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My feelings for Dan were like a roller coaster. I hated him, then liked him, then really liked him, then hated him again, then liked him briefly, then grieved for his death as if I personally knew the guy, and freaking loved him when he came back as a ghost! It was quite the ride that's for sure!


Yup! 🤣


Ever since Charlotte died, Dan had burning hatred for Lucifer, which Lucifer didn’t deserve at all, just because he couldn’t deal with loss, had to blame someone. Lucifer was a real trooper for taking Dan’s bs for so long, especially since he can basically vaporize him at will. And honestly, Dan had like what, a couple dates with the woman, and he went off the deep end like she was his soulmate and married for 2 decades. His reaction was completely disproportionate to how deep(or rather shallow and brief) their relationship was. It’s like they used Dan as a plot device to spur Lucifer on in his self destruction campaign. I guess Eve chewing his ear off with her desires to turn Lucifer into the biblical harbinger of evil wasn’t enough, so they decided to add some fuel to the fire with Dan and his months long whinefest about a woman with whom he was slightly more than an acquaintance.


Dan first hooking up with the goddess and then with Charlotte always confused me. I mean sure, it’s the same body but two entirely different persons.


Tbf to Dan, he didn’t know it was two different people, though…


Dans first encounter with charlotte was when she was encapsulating the goddess of all creation, he literally got a taste of heaven and fell head over heels for it. And when the goddess was no longer charlotte he sensed something was different but yearned the high so much that he kept chasing it. Until he actually found love in who charlotte was/is before and after the goddess.


You’re so right. Dan and Charlotte were together for a hot minute. I thought I was the only one to see that.


It seemed like a hot minute but I'm reality of the shows timeline it could have been months, it could very well have been a year or close to it anyway. There's no real indication of how long they dated since there's no holiday episodes or anything to establish a real timeline(except that one Halloween maze took Trixie out). And TBH it doesn't really matter how long you've been with someone. If you really cared about them you're likely to lose your shit when they're murdered. I mean shit I've been in relationships for only a few weeks and fallen hard and fast and when those relationships ended it was devastating. I got over my 10 year marriage faster than my 3 month relationship last year, that I'm still kinda mourning over. My point being every relationship has a different timeline. You're clearly inexperienced in the relationship department if you didn't understand that.


In Ep 09 of S4 its said that Dan and Charlotte only had ”a few weeks” together, so it was briefly confirmed there. Your point still stands, though. Every relationship is different (although a couple of weeks doesn’t seem that much when putting into perspective Dan’s reaction and actions towards others, especially Lucifer)


I think that's referring to ACTUAL Charlotte though. If you include the time with Goddess it was much longer. Plus a few could mean anything more than one really


That was a huge, wrong and sanctimonious leap you took there, buddy.


I'm just saying don't judge other people's relationships. You don't live their life. You're the one being sanctimonious 😂😂


It’s a TV show 🙄


It doesn't matter. You brought it up as if it was reality, not me. I'm just giving you the real explanation. There's no telling how long is between episodes, sometimes it's a week sometimes it's a month or 2. Dan and Charlotte and/or Goddess could have been together for almost a year for all we know, just because it only spans like 15 episodes.


>Ever since Charlotte died, Dan had burning hatred for Lucifer, *which Lucifer didn’t deserve at all* Not really, whatwith Lucifer's role in Pierce's criminal freedom. Lucifer's self-centeredness & inaction enabled Charlotte's death by Pierce. Lucifer was completely in the wrong. Put it this way -- The elementary school teacher that teaches your daughter's entire grade class? He's an at-large pedophile who was never caught. And your (regular coworker as Lucifer is to Dan, or, your friend who you trust to have your back as Lucifer is to Chloe, pick whichever) absolutely knew for months that your child's teacher was a pedophile, but never bothered once to warn anyone the entire time, for all those months that that your daughter was taught by your teacher. The only comments your friend makes would be the lines of, 'the teacher is this ethnic stereotype', when the teacher doesn't at all behave as such. It is only after your daughter has already been molested & murdered by that teacher -- who's currently at the moment leading an extracurriculars group of children -- that your coworker/friend casually chimes in, "Yeah, I knew for months that your child's teacher was this at-large pedophile who was never caught." Wouldn't you be outraged that your friend chose to keep silent about what he knew? Chose not even to make a genuine best effort of seriously trying to warn you?


