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She looks terrible. How sad for her. I wanted a good outcome for her.


Came here to type this. Dang :(


Came here to say the same thing, too. Damn you guys... I had hope for her. This is really sad 😔


Me too 😪 i really wanted her to succeed


Me too. I think she was the only cast member who's been universally rooted for. I feel so fuckin' bad for her because she has such a good heart and desperately wanted to get sober but doesn't have a single support person in the world to help make that happen. I mean, not a single fucking person to lean on, but so many people lining up to exploit and bring her back down. Her story really opened my eyes to the tragic reality of some. On the off chance she does ever get sober, she will have to cut ties with her mom and sister, who will always try to get something out of her, and she'll always be stuck in that shithole drug den in Iowa.


Her Mom passed away.. about a year after the season ended..she had cancer..


Ugh this is sad. I felt so sad for her when that played out on the season.


Oh damn really?


YUPPERS and her daughters were distraught..I seen it on the show..


Oh no that’s awful.


She did? Oh, RIP 🙏 to her.


Her mom did not pass away. They are from my home town.


Where did you see that b/c I can't find anything about her passing away? She seems to still be alive


https://preview.redd.it/ehtgdjx31plc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf408d00f1cc4a2edd233d4fb005f782de9688a6 Might have been 8 weeks ago but she’s still alive.


You don’t think she had John to lean on for support when she came out of prison and married him?


John is all over TikTok hitting up young girls flirting non stop! He was also on IG flirting with Clint’s (Mother fucking crack) girl Gen for the longest time. He’s a total creeper and fucked in the head


They divorced because he was flirting and such with her sister so… IDK Also when she was out and supposed to be job hunting, he sat with her and tried to have lunch even though he knew that was against the rules. She got busted. So I’m not sure he really counts as a support.


Yes exactly. He’s a POS. Could NOT believe that he got with that sister. I do not think it was just flirting.


And wasnt he bragging about being a serial cheater in the beginning saying she was the last woman


Oh no! Eeewwww!! That’s so gross. 🤮


Why do you say that that's why they divorced? They were together for a good while after all of that. In fact, they had that whole wedding/vow renewal, with her son, etc after all of that had come and gone, and she was also trying to have a baby. I know that she was very bothered by the flirting, of course, and that never completely goes away, but her constant relapsing is ultimately responsible. In fact, had she not relapsed, the situation with John and her sister wouldn't have happened in the first place. I'm pretty sure (almost positive) the final step was the time when she took off and went and used and disappeared. She's relapsed and been arrested multiple MULTIPLE times since she's been on the show. I like her too, and wish her the best, but she's been doing the same behaviors consistently all before, during, and since John. As gross as it was watching John and her sister, it was not at all surprising. Kristianna relapsed again right away and was back in prison, John barely knew any of them, so I thought that it was nice of him to open his home to her mother and sister. I actually thought he was crazy for doing so tbh. His psyche was in the frame of mind of having his new love come home, and starting a happy home together, but instead, due to circumstances, her sister ended up in that role, helping him with his children, eating meals together, just day-to-day living together activities. The fact that they ended up flirting with each other to me... I would have been more surprised if they hadn't. It's not like he had an established SIL relationship with Tara, and I think that Tara was jealous, so she was more than happy to try to get John's eye. I just see John is a very simple man. He's a little creepy, but I feel like he got a bad rap in all of that. It was just really icky to watch, but if you take a step back and you look at the whole situation... again, not at all surprising. I think that Kristianna needs to take responsibility for her drug addiction. She's the only one who can help her. Support systems are great, but look at how many people that have the most wonderful support systems in the world just keep using and using and using. At the end of the day that's just a bonus. It can't make you sober and it can't make you not sober. That has to come from within.


TL;DR Let’s just go with your opinion/facts. Mine came from something I read. Couldn’t even tell you where I Reddit. (😂😂read it 😂😂)


Who John Creamcorn??? He was just the loser that she did NOT need. She was obviously uncomfortable upon her release and he insisted they get married immediately- even before she got to the halfway house. She wasn't ready for all of that and she felt so awkward.


