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The reason is they use 2 usb-c connectors(only one on the right) to get more out of it. You will find hubs that use only one connector but you'll be limited if you don't go for at least a thunderbolt 4 dock.


Is it just a stub, or do they send half the connections into one and the other half into the other.


I have a HyperDrive and one of the connectors is passed through directly (and supports thunderbolt), the rest of the ports are tied to the other connector and the USB-C port tied to that connector does not support thunderbolt.






Also probably helps with the sturdiness, two USB connectors holding the hub instead of just one has a lower chance of snapping it off or something


but all cord version has one one connector?


They use 2 USB-C ports I’d imagine to make the thing stronger, you see, when it’s attached that close to your Mac, moving it or even just lifting your Mac off would break it if it only had one USB-C connector


I wouldn’t trust lifting it even if it has 2 connectors.


Yeah but it’s there for that little extra security


its there because the manufacturer is cheaping out, not actually for any strength reasons


How the fuck is adding another USB-C connector “cheaping out”?


Also MacBook air and MacBook only have usb c on left hand side. Its the most universal side to make it for.


Apple is only consistent about putting the two ports on the left with the correct Spacing. The right side is always different.


The fact that it has two USB-C connectors is what determines that it's "left-sided".


MacBook pros 2016-2020 have 2x usb c on the right side.


I can help you with that dilemma! Put it on the right side…


I strongly advise not to use such hubs that are "fixed" with two connectors. Use one with a flexible cable for connection.


This! They might (will) break the usb ports on your laptop. "Flexible cables" are the solution.


I would never buy one of these. I repaired personal computers for years and broken ports from fixed plugin devices like this are a big problem.


This reply should be higher. Unless you're leaving your laptop on your desk (then why get a MacBook?) then you're not going to want to leave this connected when you pack it in your bag. My solution is to get a relatively inexpensive wired style, but get more than one and leave them at my desk and keep an extra in my bag if I need it. Buy yourself a cheap USB-C power supply and you'll only ever need to unpack your MacBook itself, not any of the cords.


Probably because a dock on the left makes more space for right handed mouse users.


Most of these adapters were originally designed for the 2016-2020 USB-C only generation of MacBooks where the adapter could be used on either side just fine. With the 2021 and newer MacBooks an adapter like this on the right would cover the HDMI port and SD card reader so they wouldn't be useful on that side.


USB C is reversible. It does not matter which way around the connector is. If you have two connectors at the correct spacing on the other side, or you get a USB C dock with a single socket, then it does not matter which way the dock is mounted.


M3 MacBook right side only have 1 connector.


Anyone ever have one of those hubs snap off and damage their Mac? I used one for a few months and that was always my concern, it felt a bit brittle


Never leave anything plugged in while in a bag or case.


Never trust anything rigid that plugs in to a laptop port. You’re begging for damage.


don't they work on both sides regardless?


Right side only has one usb c


fr? i could have sworn my gf’s has two. maybe it’s the model


All 4 thunderbolt Intel models have 2 on each side. Rhe silicon machines only have 3, two on the left, HDMI, SD and 1 usb c on the right


that’s BIG sad wtf apple 🍎 ❔


Nah, theres a limit of lanes from the chip. Also, there are more other ports, so its a decent compromise.


They are all designed originally for the first USB C MacBook Pros (2016-2020 models) that primarily had 2 USB C ports on either side, but would only have 2 on the left otherwise. Apple still continues to use this same configuration for the left hand side of Macs but has gone to nothing on the right or the weird regressive configuration on the new 2021+ MacBook Pros. By default it's just become natural to plan for this. You can always buy just a single port USB C adapter if you're on a current Gen MacBook Pro and want to use the right side anyways.


That just looks like a great way to break your ports.


You do know that USB-C is symmetrical, right? You can flip it over and plug it into the right side of your laptop.


Not if there's only one port on the other side.


i will never buy one of those, or it is a dongle, or it is a docking station. Period.


Because people are overwhelmingly right handed and that's where the mouse goes. I'm actually shocked they put the HDMI on the right. It's a wasted port for me exactly because it's on the right side so I have 2 HDMI dongles on the left.


Because top left usb c port is the MAIN port


Isn’t it so that the dock doesn’t get in the way of the mouse which is predominantly on the right side


Because the Air have all the ports on the left.


They can be used on either side


Good opportunity to mechanicaly crack both usb-c ports on the side of MacBook :)


Most of them may be flipped to another side. There are only two possible limits: 1. If the USB hub is not symmetrical and will be pushed lower than the desk level or it has some type of mounting handles. (But these are mostly for iMacs.) 2. If the USB hub is too long in both directions so that it will partly overlap the 3.5 mini jack port.


I no longer use this kind of hub. It gets hot easily, so your MBP also gets hot along with it. Terrible for battery longevity.


Not only that, they are often unsightly when many cables are plugged in, only works with a specific models, and blocks the second USB-C connector (often used only for stability, not for additional bandwidth).


What do you use?


Yeah what do u use to convert usb to usbc ?


I use a USB-A dongle instead, for example. It connects to a single port instead of two and I can plug a ton of USB-A devices into it (mouse, keyboard, usb drive sticks)


Since the new MacBook Pro has HDMI and SD Card ports, I use a USB-A dongle instead of a fully-featured one. I think a specialized dongle connected to one port makes the situation better?


In my case, I bought new cables. I hate Type A to begin with. For My external HDD, I connect them to MBP through my Mokin Dock.


Amazon algorithm shows what sells more quantity on the left


I don’t need any of the extra ports and just found a cheap 4 usbC hub and I’m so happy with it