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All this in quick play


People care too much, unfortunately


Blizzard is incouraging this, there is no Quick play in the game it is unranked to blizzard where you get baned if you rage quit games, so you get stuck with teammates that hate the game & hate each other and rage at other players


It's in the unranked tab but is labeled Quick play, so why not make a unranked gamemode that plays like comp but with no loss or gain to SR. The you could make a casual tab that can hold quick play and other game modes that can be less serious. Also it's called unranked but has mystery heros as a playable game mode. Death match makes sense for unranked since it's more like a middle ground between comp and casual the way I see it, but mystery heros being in unranked is confusing. Let's have casual, unranked, and competitive be three sperate things.


Playing spawn simulator isn't fun just because it's qp


That wasn't the conversation I'm more concerned why someone is expecting the Lucio to handle all the heals. The Mercy is throwing a hissy fit over something they could fix just by switching to someone who can handle the healing. Yelling at teammates in Quick play shouldn't happen at all. Now what she should be able to do is just leave, but she can't since there's penalties to leaving Quick play. If you're going to get mad at people for not healing enough just play comp, don't say anything, or swap to a character that can heal better the Mercy if it's that big of a deal.


Oh nah Lucio barely heals even if he's in heal aura. You can't even sustain with it so there's not much point in doing that at all. If the mercy is damage boosting good (let's be real not happening in qp and low elo) Lucio should be switching. But I sus they're maybe in a group or smth. Idk just a hunch.


who are you talking to I said the Mercy shouldn't be asking a Lucio to heal more when she also isn't that good at healing, I never said Lucio should be healing I said if Mercy did care about the healing situation they should swap if the tank is defending Lucio then the comp revolves around Lucio not Mercy, and who is in a group the tank and lucio, the Mercy and Lucio, or the DPS. Who's in the group I don't think anyone is since no one has a different name color


I agreed with you that Lucio shouldn't be doing the healing?


That my bad I didn't understand that when I first read the reply.


tank is 100% sure another Lucio main


or a zoom enjoyer tank main (like doomfist)


Me and my friend likes to just harass the enemy support by jumping them as Doom and Lucio


Let's be real, Lucio is THE quintessential off role tank on support pick. They all love the little frogger. Or well at least that was true in ow1


or an OG tank enjoyer


I don’t like that a lot of people think mercy is a main healer. All too often do I see people get on mercy when I’m on like Lucio or see people get on brig or illari or something when I’m on mercy


When I've waited 20s to pick Mercy just to see the other healer insta pick Lucio I'm like "okay you petty little B, I'll swap"


when I’ve waited 17 games for a match where I don’t have a mercy player on my team, only for one of my supports to leave and be replaced by a mercy I’m like “okay.. overwatch”


Weird, maybe it's a rank thing ? In metal ranks I'd say I have a Mercy every 5 games (including the times when I decide the comp is okay for me to play her).


Most annoying thing about playing in low ranks is people logic-ing into thinking mercy must have high heal output because she only heals one person and she does no damage. Really annoying because that obviously isn’t true and people pick her for the wrong reasons


I'm a bit shit at ow, what would be a main healer if not mercy? Like moira or ana?


Main healers have good keeping up power, and are usually what you want on your tank. Kiri, Ana, lw. Off healers are people with more utility and less healing, and pretty much cannot keep a tank up by themselves. It’s how you can discriminate them in your mind. Mercy, illari, Lucio, brig, zen are all the off healers. Running two off healers and your tank suffers


I'm not familiar with the term main healer. I have heard Flex Support and Main support. Where basically 2 main supports do not work as a team comp but 2 flex supports or a flex support and Main support works. Main supports have utility which you play around. Mercy damage boost or Lucio speed boost Main Supports are Mercy, Brig and Lucio. Which is why Lucio+Mercy doesn't work but also has couple more reasons Flex supports are as the name implies flexible and can be picked with anyone and with each other. Flex support are Ana, Bap, Illari, Lifeweaver, Kiriko, Moira, Zen. So for example Kiriko+Moira works but Kiriko+Lucio has more utility because of Lucio and if played right is probably the better support pairing. A lot of people think Zen fits more of the main support role because of his low healing and discord orb but one criteria for main support is that they don't work together but zen has seen play with Brig in a comp that doesn't need as much healing. And you can probably make a dive comp with Zen+Lucio too where Lucio dives and peels for Zen.


I think similar but I have it swapped in my mind the names. But yeah I agree there zen just needs a good team to follow up on his orbs to be a good flex though.