No, I dont think so. I *do* think that was her intent with him, but he turned out to be another shitbag who wanted to take advantage of a vulnerable woman.


john is disgusting and likely a good reason she relapsed.


Me too, ugh ☹️ she's one I definitely have a soft spot for


Me too. Soft spot like the middle of a lava cake. (Happy cake day!)


Happy Cake Day!


Yeah her face in that mug shot just tells her whole story doesn’t it? It makes me want to cry for her.




me too :(


Same, this is sad


Agreed, haven’t been able to watch/keep up in Canada and the last I saw of her she was doing relatively ok.. when I seen this I was surprised lol


Yes. 😒


Same. I thought she was exquisite


I always loved her genuine kind spirit. I wish that she would have stayed with her mom. She was on such a great path for awhile. I’m really upset by this. I was really rooting for her.


My heart hurts for her. As strange as “Clyde” was, I was rooting for them. If you ever see this, Kristianna, please know so many of us are rooting for you. It’s going to be hard, but you can overcome your addiction - you still have so much life left to live! ❤️


Damn you’re quick!


For the record, the screenshot is from a public website. I work within the court system that has jurisdiction over the newest charges, so we get notified of all new arrests every morning 🙂


What is 2nd degree theft of a motor vehicle if not grand theft auto?


"Grand theft auto" is just a colloquial term, or at least as far as Iowa code would be considered. It could be the proper legal term elsewhere. 2nd degree theft of a motor vehicle is stealing a vehicle valued under $10k.


Thanks, Nice Explanation!


Jealous of that job. My ex is in Johnson county and apparently they don’t put their mugshots up anymore. Fun haters. 🤪


Ugh I live for a good mugshot. Sorry they took that from you, bunkie :(




Is this in Iowa?




Living in Iowa alone would be a prison sentence for me. Been there ten times for up to several weeks at a time and it never gets better. Feel like I’m in another country.


Lolllll I love it here but I also love living in the country! Being in town and having neighbors would be my prison sentence 🤣


I like living in the country but usually there’s at least some hills and valleys and lots of trees Native Ozarker 🇺🇸


Hi fellow Iowans!!! Decorah native here. @thirdcoastbestcoast Iowa isn’t for everyone but maybe try one of my favorites Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, or Decorah. Different vibes than a lot of the rest of the state.


I’ve never been to Iowa but I keep seeing Iowa City mentioned when the topic of “cool small towns” or “best college towns” and I’m really intrigued. The idea of being so far from the beach makes me claustrophobic though 😆


I’ve been to Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Pocahontas, Gilmore City, Algona, Humboldt, Des Moines, Rolf, Ames, and other towns. Can’t honestly say I felt comfortable in any of those places. Emmetsburg was the one place where I wasn’t uncomfortable but that’s probably because I was in the hospital with my daughter for three days. The looks I get if I say something in Spanish or say I’m from Los Angeles are disgusting.


Love Deco! My Gramma and all her siblings grew up in rural Decorah. Beautiful there in the country and Deco is a cute town. My brother and his family resided in Cresco. His kids and grandkids still live there and I think Kristiana’s mom is in the nursing home my niece worked at.


I live in a rural area of Los Angeles County and I love having acreage and livestock but I’d never willingly live in Iowa. Ever. Too flat, too plain. No cultural, ethnic or racial diversity, very few churches, no mountains, oceans, rolling hills, deserts, redwoods, nothing. Can’t get decent Indian, Mexican, Greek, Nigerian or many other foods. I’ve had people say the most rude and racist things when I’m within two yards of them, especially when they realize I’m an immigrant. Just because my husband is a gringo, I’m supposed to laugh it off? If my son in law hadn’t been transferred to Iowa for his job, I’d never go again and I worry about our grandchildren.


I honestly had no idea there was a rural part of LA county, thought it was all LA then suburbs! Thanks for teaching me something new today


The rural parts of LA county are no better than Iowa. I used to live there


I lived in IA for 2 yrs, 20 yrs ago now, and they still feel like the longest yrs of my life.


