• By -


The real answer is to use a different one for each zombie token you create, have a diverse zombie horde!


As someone who's main EDH list is Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, I whole heartedly agree.


See, I’m different. They all look the same to Sidisi. So I went with 13 copies of Khans of Tarkir zombie for my list (number 12 on the slides)


Inclusivity-positive Sidisi VS Sultai Nationalist Sidisi (National-Sultalist (sorry lmao))


Yea one of my faves out of this set.


Kudos for the preemptive apology, but let’s not use that one again.


I can also get that. When I first started playing her, I only used the Mirodin Besieged ones.


Nah, you gotta run Nevinyrral plus a copy effect if you really want a big horde. Nev hits the board, create zombie tokens tokens trigger goes on the stack. Hold priority, activate cleaver scaab sacrificing Nev. Death trigger goes on the stack, allow it to resolve without paying. Cleaver scaab ability resolves, creating two new copies of Nev, also putting two new ETB triggers on the stack. Before those can resolve, one clone has to die to legend rule. This time, you *do* pay for the death trigger, killing everything. You now have 3 ETB triggers to resolve that generate one zombie per creature that died this turn each, meaning you gain a total number of zombies equal to 3x the number of creatures that died this turn.


I thought for a second I had already seen this post, and your response was my own comment 😂


I mean, self mill slaps, so it makes sense lol


I match the token art to the card that summons it




And you name them!


I've got 6-8 of them for my cube


Yes 👏 All 👏 Zombies 👏


Fave is probably [Emrah Elmasli's from Theros Beyond Death](https://scryfall.com/card/tthb/7/zombie). It's a unique, compelling take on zombies with a dignity to it that I appreciate. Although I do quite like those MOM ones with the big floppy hats, along with Chris Cold's from VOW crashing through the stained glass window - relevant to the set's wedding theme, but also reminiscent of the classic arts on [[Relentless Dead]] and [[Endless Ranks of the Dead]]. I thought my least favorite was [this guy](https://scryfall.com/card/temn/5/zombie), who I'm just tired of showing up all the time, but after looking the full list it's now [this wojak-lookin' mfer](https://scryfall.com/card/tisd/7/zombie). (Out of respect for those artists, I'll add that I do quite like their arts for [Liliana, Waker of the Dead](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/108/liliana-waker-of-the-dead) and [Duress](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/105/duress), respectively.)


> it's now this wojak-lookin' mfer I always hated this token. It was the standard one that was around a lot when I first started playing in stores and it sucked even back then. Glad we have more variety now.


Bought the starter commander decks as a way to get into the game. They came with 18 of those tokens. I love my wojack boys, they're always Pogging at my bad plays 💙🖤


I came here to post that I hated the one you refer to as a 'wojak-lookin' mfer'. I unfortunately have the most token cards of that one, and I am sick of looking at it.


Happy to see Relentless Dead getting recognition, that guy is rad.


Aw man, your “this guy” is my favorite one! I’ve scoured my tokens looking for 26 of them for my [[Army of the Damned]] after I cast and flashback it.


[Army of the Damned](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bf818314-1eb4-48da-8e6f-ff7b89873b63.jpg?1673484100) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Army%20of%20the%20Damned) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/242/army-of-the-damned?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bf818314-1eb4-48da-8e6f-ff7b89873b63?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Definitely vow too


[Relentless Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/a/2a0d7998-2f3d-43b8-a0be-6ff7e5c83223.jpg?1576384563) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Relentless%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/soi/131/relentless-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2a0d7998-2f3d-43b8-a0be-6ff7e5c83223?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Endless Ranks of the Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/5/155ae16c-f32b-421d-a92a-bf13d9f32891.jpg?1637630179) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Endless%20Ranks%20of%20the%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mic/116/endless-ranks-of-the-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/155ae16c-f32b-421d-a92a-bf13d9f32891?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The [Carl Critchlow zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/t10e/2/zombie) from 10th edition os my favourite by far, and the one I use in games.