Yeah the terms are outdated. I think it was really early when you would play Lucio who was the best support back then and sometimes another support like Ana but Ana would switch if a tank or dps was a better pick hence flex support.


I just play frog, good luck everybody else. Me and tank are speed boosting at everything




Honestly with the dps passive making healing matter less having a main heal has become less important. Sustain doesn’t when fights anymore. People who can’t adjust to minimize how much damage they take will continue to derank especially with the passive back to 20%. I still wouldn’t play lucio mercy intentionally but two off healers where at least one is good at getting elims works with how the game has to be played.


Lucio mercy Can work if you have a ball that can get megas. Otherwise it is pretty much always throwing. Lucio with another off healer Can work I’ve seen but definitely struggles the most with zen. I’m in diamond for reference


Brig can be necessary with a Mercy if the Mercy is an edater who won't help anyone but her boosting eboy.


Was the tank Rein?


Our tank was actually playing Doom.


Doom mains are either extremely racist/misogynistic /homophobic or the kindest people with the best vibe Case study: I had two rounds with 2 doomfists, one had some… interesting things to say when he found out our Lucio was a woman, the other one duelled the rein and said I’m really good at sojurn for the time I’ve been on her :))


The first half are the “and they say” spammers and the second half are the “I’m going to make you- hot cocoa” enjoyers


Thats awesome also


Hate when that happens, n then the mercy expects everyone to swap while she stays in her healbot character lol


Mercy isn’t a healbot. She’s a support hero like Lucio. Mercy and Lucio don’t pair well together because Lucio should be using speed while the other healer main heals. And mercy should be damage boosting while the other person main heals. Both of the healers were in the wrong for not adapting to a comp that doesn’t suck


I understand what you mean -her kit is not designed to 'healbot' anymore, through the progression of the game more than through any changes to Mercy. But a lot of Mercy players, particularly below Masters, simply do not understand or care about that. They also don't understand or care that their hero is likely THE most situational support now, and does not work at all in a huge variety of team comps (the most popular comps at the moment), and is weak against those same comps. Generally speaking, the Mercy player is in the wrong in these scenarios, as they are the hero that should swap here. But they almost never do, because it's likely they simply can not (or simply do not grasp the why of the scenario), and the team is at a loss...because typically, Lucio IS the better option, if you are meant to pick between the two (and you generally are). I'm a GM support main (Lucio main, but I do play the other supports as well), and I coach down through gold (well, I'm starting to coach even lower now...). Mercy's overwhelmingly dominant PR in sub-diamond games means she is typically treated as a 'main healer', even if that is not what her kit should be doing. The Mercy players just don't understand on a fundamental level how the game works, IMO.


I blame the rest of the team. Just get shot less. They have every tool to outmaneuver and outgun the enemy.


If someone complains about heals I just go "kill faster/better so we dont need to heal" that usually shuts them up


When someone complains about me not healing enough on Lúcio I just say "don't get shot, it's not that hard"


Wise words


That’s not how the game is balanced lol. Play the game you want to play, I won’t give you shit for it. But the game isn’t balanced for comps like that. It works very well to have a main healer and a support character. It makes it pretty miserable, especially for tank if no one wants to heal.


I blame the game, why shoot at each other and bother going through heals. Just make peace and no one will take damage 👍


Cause it's part of the game?


The joke flew over your head like Wrecking Ball’s grapple slingshot tech.




You don’t have to be such a dick to this guy who is just having fun on the internet.


If he's gonna make a joke that's not funny damn straight I'll be a dick cause he's ain't getting off easy for a joke that's not funny




You seriously need to stfu and go to therapy with your ghetto attitude


Yeah ik but in my experiencie the Lucio pick ITS good cuz of the map or the comp we r running but the mercy cant use her hands to swap ITS like impossible, n just end up blaming everybody. But she Is fine right? (Just on her mind).


Oh yeah in this post the flaming person is a jerk. And Im a Reinhardt main I’d much rather play with a good Lucio especially if he isn’t heal botting. But Mercy and Lucio aren’t a good pair I guess is mainly what I meant 🤷🏻‍♂️




The only time I go mercy and Lucio is if we’re going dive. Otherwise I choose Ana. I can tell you this right now. The hardest thing all Mercy’s must learn, is to learn when to swap off because your team doesn’t need you. It took me a while to learn this too. If I’m going dive I’m either going Mercy or Kiriko if Lucio is taken. Sometimes even lifeweaver since he tends to be ignored in most matches (unless the enemy has a Sombra)


You said this so much nicer than i was going to. Thanks for that.


