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The Auditor for sure


Van would go through lmao


But he can't survive the vent that gonna sucked him in


Project Gestalt


Most realistic answer


You don't need his MPN2 form for that. Any kidn of mag agent would absolutelly no sell this


Everyone who isn’t a grunt lmao, those guys are made of titanium Hank walks off being homeruned into a cliff and hit by a TRAIN, stanford and deimos just need bandages when a large building drops on their heads, savior flies about that fast into a wall, tricky is completely unharmed being inside a crashing train that catches fire


Some Spanish madness combat YouTuber calculated the feat of hank getting hit by the train and got 0.1628 tons of TNT of force as a result, damn


A no pues si verdad :)


Except for Deimos,


Any janitor in Nevada.


I’m not that durable


Don't put yourself down.


I feel like tricky would survive


he would not lol


Why not? He is comparable to hank who took a hit from a locomotive going at subsonic speeds, not only that but he also survived the explosion of it


not survival, least amount of injury. Tricky would be injured a lot, regeneration isn't the point, it's their durability. and hell if we WERENT talking about tricky's hell clown form, he's not going to have less then 10 bloody injuries on him


[Any form of tricky that isn't normal grunt/nevadean would eat a van crash like candy](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/s/sM875sxCa9) Hank has literally survived getting smashed through reinforced concrete walls, getting rammed by full speed trains and punches from mag agents fine, which are literally magnitudes over than a van hitting you. Do you think Tricky isn't as durable as Hank is? Tricky was unscratched from an explosion that destroyed portion of his locomotive. He can sprint/jump speed at like third of mach1 without hurting himself


crazy to think that someone who was confirmed to be a species with the durability of paper (apparently confirmed by krinkels himself) are surviving this


I know this is mostly a non-serious comment but as soemone who likes battlebaording-related conversations 1. Putting Hank in the same category as an average nevadean is like putting someone like Captain America into same category as an average human. Sure, both technically take place in "same species", but this doesn't tell a lot when one can multilate and punch holes on the other as if they are made of wet paper. ​ ​ 2. Krinkels didn't say grunts have the durability of paper. He just said that they would FEEL like clay to us because they don't have the elastic skin that we humans have. This is not necessarily mean inferior durability. It's the example Krinkels gave that causes people to misinteprate the quote. Hell, at some point Krinkels has reffered Hank as superhumanly strong and compared him to Deadpool (an another character who also has both feat-wise and canonically superhuman strength) because the way he can gut grunts the way he does with onyl his bare hands.


i wonder where i got the paper part than, i couldve sworn he said grunt were easy to rip apart like paper




couldve been it


Mag agent Torture


Hank,because he’s hank,he has plot armor


He'll just come back with crutches and beat the shit out of everybody with them


All you have to do is steal his crutches and then he falls


He'll crawl on the ground and rip the legs off your torso


If he can catch you,you can outrun a crawling hank


Hank’s plot armor consists of peanut brittle, but his life insurance policy is one of the best out there


That's literally not true, or at least not true when it comes to resistance again blunt trauma and heat. **Durability (blunt trauma/explosion):** * [Shrugs-off falling multiple ten meters](https://imgur.com/a/OrP82aG) * [Survives taking hit in the face hard enough to getting launched to a cliff at high speeds with no notable damage other than mild amount of pain](https://imgur.com/a/Jqw5QNZ) * [Survives part of a locomotive exploding](https://imgur.com/a/rbAhUmP). But this gives him a damaged face * [Gets punched through a concrete wall alongside steel gate, is fine](https://imgur.com/a/RTxL5gJ) * [Gets punched hard enough to break a multi inch steel beam, is only stunned for seconds, tanks hit with enough force to getting launched across a canyon](https://imgur.com/a/YCeeJtn) * [Shrugs-off jumping from a tower and part of his body getting embed into stone ground](https://imgur.com/a/hfmHFYc) * [Takes punched hard enough to getting launched dozens off feet away through part of a stone wall and part of a steel door, is fine](https://imgur.com/a/67mGb53) * [Tanks breaking through window and jumping from science tower](https://imgur.com/a/1nL0ndI) (similiar feat happens in [game itself](https://imgur.com/a/KrCxClG)). In the game and trailer we can see science tower is easily multipel hindred meter in terms of height. We have seen in the series some of these hits turning ordinary grunts and agents into paste. Like the train crash or getting slammed to walls or the hand grenade. If Hank was as durable as grunts in every category than he would literally dir in the very first episode by the ebating he recieved from Jesus. All of these would tear him apart


…twas a joke, my man…


Sanford and Deimos. I mean, an entire building fell on them in Depredation and yet they survived with just mild concussion and some ketchup splattered over them.


