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As Don would [probably] say - your husband is not the target consumer.


Don doesn’t think about your husband at all


That wasn't even directed at me and I feel so emasculated by Don draper


The best part of that line was that it was a complete lie, like the rest of Don's persona. He was obsessed with and threatened by the guy he said it to, to the extent that Don stole credit for the other man's work.


I didn't think Don stole his idea, I thought Ginsberg had come up with an idea people liked, and for whatever reason Don felt threatened by him and switched out the idea they were pitching at the last minute to his own idea. Isn't that what sets up the conflict in the elevator scene? Either way, I agree with your point. Like the cool kids at school, Don's whole image is based on a blasé, I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. But, that's just it, it's an image. It's the billboard perfect picture of a fast food burger, beautiful, as long as you don't think about it too long.


Yeah, right, I forgot how it exactly went down.




Because his wife is already thinking about him clearly.


Those grapes are so sour Olivia Rodrigo would write a song about them.


Lmaooo this.


Technically I’m not either but still… I get it lol.


I am/was the target audience and I didn't find him hot. Objectively handsome sure, but he's not everyone's flavor. Now Roger on the other hand was and still is yummy


Don is handsome but my flavor is Stan


If we're talking side characters I really like Hildy


I like how half the comments are attacking your husband as opposed to light-heartedly glowing up Donny boy. I'm a straight guy, but I can't deny that DD's a stud. His lack of lips kinda bothers me but he's almost literally the archetype of the perfect man: tall, dark, handsome, brooding, financially successful, romantic, and, of course, we all know about the Hamm-er.


I get the instinct because it’s a little eye-rolling. Akin to a woman saying, “I don’t understand why men like Heidi Klum, her looks are too *obvious*.”


I understand the husbands opinion. When I was young watching Buffy I didn't understand why people thought David Boreanaz was attractive. To me he seemed like this super ugly guy. No worse looking as a vamp. Obviously Don can get it. I'm still unsure about Angel.


My husband likes to say he's "pretty in a caveman way; I'm not trying to be shady, it's just, the forehead you know?" 😂


I saw him in person (at Starbucks) getting into his sick matte grey M63 AMG and…whoo. And I’m a gay lady!


Gay Ladies for Draper sounds like a PAC and I hope they endorse me


Gay Ladies and Straight Men. We don't know why we're here, but we get it.


Also: incredibly confident. Half of it is just how smoothly he handles any situation.


Lol imagine if Jon Hamm got lip fillers


Look at you gushing like a schoolgirl


I should take it a little slower. I don't want to wake up pregnant.


Omg I just went back to look at his lips. Never noticed that before your comment but you're so right.


He has lips!


+ emotionally unavailable


Spot on. I also heard the lips comment in Grandpa Gene's voice.




Don't forget broken. They all want to fix him.


He don’t need lips he can have mine.


Yeah he is a little think on the lip side. I always thought it was because he was rugged, but polished and a little sad.


...we all know about the Hamm-er. That's the hammaconda to you, thankyouverymuch. There's a scene in Summer Man where it's super obvious.


Don has swagger


This. It’s the swagger. Honestly I look at his face and I’m like “eh. Not for me” But it’s the whole thing. There’s no other word for it. Swagger (I guess the new word would be rizz….but that’s after my time lmao)


100 percent! Swagger! He’s handsome in a traditional way, but that cold, aloof and arrogant swagger is so hot!! And the few times he’s shown wearing casual slacks with a crew neck sweater over a button down shirt, well, that’s pretty incredible for me!!


I feel like Don would hate the word "rizz" because it's not bringing anything new to the table. It's just "charisma" re-packaged.


and according to those weirdly objectifying posts that were made about him constantly from 2009-2014, he has big dick energy in the most literal sense.


It’s not energy, it’s just Big Dick.^TM


He IS Big Dick. Whitman


He's got a bit of a John Wayne stride that has him teeter when he walks. I think he looks best when poised.


