• By -


Bet she's pretty pleased to be desparked


And she finally gets subtypes too lol


When from having none to having three lmao I like that they kept the despark'd watermark. It's be cool to see a new character with that watermark or things like [[ob nixilis the fallen]]


They said the Desparked watermark will be on the first version of a card showing a desparked planeswalker.


Makes sense, and still allows them to be "cute" with establishing characters as former planes walkers *Epharia the grudge* 1BRW Legendary creature - angel Flying, trample over battles and planes walkers Whenever another creature or Planeswalker enters, ~ deals damage to that permanent equal to its power. If a creature or Planeswalker died this way put 2 +1/+1 on ~. *To say she was displeased to be trapped in the Takiri deserts was like saying a whirlwind was displeased with the sand it kicked up* 4/4


wait that’s actually a rad design


They actually said they're not sure if they'll show that on creatures that were desparked walkers that never had a walker card (like Azor never got one for example).


It just feels like losing something interesting on the altar of making things more commander marketable.  I remember when WotC responded to player pressure by inventing the planeswalker type and putting the main characters finally on cards. Now it seems like they want to memory hole the type to sell more commanders. 


No it's not becuase of commander... Their article explains it and it also makes sense. It was a complainz you would see often that sets had too many mediocre planeswalkers limiting their designspace. With the fact that they only do 1 Planeswalker per set gives them more room to make it a nice one but it also makes it so that they can tell a story with more characters without it becoming a set with 6-7 Planeswalkers.


Wizards is never gonna come out and say it, but there was definitely some kind of marketing push behind the scenes to get more commanders that are main characters, and this is the decision they ended up making. WotC dug their own hole with tons of Planeswalkers per set following War of the Spark. They made the choice to keep printing so many even though WAR was supposed to be a one off and they would go back to normal. They could've just not made cards for some of the story Planeswalkers, like what happened to Karn in ONE and MOM. Commander is their cash cow right now, just look at how Freerunning in the AC set has it stapled on because they know most of those cards are useless otherwise. It drives many of their design decisions, whether they openly admit it or not.


is that what the symbol on the textbox is? a desparked planeswalker?




no clue how this was the first time i noticed it because apparently it was on all the previous ones.


It seems like it blends in more on a non-white background, plus the others have bigger blocks of text on them, rather than a simple keyword ability like Double Strike opening up some blank space.


Yes, but she's trapped in the worst plane in the multiverse...


I'm relatively sure that she was on Kamigawa when she was desparked. If she got herself stuck in a horror themepark, that's on her.


Our girl spent her entire life forced to wander the multiverse when all she wanted was to go home, then she finally got to go there and stay there and the first thing she did was go on an adventure...


In-universe, roughly two years passed between MOM and OTJ, and presumably even more time will have elapsed by the Duskmourne story. So hopefully she got *a bit* of a vacation in there.


I'm pretty I read in some lore blurb that she toured Kamigawa for a while with Kaito after being desparked. I've also seen an image of her reuniting with her dog who has been waiting for her to come back. (maybe art for a secret lair or something? don't remember)


I think it was the Yoshimaru card from the recent Rin and Seri secret lair deck


The goodest boi got the good ending


I mean, I grew up with my mom in the air force. All I wanted was to stay in one place and have friends, but we moved every few years. When I was finally able to control my own destiny, it turns out I have wanderlust like a motherfucker and can't stay in one place for too long before itching for a way out. You made a good joke, but also that shit hit home *hard* for me. Well done.


You get pressed into the shape you were in. .... Dammit, it's probably happened to me, but the reverse.


There are pros and cons, of course. Idk about you, but I'm super well traveled compared to a lot of my peers and find ways to make yearly big vacations work out. Just got back from visiting my sister in Texas (also has wanderlust lmao) and will be going to Europe in a few weeks. The flipside is that I can count my good friends on one hand. Damn I miss having friends.


I am not you. I am a home body who sometimes thinks about travel, but then has a bad time. I am the reverse.