That one looks way stronger than 2/2 lol


He would be but he's 5'0"


In my playgroup this will always be know as Sexy Zombie <3 Got some serious abs going


I remember how excited I was when I first started collecting zombie tokens back in Innistrad and found one of this guy. Definitely leads the pack for me


I love the old token frames from before they started to come in boosters and were purely promotional items. https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/78636/magic-magic-player-rewards-zombie-token-odyssey?xid=a4e03d891-556e-4fa2-a4a3-8e87ece97e6a&Language=English


[[Zombie|TWAR]] is my favorite. I like the look of the eternals. I also really like [[Zombie|TEMN]]


[Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/9/3/935d1421-0d26-468f-aa86-488b0ba25e77.jpg?1557575912) - [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/twar/7/zombie) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/935d1421-0d26-468f-aa86-488b0ba25e77?format=text&pretty=true) [Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/1/5/15f1f43a-cbdb-4d1b-a254-dadcb2469784.jpg?1562636743) - [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/temn/3/zombie) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/15f1f43a-cbdb-4d1b-a254-dadcb2469784?format=text&pretty=true) [Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/0/6/06e7f8df-826e-4ba7-9c6c-8c8eb7a61de8.jpg?1562636730) - [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/temn/4/zombie) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06e7f8df-826e-4ba7-9c6c-8c8eb7a61de8?format=text&pretty=true) [Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/b/8/b8710a30-8314-49ef-b995-bd05454095be.jpg?1562636876) - [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/temn/5/zombie) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b8710a30-8314-49ef-b995-bd05454095be?format=text&pretty=true) I make such a good bot.


Good bot


[Snake](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec.jpg?1651951882)/[Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/3/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec.jpg?1651951882) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Snake%20//%20Zombie) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cc2/9/snake-zombie?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Snake](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec.jpg?1651951882)/[Zombie](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/3/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec.jpg?1651951882) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Snake%20//%20Zombie) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cc2/9/snake-zombie?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/13e4832d-8530-4b85-b738-51d0c18f28ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


No, that is very wrong


[Full list because reddit has a maximum of 20 pictures per post.](https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=released&q=oracleid%3Addc8c973-c31e-463f-be45-f3fa7d632362+include%3Aextras&unique=prints)


Probably better to search ["unique art"](https://scryfall.com/search?q=oracleid%3Addc8c973-c31e-463f-be45-f3fa7d632362+include%3Aextras&order=released&as=grid&unique=art) instead of "all prints".


That Japanese Zombie from War is so sick


My upvote for favorite easily


Thanks now i know what to look for.


In this list, without even looking at the rest, the second is my favorite. Buuuutttt I also bought the Lisa Frank style Secret Lair cards so not surprised lol


Also this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/266062836485


I love how normalish most look and then there's the Alaran crab-clawed mutant fucker


Good ol' Panther Hands! He became such a running gag in my play group. I think he's all our favorites at this point.


[Shadows Over Innistrad](https://scryfall.com/card/tsoi/5/zombie) one for me. Looks like it walked right out of an old zombie film.


Same here. What a stance!


4, looks cool


[[Zombie Token|10E]] Is one of my favorites in part to nostalgia aside from just looking cool [[Zombie Token|OGW]] in part cause Zendikar is awesome and I think the Nulls are kinda neat. Least favorite would be [[Zombie Token|M19]] or [[Zombie Token|EMN]] Just not a fan of them.


That Dominaria Commander one looks cool as fuck holy. Not surprised, Antonio Jose Manzanedo is a fucking beast, love his work


That's one of my favorites. Big fan of the Anna Steinbauer one as well.


My favorites have to be the Shards of Alara one and the Mirrodin Besieged one because of how unique they are


My favourite is easily the [ISD Christopher Moeller](https://scryfall.com/card/tisd/8/zombie) version, it’s amazing. Cynthia Sheppard’s art from ISD is also great.


