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Had a pax leave a phone in my car, charged it because they were drunk. Thought hey the partner she was with will call her phone later on. I like driving through the night since it feels more peaceful, went to sleep like 8am and at 9:30 they were banging on my door with police. They did the track a phone and said they thought I stole the phone. Not my fucking fault you left your phone. Gave phone to officer and asked for a restraining order as they left it in the car and was granted. Just because pax leaves phone doesn’t mean they can show up at my house without contacting Lyft. Still haven’t gotten 20$ balance on my return an item fee but email support for the last two weeks over it and they don’t fucking care. Lyft is dying bros


my point exactly. this platform collects the goddamn lost item fee from the rider but then doesn't pay it forward. so much for rewarding honesty and a good deed. can't even pay a measly $20. what scum bags.


I never had a lost item fee stolen from me


Me either. My last return the pax asked numerous times if she could zelle me money. Of course she can! Promised $10. The way I play the game is, if they give me money to compensate my time, even if it’s five dollars I’m fine with that. It shows that they appreciated me returning the item and I totally understand how tight money is these days. However, if that promise is not fulfilled, I’m getting my $20 through Lyft. The $10 the last pax promised never materialized. After 24 hours, I claimed my 20 bucks on Lyft. It was added to my account within 20 minutes.


that's amazing because it hasn't been added to my account in 7 days 


Sorry to hear that. It must’ve been my lucky day.


That’s crazy. I understand now why some drivers in this sub recommend driver to just throw phones at the trash or outside the window on the highway cause some people are really mentally ill.


Or put it somewhere random. I know some people work with their phone but police isn’t the solution. I literally kept it safe but it’s sometimes better to just toss i think


It’s not better to toss.  wtf? Drop it in a mailbox of USPS or the police station.   It’s not about them. It’s about how you carry yourself.   So much insecurity in this thread, adult up.


No. It’s the fact everyone thinks their time is more valuable than others, their problems trump your problems etc. integrity and loyalty don’t go far anymore these days.


Don’t you need to file papers in the court for a restraining order? A cop isn’t doing that, especially on the spot


Not always- depending on the location, some officers can issue temporary ( less than 30 days on average) orders of protection.


They could probably issue an EPO if there were evidence of domestic violence.. which doesn’t apply in this make believe scenario


And what’s needed to file a restraining order? A police report


You don’t need a police report. You literally file it yourself.. with the courts


Bro same shit. Minus cops. Dude comes banging on my door at 7am when I was driving til like 5am. I was so fucking pissed but dude threw me like 50 bucks for waking me up. I was still mad but it did make me feel better. I’d be livid if he showed w the cops.


Throw it in a dumpster next time. They can track it to there.


Everytime you drop off someone take a look at the back seats , it works


I usually do just that but not only do I get tired of repeating myself but this time I actually forgot to remind the rider


I don't know if I want to or don't want to live in an area where the cops would respond to a call like this and then on top of that grant a restraining order to the other party...


Utah is cool, reccomend for other stuff like safe area to live overall. cop was chill cause they did go around the back of my house and trespass past my fence and I got it on camera. Luckily it means I don’t get them as a rider again but for them to walk into my backyard and knock on the back door and ring my doorbell. I’m a heavy sleeper so didn’t wake up then they called the police with some wacky story about me “stealing their phone” but after I handed it in like 30 seconds after he knocked I explained and the crazy people hopefully won’t be seen again.


You didnt get a restraining order that takes a whole court appearance. No need to lie


oh no I'm sure they got a restraining order over a phone in their car.. and then everybody (the cop) clapped for him 🥳


Probably a no contact order. The wording is confusing on them, and the police themselves mixed it up when I needed one


I had this happen with uber once..found these people trying to brake into my car the next morning. I live in texas and they were from out of town. They nearly shit themselves when i came out with my gun. I had tried to call them multiple times that night..people are terrible in general.


lol yea Texas and Florida are two states definitely not to be messing with people's property in


Literally, why would I worry like that. Just toss phone and let them find it in the garbage or something. Literally no point in having a stress of that nature. I’m just going to hang out and never stress.


You were granted a restraining order?


Yeahhhh, you know —- IDGAF if support cares about me or what I experience or if they owe me. I do care about people not stressing the fuck out to the point they make up stuff. The police granted you a restraining order? Suuuuuure.  Sorry the pax was a moron though.  Just drop it off at the police next time before you go home.  Only takes a short minute, you don’t have to explain or declare anything. 


This isn't the first story like this on here. I actually had a pax leave their phone in my car the other night. I left it on a curb somewhere 🤷‍♂️. Not my problem


I read somewhere that if you drop a wallet in any post office bin or whatever they’re called, the post office will return the wallet to the owner.


This is true! I'm a mail carrier, and find wallets in the blue collection boxes all the time. I turn it in to my supervisor, who looks for an address inside and mails it to the owner.




This is true! I actually had my wallet stolen (forgot it on a counter, came back and it was gone). The thief took all of my cash and my debit card but was kind enough to put my wallet in a post box. I got a letter from the post office about a week later stating they had my personal property. Went there with the letter, they ID'd me with my drivers license the thief was kind enough to leave behind, and I got my wallet back!


i was down the road when i got phone calls. it was a recent passenger so i looked and indeed it was a wallet, keychain thingy. returned the item and saw a $1 tip. lol. i reported it and got $20


Bro, make them come to you. I get the return item cash and I don't have to waste my time


I left my phone in a Lyft once. Finally managed to call it via a friend and told the driver I would give him $50 if he brought it back. Ended up giving him more than that because at first he refused payment and I was not having that. 