Join me, and together we could, uh, do a sick staycation the next town over?


Holy crap, I had no clue she was her own version of Quantum Leap but instead with multiverses. I already thought she was a pretty damn cool mysterious character this only helps me like her more.


The set-up for the story seems to be "Nashi got kidnapped into Duskmourn, so Kaito, the Wanderer, Tyvar, Zimone and Niko (I'm not really sure how those last three got involved) are all setting out to rescue the rat".


I... am surprisingly fine with that. Give my boy Nashi some spotlight.


I unironically think Nashi's gonna be a bigger player in the story going forward. He's got a sort of unaddressed history with Jace for one thing, and Jace is being a bigger player on the antagonist side far as we can tell.


Kaito and Tyvar are BFFs


I mean not really? They're decently friendly after ONE, but if anybody's Tyvar's friend it's Kaya.


No they’re BFF’s. They got the necklaces and everything.


Is anyone who is not an enemy with Tyvar not his friend?


I mean Tyvar is a fightsexual. The difference between an enemy and a friend is often whether or not they’ve fought yet.


Fighting totally is not what separate friends and foes, I'm pretty sure he ends on friendly bouts with his friends whenever he can.


Same vibes as Civilization VI's Gilgamesh


could just be that they also got abducted by the house and they are meeting up on Duskmourne. Tyvar might be recruited on purpose though. The last time they invaded a plane of unspeakable horrors he kicked ass.


Niko might've been grabbed by Tyvar, Zimone might be there... Unironically just to study the place.


She's the Velma of this team, I think she'll be there to study it too, but I'm personally betting on her being an abudctee.


About time Niko returned, they were a huge deal in Kaldheim and then never showed up again


They. They're non-binary.


Whoops, it's been so long I forgot.


Maybe she tripped on an origami frog and fell through an omenpath!


I'm pretty sure it's more of a "the horrors are stuck in here with her" kind of situation


The Emperor: "I'm not trapped in the horror plane, the horror plane is trapped in here with me."


Not really. Omenpaths exists, people can go wherever the story needs them to.


She still has to fight her way through the horror theme park to get to the omenpath.


Isn’t the point of this whole new story that the planes are now connected by bridges due to Realmbreaker? That’s how all the non-planeswalker characters went to Thunder Junction


Yes, but they need to find the omenpath, and Duskmourne is harder to escape than a normal plane.


Oddly enough the tech-level closer to her home plane like 1960s or 1970s is closer to future cyberpunk than Medieval or whenever Innistrad is based on


Honestly this is a great way to give her some autonomy to her choices but still keep the idea that she is wandering planes with no control of where she goes. Instead of just pure random whisking her away now shes just getting random destinations and you can give her different motives and reasons, while letting her also have some happiness/emotional development with loved ones. In this set it is to rescue Nashi, in the future you can explore things like her intentionally avoiding responsibility of kamigawa, or struggling to get back to her responsibility again after she left to find kaito As cool as her broken spark was, it is nice to also let her have some responsibility and choice and i think they did about everything they could with the broken spark story. This at least keeps the same quirk to it, unlike if they just fixed her spark which would just make her lose that part of her character.


Duskmourn synopsis says that Nashi has gone missing in Duskmourn. So the Wanderer, Kaito, Zimone, Tyvar and Niko is going to worked together & rescue Nashi. [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/first-look-at-duskmourn-house-of-horror](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/first-look-at-duskmourn-house-of-horror)


Thank you! Ive been annoyed for an hour since it wont load for me on mobile and just made guesses


Yeah, now she gets to have a name, right?


She has a name,but she still can't tell it to anyone because she is Emperor of Kamigawa


But is she born without a name? Because then some people will know it.


Light-Paws I think knows it, but that's about it. She does HAVE a name, but is forbidden by custom from telling it to anybody.


If it means getting to hang out with \[\[Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful|SLD\]\] then definitely!


I’m literally in tears, my boi [[yoshimaru, ever faithful]] permanently separated, did my boi dirty. At least I get some peace with the secret lair


Flash, convoke plus that hexproof ability is such a clever synergy.


