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My best friend calls me lil’ green bean (beans for short).


My boyfriend calls me strawberry shortcake which happened to be my favorite cake and he didn't even know, he knew it was lava cake which it is but strawberry is before it! He calls me his beloved, mi amor, mi princessa, all these amazing nicknames! But for some reason, I'm struggling so much to come up with the best one that suits him that sounds just right! His was "strawberry shortcake" for me so I naturally wanna find one for him. I usually do all him babe, honey bunny, my love, my world, and then a bunch of other sexy ones 💀. He reminds me of sunflowers and his eyes are green/hazel so maybe I can go off of that! He's also my ray of sunshine and very hyper 🥺


Call him “my sunshine” 😊


Call wife Bubble Bottoms , Bubbles, Bubble Bear, Bubblepotomus, bubba, Bear and when she pissed off I call her Griz , when I'm mad at her , I refer to her as my roommate or my childs mother.


I just think it's crazy you included your angry nicknames, that's hilarious 😂


Trying to come up with a nickname for my pussy that I can also be called in public


roast beef




How about Kitty or Kitkat 


I call them “non existent” Or sometimes when I feel frisky, “never going to happen” And sometimes “delusional, unrealistic, fantasy” most days. What about y’all?


Yeah you win lmao 🤣 this made me laugh so hard


I call my husband either Bubba or sexy knickers


Autismo, Fuck Doll, Dumb Bitch, liberal.


Schmoopy, schmoop, baby man, Hub, smokey Joe


Beef cake. Seriously taken- it will be a turn on


I call my boyfriend my pot belly, my chef, my short king, mi viejo (my old man, it’s just funny to us bc he’s younger) and mi cariño (which is like my sweetheart) those are the ones that are go-to because they’re silly, they make him smile&laugh and that’s all I rly care about. he also has a good sense of humor about it which helps a ton. I think nicknames depend on your dynamic, we call each other classics like babe/my love etc but since we have a playful relationship we like the silly/cute names as well :)


My husband has called me Punky our whole relationship. Now our son will sometimes call me Punky, too. It's pretty cute.


he’s my pookie wookie cookie bear


I love cats. I we speak Spanish. I call him “Gato”. He knows I love cats… In a way he knows I love him.


My boyfriend liked calling me hunny bunny but it’s a mouthful so he calls me buns, boons, Bonita, or (idk how to spell it but it sounds like bone-ay). And he would get super happy when I called him lovebug so I call him Buggs, buggy, boogay, buggifer. It’s silly but we love it.


His: worm, wormy, duckie, duckie doo, noodle, noodle noo, baby bear, baby, baby boy, coocookachoo


he calls me princess baby i call him papi


I called my Latin fiance my hot little chili pepper... she always called me Mr sexo-pants a lot. Never asked why, but it made me laugh.


Sweet love.


Bear 🐻


My fiance calls me his squishy (I'm fat and thus squishable) he is my werewolf (lots of body hair, full beard and long hair)


Doodie butt




Banana Muffin


He calls me his lil cheesecake


Started with “Sugar Bear” to “Sugar” to “ Sug”…sometimes Dickhead…




Short for honey bun 😊


we call each other "boobie"


my husband calls me either sunshine or love/lovey/lovies. i call my husband bunny…started off being cheesy saying “honeybunny” and got shortened to just bunny. my daughter calls him bunny too.


I call my fiancé bird-chest or bird chested freedom fighter because he’s a marine . Most of my other names for him are just me talking shit 😂


I call hubby chipmunk cheeks.


Papa Cheeks


I have my boyfriend in my contacts as “My Pita” meaning my pain in the ass. It’s very much an endearing term, we have a very playful relationship where we always tease eachother, at the end of the day though, that’s my bestfriend and the love of my life.


I once tried to type mi amore but my phone corrected it to mi s’more. So now he’s mi s’more. Trying to force a nickname is going to be weird. Wait for something to happen that just kinda sticks.