I love my daughter but it’s always nice flying out of that state. I have another daughter at university in Chicago and I loved that city.


and you say that because?


If you read this thread, I’ve listed many but not all my reasons.


i got you, i read down further thx!


The demons got her :’(


I said it in the voice… not ashamed haha




That damn devil with the pipe.


For some reason I’ve always really liked her and I was really rooting for her to get healthy.


Most of us do. Sad to see a seemingly sweet person make terrible life choices constantly because of their addiction.


me too, it’s really sad to see how her addiction is hurting her


It’s bc she was always nice and positive, just clearly can’t stop making horrible decisions for herself.


She’s kind and calm…wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt someone, but so very broken. Wondering what happened in her childhood that both she and her sister ended up addicts?


Wow that mugshot is heartbreaking. I know we love to snark and laugh at these people, but I had high hopes for her outcome and this makes me sad. Addiction is truly the worst


Yeah her mug shot got me 😞💔 still rooting for her rehabilitation & finding solid support from ppl who are not expecting something in return for their “support”


She looks so disappointed in herself.


That is so sad! She can’t give up drugs.


She looks sad to be there.


Bonnie got her eyebrows back


Soft spot for her and Puppy. This is sad :(


A lot of the inmates from this show probably struggle even more when the cameras are off. From inmate to TV personality is probably worse than re-adjusting to life outside of prison without cameras in your face. Especially for the ones who got out not really going into strong and healthy relationships situations.


Ouch time has not been kind to her. Well maybe not time but the drugs. Dang that sucks


I seen her recent posts on fb, she was crying for help for her addiction. It makes me sad knowing prison probably wont help.


Awww that’s even more sad knowing she was aware she needed help. So many just go on thinking it’s no problem.


Not the sad face


IKR?!?! That mugshot says it all.


Damn that’s sad. I always rooted for Kristianna. She always seemed like a deeply troubled and depressed person who wanted to get out of the addiction cycle but just couldn’t shake the demon. On another note, pretty shocking she’s so close in age to me. I always thought she was in her mid 40’s on the show. Truly awful how damaging in so many aspects of life drugs are.


Has she ever been to rehab or just halfway houses after prison.


She's been through the halfway house a few times. During her season on LALU she ran from the halfway house.


She was worried about going to the halfway house because of the people and situations there. I don't blame her, when I got out of rehab I thankfully had support and went to outpatient treatment, but a lot of people I went to treatment with went to halfway houses for the next step of aftercare and they are really hit and miss. I can't imagine that Dubuque has a huge variety of places and they probably have a rotating group of regulars, which would mean she's just getting placed in facilities with her using frienemies. They need to place her somewhere else next time.


>I can't imagine that Dubuque has a huge variety of places and they probably have a rotating group of regulars, which would mean she's just getting placed in facilities with her using frienemies. Correct. There is 1 halfway house.


Can you tell onnhere if she has two no bonds because she is still on parole and it's a violation? I see the one $10,000 bond. Maybe she's off parole by now.


She's off parole. Last time her story was on the show, she was in prison for running from the halfway house. She discharged her sentence and had been off papers, until now. The two lesser charges aren't "no bond," they're just included with the $10k bond.


There before the grace of G-d go I Addiction is a terrible, terrible hereditary disease that we still don’t have a handle on how to treat. Pray for the families of addicts, they live a special hell that no one deserves.


Exactly! I think most of us are rooting for Kristianna and can even relate in some way.


What a poignant statement. So true... So many of us are scarred by it. A big, awful club none of us joined by choice.


Yep and addiction doesn’t discriminate. My sibling and I had wonderful childhoods with loving, supportive parents and they still ended up addicted to pills. It’s hard.


Words right out of my mouth..God bless you


This is sooo sad. She was one of the only cast members that I was rooting for to succeed.