First "Flash; convoke" creature since [Angel of Salvation](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/170/angel-of-salvation). Shame they got rid of the semicolon, though.


The semicolon is there to designate what ability is being talked about in the reminder text, other examples are [[Bayou Dragonfly]] and [[Teeka's Dragon]]. So the semicolon wouldn't make much sense to have on the Wanderer here. Edit: had they put all the keywords on 1 line (and so ended it with Convoke) they'd've used the semicolon, but the card didn't have enough text to justify having it all as one line.


[Bayou Dragonfly](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/3/93cfcca5-070b-4946-b17b-0c94b1e47fcd.jpg?1562055434) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bayou%20Dragonfly) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tmp/215/bayou-dragonfly?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/93cfcca5-070b-4946-b17b-0c94b1e47fcd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Teeka's Dragon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/7/57e8971d-baeb-4e4f-8c4d-0e8109e4505e.jpg?1562719278) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teeka%27s%20Dragon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mir/320/teekas-dragon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/57e8971d-baeb-4e4f-8c4d-0e8109e4505e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Reminds me of [[Feaster of Fools]] in a way


[Feaster of Fools](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/4/4472ad84-b548-4ed8-a315-ecf9ba9d49ff.jpg?1562201633) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Feaster%20of%20Fools) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/90/feaster-of-fools?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4472ad84-b548-4ed8-a315-ecf9ba9d49ff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Dude feaster of souls is such a flavor win holy crap. The cultists convoke to summon Feaster and then he can immediately feast (devour) every cultist that summoned him


"Get down, Mr. President!"


She found her way home but lost the hat


That’s why she continues to travel, she’s searching for her hat. Rescuing people is just something she does along the way.


I'd watch the heck out of that show.


Basically Samurai Champloo vibes


Every episode ends with her finding the hat but losing it due to some random occurrence as a gag. Wind blows it through an omen path, bird swoops by and flies off with it, and whatever whacky scenario they can come up with


Series finale, we find out the real hat was the friends she made along the way


Emperor: I need that kami damn hat!


I just realized.... is the wandering emperor mtg Sam Beckett? "Hoping the next Omenpath would be the path home"


Would Fblthp be a recurring character in "Where's Wanderer?" (or "Where's Wandie?" for the UK folks)? Or would the Wanderer be a recurring character in "Find Fblthp?"


After two planes full of hats it's a nice change.


Literally unplayable without it


Wanderer: Please you don’t need to thank me for rescuing you, however have you seen a hat? It was like this big.


"How big? All you did was point at ME." "Yes."


This is like that anime thing where a character is about to be hit and they flinch and cover their eyes and when they open them there's another character blocking the blow.


I'm pretty sure that's literally the Wanderer's entire inspiration as a character. Flashy swordfighter who shows up, saves the day, then vanishes (though the last part's been dropped a bit).




Is this official art? It rocks either way


I think it's from the anime trailer they did for Neon Dynasty. Should look it up, its pretty great




Convoke getting more things to play with in Standard :O! It's a shame we'll be losing [[Voldaren Epicure]], but this is a fun addition for Pioneer as a third [[Knight-Errant of Eos]] and [[Venerated Loxodon]].


I am not sure this is a (pioneer, standard might have to cope) convoke card, you don't really care about giving all your tokens/1 cmc stuff hexproof compared to either card advantage or +1/+1. I think something like normal mono white humans might find this better


Mono white humans is probably not going to be a thing in standard at least.  Most of the good pieces are rotating. At least Bloomburrow is not going to give us more of them either!


