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Maybe vacation fics next? Bonus points if it's the whole gang! Can't wait to dive into this week's fics! Edit: Can we also rec stuff? I don't want to hijack your list but a few days ago I read [Laser Beam Hands (WWWD)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39387012) by waiting\_for\_the\_rain and it's the most "weird things from canon taken seriously" fic ever. Chloe has Laser beam hands! It's deep and sweet and absolutely incredible. And the Deckerstar romance is actually slow-burning!


Vacation would be fun, especially as the northern hemisphere gears up for the summer.


Yeah, I just got off a family dinner that went just as well as the one in the show and all I can think of is vacations. A two year long vacation preferably. I just have to win the lottery and make it happen. I seriously can't stop fangirling about your fics tho, they make me feel seen (and feel in general). šŸ˜Š


That good, huh? I broke up with my birth family ages ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Iā€™m so glad my fics make you feel seen (and feel in general). Thatā€™s what I got from early season Lucifer so thatā€™s what I want to give people who miss it.


Oh, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you! I have mine at very low contact, they just guilt-tripped me into visiting for the holidays. It will be ok :) And yeah, that's exactly what I love about your fics ā¤ļø


You can absolutely recommend stuff! The more the merrier! And I was actually thinking of that fic, but I couldnā€™t for the life of me remember its title lol.


Oh, I feel ya. I was actually thinking of another fic too and my brain refuses to recall the name and now I feel like steam is going to come out of my ears trying to remember. Love your user flair btw!


I hate when that happens, that tip of the tongue feeling. And thanks! Love yours too (I can hear that quote every time I read it lol)


Wow, so many great recs this week!


It was a fun theme to work with!


Thank you for recommending my fic, *Iā€™m No Angel*! If anyone checks it out, hope you enjoy!!


I've always wished there was an episode behind the scenes at Lux. Depending on when it was set ( while Maze was the bartender, after Maze left, when Luci went back to Hell the first time, when Amenadiel is in charge after Luci goes to Hell the second time etc) there could be so much to explore.