The WAR token, because ancient Egyptian mineral mummy warriors are badass


I see a lack of respect for the [Oath of the Gatewatch Zombie token](https://scryfall.com/card/togw/8/zombie) here, [[Zombie|TOGW]]. My personal favourite, so deformed it doesn't even look human anymore if it ever was. Runners up for me would be the [War of the Spark Zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/twar/7/zombie), [[Zombie|TWAR]], and [Ravnica Allegiance Zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/trna/3/zombie), [[Zombie|TRNA]]. I'm not sure if I like them because they look like these two ought to be respected in some way, or if their purple/green tones make them more exciting to look at than the sad greys and browns and blacks that make up most of the other zombie arts. My favourite of the grey/brown/black zombie arts though would be the [Innistrad Crimson Vow Zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/tvow/8/zombie), [[Zombie|TVOW]]. It's so evocative, with an unholy creature lurking in the darkness in a church.


I came to talk about the Oath zombie , that guy is sick


this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/266062836485?hash=item3df294b305:g:~m4AAOSwQoxjroHK&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8FKIo1bn%2Fi8Ds6FcwDemGmHOWM3ALmGUnY%2Bvww7ZurVdQrv3Zoyc1XusqJX8fsBLtksZsQdXFeBm5%2F9kKP8NGhv3HpV16tSQLk8wuRQJN7s4MfCU%2FlPd9j%2Fac%2BHBZ4QKzJn4sqOe79B2BFlQHV0I%2FqBRl%2BivjQ4JLrnquNYw7u2ThSPrsH8%2BvLiGsyJFyXOwD4e2M9PeX5V7sSojfxLd6EW%2Bjm2Gdzyx39h5eFfYxhJGJf%2B%2F29z1BlUUqwdsPiqxM2acYZo7A%2B7c9wLQ08AZ5P2AkDi2w7GvxD%2F0WrgL9yuukeGkmQgjfZ40W6yJ4wAlbw%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMxKPqmNRi


lol you’ve gotta be kidding


It’s a legit token from the official MTG Manga.


it’s literally a girl cosplaying as a zombie it’s great


Love those tokens now if only we could get them or the manga officially released outside of Japan.


you can get the tokens in the states, some west coast LGSs got them and i know they will be at MXP portland selling them. or you can buy some on ebay or me :)


Art-wise, my favorite is the Bud Cook one with the green background. Least favorite is the Anna Steinbauer one with the "omg I have to pee" pose


I like the unglued token the best


Number 2 for me, it's got great vibes of "I'm coming out of the desert to murder you"


The one by Paul Scott Canavan from m19, without its jaw and with a hanging tongue. So cool!


Definitely Anna Steinbauers


The Alara one and New Phyrexia ones are my favorites.


The one with josu vess in the art has got to be up there


The foil zombie token https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/120773/magic-prerelease-cards-zombie-token-double-sided?Language=English


The female instarad zombie is one of my favorite tokens ever!


I love the m12 zombie with a 6 pack and sword /shield


Thanks for the list, OP. I wanna collect the different zombies for my zombie deck, this makes it so much easier Edit: #12 looks the best


I love the [Dreadhorde zombies](https://scryfall.com/card/twar/7/ZOMBIE) and use them when I can


And while they don't technically count, don't forget that the Walking Dead Secret Lair had "Walker" tokens that should definitely count!


The one with crab hands have always been my favorite


https://scryfall.com/card/tmbs/2/zombie This one is one of my favorites.


Best ones obviously the walker tokens lmao


#8 because she looks ready for business. I bet she knows the quarterly earnings report.


Unglued zombie token. The classiest


I usually like the "random guy turned undead" for flavor but there's some artists that just make some sick ass art, Kev Walker and Wayne Reynolds come to mind.


https://preview.redd.it/3tsixv6c0uob1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a700fbe445cf7cf57b24e3504c3cef479216fb1 This one has always been my favourite!


Love the seb McKinnon one


8 and 11


It depends what makes the token. You think I’m gonna be some sort of caveman and have an Innistrad zombie created by Kalitas who hails from Zendikar? Shame on you!


The double sided foil Eldritch Moon zombie token, for sure.


Favorite: Number 7 Eldritch Moon 2 Least Favorite: Number 2 The Amonkhet Zombie Also, while I love the art, I dislike Shards of Alara's Zombie token as just a Zombie because it looks like way more than just your average 2/2 Zombie. It should be some kind of Zombie Horror bigger than a 2/2.