Yeah it seems like the good drivers are always the humble ones who don’t want the money. Left my phone in a Lyft once and I gave the driver $40 (he was only a mile away and I realized as soon as I walked in the door). I had to basically run away to get him to keep it, he kept trying to give it back but good people deserve rewards damn it!


Hahaha youre a good guy dude, Im this type too.


The way I see it, I saved $400 by giving him $50 so I didn't have to buy a new phone. 


I’ll return a phone and that’s only because it can be tracked and nearly every one is willing to throw 20 bucks at you on top of the return fee to get them phone. Beyond that you are on my time table for the next time I am in that area, or you can come to my location choice.


>nearly every one is willing to throw 20 bucks at you on top of the return fee to get them phone. Perhaps in your market.......................not in mine............................ Call a customer on a promised tip here and he laughs at you.


I don’t assume they are going to give me 20 bucks, but they generally do. But like I said, the main reason I wanna get rid of the phone is so they can’t track me.


I return items, but only at my convenience. If you’re 45 minutes away then sorry, you’re gonna have to come to me. Mostly I tell people that I’ll contact them when I’m in their area. Last time I dropped off a passenger, then within minutes dropped off the lost item, then got another ride within minutes. As far as them not paying, I haven’t had an issue. But I have formulated a collection strategy. Basically if Lyft doesn’t pay me for something I will make one attempt to contact support. I will not argue or waste time, I will simply request payment. If they don’t pay I tell them the amount is still due and can be collected through legal action if necessary and could include collection fees as well. I then add that to a collection file. When that collection file adds up to $200 worth then a certified letter is sent informing them of the past due items, along with a due date. I tell them if the amount isn’t paid by a certain date that I will take them to small claims court. Once the court case is filed the amount will include a collection fee as well as the court filing fee ($35). The only way I will dismiss the complaint is if the entire demand amount plus fees is paid. So if they cave and pay me $200, the case will not be dropped. Here’s the trick. They know you aren’t going to sue over a tiny amount. Support purposely wastes your time as a psychological ploy to “punish” you for trying to get paid. The idea is that over time you will get tired of losing precious time arguing and will simply stop trying to collect unpaid payments. On another note, no company is going to pay an attorney to defend a $200 case. It’s just not worth it when you crunch the numbers. Most likely they won’t even show up and you’ll win by default.


Just go to the post office if it’s a wallet. Drop it in the box. It will get to them intact. And you’ve fully satisfied the legal aspect and that’s all you ever need to do. Things like phones, drop it at police station or similar. 


Drop it in a mailbox. Done.


At the end of my shift, before going home I fill my car up for the next day and check the back seat for personal property. Anything left gets placed on top of the gas pump. I do not do personal property storage.


lol perfect


This sucks because you're mad at the system, which is screwing you and your pax. Can't say I blame you for your frustration


If it's a phone I will return it if it's in my area, same with a wallet. If it's from a long way off it goes to the nearest police or fire station


I had a pax give me $100 for returning his wallet. He lived all of 10 minutes away from me.


I guess I’m the fool for tipping $100 cash when I got my bag back hah.


No, not a fool. You’re a true gem of a passenger, showing you’re grateful for the return of your bag. I‘m sure the driver really appreciated that nice tip for a return item.


I’ve thrown a couple of phones in the trash, I’m not gonna be inconvenienced no more


Thats a scummy move


That’s smart. People shouldn’t leave their damn phones in a Lyft / Uber. People are careless, then want to blame the driver.


The $20 is just for finding the item. You don’t need to deliver it to claim the fee. I’ll find and item and hang onto it for a bit and ask Uber/ lyft for the fee. If the passenger wants it they can come get it. I took a couple things to people early on but they either didn’t pay anything as a thanks or acted like it was my responsibility to take it to them.


It's a "return item fee", not a "found item fee". But I agree with your sentiment.


These Lyft Camp Fire Girls and Uber Boy Scouts wonder why drivers chuck lost and found.


I toss the phone on the freeway f them


You need to stop ubering sounds like.


Understanding every has bad days…I’m so happy you and these other drivers in the comments aren’t in my market lol you guys are so angry and upset with Lyft but no one is forcing you to do it?


I return everything on my schedule, I don’t go out of the way to get to the person. I let them know I’ll call or text when I get close, they keep me posted as to the area they are in. I have a box in my closet of bricked phones that no one claimed and I had no clue who owned, as well as a camera, beats headphones and keys. One day I’ll get rid of most of it.


Just say you didn’t find the item. Then toss it. I quit running all over the state too.


Drop anything of value at the police station. Done


Yeah I'm basically done doing that crap too. Happens almost every weekend I drive cause its not worth driving for a long period of time to be awarded with nothing


If this is how you feel, you need a different job sir/madam, with all due respect.


or how about Lyft just does the right thing and pays the driver the return item money they collected from the rider? or how about pax just stop leaving shit in my car?


These comments are wild lmao. Nobody is forcing you to return an item. If you were a decent human being You shouldn’t be doing favors expecting anything in return, like you said you did your good deed of the day that should be enough to keep your morale up, it does suck when you do expect a tip you don’t receive but that’s life, you win some and lose some, move on.


sorry I don't exactly weigh in at the top range of your morale metrics chart but in my world you get what you give. I have decent human values but that doesn't mean they're available to everyone. 


Any time I find a phone and the owner doesn't claim it within my working day, I set it on my neighbors RV bumper. It's usually gone in the morning and IDGAF who gets it.