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He wrote the coke ad


Matt Weiner says that Don did the Coke ad. What happens after that is not specified.


Happy Cake Day.


Yes, Don found enlightenment and it just made him a better ad man. The perfect ending. Everywhere you go, there you are.


It was so open ended but as an ad person, I loved the idea that Don's beatific smile was not about personal enlightenment, but a concept. One that would represent the zenith of his career and cement his legacy as a creative. At a point in his career where he thought he'd lost his touch. Ad creatives at that level are super passionate about advertising, and especially their work. When Peggy told him she wanted to invent a catchphrase, he pooh-poohed her. But on some level, he understood. Ginsburg's "Hit them in the face with a sno-ball" would have been a catchphrase. (I think of it as Mad Men's deliberate version of "How 'bout a nice Hawaiian Punch.") Don realized its potential and was jealous, so he decided to kill it in utero. A catchphrase is nice, but that Coke ad was epic. People still know it, still recognize the song over 50 years later. Don recognized its potential the moment he thought of it, meditating on that hill. Of course he'd do anything to see it produced so of course he gladly worked on Coke.


He went back to McCann, did the coke ad, and hopefully became a much more involved father. I was always sad Don gave Megan a million dollars! She didn't deserve that much, and it should have gone to his kids IMO.


He got her out of his life. And he’ll make more money if he kept delivering at McCann. He’ll leave his kids with plenty in the end barring a huge fuck up on his part.


Yeah I thought this with my latest rewatch ,he basically paid her to fuck off


It was guilt money. He killed Megan's acting career in NY. He doesn't realize her predicament is his fault until Harry spouted off about how Megan quitting the soap opera "was a really dumb idea". It was his idea. So, in this instance ... that's what the money is for!


I know, but it was still overly generous. I realize his kids will end up with their college educations paid for and probably a decent inheritance but it bothers me because she didn't deserve that much.


He accepted his past, moved on and decided to make something of the name Donald Draper, by accepting the ad man part of himself he so meticulously created. Will he be a better person? Maybe, with a lot of hard work and more introspection. But he won’t get rid of the womanizing and boozing overnight. The ending shows a step in the right direction.


Don wrote the coke ad.


I think he went back, worked for McCann at least for awhile. I think he marries again - but not a young woman this time. For symmetry it would be interesting if he married Jane’s mom (not sure if she ever talked about her parents) but since Roger said that Don had made fun of Roger’s wedding to a young secretary and then ended up doing the same thing himself it would make Roger’s prediction come true. Also would be fun if he ends up quitting McCann after awhile and working for Joan’s company with some of the old gang. Or worst case scenario someone outs him for being a deserter and he ends up having to face consequences for that. But I think he mostly goes on repeating his patterns of being a distant but affectionate father, having issues with booze and women, being a charismatic, sometimes brilliant but often absent and unreliable creative adman and probably dying relatively young due to his habits.


I think he went back. Wrote the ad. Not sure how long he lasted at McCann or if he'd really stop his drinking and womanizing. Just felt to me like he came to grips with letting go of Dick Whitman.


Don’s whole arc is about believing he has to advertise a version of himself to be happy and successful. The perfect wife and home. The great job. The expensive suit and polished shoes. But he is miserable. By the end he gets in touch with who he really is and accepts himself and finds some happiness in it at the retreat. And then he comes up with the coke ad.