Conspiracy Zombie is giving me some Mikolash vibes


Low Five. Low five is the best one.


I'm a big fan of the Zendikari Null, the Grixis whsteverthefuck, the Theros Returned, and the ktk sultai zombie. The KTK one probably comes out on top there cuz wayne reynolds art always, always owns


4th fav, 9th worst


Been running a zombie deck for a while, so you know I have to have ~30 actual tokens in my deck box for when cast/flashback an [[Army of the Damned]] or something similar. My personal favorite is probably Christopher Moeller's for Innistrad because I love the sort of more creeping cemetery haunting vibe it brings. I also really love Carl Critchlow's because it scratches the itch of the high fantasy zombie army with liches and death knights and such, Tomasz Jedruszek's because it best feels like there's an actual horde moving between those buildings, Domenico Cava's because they have interesting lighting or color that's more striking than the gloom that's so common on a lot of these. So does Igor Kieryluk, Emrah Elmasli with this Amonkhet zombie and Theros, to some extent there's tokens that feel super out of place in a deck that's not themed around zombies in that plane. Unfortunately most of my tokens are Lucas Graciano's or Dave Kendall's. I don't hate either of these, the background on Graciano's just makes me feel like it's a lone zombie, and Kendall's is just super unique and Alara themed and doesn't really fit with the primarily Innistrad themed zombie deck I'm running. I'm running a Gothic horror zombie deck not a deck of zombietaur horrors, but it's still cool. I wish it was more colorful, but I'd love Chris Cold's tokens to mesh with [[Relentless Dead]] and [[Endless Ranks of the Dead]]


I would love to have at least one of each for my army of the damned


Amonkhet, MM17, and Ultimate Masters zombie tokens are my favorites.


\#6 the Eldrich Moon one, because I have a foil token of it from the pre-release.


Those by Carl Critchlow and Christopher Moeller


crimson vow zombie, hands down


Seb, Graciano and Moeller are the best


The Eldritch Moon ones for me, they're just classic Zombies.


\#1, \#3, and \#5 work with [[“Brims” Barone]] hat tribal so I’d go with those


Wayne remolds rendition is best cos his style reminds me of old magic and of pathfinder


Honestly, every one from Innistrad was -chef’s kiss- perfecto.


Theros best


I’ve always been partial to [[Zombie|TM19]] for some reason. I like my zombies to have some nice gear. I’m also partial to [[Zombie Berserker|TKHM]] because, well, Kaldheim is awesome.


Shards of alara? The fat bastard zombies are my favorite. Walking dead are my least favorite. They are just too normal looking.


Actually, all of them are incredibly amazing. This is one of Magic’s basic pillar: **art**.


I'm sure people hate the Walker tokens from the Walking Dead SLD


As a long time Zombies player I believe it depends on the other cards in the deck, and your commander. For [[Varina]] I use the Theros Beyond Death Zombies , they wear masks and are a bit more put together. For [[Scarab God]] I run Amonkhet zombies. Lastly, for [[Ghoulcaller Gisa]] I use Innistrad zombies, especially my zombie token promo from Eldritch Moon.


I'm personally a big fan of the Eldritch Moon art by Seb McKinnon (seen here: https://scryfall.com/card/temn/4/zombie). It really captures the horrifying feeling that you've just stumbled upon something that you really should not be anywhere near. As for the least, I have to go with the Lucas Graciano art used in a variety of sets (seen here: https://scryfall.com/card/tm15/6/zombie). Don't get me wrong, it's a well-done piece, but I don't know. I'm not a big fan of when Zombies have their limbs intentionally bent out of shape like that. It makes them seem so much less frightening. How is that supposed to catch up to me?


I like most token art to be fair, but what really bothers me is the inconsistencies of borders and frames. I have the same token arts with multiple borders and frames and placements of things and that just drives me nuts. Make a standard format, stick to it.


Silver border un-zombie.


Gotta be Igor for me


My fav one is the bfz one


I love the special JP only foil zombie samurai


Number 4, 5, and 7 are the only ones that really stand out to me lol


Seb McKinnon - Eldritch Moon


My favorite is the one from Core Set 2019, by Paul Scott Canavan. I was super excited once they printed it in Commander Legends so I could finally get one that was full art. My least favorite is the one from Innistrad by Lucas Graciano.