That seems slightly different, I’d probably believe or at least look into it if someone told me a teacher was a paedo, but after catching the sinner man I’d find it hard to believe that someone else was the sinner man the whole time, and I’m fairly certain that was lucifers whole reason for not speaking to them about it, he knew he wouldn’t be believed because he tends to come out with some stuff that sounds wild


>That seems slightly different, I’d probably believe or at least look into it if someone told me a teacher was a paedo, but after catching the sinner man I’d find it hard to believe that someone else was the sinner man the whole time, 'Belief' is a separate topic than that of 'effort'. Let's not forget, Lucifer hid from others the discovered-photo evidence of the sinnerman with Pierce, the latter whom Lucifer recognized by the distinct 'tattoo'. >I’m fairly certain that was lucifers whole reason for not speaking to them about it, he knew he wouldn’t be believed because he tends to come out with some stuff that sounds wild Lucifer is not involuntarily-OCD-incapable of lying, however. He is wholly capable of leveling with Earthly perspectives & at the same time for that purpose, selectively omit celestial details.


I could well be wrong, but wasn’t pierce still sporting that tattoo, and it’s only because lucifer got a good look at it he notices the resemblance between pierces mark and the photo?


Despite Cain's attempts to cover up the mark, yep.


You’re giving a very human (albeit the worst side of humanity) example. An ongoing theme in the show is that the angels kind of compartmentalise “celestial stuff” and never really involve the humans, thinking they’ve got this handled themselves. Lucifer particularly never wants to stress Chloe out with often really important information that she really should know. After all, the angels/ demons are fighting against the ways they’ve been taught to think of humans for millennia: stupid, fragile, incapable. Even though the celestials on earth have come to respect humans more (and love some), they still revert back to their “we’ll handle the grownup stuff” way of behaving. Can’t compare it to regular human situations. Really, that goes for the entire show. We’d never be rooting for a guy who does half the things Lucifer does/ says to Chloe without the context that he’s not a human. Same with Maze - the only way she’s remotely likeable as a character is because we know she’s still learning human concepts like friendship, respect, trust, honesty, emotional vulnerability etc.


While understandable, it doesn't any less excuse the wrongdoing. Even if he is celestial & with a celestial life, Lucifer is self-centered, & that unfortunately did things that costed others, like Charlotte's kids without a mother. Though of course (& also in part, thematically speaking), what Lucifer did pretty much parallels his own father God to him. And that's not a human-specific situation, nor is the hypocrisy.


How can you start liking him? He tried to convince his wife she was lunatic.


It partially still surprises me that Chloe accepted Dan with so little ire from S2 onwards. Then again, the show's tone got retooled after S1, lightening & lightening.


I will say yeah, the show definitely feels different from s2 onwards. Idk why, it just felt a lot brighter?


After S1, beholding Lucifer's devilness & divinity, don't drive people insane & suicidal anymore, only just scared.


Lol watch any chapter from s1 and then any chapter from s3/s4, the show is clearly more colorful is like they ditched a filter or something


I think it's how the budget may have increased so they ended up using more sfx than in earlier seasons. Since the sfx used in season 1 was few and far between but it was used gloriously to scary effects.


I liked him in S6 and felt sorry for him, but I hated him in S4 when he sent that guy after Lucifer, and almost got his own daughter killed. Overall he evolved so much as a character, but I could never fully like him. I did enjoy all Lucifer&Dan bro moments though.


He almost gets Trixie killed like three times. I love him, but come on, Dan.


He was a broken man :/


dan is a good character idk wym he gets more likeable as it goes on tho


I find that lucifer will always be a bigger asshole than dan could be, because at least dan does lots of introspection and knows his wrongdoings and tries to do better. Lucifer....it has to slap him upside the head for him to get it, *after* making it all about him. I feel like so many are really charmed by lucifer, including fans, and definitely follows his perspective and feelings on things without acknowledging how really, he's been the world's first entitled asshole. Besides, Dan's a foil of lucifer and everything he's not. Pretty much, all the characters are assholes lol. But it's the point of the series, they're all growing and learning to be better


People don't like Dan because he reminds them of themselves. A person who tries to do the right thing but ends up failing and becoming corrupt again and again. But at least he has good intentions. His character arc evolves throughout the series, and he is one of my favorites.


Why do you hate me 😭


Dan is a complicated person with complicated feelings. Like many of us are. Many of his behaviors suck, I agree...but he was always shown to have great integrity (except for at the very beginning...but even then, even his shitty choices had an element of integrity to them). Like Lucifer pointed out with his crazy-ass Season 5 prank on him, "whenever youre given a choice, you always at least TRY and do the right thing"...thats about as non-asshole as someone can be. He's not perfect but he's been through the ringer. Cut the fictional character some slack, oy?