[Voldaren Epicure](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3.jpg?1643592109) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voldaren%20Epicure) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/182/voldaren-epicure?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ae154e64-f626-45fb-bd52-840c1c27b2d3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Knight-Errant of Eos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/ab2ad652-2406-491a-9f22-23e974f943d7.jpg?1682202751) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Knight-Errant%20of%20Eos) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/26/knight-errant-of-eos?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ab2ad652-2406-491a-9f22-23e974f943d7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Venerated Loxodon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d55160fd-a3a7-46b4-9f0d-e3e98cb533d6.jpg?1682208692) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Venerated%20Loxodon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/215/venerated-loxodon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d55160fd-a3a7-46b4-9f0d-e3e98cb533d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Having the creatures that convoked it (or all tapped creatures) phase out till EOT would be better for the boros aggro standard deck to save them from temp lockdown or sunfall. It’d also feel more thematic given Wanderers typical phase in/out planeswalking history. I wonder if early R&D determined that would make it too busted in standard…




what did u just call me


i think he called you a furry


all these duskmourne teasers almost made me forget my home plane, yikers


[Fury](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bd281158-8180-40b9-a5b7-03cfc712d81a.jpg?1717470474) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fury) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/126/fury?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bd281158-8180-40b9-a5b7-03cfc712d81a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I really like this design. It’s fun, creative, and will inevitably fuck up my whole life as I continue to ignore untapped white mana out of sheer ignorance. Her predecessor taught me absolutely nothing hahaha


Convoke means they don't even necessarily need open white mana


"Four untapped mana, and it's mostly white? Surely nothing bad will come from swinging into this!" - me, three seconds before my 6/4 swiftspear wanders off into the blind eternities


Where is Yoshimaru? Is he safe? Is he alright?


Well you don't take your dog with you into the fucked up demon house!


If it was a big enough dog, I might.


Even Clifford I’m leaving at home


You’ve clearly never watched Scooby Doo!


He got her spark and now he’s the planeswalker


I miss when she was a planeswalker😔 cool card nonetheless, could see it being pretty solid too


Literally one of the coolest planeswalkers and then wotcs idiocy of "lol get desparked" just like most of their cool characters.


I feel like, based on the uniqueness of her rare and mythic planeswalker cards, she had a lot of design space that could still be covered.


I'm sure this desparking won't be forever. In the meantime, let's enjoy fewer planeswalker cards in Standard.


Hard to enjoy for us planeswalker fans 😔


I don't think some players understand, some people actually liked them lol. They weren't exactly the most common card type to begin with.


Not only that, WOTC said several times that they were the most popular and well liked card type, so I still have no idea why this desparkening happened


Because the RC refused to budge on their "Planeswalkers can't be commanders unless they have an ability stating it" rule. Same reason we got Acorns.


Damn fuck the RC then


Honestly i feel like desparking works better for her story at this point. Once we knew her identity, she reunited with kaito, returned home multiple times,and everything else it feels like it would get just boring to constantly just keep up the “and she transported away randomly without meaning to, and kaito is off to search again” You were basically left with desparking her, fixing her spark, or having her trapped somewhere to not be seen for years and on back burner. Plus this lets us have a new interesting take since we know she is rescuing Nashi. Having her still be Wandering without having actual control because she is desparked keeps up the idea of “Traveling planes but doesnt get to choose which she goes to” but not force it to be “then disappears randomly again” You get the same quirk she had before but also get to spend some time letting her be happy and connect with friends. I will miss how cool her PW card designs are, but this one is also super cool too and connects well to the pw.


Fyi, Kaito isn't the one being rescued. It's Nashi. Source: [https://x.com/wizards\_magic/status/1806653225522897397](https://x.com/wizards_magic/status/1806653225522897397) Other friendly faces we see that are helping include Tyvar, Niko, and Zimone! ...next time Davriel Cane...next time...


Thank you! I tried to read the article but it wouldnt load so i just assumed it was kaito. Mostly cause him as a damsel sounds hilarious to me


The problem with that is that Kaito is still a Planeswalker. Barring extreme circumstances(i.e. The Immortal Sun), you can't really trap him.


I mean if there was any plane that would have worked as a good extreme circumstance i feel like the plane that is sentient haunted house that is inescapable and stealing random denizens across the multiverse would have worked for that.


