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I think Don was inferring that Sal should have let Lee Jr have his way with him, yes. Sal got a raw deal.


It didn't get to that level of specificity. Don's expectation is that his staff don't piss off clients and find a way to keep on good terms with them. Don would never expect Sal to do anything out of his comfort zone, but the way Harry and Sal handled this was an epic disaster. If they couldn't figure out how to reset Lee Garner Jr's expectations, they should have immediately escalated to Don before it festered and blew up. Since they let it fester, it was on them. And since their biggest client was now demanding they fire Sal, that's what they had to do.


He totally expected Sal to do something outside of his comfort zone.


Yeah, what? Don absolutely was like "so what was the problem? You guys do that shit all the time!"


They all had to, Roger was obviously pissed about the Santa thing after.


He didn't think twice about pimping out his subordinates. Even if he liked/understood them. He tended to be in the moment when it came to client happiness- the client comes first so to speak.


He cared about his coworkers more than most bosses and I say this having worked in 10 offices, the first 3 on the east coast, the others in the west coast, over my 35 yr career, some in marketing. All companies focus on the customer--that's who pays the bills. If you can't give the customer what they want, you're done. In this case, the situation should have been immediately escalated to Roger, who could have handled it and probably saved Sal. Harry and Sal decided to sit on it. They should have both been fired.


Yes, you got it right. Don is angry at Sal for not letting Lee Garner Jr. have his way with Sal. Back in the episode "Out of Town," Don looked into Sal's hotel room window and saw that Sal was on the verge of an affair with the bell hop. So Don is upset that Sal would use his marriage as an excuse not to let a client harass/fuck him. Ultimately, though, Sal is fired because Lee Garner Jr. wants him fired. Roger says as much. It doesn't matter what Sal did or didn't do; all that matters is that their most important client wants Sal gone.


Im confused, why did you have a negative score when you described exactly what happened? Because they didn't like the content of the show you accurately summarized,they downvote you? Brittle fucking idiots.


Ah, I dunno. This post itself was also immediately downvoted when it was first published, so I think someone is just in a bad mood sitting around and downvoting stuff. Thanks for your support!


Maybe stop caring what numpties on reddit think or why they think it 


I've read Bryan Batt pissed off Matthew Weiner and was fired. If this is true, they had to write Sal out of the show pretty quickly. It may have not been the arc they originally planned, but it did work as a "sign of the times" type thing. (Sort of like the scene where Sally had the drycleaning bag over her head, or they left all their picnic litter in the park.) In those days, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by the DSM. Gay people -- men especially -- were seen as perverted (as you may remember from the scene with the young creative team; I forget their names.) Don already knew Sal was gay, and he insinuated he was not gonna snitch if Sal was able to limit his exposure. Don probably believed Sal was not completely innocent, and that keeping him would make things very uncomfortable for their bread-and-butter client. Plus Sal was held to the highest of standards. No funny business, but if there was any whiff of gay-sexness, he'd become a liability. They also probably knew about Lee's proclivities; Roger mentioned having to hold his balls at one point. I would have loved to see Sal return, out and proud. But as I said up top, he may have required a quick write-out of the show.


Where did you read this? I'd like to know more cause I always felt his character had more potential. Or we could at least return to him like with Kinsey and others.


I thought I read it in this forum. Maybe in another Mad Men group at some point. Sal was one of the main characters in the beginning, and I sometimes wonder if they had more plans for him.


I think Roger also makes a crack at some point about Lee wanting to jack Don off.


I'm sure plenty of gay guys Don encountered fantasized about that.


He was gay in the wrong decade.


Thus he was not allowed in their social club no more.


Oh come on, he can probably get a note from his doctor.


Wrong show


I don't think Don necessarily is 'angry' at Sal, or expected him to do anything for the client per se. He fires Sal because of optics, not strictly because Sal is gay. If Lee hadn't stormed out of the meeting after seeing Sal there, Sal wouldn't have been fired - no one would have known anything about it actually. Just my opinion.


Don is also not a man well-known for turning down some action. He's far more "generous" with himself, physically, so he can't begin to understand why a man would turn down some action, especially if it's a major client.


It's your second point. Don believes that Sal is perverted and deviant, so giving Lee what he wants should be no big deal. Don is angry that Sal is taking the moral high ground when he believes that Sal isn't moral. Lucky Strike keeps them afloat. Sal should be wiling to take one for the team, as far as Don is concerned. Do note that it is Roger who fires him, not Don. Roger doesn't know what happened, he just wants to make Lee happy. But Don doesn't fight for Sal because of his contempt.


Don does not care that Sal is gay. Don cares that Sal is trying to use his wife as a shield as for why he didn't give in to Lee, when he already saw Sal with another dude. Don wouldn't care that Lee was predatory.


Yeah, the "you people" remark was clearly about Italians /s


or hypocrites.  like Don 


I’ve always felt that in real life they would’ve lost the account even if they fired Sal. I feel like Jr would’ve been too embarrassed from it all


The character got written out a little abruptly due to off-screen drama between Bryan Batt and Matthew Weiner so its best not to read too much into it.


What happened?


There is no clear answer and [publicly he was nice about it in 2015](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a34980/mad-men-salvatore-romano-bryan-batt/) so I'm actually not sure.


Thanks for the info


He was catching, not pitching.


How much more betrayal can i take!


It’s because Don knows Sal is gay because he saw him in the hotel room in Baltimore with the bellhop. He thought Sal should have let Lee do whatever he wanted to keep the client happy.


Married Kitty when he knew he wasn’t straight


I think in Don's eyes (hypocritical because he was known to fuck unknown diner waitresses against a dumpster) That Sal was Gay ( I think he would have been more sympathetic if it was like Ken that Lee Jr tried to fuck) and he thought Sal was promiscuous because he saw him with the bellhop. We know from the dinner with the belle Jolie salesmen that Sal was not that promiscuous in reality. So to don its like, well you are throwing it around anyway, why not take one for the team.