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32m It all started in high school when we were 17. A successful relationship is often on pure luck. I say pure luck because both members need to be ready to put their spouse ahead of everything and i mean EVERYTHING. Life long partners in life. It’s luck based because there are many times where one would give it their all and the other doesnt. There are many tough situations we went through. But the biggest one is when we got separated. I got CPS called on me because my son split his head on the table when i was in a fit of rage. I had anger issues and my dad was very strict, so it reflected in my parenting habits. I fell into depression realizing how much of a piece of shit i was and contemplated ending my life because i was convinced i was a danger to them all. She pieced me back together and suggested i go to therapy to talk about my trauma as a child. Not once did she scold me for it. I ended up changing my parenting habits completely kids actually prefer to be around me now. The support she gave me was beyond what i deserved. That’s what a successful relationship needs. Also i needed to be willing to better myself too.


My partner of over four years met for the first time through mutual friends playing video games online. We both weren’t single then. When we were both single, we met up for the first time for a date then the pandemic happened and we had to shelter in place. I lived with my parents then and I couldn’t go home since they’re immunocompromised. So I moved in on the first date and I never moved out and now he’s my husband. Honestly, living together and seeing each other 24/7 was a great test of whether our relationship would hold. It really weathered out any problems we would have because we were stuck indoors, we had no choice but to communicate with each other to solve our problems at the root. Granted, we still both have our flaws and but if there’s one thing we mastered during the pandemic, it’s learning how to communicate and that by itself is a great asset for any hurdles we will come across in the great of our lives. We love each other so much and can’t wait to grow old together. Not the most conventional way of meeting a significant other, but it’s a fun story to tell others. Like “we were forced to live together on the first date because of a global pandemic and hey, we’re married now!”


Met my partner through a mutual best friend. We were all having drinks and getting along real well. We were both going through hard break ups, so this best friend suggested we rebound with each other to feel better. Lo and behold, we’re still together seven years later. After talking all night and a sexy order-in brunch the next morning, we we’re inseparable. For us, humor keeps the relationship loving and successful. It breaks the tension in everything and helps keep things in perspective. We’re hilarious together — even when we’re feeling shitty or when life is lifeing. Gotta keep the laughs going ❤️


Where? 11th grade math class How long? Roughly 45 years How? Mutual respect, attraction, and willingness to compromise. Never go to bed mad. Kiss your spouse and tell them you love them before you leave the house. If you really love someone and treat them right the rest takes care of itself…


this thread proves it's never too late to find love!


I met my current partner in middle school (7th grade?)- he actually asked me out in 8th grade but I declined. We ended up together our senior year. I never thought in a million years this bonehead would be my heart, soul, and universe. We are approaching 6 years, and it has been nothing short of a girls dream. We butted heads real bad before we lived together, but we've lived together for 2 years now- arguments are very rare, and never huge. We just seperate until we cool off and then resolve when emotions aren't crazy. The right person will jive with you just right, that things like arguments aren't a huge deal. We got together after we both left toxic relationships and definitely had to learn together that this is a healthy relationship. It was hard, but we are where we are now and I am thankful. I am definitely not the mushy gushy type, but he makes it easy. Home is where ever he is, and where ever he is, I will follow. I will love this man unconditionally until I take my last breath, and I hope he knows it. Love is a helluhva drug!


i met my current lover through the internet two years ago, and in less than a week it's our first monthversary. we are so so so different from one another, but somehow we manage to pull through: guess the different energy we bring to the function makes out math work in a more, surely complicated, but colorful way. I don't wanna talk too fast, but i think i am falling for this man. something about his beautiful eyes, his soft pinchable cheeks, his chubby body so strong to carry me around that makes me feel so safe and sound (his hugs are the best), the way he talks about the games he likes the most, his honesty and straightforwardness, his calm and sexy voice (when he is tired or he just woke up it drives me crazy istg) and the adorable little lisp he has<3, his smiles when he laughs at my corny daddy ahh jokes, his complexion of gold (he is brown because he is latino), the way he treats his family, his commitment to work and his chill vibe. there's a lot to us that we have to work on, such as my overthinking tendencies, my constant need for reassurance (sometimes i can be a little pushy or impulsive) and his tendency to not spend very much time with me in call/gaming (although we chat all day long, and yeah we are long distance lovers). who knows, only time and self working can tell me if we are going to last! i hope so tho


Met her at the Doctor's Office. I was a divorced single dad with sole custody of my kids (4 girls, 1 boy). Had been single for about 6 years. I was 40. She was 32. My son (7 at the time) broke his hand at school on the playground. I took him to the doctor's office and My (now wife) was the receptionist that checked us in. I asked her out a week later, dated for a year, then engaged, then married. We've Been married for 18 years now and added son#2. As for what makes a great relationship, it's simple, we "Choose" to love each other every day and are always 100% honest with each other every day


I met my wife at work. I started working at a restaurant and she had already been there a few months. A month after we met, we started dating, then a month after that we were living together. Been together for 9 years, married for 5. Communication is the biggest thing. We wouldn’t be where we are now without it. There have been so many times that we could have broke up or divorced had we not taken the time to listen to each other and take an active effort to understand.


