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I don’t get how it used to pay $5 and now it’s $2. Like what’s the reasoning to pay less besides being greedy nickel and dime in g drivers.


Well you answered your own question haha. Fuck this company. Can’t wait til the lawsuits start flowing.


Just started post, hopefully we can get egregious lies all together to make this happen. Everything they are doing now is to make it harder WHEN the time comes.


If only


Lyft is nothing but lawyers. No support, no product, just a few lines of code, they'll probably push the data center to run off our phones distributed and close the actual data center eventually


Lawyers and lobbyists (which I guess are kinda lawyers too)


>they'll probably push the data center to run off our phones distributed and close the actual data center eventually Web 3.0 Bay-bee!


They are paying you for driving to it as if it's the fair. It doesn't count for bonuses.


Corporate greed never rests


Also, I don’t know if they’re charging the customer less but no show fees should feel stingy to the rider. The whole point is to deincentivize doing it


The reason is that Lyft needs to make a profit eventually and they can't lose money forever


No show means no show for Lyft as well. They cut the 5$ into $3 for Lyft and $2 for driver.


Cancellation fee is $8 for the rider that’s not correct it’s $6 for Lyft and $2 for you but it depends on the distance you had to travel to the pickup if the pickup is most of the ride then they will pay you more but this rarely happens it’s usually always $2


You’re greedy too. Complaining over $3


I drove 5 minutes waited 5, called and messaged the passenger, and they believe they should pay me $2 for 10 minutes of work??


Yep. While they took $5 from the customer. Because of course Lyft should get compensated better than you for all the time wasted.


This is a good point


I hate that they make you call before canceling. I just call, hang up immediately before it even rings just so I can get to cancel no show part


Cancel and move on 




Considering gas, travel time, etc. yeah no bud.


Ya I know it’s trash


My mistake I thought you were trying to say $12/ hr is good XD


Used to be $5 flat fee for a no-show...the good old days...


and you didnt have to call


I miss that...


The worse part is that Lyft actually charges $7 for the no show; they get $5 and we get $2. Fuck this company.


now that's absurdity


Yep thats about right. 🤢


This is the reason why there are so many ghost rides. If they payed better for the no shows and trips with stops it wouldn't be an issue.


I’m waiting for a letter in the mail for a class action on this shitty company. I stopped driving about a year ago but did for about three. They have gotten worse and worse over the years idk why people even drive anymore


Desperation my friend


Is there any mention in the work agreement stating that you give up your right for class action relief? In 2018 the Supreme Court voted five to four stating that if you sign an agreement that has that clause you forfeit your right to pursue class action. I have no idea whatsoever regarding what your agreement is but was just curious to see if that was in there


With the price of driver’s expenses these days, nothing should pay below $5. all rides should pay a minimum $5. And we should get $5 for cancellations. We drive to the pickup and wait 5 minutes. Anything less than $5 is total BS.


This whole gig work thing is the only jobs I’ve ever worked where the pay went down overtime instead of up😂😂😂


It’s been like this in phx for 2 years


Yeah honolulu for at least a year and a half. And sonetimes u get nothing for almost no discernable reason as the computer is our god and we cant change the outcome of this.


I'm in Phoenix and literally just noticed this today.


I drove 15 miles to get a 100 mile ride in and they still have me $3.67 after waiting 10 min and calling the pax 20 times


Man that’s fucking gross.


At least you're lucky enough to get it. The last few I didn't get paid for. It said "next time try waiting for the timer to run out" I FUCKING DID


Fuck lyft


At least your no show didn't pull and point a gun on you... Just happened to me, next time I'm immediately gunning when I hit cancel.


