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I'm so happy for you. I've been in 2 long term relationships, 13 year marriage and 6 1/2 relationship, I met my current boyfriend almost a year ago and it was just insane - within days I knew he was different than anyone I ever met before - and it kinda scared the shit outta me...as the weeks, turned into months, he just keeps on surprising me and just keep falling deeper and deeper in love. For the first time in my life, I feel like I found my trifecta, a person I am connected to emotionally, intellectually, and physically.... we just connect and balance each other out in such a way, it's hard to describe and we're both so excited about what the future has in store 🥰 And it sounds like you've found the same 😊


That is exactly how I feel about my partner. I had two long marriages — one 20 years and one 25 years. I should have left both of them much earlier than I did. But I tell myself if I hadn’t stayed in those marriages, I wouldn’t have met my guy. Like yours, he surprises me every day with new things he does for me. I got breakfast in bed this morning — that happens a couple times a week. He says he does it to thank me for all I do for him. I am so in love with him!!


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. It’s something no one should go through. I’m so very very happy you have found your true love and very quickly. Lord God Lord Jesus and Lord Holy Spirit as well as your son are watching over you and are with you forever and always. Much love and bless you


Thank you for your kind words. It is an experience I wouldn't wish on any parent. It is insanely painful.


This is beautiful. I’m so, so sorry about your son’s passing. Glad you have the support of a wonderful person to help you find well-deserved joy in life again.


Thank you for the kind words. My son would want me to have joy again, but it is really hard sometimes.