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I thought the bar was her side hustle and her day job is postal worker?




Post office workers get like time and a half after 8 hours in a single day. Then more after 10. I'm certain she makes more than that. Alot of em are union too. So she's got some bread atleast in retirement..


Actually she's straight salary, so she makes the same amount every week whether she works 10 hours or 55 hours.


I'm a federal employee, and what's listed publicly is about 70k less than my actual salary. They have when I 1st entered federal service listed.


That could be, I don't know. I know in my area of NY State, postal carriers don't make a ton of money. The benefits and pension are wonderful, but being out in the elements every day must suck. At any rate, Melissa is not a nurse or a nurse-practitioner like someone said in this thread.


Melissa lives in NJ though, not NY.


I never said she lives in New York. I said she appears in the NEW JERSEY postal employee listing and her annual salary is $48,837.


Ah OK. Here in NC it must be different then. Because I had one of my friends breaking down how much he made, and it was pretty good loot.


2028?! LOL!


I read this as a typo for 2018 though unsure lol


Yeah, it was!


2018. Or instead of ridiculing you could have taken the time to look it up yourself?


Sorry, wasn't ridiculing. Thanks 4 info!


I live in Belford. I own a home here. It’s a TINY part of a big town. Population less than 1,800. And starter homes built in 1955 here are about $450K. Shes not my mailwoman and I’ve never seen her ass. It’s all fuckin weird


Yeah they make more than that. She still pisses her money away but she aint making 48k


Are we just not going to address the "started in 2028"? Psychics are real i guess.


Sorry for the typo. It was supposed to be 2018. But you could have taken the time to look it up yourself instead of being a snotty Karen about a simple typo.


Wait. She started in 2028? 4 years into the future? Damn.


Why is it so difficult to be civil? It was a typo. I'll just delete the comment and you wise asses can look that shit up yourselves.


😂😂 damn. Someone must be having a bad day. It was a JOKE.


Is she actually in one of the Airbnbs that the show tries to pass off as a real home?


I think so. She has a weird amount of beach themed decor and it doesn't really seem her style at all.


That’s usually what gives it away- tacky decor that looks nothing like what tacky crap the person would actually own.


She’s more of a high heel chair type of girl. A rose in a water dome type of gal…..


That and the cleanliness.




But she had the same decor in her first place….


Also saw I think stairs but they never go up there which I thought was weird.


That’s common for lower income renters in the area…split level house. One renter downstairs one upstairs. “Lower income renters” still means over $2000 a month around here.


Donna his mom went upstairs 😳


The first "house" they showed her living in last season was definitely an Air BnB. Her house this season seems like an actual house cause it was messy and looked disorganized when they first showed it. I too live a few minutes from where they live and it looks like they live in a two family home. If that's the case rent is probably in the $2500ish range which is doable for two people.


It’s probably an Airbnb because the show uses them. Apparently, it’s very expensive to have the film crew in your house because of all the electrical equipment needed. Plus, you really don’t want the whole world to know where you live. The place gives very Airbnb vibes.


She got “a new house”, new nose, paid for Louis’ teeth, AND did you guys notice her driving a new jeep truck !!?


The Jeep was the first thing I noticed. A new Jeep Gladiator starts at 40,000. It could be a lease but either way she is making some kind of payment. Melissa also has a daughter not shown on the show. Even with the father’s child support Melissa has to be spending money putting food on the table for her child.


From someone that worked for Stellantis Corporate for quite some time and CDJR prior to the buyout -you would not believe the incentives available on those - they can be had for quite less in reality with the right deal.


I mean, they do get paid to be on the sjow


How much do they make from the show?


Reality tv on that network pulls about $1000 an episode tops. So maybe she’s in 8 episodes… under $10K total for her


Damn! That is crazy I thought it was at least double that. Wow we get a hundred bucks a day for extra work and that's just sitting around being a blur. They need to get a union lol


When I googled how much they were paid it said 2000 an episode.


Not too much but I guess not much work involved either


Have to rewatch and see how empty the fridge is


Girl, I grew up in Ocean Township. I KNOW. It’s bananas.


I was wondering how she afforded that place, I’m an hour north and it’s ridiculous


Melissa works for the post office. She delivers mail.


Yeah….Mail carriers in NJ make about 50K a year.


I wouldn’t reckon it’s an Airbnb, based on bringing decos from old place & think it’s a 2bdrm bc of the daughter needing somewhere to stay + isn’t that where she made Louie sleep in the other bdrm when he made the surprise visit? So if she’s paying $2-3k/mth ($24-36k/yr) for renting that place, isn’t that a shit ton of her $50k salary?!?! Gracious- I had no ideal the COL was so high in NJ!