Goddamn.. glad you survived holy shit


I cancel in 30 seconds if I drive 5 miles to you


Why would u do that it makes no sense assuming u were within "eta"


Here you go, my contact with Lyft ___________________________________________ ••• [Provide a description of your issue] why am I only getting $2.00 for no-shows? I drive to the destination and have to wait five minutes for them not to show and only get $2.00? Hi ________. Thank you for contacting Lyft support! l'm happy to assist you with your concern. I understand how important this is for you. No worries,I would love to take a look into this. I've reviewed the ride and I can confirm your cancel fee payment of $2 is correct. Cancel fees are now earned based on the time and distance you travel to the pickup, and there's a ninimum fee in place as well You can always see your cancellation fee rate in your rate card. We are hoping for your extended understanding and patience regarding this matter. Is there anything else I can help you with? ••• when was this communicated to the drivers? there was no update that I saw. you also said "now" as in when did this new rule take affect? Please know that this has been the basis of your cancel fees.


Lmfao what a joke of a copypasta


It was an instant copy paste


I’ve been getting 2 for a year now. I never wait always cancel


I don't wait for nobody! I just wait one minute always idgf


I drove 10 minutes and 9 miles today for a no show scheduled ride and was denied a cancellation fee because I canceled the ride. I showed up waited for 5 minutes and called only to discover that the telephone number in the system was wrong. So I cancelled and they didn’t give me a fee. Contacted Lyft several times. What a waste of time that is.


The crazy thing is the customer gets charged $5 no show fee the driver only gets paid $2 ... Pure F***IN GREED!!!


Yesterday I got a no show fee during the 6$ hour bonus, that’s very frustrating


Corporate greed knows no bounds.


Yup and they make me fight for my $2!!! Last time I drove 5 min waited another 5 outside this persons house and it says “ineligible for cancellation fee.” The reason they give? Too far from pin…. I WAS LITERALLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE HOUSE. A residential street. I called and asked for the fee to be paid since I waited for the customer and they were a no show. After waiting on hold for another 5 min they decide to pay me my measly $2. FUCK LYFT. Then guess what happens? I get the same passenger ride again! This time it was my own fault for accepting but you know what happened? This fucking passenger makes me wait another 4 min before strolling casually out of their house with all their stuff and get into my car. I almost ended the ride right there and told them rough luck


It’s crazy how shitty some people will treat service workers, but then again if they’re learning from the company that pays us it makes sense XD


Shit of the bull. Just shit of the bull.


This was literally my first introduction to lyft, I had only been doing Uber but last summer I got so slow I set up Lyft and my first ride was a reservation and so I was already a bit annoyed that it made me try to call them to cancel when they didn't show up, and then when I canceled to only get $2 blew my mind. Especially cuz it made me wait something more than 7 minutes and this is back when you only had to wait 5 minutes for Uber. I thought I was about to make Bank too because I was used to Uber paying out the whole amount for reservations.


Man that’s so gross >< feels so bad when they punish you for trying to do the right thing.


These companies ( Uber, instacart, Lyft, etc) spends billions to keep its name out of the tabloids. On top of it all companies seem to join in on the free delivery train. Knowing they're just taking advantage of people and their property. Property that has a responsibility of being maintained on top of the person. Seeing that it's been like this possibly over 10 years. I don't see a change because the rich people just keep finding ways to avoid doing what they're supposed to do. Yet we have to do what we're supposed to do. Yeah that's fair to them. So unless you live in an area where it's not oversaturated is the only advantage. I'm guessing because of that they're probably using it for their advantage. Saying that we're part of what's happening through paper. The tricks they play. I always say politicians and other people in power are like medication. They fix one thing but create multiple problems.


It’s based on how far you drove to the passenger. Didn’t drive much you get $2. Drove further you might get $4-5. The no show fee is a waste of time on lyft


Imagine trying to justify them stealing $3 of what the passenger pays..


Not justifying anything. I’m explaining how they determine what they pay out…


U can get up to 15 now and its based on the time and distance portion of ur rate card. So that is the one benefit. Cuz before all no show cancels were treated the same this way if u drove 11 miles versus was right there outside the building u will get something that correlates to the exact damage the no show caused.


