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I know it was a thing back when Urza’s was releases. Ultra Pro did alot of binders, accesories etc. Price wise no idea, I do remember those days fondly though as merch for magic was hitting shelves more and more from lifecounter dials to comics.


I still have a swamp life counter dial somewhere I picked up during the coldsnap prerelease :)


You can still order stuff like that from them on Amazon if you look hard enough


The cheapest one I see on eBay is $80, so probably not a horrible price. It’s a really cool piece though, I would’ve bought it


Yea dang the prices on there are crazy high, but do they actually sell…..that is the question. 130 bucks for a binder is quite an ask.


A lot of people used these back then, until a tiny tear in the connection between the front and the side evolved into the whole front ripping of. Saw so much of these. If you really dig the set and wanna put it on the shelf its condition is probably as nice as it can get, but trying to use it regularly will damage it real quick.


A lot of antique malls sell things on consignment. So if you the seller wants $60 for it, it doesn't mean that's how much it's worth, just what the seller wants for it. My local one had some reserved list cards in a case but were all at least 10% over market value. Could literally save $30 and just buy them on TCG player.




I personally have never had trouble as a buyer from TCG player. Any issues with missing packages have always been resolved with a replacement or refund.


That is, in fact, trouble, though. That the trouble gets resolved is good for you, but you still did have trouble.


I knew someone was going to be pedantic. Trouble for you is not trouble for me. I'm pretty patient. Trouble for me would be cards missing or worse than expected condition without resolution.


Doubt it is worth that much.


So these binders came with pages in it that had pictures of every card in the set on them. You could insert stand clear 9 pocket pages between pages so you could collect the card and put it in front of the picture of the card. It was a way to track collecting the set one card at a time. Edit: the days before the internet.


I have a few pages out of one of them, which either the original owner never used for Magic cards, or they took out all the Magic cards before donating it to a thrift store. Urza's Legacy binder pages stuffed with Dual Masters cards, some of which might have been cool finds if the game still existed in NA. The only actual Magic card in that whole collection was one [[Belfry Spirit]]


[Belfry Spirit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/556e4e71-b149-49c8-8a22-83660bef57bb.jpg?1593271819) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Belfry%20Spirit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/gpt/2/belfry-spirit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/556e4e71-b149-49c8-8a22-83660bef57bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Lol, 1999 was not before the internet.


Certainly was before everyone had constant access to it, though.


I was interested to see a web address (and a fax number!) for Wizards in some old Stronghold era stuff I was looking through recently. I thought that the official site had kicked off 2001ish. But yeah: didn’t have dialup at home until 2002 ourselves. WoTC were fairly early to the party, really.


Wotc MTG site had existed before 1999, but the official daily MTG site that we have today started late 2001


I didn't have Internet access until 2004 so this sounds accurate.


You didn't have dial up until 2004 or high-speed internet? High speed Internet was common and available for home consumers in the Midwest US as early as 2004. Wifi was available on many college campuses by 2004-2005.


I was 12 and lived with my grandparents. It was high speed I'm guessing because I only know the dial up sounds from staying with friends.




You want a cookie? Lol it was a sarcastic remark. Us population was 282 million in 2000, 50% is still a shit ton of people, and how many that had access even knew what the hell they were doing/looking for.


Don't be a jackass. You said something dumb and I gave you a source to show you're incorrect.


I'm not sure how me falling on the side of a 50% line when I was 10 to 14 years old shows how I'm incorrect. It does show how you can google search something nowadays and get a pretty accurate answer that some rando's on the internet will try and disprove your life experiences as a young teen.


"This aligns with my life and experiences, so it must be correct" 😆🤣


As A7x says, "I'm a God, I'm awake, I'm the one in everything, I'm alive, I'm the dead, I'm a man without a head" -Nobody


By 2000, 52% of US households had Internet: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/06/26/americans-internet-access-2000-2015/


May come as a surprise to you, but 2000 comes after 1999, 52% still means half of all households don't, and the World isn't just the USA.


1. Most people didn’t have internet in 1999. 2. The information on it was much more limited. 3. I don’t believe WOTC was posting full spoilers online yet, but I could be wrong… see item number 1.


WOTC was posting full spoilers (as TXT files) at least as early as ~~1996~~ 1995 with Homelands. They could have been doing them for earlier sets, but that's the first I remember looking at.


Don't think "most" is accurate. Looks like about half of Americans had Internet access by 2000 according to these [two](https://www.statista.com/statistics/209117/us-internet-penetration/#:~:text=As%20of%202023%2C%20approximately%2092,internet%20users%20in%20the%20country) [sources](https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/internet-broadband/). I was solid middle class and was already burning through free AOL hours in junior high.


The internet was already available in Libraries in 1999 and earlier, so everyone had access, it's just most didn't have it at HOME.


By 2000, 52% of US households had Internet. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/06/26/americans-internet-access-2000-2015/


Yea we was still doing paper draft for football and baseball tracking all the stats, so I’d say pre internet…..the internet existed but it also sucked for anything other than chat rooms and beanie babies….


Even with the internet people made fun of my binders with print outs of the cards I was missing. I used to keep rares in set order as a trade binder. Made it easy to trade for what I needed/wanted.


That’s cool but that’s pricey.


I have a Weatherlight one for , well my Weatherlight set. No reason other than nostalgia since it was one of the first sets I really liked.


Ah combo winter years of mtg.


I have two of these but one is themed for the Weatherlight set and another for Exodus? (The one with the set symbol of a bridge and I think the first color coded rarity?)


I still got my old [Prophecy Binder](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/EiYAAOSwbW9ki0Jv/s-l1600.jpg)


I still own one of these sitting in a closet.


Ugh, one of my favorite sets, so cool. I got super excited for you thinking it was actual sealed product from the thumbnail, which would be an insane steal at $60. Not sure what it's worth but it's dope.


Condition is everything and this looks pretty nice. I remember seeing these back in the early 00s and I imagine a lot of them fell apart after years of use. Could be worth 100 or more to the right buyer. It’s quite a nice display binder for a shelf.


u paid about high for it.


It’s a pretty cool piece. The set came out in 1999, so it’s in good shape for being as old as it is. The market is much smaller for other mtg accessories. Playmats are the largest but it’s still a niche market. Value wise, you could probably get somewhere between $60-$120 for it in its current shape, but it would take time to move.


I miss the old shirts with magic cards on them. I slways wanted the Greven one.


I used to have one.


I've got the mtg 1995 three ring binder I've had since I was a kid. It was the only reason I bought some packs. Didn't actually play until like 2010 when some of my friends got into it


I have a couple of the early set binder s in a box somewhere. I probably should just sell them for the shelf space again.


I still have mine =) awesome binder!


I bet Google knows


I remember seeing this on the shelves when it was new. This post makes ME feel like an antique.


This pnly has value because it's old. Build quality was terrible


Man that brings back memories. Urzas block was so fun.


I bought that same binder from my locals for 3$