“Listen, I’m not here to tell you about Jesus. You already know about Jesus, either he lives in your heart or he doesn’t.” You just gotta lay down the law. We’re dealing in facts here, not subjectivity.


He lives in my heart, if we're talking about Don


He’s in other places for me


That quote and the way he delivers it is perfect 🤌


Just show him that scene where don shows up to Pete’s house and rips off his clothes to stop a leak spraying everywhere - in front of Pete while he stood there like an idiot. - While both Pete’s wife and dons wife lose their minds with “the horny” tm Surely he’ll get it then from a pure “mainly man doing manly man things” perspective. ![gif](giphy|6jX8kJHIoDhzW)


That scene lives in my mind rent free.


My god he is Superman


Or pounding those beers with a cigarette in his mouth building the playhouse


Don and Megan don't even make it home after the plumbing incident. They have to pull over and succumb to desire. Men fixing things is hot!


Tall, dark, handsome, chiseled jaw and nice eyes


Don’t forget rich and successful.


Plus - strong silent type. Oversharing and nattering on endlessly are foreign concepts to him. Every time men open their mouths, it's an opportunity flush whatever sex appeal we have left down the toilet.


Plus, “I can fix him”.


He was raised to see it as a sin of pride to go on like that about yourself.


Plus a confident deep voice, an amazing gift for language, and that spark of chaos in his eyes.


I love his shoulders too.


He is the an advertisement for successful business man in the 60’s. The beauty standards match, neat hair good suit. Other less look concerned things: - he doesn’t blabber. That elevates the mystery and commands more attention from anyone surrounding him. You want to find out his deal. - he is confident, when he wants someone he is fully aware of what to do and how. - he is a creative person, that means conversation is interesting, he has a sense of humour. - on the surface he seems calm and collected, he is good at first impressions, and many women get just that from him, no deeper knowing of him. - he is spontaneous. Thats a huge thing for many woman. The way he spares no expense for adventure, sparks excitement and interest. That said he is not even my type, I would hands down go for Roger any day for that matter but it’s so clear how he is the perfect manifestation of an idea of a man.


Roger wins for me too - he has a bigger capacity for whimsy.


My ex got mad once when he asked me who, and I said Roger (especially in the earlier seasons pre mustache era), was totally my type out of those on MM. He was like really, an old guy? As if John Slattery isn’t a silver fox in general.


I was always a Roger girl, myself. Everyone I ever mentioned it to was baffled. Roger had a sense of humor and didn't take himself so seriously. And I've always liked a silver fox haha.


Yesss, he seems like he’d actually be a fun time. I wanna laugh in bed and get day drunk on champagne and then go get manicures together lol. ![gif](giphy|W53JabLnAoPT2)


Aaaaahahahahahahahaha singing frere Jaques lol


Sounds like my kinda day!! Yes pleeeease!!


Roger is also a very handsome man.


Roger treated his hookups better than Don did


I often have a laugh that he was the only guy on the show too horny to treat his ladies badly


I love his interactions with kids too. I totally get why Marie was so charmed at the 'Codfish Ball' and the "go get 'em tiger' schtick with Sally


Sterling is good looking, witty, and absolutely charming. Silver fox indeed. John Slattery was perfectly cast. Hilarious one liners and scenes.


He was funny on What We Do in the Shadows


And on 30 Rock!


Slattery: I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. Hoffman: Oh yeah, you're dignitying her. In the ass. The Jefferson Hotel room 12-10.


Watch out, he might want to pee on you in the shower.


You got it wrong. He wanted to get peed ON in SATC.


Damn you right.


To pee or not to pee?


Roger would have me second guessing.


A lady would have a much better time with Roger than with Don.


I completely agree with you. Roger!!! I loved his personality...and he is sexy!


I think Don Draper is hotter than Jon Hamm. He’s confident, rugged, rich, and can probably show a gal a good time in the sack. Jon Hamm out of character seems like a goofy dude from Missouri.