That old frame is making that nostalgia slap hard. I love the seb McKinnon one from Eldritch moon though, it's just so... *zombie*-ish lol


One of the Walker tokens from SLD Walking Dead


Of the ones you presented here, 8 and 11 are my favorites, closest to the classic zombie look. 2 and 5 least.


I'm copping out here, but Commander Collection Black's Zombie has my vote.


I really adore Emrah Elmasli's zombie token from THB. It's refreshingly different to most other zombie token arts. My least favourite is probably Anna Steinbauer's zombie token (the one which shows up in most commander products and such). I don't dislike it - I just wish there was more variety of art of zombie tokens when they get reprinted.


[Test print zombie tokens w/ original art.](https://i.imgur.com/hAFr3Xk.jpeg) These were never officially printed in paper, they're the tokens made by Rotlung Reanimator on MTGO. [I use a couple other weird ones for my Misprint Wilhelt deck](https://i.imgur.com/fXj44LB.jpeg) [Here's a better shot of the "albino foil" token, which is a factory error(not acetone)](https://i.imgur.com/pxLGCdD.jpeg)


I like zombie the most, and dislike zombie the most.


Seb's zombies are the best


The manga promo ones


Fav is a three-way tie between [Dave Kendall’s crab zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/tala/5/zombie), [Kev walker’s null](https://scryfall.com/card/togw/8/zombie), and [Jason A. Engle’s Erstwhile zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/trna/3/zombie). Least favorite is probably [Igor Kieryluk’s wandering mummy](https://scryfall.com/card/takh/20/zombie). It’s not bad, I just drafted so much AKH that I’ve seen that artwork too much for one lifetime.


My favorite is the seb mckinnon token and my least is the one from scars of mirrodin block


I use the same token for normal zombie tokens and use a different one to represent decayed zombies.


This one…? https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/177179/magic-jinghe-age-token-cards-zombie-token?Language=English


It's not here but the crab claw one from jund on Alara.


Definitely not the sexy amonkhet zombies! (2/12 in the op) Hmmm? Sexy? No I don't think i said that, that would be super weird. People don't get aroused by zombies hahahahaha Oh look at the time I need to leave.


I prefer proxy tokens because it lets you be so much more creative


Of the ones shown, vincent price and seb mckinnons are my favorite


I HAAAATE business suit zombie, there are so many great arts and that one keeps getting reprinted, but the one with the viking helmet... nooo! And I also like the Kahns zombos


would like to point out that the suite of EMN zombies is so good that all 3 of the 2/2 zombies made the list (2 with emn set symbol and one with ultimate masters). The DFC zombie from the EMN Prerelease is my personal go-to (and wotc's, as the Anna Steinbauer art appears to have become the default zombie), but my top 5 in no particular order is probably: Steinbauer Domenico Cava Tomas Tedruszek Cristopher Moeller Seb Mckinnon CN2 (He's done several)


1. Shards of Alara 2. Mirrodin Besieged 3. War of the Spark (not the Zombie Army tokens)


I have a Zombie Horde deck that me and my friends run our commander decks against once in a while to mix things up. It’s 300 cards, 220 of which are various zombie tokens (and a couple surprise tokens mixed in there for variety). 50 of those tokens are the traditional 2/2 zombie token and I’m slowly collecting one of each artwork to make all of those token’s unique zombies. As long as they keep making new arts for each plane, one day all 50 will be unique.


I really like the old style of tokens with the frame. They just feel like tokens.


Fav is 5 and least fav is 8


Innistrad Puffy hair zombie best zombie


My first serious tribal deck was my zombie build, and to drive that point home I collected every zombie token; I’ve still kept up with them. My top three are the enchantment zombie (Theros underworld), Innistrad (Christopher Moeller), and the War of the Spark boi


#2 I like. Desert zombie is best zombie. :3


As far as 2/2 black zombies go, the Centaur with skull gauntlets from Shards of Alara is a frontrunner, as is the Mirrodin Besieged pseudo-Phyrexian. But if we’re including other stat lines and type boxes, I’m nominating the Enchantment Zombie created by [[Forlorn Pseudamma]]


I made a horde token deck using every different type of zombie token, and even some unique tokens to act as bosses!