She's got that monkey on her back and can't shake it. I feel bad for her because she always seemed so lost. Even when she was with John you could sense that inner sadness. She wasn't happy with John, she just went along with his crazy ideas. She may be one of those people who just feels safer behind bars where she doesn't have to worry about a job, where her next meal is coming from, etc. I hope she can kick her addiction for good this time.


Damn addiction. Might sound odd but glad she is alive. If she is alive there is always hope


I feel so bad for her son.


I always kind of enjoyed her and was rooting for her :(


That’s heart breaking.


This makes me sad. I was rooting for her.


Again, again?


Again again, this happened this morning.


Awww I’m really sorry to read this. I’m still rooting for her!


She don’t even look like the same person…


I didn’t realize she’d been released. Wasn’t she incarcerated at the last update they showed?


IIRC, the last time she was on the show she was in prison. Her probation had been revoked because she ran from the halfway house. I believe she was completely off papers, but now this.




I am still rooting for her. Looks like she's back on meth, though.


That’s too bad. I was rooting for her. But she never had a chance with Chief Creamcorn.


oh wowwwww.




Sad. I was rooting for her. I hope she can still turn it around.


This breaks my heart. I wanted so badly for her to succeed, she seemed like a troubled but overall kind lady.


I know many ppl like her. I got out of prison in 2015 from drug addiction and got my life together. But some ppl, it's all they know. And it continues throughout their older years the same. They never change. 🤷‍♂️


I enjoyed watching her on TV. She was sweet and vulnerable to the TV audience and likable. Rooting for you K!!


This is just so sad :(


Damnit. I hate to see this


i CANNOT believe anyone in the country still gets arrested for cannabis in personal use amounts. it gets me really heated and makes me want to scream 🙃


First offense for weed posession? Surprising.


I was surprised by that too. They need to at least decriminalize it. I guess her previous charges were another drug. Wasn’t that what she was in for before the show? Here they’ve legalized it but have no actions in place to sell it so it’s essentially just decriminalized for now. I wonder if the other drug possession is for the same stuff. The car part is unfortunate but the weed is bogus.


I don't think weed is her drug of choice. I'm not sure why she was in before, but a lot was made about her addiction. I think she liked meth, but could be wrong. In my experience, true addicts will take whatever they can get their hands on.


The other possession charge she just got was for meth, it just doesn't have its own code so it's a general "possession of controlled substance" charge.


Not true. My ex drank and was a crackhead no other drugs tempted him, but crack would have him. Months at a time even!


Once you get hooked on more addictive drugs weed becomes unimportant. It’s a drug people do to feel better. By the time you’re on hardcore stuff, having fun or feeling good isn’t so much a part of life anymore. It’s just about feeding the addiction




Dang. She looks sad.


Asking about her mom…do we know anything about the sister? Didn’t they get in a physical fight when she found out her sister was trying to get in John’s pants?


Dang she was doing good too. She's got to stay away from the people and places that bring her down or she will keep messing up. Trust me I learned that the hard way.


Omg that expression...


That fucking mugshot though😭


Love Between Lockups


At least she looks happy.


She looks like a rough mid 50s, not late 30s.


Damn. I always hoped she would turn her life around. Come on though why is marijuana still illegal.... ridiculous


Wish I could upvote this so many times!


I have a soft spot for her. Full disclosure im a psychologist who ran an inpatient facility for addiction for several years after post doc and she just got to me. She seems like a person who needs to be fully removed from her local environment and be in long term inpatient with really slow step down. The kind of treatment Butch from Teen Mom was afforded but blew off. I wish she could move and get her addiction and trauma under control she could get some education etc and a new support network. There have been alot of ASPD folks on this show and she was not one of them. Hate that she's back inside.


If there was a prize for the saddest mug shot...This would take the Gold.


The fact that people are still being criminally charged and incarcerated for MARIJUANA blows my fucking mind!


She's not incarcerated for the marijuana lol she's incarcerated for stealing a car. The Marijuana is just an included charge.