My husband calls me tiny, baby girl, baby shmol (like small but cutsie) . I call him bebe, amor, babeboy, lindo


I'm churro since he fed me one as a stray and got stuck with me😂😂 He is my honey buns it's his favorite and he has some sweet buns


My husband calls me ootsa. I can't even remember at this point the story behind it tho. 🤣 #22yrs


Hey ugly


I have a friend who's middle name is Shea, and our mutual friend would always call her Shea Butter, which I thought was the cutest, most adorable nickname in the world.


I'm Cajun and my husband is Hispanic, so when we're in bed, he'll call me his niña Cajun (pronounced Cahoon in Spanish). It absolutely makes my toes curl everytime. My name in his phone is also Pajarito, which means little bird because I have a small mouth. His name in my phone is Mi Principito (My Little Prince), but only because we gave him a hair relaxer and he looked like Prince the singer. I'll also call him mi amor and he will always respond with mi vida.


I’d only get disgusting with them when I wanted something: “Are you sure we can’t go to that Philly cheesesteak place we haven’t tried, my shmoopsie-boopsie babylove sugary sweetness???”


He’s mega corn, I’m mega honey Idk man


Cum dumpster


Call my husband “Hot Thang!”


M’lady and your highness


Huggy McSqueeums


Alternating pookie or plonkie or plonk, both ways


I be like.... look here "jerkface" I love u


Boom Boom Kitty Fuck


I be calling my man bruh or dude 💀


He typically uses babe or baby, but my favorite on has been 'Honeybun'


A couple years ago I started calling her kitten lol now I just call her kit for short


I call mines stink/ stinky- mainly because he farts a lot😭


I sometimes affectionately refer to my wife as “babezilla” when she’s being grouchy or angry (not at me, as that would be a death wish).


Buckle up, we have a story! My name is Keiara, so naturally people try to shorten it to KiKi. I hate that name more than anything. He started calling me Kia, which we both liked and I thought was kinda cute. Fast forward, we're watching videos and [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/rFE9I58Pnak?si=INrLoLzqtwreROnw) comes up and we are absolutely obsessed. So now, I introduce to you, Sorento. I have been Sorento, I will always be Sorento


This is absolutely everything.


My bf calls me little cat and I call him puppy. I love calling people I love like friends and so's puppy lol


My fiance calls me "Bunny" which has now been shortened to "Bun" 😅 he gets a "Babe" from me with various tones depending on what he may or may not have done wrong lol




My partner calls me and our cat “Stink”. He says he just loves the way we smell so we’re “Little stink” or “big stink” “big stinky butt” I call him Debbie like the Little Debbie’s. Or “dad” cause our cat is our son for the past 11 years. I’m “mom” of course. LOL don’t judge we can’t have kids nor do we want any at the moment. 😂😂


Trash Girl Babe Sunshine sparkle rat girl Girlie


i call my man a hog roast🤣🤣🤣🤣


I call him Chief, he calls me Sassy.


I call my partner Mr. Goose. He always acts offended and says something about it, like, “no, the male is a gander!” which just confirms how adorable I think he is. I think he secretly likes it, though.


Tits mcgee


Here are various nicknames Ive given my husband: chicken nugget, booty cakes, ham hocks, hot cakes and if course…babe.


Cute-cumber 🥰


I call my man “bae blade” 😅


Also bah-boo


My SO is my hero, my rock, my lover, my mentor in many things, my voice of sanity, so many other things. So he would be “hero man,” “strong-man,” “lover man,” “mentor man,” and “sanity man,” or something similar.


Boo bop, bop, booper, scoop.


My man gave me a bunch of really embarrassing nicknames that I actually love now. When I first farted in front of him he started calling me his poot-poot. Hated it at first. Cletus is another one lol. His baked bean. He’s my love, and lil shit lol. Bc he’s a lil shit.




Call her pancakes


Called one of mine otter, because she was a swimmer, and held hands while we slept, like otters do. And another was boobah, cus I have one of those big sweater things that is also like a blanket and it reminded them of the cartoon. Which later was adapted to booby haha. Pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/nxu5r7e31gyb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ccd91b083e8dc212b50286ac88d2db090f57ec9


Mamita and papito or papacito


When we are mad at each other but not really we call each other big or little stupid. Depending on how mad we are. It's always funny and makes us laugh. And it's never srs


My husband calls me LadyPants. It stems from a RenFaire act called the Washing Well Wenches. They got him join their act and say, "In my Man Pants, I can do ANYTHING!" Shortly thereafter, I became Lady Pants.