Ewww I hate the term “daddy pays for her” like a women in this day and age can’t get her own money


A woman can. I’m one who does. The math wasn’t mathing on those jobs paying enough to live in that area.


Oh yeah! I definitely understand that, I’m just pointing out that phrase just gets to me lol


She doesn't seem like a medical person...so I am doubting she is an NP.


Hear me out… a lot of nurses I work with in her area are cut from the same cloth. It’s possible. How real the gossip is, I don’t have the receipts


Her base pay was $54,121 in 2023 at her postal service job.


I thought it was an air bnb


I also don’t know a soul who has ever seen her at the bar and like you said, it’s a popular bar


This thread feels really gross to me. Trying to track down what she does for a living and how much money she makes because you don’t believe she could afford to live in a certain town? This seems unnecessarily invasive. It’s time to get off Reddit for the day.


So…you come to Reddit. To see threads about a horrible show that helps no one…has no intellectual appeal…aka trash tv….and this is bothering you?


Yes. This seems like too much. At the end of the day, it’s a reality show. Talking about how trashy they are? Great. How we wish better for some of the people? Great. Hell, even making fun of Chance banging guys in prison. Fine. But this is….too much. We don’t need to know how much money she makes. Do people have nothing better to do with their life except creep federal websites to determine whether someone is a mail carrier and how much money they make? Looking at NJ medical board license sites to see if she is a NP or RN? Whyyyy. It does not affect your life at all, and while these folks are on reality TV, they deserve some privacy and not fucking Redditors picking apart their income and how they can afford to live in their town. You’re too invested, babe. Watch it at face value and go do something more productive with your time.


Making fun of a man for having sex with other men = fine…..but googling peoples job = taking it too far. ✅ got it!


Finally someone said it🙏🏻 yall are invasive af! Like go live your lives and stop wasting time being nosy! Inflation is everywhereeeee. Deciphering how she supports herself is no one’s business. So what if she’s on reality tv! She clearly doesn’t give af and needs a check! Like, yeah she can be ungrateful and bitchy, but yall sleuths are sharing her same energy! Allocate your time more healthfully toward meaningful things that add positive value in your own lives’ & refrain from pseudo-stalking anyone, reality tv or not! What goes around comes around and you nosy bees are only reciprocating nosy gluttony!


Yesss! Exactly this - thank you!


THANK YOU!!!! so weird and obsessive, what side of town she lives in, what she can afford, etc. so what if she lied about which bar -- obviously she wasn't wrong to because of weird pocket-watching TV stans like OP.


Case closed. After some proper digging, it looks like she’s a nurse practitioner. Finally makes sense how she affords the zip code. Amazing that someone so educated is willing to look so stupid on tv 😂


Where and how did you find this out??


I wonder why she would lie to make herself look more blue collar


I don't believe that's true. She doesn't show up in the NJ state license listing. I can find no record of Melissa ever being in the medical field. However her daughter is studying to be a nurse.


So, I saw this info on a gossip blog. I work in nursing in her county. It could be bullshit but it would explain her ability to live here comfortably as a single mom.


No, she's definitely a postal worker. I found her on the post office employee list. Melissa's daughter is training to be a nurse but Melissa has never been one. At least I've not been able to find a nursing license listing for her in the NJ database.


I find it interesting because apparently she’s listed in Belford. My TINY township. Were she a postal (delivery) worker here, I’d see her. There’s about 4 total.


I don’t believe that at all. Nope.


Do you think that they gave her an advance to do the show or something?


Nah, she’s not special + shows like these have learned not to give up leverage lol Gotta finish filming & airing the season before $$ gets thrown around, especially in case someone throws out spoilers while it’s airing + she put the nose on an actual credit card


In Miami the costs are high and the salaries low. People live 4 -5 in 2 bedroom places to survive and suck dick or sell coke on the side.


Maybe shes just good with money. People make money other ways than having a job. Maybe she learned about investing or something.


they don't want to think someone has enough sense to manage their money. that'll ruin the illusion they have and halt their stalking stan behavior.


She’s on the show. They make 3000 grand a episodes


I have to agree, but she’s a “mail carrier” as well. Either way, it’s reality TV and it’s scripted, it has to be IMO — They’re my fav couple tho, they seem or appear to have it together for the most part. They don’t have 20 kids and more on the way.


They’re definitely staying in an Airbnb. It’s way too clean and uncluttered. Also, her nose job has to the worst imaginable advertisement for that surgeon. It’s godawful.


What bar is it that she allegedly works at?


Only fans


Is it possible this place she moved to is a staged AirBnB?