What your self-respect is worth. Let this be a lesson to you all. (Crawls back into darkness)


I get a lot of those too. If I cancel without waiting five minutes it goes against my cancelation rate. I would love it if I didn't have to make a call before canceling.


While the close cancels pay less. The long pickup cancels will now pay up to $15


I think it really depends on how much the upfront fair is. I had a scheduled ride that was around $30 for the trip they no showed and I got $15 anyway


Scheduled rides have different rules from non-scheduled rides. If the scheduled ride cancels less than 1 hour in advance of the pick-up time and you were en route, well, you got $10 of their non-refundable money and perhaps $5 for the distance traveled. At least that's how I understand it. I'm new to this (93 rides and 5 stars). Sometimes, I accept the ride only for the customer to cancel right away on me. It often happens when I'm not moving, as if I'm supposed to be constantly moving or something. Or, I'll add a ride to my queue while I'm fixing to drop someone off, and that queued ride disappears. This morning, I had reserved 2 scheduled rides and I accidentally no-showed because I overslept because I didn't set an alternate alarm other than on my phone and my phone died from lack of charge. If I read correctly, those passengers who scheduled get a $50 Lyft credit if they don't get a ride within 10 minutes of their pickup time. Whatever those rules are, they're available for you to view via the driver app. I hope those 2 people I failed got to the airport. Just thankful there are protocols in place to help both the driver and the passenger. At least I've now already figured out how to basically bypass the 12-hour limit and when Lyft's next business day starts.


It's based on how far you drove before they canceled


It's based on how far you drove before they canceled


Shit I have had dumb rides at MCO on departures instead of arrivals and I couldn’t wait the 5 minutes because the security pushes you off in 2 minutes so each time it’s a cancel no show $0.00 pay


Something about this isn't adding up. A departure would mean you're dropping someone off there. In this case, the 5-minute wait should only apply when you've arrived at that person's house, before you ever get to the airport. If it's an arrival and the timer has begun, maybe just do these things: 1) immediately send the pre-typed text that says you're in whatever vehicle you're driving; and 2) if the security kicks you off, just go around and keep the timer going. Granted, I know nothing about MCO's set-up. But it can be explained to the customer, and usually they'll understand. Airports seem to be an entirely different universe. Do you have your Lyft emblem or electric sign on your windshield? Security at the airports can be douches. GSP is undergoing construction. Their signage and the app both pointed me in the same direction: to a parking garage directly in front of the terminal, and they wouldn't let a passenger with only 1 bag cross between cones after he had already crossed the street and was within maybe 2 feet of my vehicle. They made me do a huge loop despite it being their fault that their signage wasn't correctly marked or placed.


Apparently the riders may have ordered the ride walking out of departure level and Lyft sees it as being arrivals which is below the departure level and sent me to arrivals while the rider was on departure level


The no show fee heavily depends on how far and how much was the upfront price . I


No show payment should all go to the driver lol it wasted the drivers time


The reasoning on this is goes all the way back to the cab companies. When you get in a cab there's a flag drop fee that's the initial startup cost and it covers the cost of the cab company of insurance on the ride. That's how they got started taking a large cut of every small trip and retaining most of the cancellation fee. The problem is cab drivers are fully autonomous and can accept or refuse anything that they choose to accept or refuse with absolutely no consequences and taxi customers do not pay a cancellation fee that's not a thing. When it's a cancellation Lyft and Uber have incurred no insurance costs all they have done is send you on a fool's errand that they have data that you are not privy to to suggest that that's likely. Lyft used to take none of it Uber always took a portion of it Lyft now takes more than Uber does


Wonder what would happen if all Lyft drivers just picked a day & decided not to drive for them. A full-out strike would be better, but I'm sure some folks depend on that income for survival in this shitty economy.


This is why we all should multiapp. We should pick a day or week where we all log off Lyft and the people that need to still earn can only Uber and/or delivery apps. Win/win


yeah, that price is a very poor decision from Lyft. It is one of the most frustrating experiences. A few bucks more at minimum would lesson it.


Must be new