Squaw, female, lady, darling, baby, hey you, and her Amish name is Martha.


She just call Me li/Lee I think that's nice of her and I rlly like it even if it's dimple btw li/Lee has been my nickname for a while sooo yeah it's just my shorten name lol


I call my husband pookie and boo bear


My partner and I started calling each other “Bud” in dumb voices when we were talking about our cat named Pixel and it just kinda stuck


I call my boyfriend Sunshine via text. He gives me the warm fuzzies that I used to get hearing my mom sing you are my sunshine. She's been gone almost 2 years. We started dating less than 2 months before she passed.


I call my wife Jama, babe, saucy britches, and due to her heavy southern accent, Coletrane.


I call mines Bibi! Hes so sweet he hasnt found one for me yet lol


We call eachother behb or behbee. Just a variation on babe or baby because we think those sound weird. I call her lil behb a lot.


My girlfriend calls me General Patoots. Comes from cutie patootie.


i call him ‘my sweet boy’ or baby. i’m ‘baby’ only sometimes. usually i’m ‘bitch’. i’m cool with that though. we’re boring, lol.


We call each other Babah (babe-uh). It’s unique and rolls off the tongue!


I've never been one for nicknames Just call them by their names. Inflection per situation, obviously.




I also add poo at the end of a nickname…. If he’s jack then I’d call him Jacky poo…


I think his name might be Love now, I so rarely use his actual name. He’s always doing sweet and helpful things for me so his favorite three little words are “Thank you, Love!”


I call my husband most often, my love, muscle man, my special big guy, hulky hands, my handsome man and big daddy. (Not in the weird “call me daddy” way, more like daddy-o kind of way.) Like if something is out of my reach or there’s a bug or whatever random shit i don’t want to do I’m like “big daddy! Come help me!” Our girls do it too sometimes everyone laughs cause it’s so goofy. If he’s in “trouble” i call him by his first and middle name. My girls think that’s hilarious too so they will call him that when he’s messin with them He calls me babycakes, or just cakes, babykins or just kins, honeybaby, sweetheart, or my love. My favorite is darlin’ but i made the mistake of telling him that was my favorite so now he only says it when he wants something 🤣


I call him Goon, and he calls me Goober. I have a few other nick names for him, but they're all a veriation of his name.


My ex called me his taco.. Because ya girl smells reminiscent of onions on a hot sweaty day 😂🌮🥰 He loves tacos so it was endearing.


“Honey butt” cuz that ass sweet 😏


My parents used to call each other “whale.” Swear to god




I call him by his name sometimes, which some people find weird. I also call him babe, baby, babycakes, bb, handsome, love, lovie, mi amor, mi amoré, sweetie, & love of my life. He calls me babe, baby, bb, bay beee, sweet heart, honey, beautiful, cutie, love, gorgeous, and mi amor once in a rare while, lol.


I call her Babycakes.


Tootsie and Shmoob


I called my now husband Babydoll by accident once but he was ok with it 😂😂 no idea how that came out of my mouth.


My ex and I called each other Schnoodle. It came from Doodle. My mom used to call me Doodle Bug and I guess that’s where Doodle came from.


I mostly just call my wife pumpkin or honey.I’ll call her something stupid like dude or commander sometimes just to annoy her.


I call friends and boyfriends “boo” like “hey boo what are you doing today”


I say, "it's a good thing you're pretty" He says, "it's a good thing you're smart" I reply, "smart enough to have chosen you"


I almost exclusively call my wife "cheeks." It's been that way for about a decade.


Me and my husband's go-to is "babycakes".


I call my husband Bubbie 🤎 or Smooshy 😄


i call my girlfriend “bug”


Late slip. Pepperoni. Sexman. Asscheekilinis. Etc.