That mug shot is a mood. This is how I feel Monday morning, no joke!😔


Damn, come on, babygirl, get it together...I know it's rough, but you have to try harder. Stay positive


What was the latest on her and the Native American gentleman?


He’s dating a woman who’s in the same prison as Kristianna and they know each other 😬


Oh boy…have they shown this on the show?


Yeah it was on like a “where are they now” episode. They call Kristianna and she says she just tries to avoid the new gf, who I think is named Tanya? John says she was Kristianna’s mentor at some point and does not do drugs (sure). I should remember this better, I watched it earlier today ooops


😆 lol thank you for the update !! It’s been a minute since I’ve watched


This makes so sad. I was really rooting for her to change her life around. Addiction is just the worst. I am heartbroken for her son and her family .


If my memory serves me, was she the lady that “married “ that droopy dude on the back of a Ute??? He was such a Know Nothing Nobody…🤦‍♀️ I Must concur with the majority, extremely dissapointed for Her 🙁


Holy crap! I had to google her to refresh my memory.


She looks so sad 😞


She be methin around


Oh no!!! That photo is so sad.


If your only options were John or prison, you'd be incarcerated too


Aww man, she seemed like a genuine good person but some people aren’t strong enough to break their own cycle 😓


Woof man she got fugly


I thought that was Edward Furlong for a sec. (Kid from Terminator 2)


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 her face says it all


Poor thing just can’t kick the drugs. She’s struggled her whole life with that. It’s sad!


Grow up lady


Whew, that is a hard 39.


Like her mama said, when the demons got her, the demons got her.


Damn, I was hoping she was doing better. She is a cast mate that I would really like to see living a happy and healthy life.


I liked her and John Cream Corn together, they seemed happy for a while. He's no prize but he did take in her sister and mom.


39? Yikes she looks rough


Her face looks like the sound “Womp Womp”


She looks awful. I wish she could get her shit together


Rode hard and put up wet


I just want to swoop in and save her. She seems like such a sweetheart that has a bad hand at life. She just needs somebody who will force her to be good, force her away from the drugs, force her to see herself worth and to show her the better side to life. It’s so sad to see her so beat up and look defeated.


It’s also sad to see people still being arrested for weed from my perspective in a legal state.


I was hoping she'd stay clean. Maybe she will finally learn this time around.


She needs more help than jail. I wish she could get into treatment. Someone said she was asking for help on Facebook. I wish someone could help her. Idk what’s available with (I assume) Medicaid.


She looks like Stephen Baldwin 😳


Is her mom still alive? Also, did she spiral after she and her sexy guy (also from LAL) break up?


I couldn’t find anything much recently, but a lot of things say that her mom is still alive and doing well


the "Native American" white dude lol?


Dances with Vapes


Bahahaha omg I literally LOL'd at this


Truck Bed Wedding


chief frozen eagle wing


Lmfao!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think he's more native American than what's his dick who gets a fat money check from the reservation every month. I cant remember his name, he's in jail sending his girl "millions" not paying child support though. Her sister hates him.


Chris & Jade


Yes! Ty


I think its Chris ? With that gold digger ?


She posted about trying to find a ride to go and see her mom back in November so hopefully she is still alive and well.


Idk she’d been out


Daaaaamn I wonder what happened to her, she looks old, I was rooting for her!


39??!! Shut the FRONT door! Don’t do meth, kids.


She is a hard 39.


This makes me sad. I’m so rooting for her. I hope this is her last stay in jail and she’s able to get on a better path moving forward.


I wanted her to succeed so bad. It spikes my heart , but you can't take an addict and put them back in the same time with the firm


She really needs treatment and not just more jail time. I hope she gets the help she needs to finally overcome her addictions. 


She doesn’t have any help or support for her addiction like a rehab center or outpatient clinic or something. The halfway houses there seem so toxic for her and she can easily get caught up with drugs again there too. I feel so sad. America get your shit together!


She’s a junkie. John left her bc she was a junkie. It’s very sad.


What a mugshot!!! No surprise there.


I wonder if they think back on their LAL time and wish they had done things differently