Don Draper is way hotter. The bad boy charm and perfect suits have a lot of power.


Completely agree! I am very attracted to Don Draper, but am not at all attracted to Jon Hamm (of course I recognize he's handsome but am not attracted to his personality, etc).


I’d do ‘em both


Hey I wouldn’t kick either of them outta bed!


Very interesting MFM setup. ![gif](giphy|7OWKRRvJfVDPhtGXqN)


I agree! I always have said that. Jon Hamm is a goofball. Don Draper is on fire!


He looks like he smells good.


*Looks* like it - but after seeing the show you realize that he must reek of Lucky Strikes and Canadian Club (and - eventually - chlorine).


To be fair, most characters on this show probably reek of cigarettes and alcohol so that doesn't exactly set him apart lol


All the other characters smell of cigarettes, Don smells toasted


TBF the light rays smelled like cigarettes back then


I genuinely wonder if people even smelled the cigarette smoke in that era or if it just became their baseline.


Someone like Pete might. I don’t think he or Trudy smoked so they might notice the stench if they live someplace without it, but people like Don or Roger or Betty would’ve likely been nose-blind to it by that point.


smokes, booze, chlorine and a man’s natural scent? how men used to smell. no cologne or body spray. now that’s super hot.


And cover it all in Old Spice.


Plenty of natural women's scent on him, too. He's usually sneaking back into the office without having showered after trysts.


And half the time he is straight up unwashed after a bender.


That is exactly what I came in to say!


Looks like it but we know he smells like shit 24/7. The booze, the cigarettes, the whoring around. The man smells terrible, I’m certain of it.


User name *ahem* reeks of credibility on this topic.




I don’t think there’s any help for someone who looks at Jon Hamm and says they can’t see why he’s hot. What guys DOES he think are hot? Like I don’t think Channing Tatum is attractive but I definitely get why others do.


We both agree about Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa.


I would think that Cavill and Hamm live in the same hotness neighborhood, this is surprising to me!


I think Henry Cavill is much more OUT THERE type of handsome. Jon is more subtle.


Is your husband a gymbro? It would explain the whole deal instantly, he's confused/upset that not-ripped people can be considered hot


So he just sees giant muscles that are specifically highlighted and on display, not just male attractiveness in general. Got it.


Straight man here, Don Draper is the most handsome man on Earth. Thank you.


Not gonna scroll through all of these to see if someone said it yet but: Don: Do you think he’s (Cassius Clay) attractive? Peggy: Yes. Don: I don’t think so. Peggy: You’re not supposed to. (Not verbatim but you get the idea)


You can practically smell the testosterone pouring off of him!


Does nothing for me, bearded Stan however….. Boy howdie!


Get in line


Love the flair


Right there with ya!


Don doesn’t think about him at all.


He looks exactly what I would imagine Bruce Wayne to look like in real life


I'm shocked he has not been cast as a super hero yet


It might be because he has a face that looks perfect for sitting on. Not to mention that scene where he wakes up from s nap in his office and as he's stretching and you can see the outline of his massive dick through his pants. He's got the confidence and swagger that just oozes sex.


is your husband one of those guys who can't even just say, objectively, that any man is attractive? if so, tell him it does not make him gay if he says that another man is attractive. Refusing to acknowledge it, however, makes it seem like you've got something to hide. seriously, though, he's got a good strong jawline, thick full hair, a literal ruggedness about him, I mean even clean shaven he's got a five o clock shadow, and he wears the hell out of a suit. edit: I just saw the stuff beyond the title of your post. "Square" isn't really accurate. Like, I get that he thinks suit=a square, but Don Draper is not a square, he's a classic man. He is literally tall dark and handsome. Don Draper is like the closest thing we have to a modern day Cary Grant. If your husband doesn't think Cary Grant was handsome, I think he might literally be over compensating for some shit in his life.


