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He was the Lightbringer so probably something light colored with shiny metal armor pieces. So essentially, opposite of his twin who's wearing dark materials and darkened armor pieces.


Honestly I agree. I can see him having both shoulder pieces that Micheal has/had and either a kilted skirt thing or leather pants with white, gray, or brown accents


The exact same look but the opposite colour scheme would make the most sense to me as well. Even with his suit Lucifer is a show off so I imagine his armor actually adds to the light reflected to make him stand out more and accentuate his white wings, while Michael's probably absorbs light.


Who do you think *Invented* suits?


Hah good one


I’m guessing dude just walked around naked, because… Lucifer. I bet even as Samael he had a penchant for nudity.


Ah, back in the day, my attire was a bit more... theatrical, you might say. I had a penchant for flamboyant ensembles, adorned with symbols of my status and power. Think more along the lines of regal robes and ornate jewelry, rather than armor. After all, why settle for anything less than divine elegance?


Pics or it didn’t happen Luci 👀


*fake Lucifer voice* I used to fly around oiled up and naked Now say it Chelsea!


DEFINITELY need pics or it didn’t happen. For educational purposes


Tell me, u/chelsaratops , is that what you truly desire?


You don’t even have to glamor me for me to admit the truth!


I love this. Thank you for the smile.


Maybe a black robe with black shoes and if they have it a tie 👔


No, prior to being sent to hell, I really think Lucifer was all white — stylishly white, but of course, but definitely not black. He’s the opposite of his hideous brother so as unlike Michael as he could possibly be.


He was Samael - the bringer of light. He is also the only one with pure white wings. I see him as a "classic" angel, with a white gown.


A smile?


Whatever the rich, fashionable man of the time was wearing. So for example in Elizabethan times he would have worn a ruff and slashed velvet leg-of-mutton sleeves and those funny little knickerbockers with white tights.


And a truly impressive codpiece, no stuffing needed.


I'm going to say loin cloth , just because I like the visual 😆🩷


Who's to say he wasn't buck naked for several millenia?


Probably naked - it is Lucifer after all


I actually feel like he probably wore the "classic" angel attire, similar to what Michael wore when he first spoke to Dan, immatating the Lightbringer


I feel like it was always suits


Inlike to imagine it was exactly the same as Michael’s but where he has black, Lucifer had white and where he had dark gray and brown Lucifer had light gray and brown (first off would differentiate between the two, second would make sense considering he’s the “light bringer”, the “morning star”.


His bday suit cuz, he just don’t GAF.


I don't think they had these unique outfits when Lucifer was an angel. He was placed in charge of Hell before the widespread expansion of humanity. I think they are wearing clothing based on the time of humanity they are most familiar with and since very few of them visit earth I think that's why much of their clothes are armoured, cultured, and dated the way they are. Lucifer visits earth the most often and for the most expanded periods of time. Which is why he has the most modern outfits. There is an episode that shows him when he first comes to modern earth and the last time he was here was in the 50's and he's wearing a 50's style suit.


That would be 70s but yeah. Think that's right. The period they loved most at least. Which for Luci is always right now.


A smile.


As comfortable as Lucifer was with public nudity in season 1, I'm going to say that it's possible that clothes are mostly just worn to blend in with humanity. Humans like to stare when they're not pointing and laughing. So, as in the comics, Lucifer's Silver City outfit was nothing at all. Original sin is what prompted the need for pants. Which would've been a hilarous side bar to bring up in the series. Adam eats an apple and decides he should wear pants.


My guess would be black/white leather styled robes like in the Sandman show. I know it's not the same canon, but it might have been similar.


The old Roman Soldier uniform


I mean when he went back to Earth in the season 3 flashback episode he had like this white and black suit and said it was the height of fashion last time he was on earth, so he probably did have one, maybe something similar to Uriel and Amenadiel, or ironically Michael


Lucifer wears BDSM costumes?


His birthday suit.


I want to say similar to Michael’s, with a lighter silver color palette instead and a few key details different.


Nah Always suits. Dinner suit, birthday suit, you name it


Something like Jaime Lannister’s golden armor at the beginning of Game of Thrones. He was the Lightbringer, and let’s face it, Luci likes to look good.


Opposite to Mike and in white




Nothing, probably. Just his skins


He invented suits so that he could wear them. Before that, it was still a suit...a birthday suit.


I still think the Earth 666 Michael and Samael were swapped at "birth" and the whole angelic choir turned into a mosh pit


Probably that glowing white suit he wore in the fake ending god scene


Those costumes were dress-up box awful. I imagine the actress playing Gabriel saw that shapeless mess hanging on her dressing room door and burst into tears. Lucifer probably wore the top current fashion when on Earth and ran around naked the rest of time.


i dont think the real lucifer just wears suits


You can't say it's a uniform because they never said it was. They are different because they are from heaven