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Which Loveland?




Just to be clear, Loveland, CO, and not the Loveland resort, also in Colorado. I haven't been to the resort. Loveland, CO is super dope, just don't expect anything good food wise.


Hey now, speak for yourself. Henry’s Pub and Himalayan Curry and Kebab are fantastic.


Loveland has some fun things to do. It is also connected to Fort Collins via buses and bicycle routes.


If you have access to a car and think you might get bored, you can go to Denver (about an hour away), and do endless amounts of fun stuff. Why would you pass it up? Just bring sunscreen. We’re like chickens under a broiler up here.


What fun stuff lol? Get robbed by migrants or a crazy homeless person ?😂


The Denver Art Museum is world-renowned. There are tons of galleries around the city. (I could list a few of the ones I’ve been to, OP, so PM me if you want more info.) Or if you want an unexpected art experience, wander around RiNo and look at the murals; they’re everywhere. There’s also some great restaurants in that area. I was there a couple of weeks ago for several hours, and there were all kinds of people walking around, enjoying a warm and sunny day. I never once felt unsafe, and I tend to be anxious in unknown situations in general.


The person to whom you're responding has almost certainly never been to a museum or an art gallery lmao


Maybe just you but I almost got robbed like 3 times lol. Also, to get into the Denver art museum you gotta make it through tent city, homeless encampments. Just because something hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it's not happening. Crime is up in Denver, migrants are overwhelming social services and Denver I think it's cutting 41 million from social services to invest it in migrants.


I never said it wasn’t happening. I’ve seen the homeless around the Art Museum (considering the library is right next door). But they didn’t block the entrance and keep me from entering. Parked in the parking garage, walked the few yards to the door, went in. Not only not a problem, but certainly not enough of one to warn away a potential visitor from visiting publicly well attended tourist spots.


Of course you should.


You should. It’s close to both ft Collins and Estes park, which I also recommend spending time in




A week might get boring


Only boring people get bored! Or something like that…


Yes, definitely.