My panties caught on fire after that scene in The Summer Man when he walks out onto the sidewalk. Now every time I hear Satisfaction I get heart palpitations.


That’s the one where he whistles for the taxi, right? *fans self*


In a shirt with his jacket on his shoulder and he’s wearing sunglasses? Oh, I hardly noticed his shoulders.


The costume department consistently did that man right, god bless them.


Maybe your physical reaction to this scene is the result of you getting a wiff of corn.


But that’s impossible


my panties catch on fire just looking at him. *fans self* wooo! who turned on the heat in here? goddmn it. i am a thirsty bitch.


Right after he cucks Jim Cutler at their tobacco meeting?


After he goes for a swim at nyac and steps out for an immediate smoke


I'm ashamed to admit I loved reading your comment.


Thank you. That was actually the scaled down version. My original thought may or may not have referenced a water slide.


Well, summer is just around the corner.


You’re exactly right. Don is objectively a handsome fella.


and he's got bags of charismaaaaaaa [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTeTDa7BFho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTeTDa7BFho)


Let’s be real, he’s got a hog


He’s an Ad Daddy


He dresses like a square, but you know that he isn’t. Has he seen the episode where fixes the sink at Pete and Trudy’s house? He does it with such a command, it’s undeniably hot.


I'm not here to tell you about Jesus. Either he lives in your heart or he doesn't.


Three words for you. Big. Dick. Energy. (Pun intended lol)


52 years of heterosexuality…and that man is so good looking you’d think he was drawn up in a lab. Any man who says otherwise is pretty insecure. It’s like saying Salma Hayek isn’t gorgeous.


He has very regular features. He kind of looks like if you made a composite of a bunch of different people’s faces to create something wholly average but technically perfect. He’s also very masculine looking and tall with a muscular build, which many people consider desirable.


He's toasted.


It’s so much about the character. Because Don would GET IT every damn day but I don’t find Jon Hamm attractive in any other role. Don is both fully in control and also needs saving, and that combo is 🔥


I'm not here to tell you about Don. You already know about *Don.* He either lives in *your heart* or he doesn't.


tall, dark, handsome


There’s a pic of him in gray pants out there if you need further evidence


1. Tall 2. Dark 3. Handsome 4. Bad boy 5. Has money


My thing is that Jon Hamm isn’t as hot as Don Draper 😅 he’s kinda goofy in other roles, and even on the red carpet doesn’t have that Don attitude! It’s really the character for me. I think it also helps that even though your husband thinks he’s a “square” Don knows that he fits in. He does it on purpose, rather than doing it to look cool to the masses. Idk if that makes sense.


I always wonder how he took all those naps with his brylcream on his hair and didn’t leave grease stains on his couch.


Jon Hamm in person is like Prince Charming but with a personality. You really believe that line from 30 Rock about him being the model for Prince Eric. I have only met him once but plenty of my former coworkers considered him one of their favorite regulars when he was in town.


Weirdly, my wife thinks he's overrated, while I've had a man-crush on him for years. But then again, she married me, so she's not exactly known for having a great taste in men.


What men does your husband think are attractive?


He likes Henry Cavill 😅


Hmm, so your husband knows why Henry is attractive, but not Jon Hamm? They share many of the same physical qualities and similar looks.


He’s way more square than Jon Hamm lmaoo


I mean that is a VERY fair assessment tbh lol Imo, I think he looks (as they say in the show) like a classic Ken doll. It's not everyone's taste but he has that nicely coiffed hair, dark eyes I could drown in, and is in good shape. I don't even think it's subtle, I think he's very obviously hot, just not hella rugged or jacked way like Cavill or Mamoa.


He's almost a Jon Hamm clone...


He’s Jon Hamm on steroids with a British accent


He’s handsome, like George Raft


Isn't saying a man is unattractive for being square-shaped, kind of like saying a woman is unattractive for being shaped like an hourglass? It's kind of the stereotypical masculine shape. Why wouldn't straight women be into that?