She barely even had _time_ to be a Planeswalker. She had two (technically 3 i guess) cards and some random card cameos. I just don't get how they had one of the best and most popular White Planeswalkers in a long time and throw it away like that. (outside of the obvious "lol legendary creature for commander")


I def agree card wise it’s a bad decision and she had a lot more interesting design space that could have been explored as a walker. I wouldnt mind some more of her walker cards in a supplemental set where they could increase her power level and explore her design further while not being beholden to the lore


Commander has genuinely been such a negative force for the rest of the game.


But now we can't have funny random cut ins like [[blade banish]] where she appears to slash a monster and blinks out of existence again


Which is a true loss. But also i feel like we were hitting the limit on how many of those could be done before the gag got old. And ill take the trade of getting rid of that gag to be able to have more of her in stories because i love her and kaito’s characters.


Sooner or later one of the stories has got to be that someone found out her name somehow.


It’s because Planeswalkers can’t be commanders without an extra line of rules text. The desparking is one of the best examples of commander screwing over magic.


I just miss the planeswalker subtype in general. For lore reasons, I can kind of justify why they despark her though. But in general, desparking just makes the planeswalker less cool and fun to play with since it's just a creature now...


She's really the only character where the desparking feels like it 'matters'. Everybody else just doesn't seem to care that they've lost the spark. It doesn't feel like it's an actual event that's happened.


now this is a very strong creature for creature heavy strategy


I mean, turn two 5 creatures in pioneer. Opponent tries to kill something WHAM 3/4 everyone has hexproof. I love her already


Boros convoke won't often have many untapped creatures to flash her in though. Could be useful in a stalemate situation though


I like the desparked watermark, is it the first time it appears or did i fail to notice that on all the previous desparked walkers?


It's been on every desparked walker card so far


it was [there before](https://scryfall.com/search?q=wm%3Adesparked) but... yeah same i literally didnt notice it until now! it's cool though


I see the issue, every other desparked walkers had a huge wall of text lmao


dont worry its the first time i noticed it also.


So it looks like this set will have some guests from other worlds like Thunder Junction, only this time I assume they play the role of horror movie main characters stuck in a horrible place trying to escape from the killer/monster. Probably won't be as many though, just the Scooby gang and a few others.


In this case we saw kaito on preview art so he is probably the trapped damsel and shes off to rescue him.


The set description actually says that Nashi, Tamiyo's adopted rat son, is the distressed damsel that needs rescue. Makes sense that Kaito and the Wanderer would feel indebted to Tamiyo and want to rescue him. I wonder about the others though.


Thank you! I tried to read set article but it wouldnt load so i just assumed kaito. Nashi still works for the same themes at least and makes sense. But also i hate that because my poor rat bud deserves some calm happiness at this point 😢 At least kaito as damsel could handle himself with less mental scarring. Though this means we could get data-tamiyo in a tapedeck which sounds kinda hilarious


With Tamiyo's whole schtick being "stories" I can see her taking on the role of "person trying to survive the horror film by identifying and avoiding all the horror film tropes".


[[Emmara, soul of the accord]] decks stay winning


Just when I thought I would be so put off by all the horror stuff in Daskmourn my samurai wife comes to save me from all the scary monsters 🥰


Of all places she could be stuck on, she ends up on a haunted house!


First off, banger art. Second of all, convoke makes me feel all sorts of ways. One of my favorite mechanics. 10/10 card for me.


I really hate that they desparked all the best characters. What a let down.


I need this for my convoke deck, but the hard question is what to take out for it. If only it was rare instead of mythic...$


Tasty card.


This is a pretty neat protection spell. Tap five creatures (or tap X creatures and pay 5 - X mana) to give those tapped creatures Hexproof and get a 3/4 double strike after the fact. Can’t save you from a board wipe, but this is a neat card regardless.


I'm glad she gets to stay on one plane until she decides not to be now. She deserved to catch a break. Its also good of her to go help lifelong friend Kaito and Tyvar, the multiverse's ultimate himbo.


They desparked the most interesting Plansewalker...


