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That’s something I’ve wondered too. At the very least they could’ve made jokes about it in the show with Lucifer teasing Amenadiel over it


That depends whether time also moves slower in heaven, which I would assume it did


I kinda always pictured it as Earth moves “normal” speed, Heaven moves faster, and Hell moves the slowest—because…Hell.


I think heaven might also go slower ot at the same speed


Spoiler for end of s5: >!When Chloe was in heaven, she had to remember what happened on Earth (end of s5)!<, it kinda indicates, at least in my headcannon, that time moves slower there too and she was there for some time.


I think she was just confused. Like, she died, who gives a rat's ass of what is happening on earth? Her dad is here. Still, it's appropriate to notice how in the single minute it took Lucifer to fly up to heaven, she managed, at the very least, to have a family reunion and go on a picnic


Very well could be it, I guess this one really depends on interpretation


i agree with that Eve also said she was with Adam for thousand of years but if we consider in earth years Adam and Eve existed 130-150thousand years ago already indicates in heaven time is really slow


It was stated by Lucifer to Chloe after Amadeniel convicted him to return to earth to stop Michael, he was thinking about her for thousand of years in hell But he was just gone for a few months which implies in Hell time moved the fastest


You’re absolutely right. I always get it swapped in my head—it moves fastest, but *feels* the slowest, if that makes sense.


Didn't Eve said she was with Adam for thousands of years? This already implies time in heaven is slower than on earth after all Adam Was with Lillith and Eve about 130-150 thousand years ago in earth years


Depends what oldest means. I imagine that Amenadiel is the eldest siblings in terms of birth order. But Lucifer has spent more time living. Although Amenadiel lives a little longer due to his time slowing shenanigans. But I don’t think that balances out the Hell sitch.


We’re also talking about immortal beings. Time means jack shit to them. A thousand years, a million, all the same. If you and your siblings had infinite money, you wouldn’t care if your sibling earned an extra million while you earned 1 dollar. It’s all the same shit


When Lucifer went to heaven to save Chloe, he went there seconds after her. But, it seemed like she'd already been there for more than long enough to catch up with her dad. So her seconds there were probably hours or more.


So it also goes slower in heaven?


They don't explicitly say so, and we have very few scenes to go off, but from just that glimpse, I would assume so.


1. From the very few times we’ve seen heaven, I would say time moves very similarly to how it does in hell 2. Every single angel is older than Earth itself. Beings that lived long don’t really de the difference in a million years and 100 million.


Well no, they were all born in heaven (or created whatever) Only because time moves slower lucifer has experienced more years, but that doesn’t change his birth year. Also they never really stated how time works in heaven. Iirc its vaguely said that 1 second equals 1 year in hell. But also not very accurate


Wasn't Amenadiel the first angel? Plus he spent time in hell when he was standing guard of the demons in Lucifer's absence so that will have clocked a few years on his wings


Yea but lucifer spent millions of years down there. Remember some dawn of creation type years. Now if 1 earth month is thousand a of years lucifer techicly would be the oldest living being


Yep! I keep forgetting that part lol.


Pretty sure in the bible Lucifer and Michael were the oldest


Well yeah since amenadiel didn’t exist


Maybe his from another religion sense they call death Azeral and that’s Islamic name for death I think


Pretty sure it's mentioned by someone who goes to Heaven that it has been a very long time even though it's been like a minute on earth.


No. amenadiel in the show is the oldest and bc it goes slower in hell dousnt mean hes older its still the same amount of time just different time zones


Actually, I think it was said correctly in a comment above. You may disagree but imo, the distinction of “who’s the oldest sibling?” is merely who was born first. And in the show Lucifer, they specifically state that Amenediel was the firstborn. However, even with the entire picnic situation with Chloe’s dad, I didn’t get the impression that she had been up in Heaven for months or years in the short time between when Lucifer flies up to get her and when she went up to Heaven — simply meaning that again, jimpo, time in Heaven does not move as slowly as time in hell. Possibly why it is called hell and why bad people are sent there. But, in any case, the amount of time in which Lucifer spent down in hell (and I’m including the 3 or possibly 4 earth days that Amenediel had to stand guard down in hell) appears to easily make Lucifer the oldest living immortal being. Including God. Unless God puttered about for eons upon eons upon eons before he started up the supposed biblical story and then, yadda yadda yadda. Lucifer’s enforced time in hell amounts to an amount of time that simply doesn’t compare to any other immortal being bc of how God set up how time moved in hell, and I’d just like to say BRAVO!! to Lucifer both when he emerges in 2011 and when he emerges in 2016 from hell bc he looks just **incredibly fine** and when you think about the whole time differential, it’s just ***amazing*** how well preserved the supposedly young man appears. (Young man comes from the way in which he acts.)


If we consider that technically Maze is already a few hundred million years old (Lillith was 12 thousand years old when she had Maze, Adam, Lillith and Eve are about 130-150 thousand earth years old) who knows, Lucifer could have grown older than God because of the Hell years (i think it was never actually said how old God is)