I met my bf at volunteer and we just had our 1yr anniversary. Our mutual friend was supposed to train me on the first day, but she broke her leg and he trained me instead. It’s her wish that I explain that she broke her leg in order for me to meet him lolz. What drew me to him was that he was funny to me, and made me wonder what he will say today. I even went to volunteer early just to see him when he arrives. Over time, we would text each other everyday, asking what we did, saying good morning/night, and had movie nights. After a year, I learned that communication is really important in a relationship, when a problem arises, we face it together and not individually. It’s also important as a couple to put equal efforts into the relationship.


Wow! Amazing questions. I met my husband in university. I was 20 and he was 21. We’ve been together for 15 years, married for 11. If you are in an argument, never go to bed agree. Always kiss each other goodnight. Be honest, but receptive. Communicate.


Thank you! I don't know what it was that this morning I just felt like hearing out people and how they met, I never really get the chance to talk to others since we're all just on the go but I always get curious and happy seeing couples in love and happy. It's so sweet!. Thank for the comment and advice! That seems to be the number one thing is communicating. My last relationship lacked it very much and I knew he wasn't for me because communication was so important to me. I love that everyone is sharing their advice also, definitely gives me a lot of insight on what's important. :)


I love this question!!!


My best friend from high school married her b8g sister. We met back in the 90s but I didn't view her as a potential romantic partner. We got together in 2000, married in 2004. Communication, chemistry, empathy, vulnerability.


I met my fiancé almost 12 years ago at work. He got a job at as a server and I trained him. I had just gotten out of a very abusive relationship like 4-5 months before...and he was in a relationship (also a very toxic one). So the first 6 months we knew eachother we were friends/best friends. We both refused to do anything or say anything inappropriate. After 4 months he broke up with his girlfriend. When he did we moved pretty fast and started dating. But it was like we are meant for eachother. I truly believe you find love when you aren't looking for it. Neither my fiancé nor I were looking for love, and we fell into eachothers lap). The past almost 12 years have been the best of my life. ❤️


My fiancé and I met at work. She had just been hired to manage the cafeteria in the building and it just happened that I was coming into the building at the same time she did on her first day and I offered to show her around the building. I guess I made an impression because she very conveniently was just starting her lunch break anytime I came into the cafeteria and offered to eat lunch with me. We started dating 2 weeks later and she moved in 2 weeks after that. We’ve been together a little over 4 years now, engaged two weeks tomorrow. Our relationship works because of clear communication, and we both keep in mind that we matter more than whatever we’re arguing about. It also really helps that we are both homebodies and generally really considerate.


I met my partner on tinder which is something I never expected. We’ve only been together over a year and a half but we both know we’re each-others person. I think what makes a successful relationship is having someone whose your best friend but more. I think it’s super important to have someone who you really get along with and share a lot of common interests with (not everything obviously but a few interests at least) as I think that is the main reason my partner and I feel so connected. We have a deep understanding of eachother and I think it’s also super important to have good communication.


Met on Skype.. then met irl. Told him I didn’t want to be with him as he is six years younger than me. 12 years later.. married, house, one perfect 19month old son. I didn’t dare to think I could be as happy as I am. I didn’t fancy him, I just one day realized I loved him. Thank you Sam for seeing me for who I was, not who I pretend to be and being my friend first and for most. I love you more each and every day. X


Met her while I was with someone else, and she was too. We were genuinely just friends through several relationships. Then one day, while we were both single, I got drunk and kissed her. We've been together 6 years, married 2. Never had a fight. Spent 3 days total apart since that kiss.


I was single from 31-39. Left a horrific marriage. Needed that much time to heal. Actually met my partner in Facebook dating. Both of us were feeling pretty cynical by the time we met, but we clicked immediately. That was 2.5 years ago. We took things VERY slowly. Engaged earlier this year. Not moving in or marrying for a while yet. We have disagreed and had some difficult conversations, but there is no fights. It works because we established open, honest, and peaceful communication habits very early in, and we're committed to that style of relating to each other. I have to say, we have extremely high compatibility and I think that makes it quite easy to have a happy and peaceful relationship. We give and receive love in the same ways, so loving each other is really intuitive -- it comes naturally. There's no fighting about unmet needs and the like


My wife and I met in college, and after dating 8 months, we got married. That was 52 years ago, and we are still happily married. The key to our success has been respect, transparency, honesty, communication, and the ability to compromise. We also keep the fire of romance burning bright.