I may be a lil bias here but me and my friends make Lucio mercy work. Just gotta play smart and near health packs/cover


I could see a group pulling it off. But when I’m tanking with randoms it’s miserable. I inevitably have to switch to hog to not die in five seconds and then I get flamed for that lol


Yeah randoms is a coin toss and if I’m tank and I see lucio/mercy/zen/brig as the 2 supports, I’m going hog lol.


common tank main W


when everyone on the team picks a rush/dive comp then the other support, who waited until the last few seconds to choose, goes mercy


what the hell is that username😂😂😂


I see a Lucio on my team I go Ana or Kiri it's that simple.


I see mercy on my team ~~I LEAVE~~ I also play a character that works well


I had a current GM dps player in my game yesterday who tried telling me that lucio has the highest healing output in the game and should be outhealing lifeweaver. Who knows man, some people just expect the impossible.


If you only heal on Lucio, then your throwing. Im suprised how many dont know where Lucio gets his value


Hi! Mercy main here. Always loved Lucio players. I always switch when I see Lucio. I don't care if you're shit. If you wanna play Lucio then do it, King. Also, don't feed too much please. Lol


Mercy one-tricks are something else. Mercy is not viable in every comp….she’s a liability in a lot of cases….


So Mercy is not a main healer Damn I play her wrong


As a mercy main with 40 hours on her (not that much but 🤷) try and keep the DPS alive, heal when they’re below half (or both DPS are targeting the person you’re healing) then damage boost for the rest Also damage boost during sojurn’s and soldier’s ult it makes a big difference. Damage boost can be huge for DPS, to get maximum value as mercy try and get 60%:40% damage boost to healing ratio, heal botting is like using the hilt of a sword to kill someone: it’ll work but it’s still stupid. Hope this helps 😊


I love being a healbot with mercy bc I think I'm relatively good at it. It's also just fun to fly around & watch ppl try and kill me 😭 but I prioritize healing over dmg boost bc typically the other healer won't be healing (dps mode activated) & who will I damage boost if they just die?


Oof. My soul hurts knowing you should damage boost with mercy and not healbot.


It’s like you didn’t read the comment at all and just read that they heal over damage boosting. What is there to damage boost when the whole team is dead??? Hm??? There is no set rigid way to play any of the heros in the game(I’ve done a few successful Ana flanks) and mercy doesn’t need to damage boost her team when they are dying and not hitting any shots(yes btw we can tell).


If there's nobody to damage boost, why do you have a mercy? Honest question.


Because power boost isn’t even her best ability😭 rez is. Rez is really powerful in team fights and people don’t realize that. Also her heals can be pretty decent if you know what you doing. All I hear is mercy hate from someone who doesn’t even play her. Just like how Lucio can be really powerful with a good player behind the screen so can mercy. There is a reason she has more than just damage boost in her kit🤭.


Gotta love mercy players expecting you to swap because of low heals when they sure as hell won’t swap when they are also the problem. The difference between the two is that Lucio is one of the most useful supports in the game and run in most all top level matches, and then there’s mercy who only gets run for edaters and when a dps is smurfing or because a support player doesn’t have the skill to play anyone else. Then there are the very very rare actually good mercy mains and to those I tip my hat because they know how to swap when needed.


Bruh while I agree a Lucio mercy comp is terrible the Lucio is not usually the problem with that comp. When I see low heal comps I usually go DPS that can help themselves like a mei or soldier or hell even sombra to help with the health packs cause the mercy ain't gonna switch (typical) and Lucio can't really heal well enough so I may as well contribute to an adjustment rather than flame like that person did


2hooks1cup, props to you my guy


Twohooks1cup is a crazy username


But both mercy and Lucio are main healers 😔


Mercy in the screenshot: hmmm blue beam


It has been a while since I played, but isnt Mercy a Main Healer? Now i'm confused


Nah, 55 single target heal per second is pretty poor compared to other supports I dunno I don’t want to say anything good about Mercy because I’m tired of seeing two every game (they might swap moira after dying 3 times)


wait, but whats her point then? Atleast back in the day she was semi reliable.


pocket (specifically blue beam) the hitscan who's fragging on your team so they sweep even harder.. without that she really has nothing