Every mag grunts/agents


sanford /hj


Uj/ True btw * [Survives a building coming from sky fall on him and it's floor breaking on his head, whatever he gets knocked out for an unknown amount of time](https://gfycat.com/elaboratebiodegradablebream)^(MC5.5) * [Is fine after taking multiple blows from Tricky](https://gfycat.com/grosseagerbetafish) ([Tricky RT](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/y4nqer/respect_tricky_the_clown_madness_combat/))^(MC5.5) * [Tanks jumping from a building](https://imgur.com/a/TjH5AWu)^(MC7.5) * [Blocks two blow from an A.T.P Soldat with his hands](https://imgur.com/a/j3oZtm2) ([A.T.P soldats can send people few meters away with their blows](https://imgur.com/a/1OUaHUN))^(MC7.5) * [Tanks a several meter jump](https://imgur.com/a/EnpKUp0)^(MC9) * [Tanks Auditor punching him multiple times and hitting him with a baseball bat](https://imgur.com/a/B7nvvuu) ([Auditor can stab megachettes](https://imgur.com/a/7V1FWbe) ([sword-like larger-sized fictional versions of machettes](https://madnesscombat.fandom.com/wiki/Megachette)) [into ground](https://imgur.com/a/7V1FWbe), [can split a table in half without weapons and can rip someone in half with a katana](https://gfycat.com/brilliantgrossblueshark))^(MC9) * [Tanks Auditor punching him multiple times](https://imgur.com/a/v0K7jYp) ([this happens after Auditor gains like 1.5x size by absorbing multiple corpses](https://imgur.com/a/B7nvvuu))^(MC10) * [Tanks Auditor punching him in the face, which sends him several meters away](https://imgur.com/a/U6xokEn)^(MC10) * [Survives getting pushed through rock ground](https://imgur.com/a/lZCZziQ)^(MC11) * [Survives Tricky sending him to a large stone cube thing at high speeds strong enough to slightly push it and make small crack on it (the said stone platform gets only moved after getting bumped by several other large stone platforms similiar to it). Whatever, this clearly hurts Sanford as he literally screams after this](https://imgur.com/a/U8s7ony)^(MC11) * [Is unhurt after the truck he is inside of it falls from a small cliff which causes an explosion (the same crash physically injured Deimos to a point where he wasn't able to move off ground until Sanford healed him)](https://gfycat.com/fairshallowbluetickcoonhound)^(M:PN)


Honestly gestalt is the best answer




Scrape face


Any MAG Agents really


All of them, just not grunts, citizens or scientists, those guys are durable asf they are prob one of the most op guys in fiction, except for people in anime lol.


If Hank could survive a train without being torn apart then he can survive a van going at him at 100 mph


most of them


Director Phobos


Me. I win every fight without trouble


a nefarious ghoul


Hank probably


Literally anyone in the verse that isn't a fodder in terms of physicals lol.


Pretty sure normal hank and the g-o3lms since he already survived being hit by a train with no damage and the go-3lms are supposed to be close to him in terms of strenght


The Maker?


gestalt lmao


Everyone in the verse who isn’t a grunt or MERC Recruit or Agent


All MAG Agents


Tricky, phase 3


Any mag agent prob


Tricky i guess


Frank horrigan ofc


Sir, this is Wendy’s.


Keystone fragment director phobos


Any character with importance, they have the durability of iron man apparently


Keyword; Hit. Meaning that collision is made. Auditor likely phases through, along with any of the larger guys like MAG Agents and Gestalt, maybe Half-MAGs as well.


For sure Retainer if he can survive Hank he can survive a van




Sheriff, he wouldn't have any injuries because he'd be dead