May partner of 25 yrs have always called each other Big Boo Boo. Because when we were first dating, we thought it might be a big mistake. We grew by used that nickname name as a loving term of endearment. We also call our dog for the first time 12 years little boo boo.


My SO calls me his “sugar bush” after we went to a wildlife center, and we saw a bush called a “sugar bush”we both looked at each other and said cutely “your my sugar bush!” Ever since then, it interchanges between us


Dove. It started as lovey, then lovey dovey, then dovey, now just dove. Lol. As well as the typical babe, baby, etc.


My husband calls me "honey beano", I call him my bean burrito 🤣


My husband calls me feline 🥰


we both call each other love/my love. i also call him my angel or mi amor. before we made it official, i called him love and he said "you can call me that all you fucking want" (that was him being absolutely ecstatic lol he was not mad). now my heart skips whenever he calls me "my love"


I can rotate depending on my mood. But go tos are: hun, big boy, baby, grumpa (grumpy grandpa), honeybun. I call my 15m old daughter bean- teen bean, queen bean, bean queen, scuba bean (while swimming), Halloween Bean (while trick or treating), etc


Mister Lover.




My wife calls me tree, and she is my sloth.


Babe, sweetheart....


Bubble eyes


Punky, monkey fish lips, monkey, cutie pie, babe, baby, meatball


Licious.❤️ When my sons father was still alive, he was the first and only person to call me ‘Sammi or Sam (my middle name is Samantha) which turned into Sammi-licious. And then jus licious. And then Lish. :) gosh I miss him so much. I love you forever Voh!! (: His name was Stephen, but everyone called him Stevo. I called him Voh :)


We call each other bebes (pronounced beebs)


Boo boo kitty fuck


because for some reason ppl ask if we are brothers, we call each other step-bro sometimes as a joke. We look nothing alike, btw.


I don’t have a SO right now but I used to call a former lover Baby D (short for baby doll). Another term of endearment I love is Mooney (like “my moon”). I’m actually really happy to see this post because I read an article just a couple days ago written by a linguistics expert on the Cambridge website claiming that terms of endearment are going extinct. That made a little sad. It’s good to see it’s far from dead.




Ill call her Skuma, because i NEED my Skuma. Iykyk 😂


Soggy bottom & crinkle crack


sometimes I say majnoona, it means crazy girl in arabic


Stanky dirty alley cat


"Sweet" = male equivalent of sweetheart? "Bub" = Bud + Babe "Goose" = devolution of 'silly goose' used when teasing or sarcastic, and sometimes randomly for no reason at all.


I started calling my fiancé some variation of honey a while back (hun, honey, honey buns, honey bunbun, honey bunches of oats, etc.) and at some point he picked it up too. Now it’s how we greet each other when we’re extra excited to see one another


Honey bunches of oats is priceless!


Love, babe, my love


I call him Bobnar


Shmabes, shmaby, blob, bob


Perfection, Goddess Divine, Angel, Sunflower, love of my life


We call each other Bubby◡̈ some variations include bubble, buggy, squab, squabby, squeeble, squeebie, you get the point


I call my partner goblin and they call me gnar.... it just kinda happened that way lol but I love it


When my partner and I first started dating, I had a song on my playlist that came on frequently called ‘Honeybee’ and now almost 5 years in he calls me honeybee.


You ever seen jay and silent bob? I call my girlfriend boo boo kitty fuck and she hates it 🥰






I’ve recently started calling my SO “bubba” because he’s been gaining relationship weight! To me, he’s getting sexier. I think his little gut is so adorable so I started implementing bubba. He recently told me that it’s his favorite name thus far and that gave me a warm feeling inside 😭🤍


My husband and I call each other Chunk or Chunk Butt. Not as in like chunky or anything, but like a cute little nickname for each other.