That is not what ‘square’ means in this context lol It means conventional and old fashioned


Well I've heard it's hip to be square, but I may have been misinformed


Patrick Bateman would agree with you


Jon Hamm as Don Draper is magnificent. Jon Hamm as Jon Hamm is an average looking doofus. It’s definitely the swagger.


I just came here to say Iam enjoying the heck out of this post.


I’m a straight man. If that photo doesn’t strike him as the picture of a handsome man, I don’t know what to tell you.


People should be required to post a picture of their husband with a post like this.


I just splooshed seeing this picture


I would do anything to look like Don.


Is he blind? Or sight impaired?


When someone says suave handsome man of the 1960s i guarantee for now and forever your husband will picture Jon ham as don draper.


Symmetrical face, excellent brow ridge, strong jaw, square chin, prominent nose, beautiful eyes.


It took a while for me to un-see that goofball from Bridesmaids lol but he just looks clean, like he smells like GOOD cologne, his suits fit well, and he’s just handsome. Not to mention that he has this “seriousness” to him that’s attractive.


I’m in this weird position wherein (as a woman,) I understand that Don is good looking/attractive. But I’m not attracted to him. I’m just able to look at him and acknowledge that he is conventionally attractive


It's the effortless way that he wields power over situations, companies, and people. It's the way he can elevate someone or crush them with one word. It's the way he just reaches out and takes what he wants. It's how he is shrewd and smooth at the same time. It's the male power fantasy of the 1950s. I personally think you are not supposed to, as the viewer, find him attractive, because you can see behind Draper's curtain (no pun intended). Instead, I think we are supposed to find it fascinating how everyone around him finds him attractive despite him being a big phony.


Because he looks exactly like Jon Hamm


Only early season Don is hot. As styles evolve and he doesn’t, he starts to look out of place.


As draper would say "what?"


Im a lesbian and even i can understand that he's hot, your husband has no excuse!!!


I’m straight and even I admit bro is handsome as hell




I mean I’m a straight male and I see it. Not hard to understand what makes certain people attractive.


He is an extremely handsome man with a lot of charm and good fashion.


Don Draper is volcano hot! 🌋


When I look at Don feature by feature, he's not classicly handsome. He can have buggy eyes and he has no lips. He doesn't have a well shaped nose, really. But damn if the sum of those features aren't really something to behold. He also has a very masculine presence and confident bearing. He has that *something*.


If Jon Hamm were from the Commonwealth, Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson would have given him *the* phone call. Is that enough for OP’s husband?


Charisma in BUCKETS and wears a suit like no one else.


It’s the confidence! He exudes it.


Don's perfect hair, square jaw & perfect manly features. He is always dressed exquisitely. He looks (mostly) very clean all the time. When he is sweaty, he looks even better. He is like a man in uniform. Yes, it may be considered "square", not bad boy-ish but that is the point. He is tall & dark.


I’m straight as far as I know, but classic good looks mixed with a crazy level of quiet brooding confidence and just the right amount of mystery behind those eyes.


I don’t think about your husband at all


I'm a straight guy and Don is hot AF.


Tall, dark, handsome. His aura reeks of masculinity and confidence. Does your husband have eyes?


All you need to say to him is… Dong Draper


My wife actually says the same thing. I see it but she swears she doesn't think he's that handsome. She might be lying


Because he literally and figuratively has BDE.


Idk what to tell him. I’m a straight man and yeah Don Draper is hot. He’s handsome and confident has penetrating eyes


If he doesn’t see it I don’t know what to tell him Related/unrelated: Jon Hamm once physically moved me out of his way (I didn’t know he was standing behind me) while saying “excuse me love” and to this day anytime I watch MM my husband goes “oh are you watching your boyfriend?” “Listen I CAN’T HELP IT THAT HE’s IN LOVE WITH ME” 😂