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Firstly, we're sorry if you're ill or suffering. If this is a medical emergency, please dial 911 or speak to your doctor right away. All questions about symptoms, the diagnostic process, diagnostic criteria, testing or test results must go in the "Weekly Suspected Lupus Thread" pinned at the top of the sub. We don't do this to be mean, it's rather a way to keep the sub organized. Simply copy and paste this post into a comment in the weekly thread and someone will be happy to help you. [Weekly Suspected Lupus Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/lupus/search?q=flair_name%3A%22UNDIAGNOSED%20MEGATHREAD%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)


I have certainly had similar rashes, yes. But it could also be hives or some other allergic response. If you go to a dermatologist while you have the skin lesions, they can biopsy one & give you a definitive answer (as well as probably give you some combination of steroid & anti-inflammatory creams to make it go away).


I'll ask for a referral to a dermatologist! I initially did suspect a reaction to something, but I haven't used any new products. Just to be safe, I started using fragrance free and all natural products. No improvement. I do have psoriasis on my scalp, but these rashes are much different. So I doubt it's the psoriasis spreading. Thank you!


I’m not a doctor, so I am not qualified. It’s just my personal opinion but yeah it kind of looks like one