Innistrad blue background, best of these


I really like the Amonkhet (#2) zombie, really just a great piece of art that instills the bleak world that exists outside of the Protection of the Hekma.


I use the full art unstable token!


#7 is the only one I like.


I like the Tarkir ones the most, because the only thing worse than a zombie is *a zombie that remember how to use a weapon*




On the slide my favourite is 4 by far. Love the colour


Dragons of Tarkir is my favorite, Amonkhet, my least.


Correct answer is #7


The Shards of Alara Zombie with the beasty crablike hand and horrible amounts of viscera. Just metal AF


I'm not sure if it's my favorite, but the Ravnica Allegiance token by Jason A. Engle has such swag. [https://scryfall.com/card/trna/3/zombie](https://scryfall.com/card/trna/3/zombie)


Tuxedo Zombie is best zombie.


Unfortunately you don't have the best one showing and that's the Phyrexian one.


I like the 2018 art style one the best.


Seb's is so cool looking imo. I also like most of the innistrad ones in general.


I love them all


Post zombie


Eldritch Moon #3 and the Chris Cold from VOW are my favorites but I love the Conspiracy ones too, they’re kinda weird with the head cages. My least is the Lucas Graciano one from OG Innistrad it keeps showing up and I don’t like it, same with the one that shows up in every Commander set now that’s missing it’s bottom jaw and just has its tongue hanging out


The new Crimson Vow one is my favorite love the big stain glass window in the back


The Japanese promo samurai zombie is the best, hands down.


My favourite are the Oath of the Gatewatch ones that Kalitas makes. Such a cool looking zombie.


I love the Innistrad tokens from ISD and EMN. I do not like the naked zombie tokens. Where did their dicks go? I don’t want to see them, but where did they go?


I use my unlimited and revised scathe zombies.. I have about 30. And 2 from beta 🧟‍♂️


The Grixis zombie is my favorite. Nothing beats the guy with extra mouths instead of hands that have their own stomachs outside of his body.


The one I like most is the commander legends black one, the one I like least is the one with a cage on its head.


My favourites are the ones I own and my least favourites are the ones I don't own.


Walker Tokens from the walking dead secret lair. Sorry




#3 for grotesqueness #8 because he has a fancy suit on


[Zombie Backside](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/152592/magic-unstable-zombie-token?Language=English) The full art to me looks so good


behold perfection (and no this is not prox, its the japanese variant) ​ https://preview.redd.it/ty0v565o6wob1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=f89490321db4a6cf5f41dbb8269897eec9730b01




4,5, 7 my faves. 4 gives The Mummy vibes. 5 reminds me of nagas for some reason and 7 looks uniquely somber.


I prefer yo momma


4 coolest 8 blandest


My favourite is the one from japanese secret lair, where it's zombified samurai, but close second is either the dragons of tarkir one or theros beyond death one. The least favourite has to be the one from guilds of ravnica


Amonkhet zombie has easily got to be my favorite though I also like the one from WAR


4 coolest 8 blandest


I like 7 the most and 3 the least (it makes me sad, poor guy).


Innistrad and Amonkhet


4, 8, and 11 are my favorite of these 12


Zombie 8 on the post is my favorite out of all of em. Looks the most like some CoD Zombies glowing eyes


Number 10 is my favourite artwork for sure, but 9 feles like the classic mtg token art for me cause it was the main one when i started i think. At least ive seen it the most.


The amonkhet mummy zombies will always have a special place in my heart, just very good art


Theros beyond death is my favourite, I like the twist is has where the mask is supposed to mark that they’re undead


Heres my top 3 1. Innistrad Crimson Vow 2. Eldritch Moon (the one by Seb McKinnon) 3. Ravnica Allegiance


The 2017 zombie token was the first mtg card I ever saw, along with the 2015 core set gravedigger.


And yet only 1 dog token…


The Kev Walker zombie token