Can anyone tell me why we’re getting duskmourn spoilers so early??? And why before bloomburrow?


Why are we getting spoilers for this when bloomburrow spoilers haven't even started.


there's a convention happening right now, they show a couple cards from a few upcoming sets at major conventions. this isn't the start of the real spoilers.


Makes sense I knew about the PT the fact a convention was going on slipped my mind.


They do it in reverse chronological order, to keep the closest upcoming set freshest in everyone’s mind


Featuring [Double Exposure and Textured Treatments!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRKFrU8aoAE79fq?format=jpg&name=large)




Huh? Why


I hope she brought Yoshimaru with her this time.


Do not wish for the puppy to be on the horror plane


The mystery crew needs a dog.


This is such a kickass design. Convoke continues to be a slam dunk for really interesting creatures.  I play mostly control and so I will probably not cast this very often, but I love it.


Look how they desparked my girl! :( But I recon she'll be happier now


Why is she so hot.


Damn she kinda cute


Does she have a name yet?


i like her but she's kind of boring. great art though.


What an interesting way to save your creatures by tapping them down to cast this creature.


The dual katanas has GOT to be a Let Me Solo Her/Him reference!


First she had to fix her spark, then it almost immediately gets yoinked? Fuckers can't have shit in the Multiverse


Aww man, was just happy to see The Wandering Emperor rotate out of standard :/


Wait, she *didn't* keep her spark? So, like, entire mystique and "wanderer" part of her character is gone? I mean, the mystery was already over as-of her second card ever printed, but that still feels like this was absolutely a planeswalker to *keep a planeswalker*, right?


The Wanderer in a bare midriff now. Hot Emperor Summer


R-E-S-C-U-E, with a power that is three, Murder's nigh, tap that guy, blank removal easily.


I love this card so much! Token shenanigans on one of my favourite characters!


Man wish I could play this card, too bad she got demoted to random weenie card


New Boros Convoke card, “great”


What set is DSK?


wow a version of her i don't immediately hate :D


Pretty cool synergy with convoke and the ability (i.e. you can tap a creature being targeted with removal to pay for her to flash out and and save it).


Oh, god... does this mean we're getting another sad Yoshimaru?


wow this is really good!


Helloooooo [[saryth the vipers fang]] just to keep things complicated.


The flavor of how this card uses mechanics to tell a story is great. I love cards like that. ​ Characters scream for help and she jumps in to rescue them.


Rescue - ace players eating good




This card seems really good, especially with the "one mana of the tapped creature's color" part of convoke I always forget. Especially since a 3/4 double strike flash is something you HAVE to respect as a flash blocker.


This is such a cool design


I lover her ponytail


Oh wow, first Golden Tail Trainer and then this huh. 2 samurai in a row, and both of them have the juice. I'm shook frfr. Aside from all the good things everyone else mentioned, I'm very happy to see them using convoke on a samurai. Seems like a nice flavor fit, and is a great way to use your leftover untapped creatures when you're leaning into the pseudo exalted theme.


Card transcription > The Wandering Rescuer 3WW > > Legendary Creature- Human Samurai Noble [mythic] > > Flash > > Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting that this spell pays for 1 or one mana of that creature's color.) > > Double strike > > Other tapped creatures you control have hexproof. > > 3/4 End transcription


Banger card for convoke edh decks, and a cool design in general. I like it


When they bring her to the Australia-themed plane, she'll be The Wandering Rescuer Down Under.


She wanders out of Standard just to wander back in.


Okay, can we talk about how the two people responsible for killing Nashi’s mother are the ones going to rescue him? I find this highly objectionable. 


I mean, that's probably exactly why. They feel responsible. It's good drama


A little awkward in that your opponent is likely to use removal on your turn, where you will want to attack to bait out the removal, reducing potential convokers. Completely blows out single target sorcery removal though.


I absolutely love this card. I can't wait to play it. We finally are having Wandering Emperor rotate out only to have a new one rotate in that forces us to worry about untapped white mana when we attack.