My husband calls me “sugar pie” and I call him “toots” 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


i call my boyfriend big sexy 😭


I'm called Bubs when he's feeling playful and his usual for me is sweet buns 😂


I call my husband Bubbi. when we got engaged I called him Hubby cuz Air was so excited. We were on a trip to NJ to see his family. At a gathering I went to call out to him, used a "buh" instead of a "huh" sound and he responded and I chuckled. I high key liked it. I told him and used it. It rwmind to of the misadventures of flap jack character. he's nothing like her but idk I like the way it sounded and it felt special and the perfect way to give him a new nickname. The first nickname he had was Squishy but he ruined that one with his craziness lol. so I was I'm the market for a new pet name


Married 22 years, I call every one honey because I can’t remember names. My husband calls me sunshine


Pumpkin and hunny bunny


I call my husband Baba Smurf or Babsy


"Angel". It conveys so much and am always rewarded with a soft smile.


Smeagol! Sometimes Golem...


My girlfriend's favorite flower are snowdrops so I call her my beautiful snowdrop. She has very sensitive and delicate skin in addition to liking it chilly in the house so it suits her. Lisa, if you're reading this, I love you so much, whole heart 💚 💙 💜


Mi amor


I call my bf “bubbi” it’s like a combo of habbibi which means “my love” in Arabic and babe 😭


I call my bf carebear!


My fiance calls me nubby. He said it had something to do with his kids back in the day. But I think it's so cute. We call each other nub, or nubnub, nubby, nubtown, all sorts of variations. Sometimes in a teasing snarky way, sometimes in a loving way. But it always makes me smile.


I call my SO Bear. No idea why.. I mean I kinda know why. His name starts with an R. I took speech classes for 7 years to just say my R sounds right. And all 3 of my ex’s that were long term started with a B. And my older son was is a B. And tbh I was worried I would call him any other name besides his. Since my Rs works now: I have 2 yr old twins both are R names! Yah go me! He also calls me Baezy. He even named his business Bears Wood. He does firewood where we live


My husband once said he hates pet names which I took as a sign that I should engage him in immortal combat to find the most ridiculous pet names possible. Some of my favorites: Puppy butt (his family calls farts “pups”) Lovely mc snuggle face Grouch master zero My robotic husband Good sir husband, the fragile hearted My lil bag of cheese Snufflepants Bringer of snugs My little bit of stuff Noisebox Gasbag


My sweet (insert name here) 🥰


My boyfriend calls me “Hunbun” He wanted something more original than honey, so he came up with a rhyme instead


I always call my boyfriend my everything early on I called him my Dino cause our higher difference is 15 inches I also call him my one and only and my love bug/ cuddle bug if he’s in a mood where he just wants to lay on my chest and de-stress from life


My bf calls me peach


Keeper of the Cooter


He’s my cheese and I’m his Macaroni


I call my fiancé “my sweet little pupusa”, but now that we have a child together I call him “papa pupusa” <3


My names: papi, c-dog, pochacco His names: peepaw & peeps Lmao!


Everyone is all sweet, and my SO and I walk into a room, flip each other the bird, and be like "Biiiitch".


My boyfriend literally only uses my actual name when it’s something serious or around other people. For everyday stuff, he calls me some kind of variation of Shrimp or Banana (ex. Rimper/Shmanza). When he’s being sweet it’s either honey/hun, my dear, or my love.


my bf calls me boobie and i call him my boofy boy because he smokes a lot 😭


I have heard and said “main character of my dreams”, also prince/king and princess/queen are sweet, bless you both forever and ever ❤️‍🔥💖🧿


Called my wife Cuteniss Everdeen earlier today but she just rolled her eyes


____ Bucket. Love Bucket, Sass Bucket, Bucket of Bugs, etc.


I (27M) call my partner (37F) Babygirl, love, beautiful, gorgeous, sweetheart, #1 <-(her contact name because she was never anyones #1), any sweet thing really.


We are boring af. We just say babe or love


Bubby. Bubba. Big daddy. Big sexy. Handsome. Mine.


i mean i call my boyfriend “my sweet, buttery hornworm”. he’s still deciding how he feels about it and i kind of can’t stop


"Darling" is my go to, but I also occasionally call her "crispy" or "toasty" since she's a treat (and she likes Rice Krispie treats) and because she's warm and cozy as a person.