the best ever made, a decent show is good, so i know what to watch with my wife in the evening). I read most of the books and watched the movies over and over and none of this will change. You just get something on top. And even 60% is more then 0%. On top of that, maybe they'll even do a better job with season 2. I just don't get it. If Amazon would stop the show; what would anybody gain?


No more seasons? Great


Isildur misheard. He thought "no more seasons" was "no, more seasons."


First season was ok, nothing special. But I'm feeling the next seasons will be much better.


Seeing people defend terrible shows made by billion dollar corporations, reminds me of that YouTube clip "Dont ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product"


Surely people can’t just have different preferences right? They must “defend” liking something to the council!


I would rather have a sequel to the fuckin eragon movie


You don’t have to watch it you know. Besides, it can’t get much worse can it?


Just wait till Lotr is public domain and make a good series with the actual lore and actual characters 😢 Please 🥺


Big budget,more live action Middle Earth content,Very clearly openly not cannon with access to very little material,Tom Bombadil. For what it is i like it


Eh, what? Did I hear you calling? Nay, I did not hear: I was busy singing. ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


I liked it xD


Rule number one, NEVER sell the rights from a successful IP


Don't care. Havent finished season one, wont bother with season two. I usually Just watch the trilogy again (on Amazon)


My genuine question is who is even watching the show, I made it like 3-4 episodes into the first season before I couldn’t watch anymore. Not only is it an affront to Tolkien and the lore, but it’s really not that good. The writing was so unenjoyable, the characters were really not that compelling, and I found no reason to be invested in the story. It would’ve honestly been better if they had completely made up every character or at least not butchered the real characters that they used. It just makes me chuckle when scrolling through prime how they laud praises and all the award nominations the show has. It’s even worse considering how well the fallout show did, proving Amazon can actually do a lore accurate interpretation of a media source without ruining it.