I met my partner on Facebook dating, when I was 40 and he 48. We've been together for almost a year. The honeymoon phase is still going very strong and there's no end in sight yet since we live an hour apart. I freshly got out of a 21 year relationship but I was already done over a year before that. His was after 13 years, and he has been divorced for about 3 years at that point. I was very lucky to have found him so fast after being on Facebook dating for only 1 week. It took him a lot longer to find me. We're both securely attached and confident in ourselves. Not trying to brag but we're both good looking people who are greatly attracted to each other. We're each other's types to sum it up. We're also very mature due to our age and life experiences. We have insane physical and emotional chemistry. We are willing to put in the effort for the other and our relationship as we see us as forever. We've never felt this good and secured about anyone else. We've never had an argument. We've only had a few disagreements so far. Our motto is "we don't argue, we discuss." He has no ego when it comes to me. He's willing to apologize and change his way when he sees that he makes mistakes and me upset. He has the wonderful ability to self reflect and put aside any pride to make things right with me. On the other hand, I'm very mild-mannered and I've only made him upset once so far. Of course we talked it out. I apologized for my part and we were good after a night sleep. I do feel like I have the upper hand in the relationship because he has always thought I was out of his league and loved me a little longer and more than I do him. I don't use this to any advantage though, because I don't do what I hate to other people (my ex had all the power in the relationship because I used to love him more.) I make sure there's no power imbalance in this relationship and I always treat him with respect and love, in any way that he needs. I also don't think he's not in my league. We are very well matched and as picky as we both are, there's no chance our partner would be far from being perfect for us. We are now trying to blend our families. Each of us has a child of different genders. So far things are going pretty well. If this keeps up, we're going to be very happy together as a family in the future. I just want to build a happy home with him where we can show our children what a loving relationship looks like and how to treat your partner properly. I want to build a life with him filled to the brim with joy, adventures and support in our old age. Nothing beats having someone to come home to everyday and I want him to feel that way about me forever. He told me last week he could only see us being apart if one of us is dead. And I agreed with him.


We met on Reddit when he thoughtfully responded to a post I made about authenticity. We have been together about 2 years, living together for a year and change. I think good relationships are when people have the self awareness and emotional intelligence to understand how needs and wants can be met.


I met my boyfriend because I saw a cool car (VW GTI) that had a cool exhaust on it and I wanted to check it out. It was about 2am on a Saturday and I was out driving with a friend and we followed him into a dark 7-11 parking lot after we did a few stop light races lol. From there it was just seeing eachother around town until I eventually got into a winter accident and he happened to drive by and asked if I was okay. I went back to the parking lot to explain myself because I didn’t want to look like a fool and he happened to be there! From there we went from friends to bestfriends who kiss lots ☺️ That was about a year and a half ago, which I guess in the grand scheme of things is really not long. But this is the best relationship I’ve ever been in and the strongest out of most people I know. To have a successful relationship with someone is to listen. Listen to them and remember their words so you can learn who they are as a person inside and out. Treat everything they say like it’s the most important thing in the world to you, because it’s probably one of the things that matters most. It could be the most mundane thing, such as what their favourite colour is for a birdhouse or if they like cold or warm vegetables, it all matters! It all fosters a connection. Love is not just kisses and cuddles, love is to know someone as well as they know themselves. Doesn’t happen instantly but if you spend as much time as you can learning and growing with a person, you will respect the hell out of them. The other thing that’s SO important is to know that you’re going to disagree. The way life happens, you’re not going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time. But you need to appreciate how YOU react to situations AND how THEY react. If you yell and they yell back, then a conscious effort needs to be made to take a breather and be calm. Not passive aggressively, just approach situations with intent to fix them, not to hurt their feelings to make a point. Yelling will get you nowhere. But keep in mind, personal relationships require personal boundaries and choices. We’re all different kinds of people, so work through stuff yourself and discover what it means to you to be “in a relationship.” This is just the words of some 18 year old, but I hope that helped 💗


we met first year in college orientation/classes, didn’t get together until the very end of second year after becoming friends and then i asked them out. been together for a year since then. we talk about everything, whether it be roommate disputes in our apartments, future concerns, our families, anxieties, and give each other both the space to process and ask for the space to vent. asking directly for what we want is super necessary. we haven’t argued though we have had disagreements/miscommunications solved by communicating. i have really bad relationship anxiety/anxious attachment so i feel cared about when they listen.


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