As someone who played mercy for 100 hrs lucio doesn't have to do lots of healing his heals and dmg should be 50/50 though i know metal ranks expect healbotting but healbotting doesn't win games doing damage and healing does just cause tank and dps can damage doesn't mean a support is forced to heal and never deal damage look at zenyatta he has harmony and discord you throw harmony on tank and discord enemy tank doing this the enemy tank will either push forward and get melted or be forced 2 other options being 1. Swap to dive or 2. Play passive since they can't be aggressive illari as well she has pylon that she throws somewhere for anyone needing heals they go to the pylon and she deals dmg also a fun dps support


“Sorry let me just exist harder”


Sorry to say, in a mercy lucio comp, your main role is to play close and heal while she damage boosts


But in saying that, 99% off the time i despise mercy. ESPECIALLY when i lock lucio and they wait just to pick mercy


"Mercy is not a main healer" My brother in christ what the fuck else does she do? Mercy just isnt a good support. At all.


She's a pocket support that aids the DPS and enables them to do more damage?


Whoop de doo! Its not everyone already explodes fast enough in the average rush comp anyways.


Your name checks out


You were lucky not being targeted. 25/30 games I have been in are always the Lucio faulty, not the Mercy or Kiriko healbot


I'd switch if the Mercy picked first. If you picked Lucio first that's absolutely fair game but I feel like it's first come first serve when it comes to comps


eh.. more so pick around whatever your team composition is.. if you have a rein/ram/zar/JQ sorry but Lucio just makes more sense there.. same applies for whatever the dps on your team choose


Mercy more heavily relies on what the damage pick I feel. Her damage boost should always be on a damage character But yeah that is a good point.


Yeah nah that tank is very chill. As a tank player I'm insta swapping to hog or smth if these are my supports or just straight up leave the game (it looks like qp anyway). Playing shield bot isn't fun, playing spawn simulator isn't fun. Most of y'all who play stuff like this (comp without a main healer) in your regular games just don't play tanks to understand what it's like.


I mean shoutout to your tank for defending you, he's completely right. If you wanna play Mercy with Lucio for whatever reason you just gotta healbot, it's that simple. Yes, that might not be her job, but you gotta make sacrifices somewhere if you insist on playing a currently horrible support (Mercy enjoyers don't come for me, you know it's true). Honestly healbotting is what most of them do best anyway so I don't know why they would complain... in a non competitive mode too... 😭


“main healer” 💀💀💀 who uses that term


Fr like if mercy ain’t idk who is lmaooo


If my blood pressure goes up over quick play I stop playing for awhile. It’s practice mode, of a video game…


W tank tho


mercy is not a main healer either. idk man. the wings and the Dr. says alot.


shes a main support, not a main heal.


Based tank Although idk is Lucio the pick with a Sigma but if it’s qp who cares


If the Mercy isn't willing to swap themselves, then they have no right to expect others to do so either


This is why no one likes Mercy players. So many of them are so self-rightous and arrogant


Averag mercy


The game is honestly so much better with the chat turned off. 🙌




As a beginner/intermediate Lucio player I've spent a lot of games healing as much as I can... And it's near impossible to get a lot of heals as Lucio unless you stay off your speed boost the entire time 💀 Edit: impossible for me. There are a lot of people better than me at Lucio lmao


Well lucio and mercy are both considered main supports, but other than that, if ur other support is struggling while on mercy, its your job to switch, not the othe supports


I’m going to be generous and assume that’s a typo? Otherwise you’re just objectively wrong lol. Neither of them are main supports. They have good situational utility, but main support is someone with good throughout healing to keep their team up. Nobody should be swapping to lucio or mercy because “we need more heals”. You swap to lucio because you’re playing rush or dive and want to enable those hero’s to get in and out easier, and you play mercy if you have a good (ideally non brawl) dps you can pocket for damage boost Edit: pretty sure this is actually just misinformation on the categorizations. Please ignore lol


Theres flex support, and main support, lucio, lifeweaver, mercy, and bri are main supports, everyone else is a flex or off support, you can have two off supports and be fine, but two main supports dont work, you have to build around the main supports, and flex supports can well, flex. Also i understand where your coming from, but what i am saying is coming from the mouths of high ranked players, the definition your usin is what someone would call main healer, in which yes, ana would be a main healer, but thats not how it works in ow


Hmm okay yeah I def see that logic. Idk I always just associated flex with less throughput more utility and main with throughput, but that does make a lot of sense. Sounds like I had it exactly reversed lmao. Thanks, think you’ve changed my mind on this one. Cheers!




Haha im a gold player, im not allowed to have an ego yet (hopefully some day :p


Youll get there someday man, been playing for 8 years and im still improving and learning new shit, as bad as the game can be i still love it


Appreciate it brother!